HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-04-10, Page 1' ' • .e. 9 4 1.•,gstablished 1900 amosee.e. , Are You Suffering From . Headaches? If lie, Have your Eyes Examined with Mel Latest Methods and Equipment at L COLE, R.O. OPTOIVIETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICE — ONT. Gered Glasses at Resaenaole Prices Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR :fit a.m.—Divine &nil MI. til..15 a.m.—Sunday School. p.zn. — Divine Worship. everActly We/cornto all Services EMMANUEL 11FaVANGELICAL ka. CHURCH' Zurich — Oratorio REV. IL ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Des - Organist UNDAY SERVICES, 1.0:00 a.m — Mine Worship. 11:00 aan„ — beScheel. 7:30 pan. Divine 'Worship Welcome at an Ses--'1Come Oxon with us and we will dtbee toRocl." Nunt. 1.023,. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY 'WORM°, Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday A pra 11-12 You're In The Navy Now Gary Cooper Blows his top with Jane Greer Shorts anda0omics. Two Shows 7.30 and 9.30. EASTER MONDAY, April 14th, J. Real Treat for the Whole Family 8 Walt Disney Cartoons Plus 4 Other Good Reels A Great Show of Oomics. One Show .8.00 o'clock. Tuesday and Wednesday, April 15-16 Strangers On A Train .Adult Farlet Grainger and Ruth Roman News Reel. Comics. ' One ,Show 8 i.k'cock. Easter Dance Will be held in the Community Centre, Zurich On 'MONDAY, APRIL 14th. (Easter Moniclay) $ponsoireift by the C.W.L. of Zurich. Music by EARL HEYWOOD 'RCA VICTOR RECORDING ARTIST .and the 'CKNX Barn Dance Gang Admission 75 cents - • a EiST,R11.-)q!9P:YaWT4.CP...*E 7., (Marry „ o man, gzenera7 NO27be fraizeral Directer — :Private Crr .11abit1anee Member of Ontario 'Funeral Association Holder Of ST. ZOHN'S AMBULANCE ,FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL EDS TO RENT---1NVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOW= Si/PPLIFID FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service Dashwood Tel. 70W. II 1E L'S S;.tperior Store Continuation of. Sale Bargains! We still have many Articles left after our Successful Sales, and are offering thein at Real Bargain Prices Week -end Specials PAN'ear RE VP SOCICEVE SALMON 7-94, 4:12 Tin 45c ORANGE,: & GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED SUICE 48.oz tin„25c 11010Ni:100D COOKING OATS Mb. BAC 43e LISSIV'Si MEP IIIROWNED ae.,aNS 2, 20-0e tiu 39c 'Phone 1411 C H. THIEL Zurich APRIL 195? Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday April 11-12 Bright Victory Arthur Kennedy, Peggy Dow The great living Love Story of to- day's !Generation. Also Surry Side of the street Frankie Young aay Arden Matinee Friday and Saturday -at 2.30 aVionday, Tuesday DOUBLE BILL April 14-15 FIXED BAYONETS Richard Basehart Michael O'Shea (Adult Entertainment) • Bayonets All Steel Hearts All American, their Story, all Glory, also Criminal Lawyer. Pat O'Brien Jane Wyatt Wednesday, Thursday April 16-17 DOUBLE BILL The Model and the Manager Broker Jeannie Crain Thelma. Ritter Sometimes Cupid even needs a little help. Also: The Tougher They Come Preston Foster Wayne Morris Dance Recital FIRST ANNUAL By the Pupil g of the ZURICH SCHOOL OF DANCING In the Community Centre, Zurich FRIDAY, APRIL 1801, 8 p.m. .Admisison 50cents and 25 cents„ Proceeds for Community Welt4.1V-" aiez-,re7a,f_ WO The Zi Institute meeting' Monday e, clock. Mt Grand Be/ Special mi The co. Mrs. Dav' Oesch. A vited to a1 We are, Beater sea the 1 lth ing on ona Ian world anniversa to civilize living. Spe served in lic are aske in honor t by our Lo thousandd one anal Aewoon Marking Perth gra Hockey sea by Andre*, Huron -Pe wood teatria, quet in At trophy will ally by tea the group Blyth, Ether entation w, Dublin; Gro Hawkins, 'W", ' INSTITUTE Branch of the Womens' hold their an,onthly e Town Hall, Zurich on it g April 14th, at <3 o' - Emery Desjardine, of J' will be guest speaker. a1 numbers will be given are, Mrs. Thos. Meyers neharme, Mrs. Menno adies are cordially in - d. Easter Season qt`cir in the midst o the 4?1, with Good Friday on Easter Sunday follow - 13th, when the Christ - 1l again celebrate this 'eh has meant so much desency, and respecful I services will be ob- churches, and the pub - to attend these services, o great sacrifices made and Master nearly two a ago. We wish you ery Happy Easter. EAM GET TROPHY close of the Huron- .0.A.A., Juvenile D. the trophy presented 7. McLean, M.P., for v•Was awarded the At- yetp winners, at a ban- d last week. The e compet`ed for annu- eU the group. This year eluded Zurich, Dublin, Thepres- Atwood . a:Made by Percy Adams, Convener and Hugh „A.A. President. Last Wife2 4:1clBi sday, AprilrtdaBirthday Mr. ,I. Andrew ' v., ;0 town, the oldest per- son in aa munity, quietly cele- iin'a ,,• , teS1.i 'a -. 'ar,a, birthday, at i , the alj,,,,:, ,. , %ie.: Midnight Dance Will be held at ST PETER'S PARISH HALL „ St. Joseph, Ont. On Monday, April 14th 12.05arn. • BINGO AND DANCE Every Saturday evening thereafter. Liberal Prizes will be given Come and join the Crowds and en- joy these Social Evening's All Admission 50 ets. Refreshments, CARDS OF THANKS wish to thank my many friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, treats and prayers while I was a pat- ient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with a special thank you to the blood donors. —Mrs. 'Beatrice Geoffrey airs. John Rau and family wish to thank the Zurich Fire Brigade tot their quick action and assistance they rendered them in time of need, and all those who were so willing to'give a helping hand, we say again many Thanks! . Mrs. Henry Neeb and s3n, also Lyle, and Earl wish to thank their many relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their kindness and messag- es of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral , tributes, for the loan of ears and all! who 'assisted inany way at the fun -I eial of the late William Neeb. Spec- iaI -thanks to Rev. H. E. Roppel, Mr and Mrs. Miltzn Oesch and Mr Leroy O'Brien. The Voice of Temperance A veteran of the first world war makes this plea to every Legion Huron county. Don't turn your Leg- ion into a wet canteen. It' a against the law. The Canada Tempera.nee Act forbids the sale of alcoholic beveraga es in Huron. The police hoe nt native but to enforce the law. More- over there is evidence at hand that the officers of the law in Huron are quite competent and determined to enforce the law -- even though m certain other places law 'breakers made a tool of the law, Tice Legion *add think mere highly of it prestige than to lay itself open to polite action. It would be )ter for the Legion to close its dobis and eurrendea it 040,atatthaaja: that, it should tgot theeriiidtatfobr..of Y)ettlg teotlegging •Jeinit. –eatedvt. Mr. Thiel,' /Jaeen very active and did a lot aethard work which neces- sitated hinl to be out in all kinds of weather the year round, being eng- aged as teamster. But he seems to enjoy better health than many a one Who has lived a Tess active life. His sight is very good, 'as. he can see a pin lying OR the floor without the aid of glasses:. The next in line for old age is Mrs J W Horner, tor the 14th Con who happens to be . about a month younger We congratulate these aged citizens Purchase Property Two interesting real estate deals were .completed in Zurich over April 1st, in which Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch purchased from Mr, Reg. Illsley the farm just immediately west of Zur- ich on the north side of the road, formerly owned by Egbert Heideman being West half Lot 21, Conceesion la, Hay Township. We understand Mr. Kalbfleisch wishes to sub -divide part of the land into building rots. Then Mr. Insley has purchased the residential property aloft with the land of Mr. C. C. McEachern in the south-east corner of town, known as the old Haberer home. Mr. Insley , - however does net get possession of the dwelling as Iong as Mr. McEateh- ern requires it, while hewill have the use of the land and the buildings at the rear where he will operate his workshop in the art of picture roam- ing. Lions Club News An almost perfect attendance was present at the supper meeting on Monday evening in the, Dominien House lovely dining no.om. A goodly number of visitors from Buyfield, Grand Bend and Seaforth Clubs were present to attend an executive zone meeting after the regular meeting. The guest speaker of the evening was Dr. McMaster of Seaforth, who remtnseenced on a. recent trip he took to Jennie°, which to took in on an aeroplane trip, leaving Toronto, in the' moaning, and by the next mot- ning arrived at his destination. It snaIly takes about nine hours to make the trip, but owing to plane trouble it took longer. The Doctor is a moving picture •artist and -after the meeting showed ;sane films he had taken, of the lovely scenery and the beautiful flowers and tropical fruits that abound in that •coutitry. so tar to the south of us. The natives of course are black, African Negr, es, but speak a most beautiful Oxforl English, and the -pictures as well Is the spealter'e humor were vesica hn- pressive. i,k. short buseineas ?,essier, aretaitea'a& bort ,buaineaa eeasien • --- Single Copies 5 Cents, Subscripton in Canada Year MI* Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50 NORMA'S RAG RUGS , BEAUTY sawn FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1228. Zurle NORMA STEINBACH Prop. Corn Flower CRYSTALS New Shipment of: SHERBERTS GOBLETS JUICE GLASSES SHERBERT PLATES Set your Table Beautiful With this Fine Crystal Stemware A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. arid CARPET! On a New Modern Loom, Made it* Order — Seth 0. Aman, Zurialho Ont. Phone 128. Colder Weather With the Colder Weather nere yew can depend on warmer homes, br using BLUE COAL Solve your heating problems thh easy way and use the Coal that witi. definitely assure you continuous heak throughout the winter month. LORNE EILER HENSALL Office Telephone 10. ROE FEEDS LOC! -Pla SEBVICAE a••••••••••••••se•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••e•eate 1.At ifF *St Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bei:Land Wheelchair for Rent Telephone: Res. or T22. seeureesoiseesesowemsolose• •••••••••gteggiefeseeseele • &eii,atia......", 1.4p, Grocery Store .ftscsantioamosaweer........, We are ever at your service with the best lines • obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetablee, Fruits in Season as well ae Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL, Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED, Zurich Phone 165 1 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Cold Weather F OOTWEAR • LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc,, JUST IN — New Pattern Prints and Flannellett. GIVE US A CALL1 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand THE BLAKI STOR E E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147