HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-03-20, Page 4:tJRICH g ONTARIO • WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings ,lC Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. FOR SALE ANGLE IRON' CHANNEL IRON PIPES ALL ,SIZES FOR BARN 1 O•STS AND ,I.,ITTER, 'CARRIERS ALSO WHEELS FOR', MANURE SPREADERS and TIRES EXETER SALVAGE CO. Phone 423 - Exeter, Ont. AUCTION SALE DATES (Alvin Walper, Auctioneer) Friday, March 21, Con. 1i5•, Let 14, Stephen Twp. Mrs. Erirest Keyes, Proprietress. Wednesday, March 26, Con, 15, Lot 14, 2%a miles north east of Kirkton, Earl Hern, Proprietor. Friday, March 28, Con. 3, Lot 10, 11/4 mile, south of Exeter; 1.14 miles east. Walter 1Vfcl3r:ide, Prop. Wednesday April 2. Stanley Two or No. 2.1, Highway; 91/ miles' north of Drysdale. Leonard El -ie' prop. At •Gosehen line. north of Zurich. in Hay Two., on Thuieday. March 27, Joseph Gelinas, Proprietor, On Lot N-hf, Con. 1115. Stephen '►'we April 3rd, Miss Pearl Keyes, Prop. At Main Street corner::.Znrrch. o" 1/ Saturday, March 20 Charles Thiel Proprietor. I1IUi111111111111111111IIillillllliiilliillii1111111111lI111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 0063146i686gmli®gtOokaSO p. FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Out Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hersall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH CHANGE OF 444.4,44.444.4444.44444. INCOME TAX DISTRICT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING IN HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON COUNTIES The Counties of HURON, BRUCE and WELLING- TON, formerly under the jurisdiction of the London or Hamilton District Taxation Offices, have now been transferred to the jurisdiction of the District Taxation Office at Kitchener, Ontario, located in the Dunker Building, 251 King Street West. Ac- cordingly, the records of all taypayers residing in these three Counties have been transferred from the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamil- ton, to their new location, and any related cor- respondence or general inquiries on taxation matters, should be directed to the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. Remittances of tax by individuals and corporations, and tax deducted at the source by employers resi- dent in the Counties of HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON, should be mailed or delivered to the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. Taxpayers (both individuals and corporations) resi- dent in the above-mentioned Counties, who former- ly filed their appropriate Income Tax returns and Succession Duty returns with the District Taxation Offices at London. or Hamilton, will file their returns for 1951 and subsequent taxation years, with the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. DEPARTMENT OF, NATIONAL REVENUE TAXATION DIVISION LIVE STOCK AUCTION SAL' Of Choice Durham and Hereford Cattle On the Premisrs. I of 4).0. Con. 2, Usborne Township. 116E 'miles s-uth of Exeter and 1114. m11es}east on the St. 'Marys +Rohd . The undereie'ned Auctioneer has beer instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH28th. At Zi40 o'clock p rY%sharp • Choice Cows --- Part 7)irham anti Hereford cow, 7 years old due the middle of 1VIav; Iran Tprham cow carrying third calf. due jn' June: Durham cow. 7 yrs old,« 'due before sale date: red Durham cqw, carrvine third coif. due in Tun.ea tart Dur- ham and Hereford ,cow "illeina.with oal£ at foot; red, Duet, f'' lad, Qw, xnill;- in'g, with .twin cafes ot, xrr1 :3,.' :. i t o 7 . rad ue befor Durham cow, Yrs . ��: sale date. J° Reg. Male. and. Young ;Catlin 7 Durham heifers, carrying first calf due in April and May; part 'Durham and Jersey heifer, carrying first calf due in April; 10 Durhar4 and Here- ford feeder cattle, averaging 800.- lbs. 00=lbs. each. Registered roan Shorthorn Bull, 3 yrs..ol , a real herd sire .?be convin- ced by seeing his calves. These are all very choicest of Cattle, fully T. B. Tested with no Reactors. Terms — Cash Walter McBride, Propriestor. Garnet Hicks, Clerk:. 1•• Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Misc. lteml.and House - Hold Effects On the Premises, Lot 19, North Iioundry .Concession, Hay Township, 2% miles north of Zurich, Goshen Line • The under igned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCS 217tH. At 1:3.0 o'clock, p.m. sharp: Cattle — Roan Durham ,cow, yr.;. old, fresh 2 weeks, with red heifer calf at foot, roan Durham cow 7 years old, due later part of May; part Durham and Hereaord heifer, carrying second calf, due in Septem- ber; part Durham and Jersey cow, 5 years old, due later part of May; part Hereford and Polled Angus cow; 3 Dunham fall calves; Polled Hereford bull 15 •months old, best of quality, can be Registered. All cattle fully T.B. tested with no reactors. Pigs --- 21 Yorkshire pigs e, weeks old at time .of sale;. 10 Yorkshire Chunks. Misc. items — Deering 11 -run disc grain drill•; 2 -wheel trailer with stook racks; 2 steel 'tare wagons, set of bob sleighs like new with platfiorm; arteb scraper, set !of 'britchen harness and collars; syrup pan, quantity sof lum- ber and many other articles too num- erous to mention. Household Effects _._ 2' square •top extension tables; 6 dining noorn chair.; enamel top kitchen 'cabinet; 2 beds complete with springs and Mattress, wash etands, couch% glass burn, space oil heater, 06C.i Etc. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Terms —. Cash os -.ph Gelinas, ;Proprietor, ". F. Stade, Clerk. '.loin W iper, Auctioneer, ZURICH HERALD AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Hay, will be held at Lot 5, Con, 2, Tuckersmlth rwp., 1'4 miles east of Henaall on SATURDAY, MARCH 20th. Atefh o'clock, neon Tractors =-Massey-Harris No. 44, Diesel Tractor; Massey -Harris No. 22 Row Crop Tractor and equipment; 2 row Scuffler and bean puller; 2.1 A self propelledMassey Harris 12 -ft. Combine; Massey. Har'is 12 -ft. Swather; M M', Waterlo i wire tie automatic Hay Bailer (pew lace year ) Also tractor plows. c.nitiv:rtors. c1 s hnrrow4, manure spreader on rubber, 17 -run John Deere; single disc: Hy- draulic Contra] and markers .(Nee -a John Deer beet and bean planter tractor m ,wet; pea harvester, Nev Holland 10 -in Hemmer Mill ('new) • 2 rubber tire Wagons and grai'c box- es, weed sprayer with 3' ft. boom; c - power side rake; Kim;' W, -se 42-`'t. Elevator Ma s ev-T4ar e i.5 'raster Mn '- ure loader; 1947 3 -ton Foal Truck: 25 ton baled mixed hay, 10 ton baled straw, and a le st of other article, The Farm is Sold. Terns — Cash Ted. lIunn, Proprietor E. V. Chesney, Clerk. E Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Thursday, March 1o5NdF FQ- gfe ESE EE E. E. 'Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Tractor. Farm Implem- ents and Household Effects. On the Premises, Lot 17, L.R.W., Stanley Township. 2".4 miles north r Drysdale on No. 21 Highway. The undersigned Auctioneer has been in- structed to sell by Public Auction WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd. At 1:30 o'clock p.m. sharp Horses — Team of 'wad wore,. horses, 6 and 7 nears old, guaranteed quiet and reliable. Cattle — Red -Durham cow, (i yrs. old due in , April ; red .Durham cow. milking. Tractor — McDeering M. Trento,. en new rubber in guaranteed condit- •n; McDeering 3 -furrow tractor nlo',v. Rex bottom: Other Items — M -H. -binder 7 -ft.. :et; M -H. 10 -ft. spring tooth cultiv- 'tor; McDeering mower, 6 -ft. cut: ''leery. Bissel 3 -section spring tooth 'airr ows ; Fleury Bicsel 12 and 1-1. ',lite tractor disc; McDeering 11•• eun disc fertilizer drill; M -R. dunro -=lice; Elmira hay loader, 3-h^rse cul - ';gator; Pioneer manure spreader, 'lradley rubber tire wagon equipped -ith 600x1 i6 tires; 16 -ft. flat Hay -- T ; 4 -section •di"mond harrows;..Mc- -leering !bean stuffier, Fleury Walk- ;ag. clow, Fleury . Bissel 101/z-incle 'rare grinder, ;Clinton fanning mill, 'et of sleighs, gravel box, land roller, '..000-1b. abeam scales, M -H. ro-t nulner, set of sling r epes, !2 sets of -rouble harness, . wheelbarrow, 28 -ft. Jew extension ladder, iron kettle, De- T,aval cream separator No. 14, steel -as drum, gas pump. logging chains, ''rindetone, emery, !block and tackle, ' sets fish nets, Cyclol,• grass seeder, 'uantity of twine, shovels, carrels "nd many . articles too numerous to •zention. Household Effects, - Axrninister rug 9x12 feet, coal heater and pipes, kitchen chairs, 4 beds, springs and mattress, reeking chairs, cellar table, 'titchen sink, butter tray, churn, quan `ity of.sealers, crocks, Etc. Etc. Terms — Cash Lenard Etue, Proprietor. Tohn Denomme, Clerk. Alvin Walper; Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sa'e Of Livestock, Poultry, Hay, Grain, Misc. Items and Household Effects On the Premises, North Half of Lot 13, Concession ]'i, Stephen Twp. 11,.4 miles west of Dashwcod and 3' i, miles south. Half mile north of the Creditoii: R ad. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, APRIL 3rce. At 1.80 o'clock p.in. sharp Cattle — Roan Durham cow, 4 yrs old, with calf at foot roan Durham cow, due before sale date; part Dur- ham and Ilereford cow, milking, due latter part of April; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due latter part of May; 3 Durham summer carves. All these cattle, are tested for T.B. with no reactors. Poultry — 50 New Hampshire and Light Sussex yearling hens; good Collie Dog. Misc. Items see McDeering mower. 5 -ft. cut; set diamond harrows; 12 - plate 2 -horse disc; Clinton fanning mill; 2 sets double' harness, set single harness, extension: ladder, Renfrew cream separators. of good lumber-, quantity :of': new : elm planks, cutter, 4 ibundles of shingles, logging chains, root pulper,' fence stretcher', numerous .onion urates, large chat!' basket, wheelbarr& , carpenter tools, scythe, barley fork, and many artic- les too numerous; to mention. Hay and*trai41 — 400 bales of choice clover and timothy hay, quan- tity of outs, quantity of turnip's, 5 bags of 1>Icitatote. Household Lffeets — 2 -piece 2 -piece chest- erfield suite, like' new, .,•Beatty elec- tric washer, like new, 2, 3-piece.bed- room Bets cornplete4.4-leaf extension table; C dining morn chairs; oak riureau with mirror men chair, glass onboard , couch, Doherty kitchen! PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW. SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW (here's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEF YOUR LOCAL DEALER: Rader «' ..i: EIS Phone 63 - Zurich i rem, ac a ra aoaair s>an:,,,:o ' Vi ANTED FEATHERS FEATHER TICKS SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID EXETER SALVAGE CO. Phone 423 - Exeter, Ont. stove installed with oil burner; side- board, reeking chairs, extension table kitchen clock, quilting frames, box stove, carpet rug, quilts, centre tab- les, bake board, .picture and picture frames, lamps and lanterns, gatv. pails and tubs; quantity.of dishes and glassware, some antiques, 45 -gal. coal oil drum, Etc., Etc. No reserve, as the Farm is sold Terms — Cash Miss Pearl Keyes, Proprietress Glen Webb, Clerk. Alvin Walper, •Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Valuable. Trucks, Trac-. tors, .Farm Implereents, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the Premises, Lots ' 14 and 15, Con. 15, Usborne Twp. 2% mines north-east of Kirkton; 9 mules east of Exeter, Huron St. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th. At 1 o'clock, p.m. sharp Cattle — Holstein heifer, carrying first calf, due March 31st; Holstein heifer carrying first calf, due April 3; part Durham and Jersey cow, due lin June; Durham heifer, rising 2 yrs 'old; 4 steers rising II yrs. old;, 3 'Durham steer calves. These cattle have been fully T. B. tested with no reactors. Pigs — 7 Yorkshire pigs, a•; erag- in 150 lbs. each. Trucks — 1950 Chev. truck 3-4 ton pickup, equipped with heavy duty tires and stock rack in guaranteed new •condition, 1948 Mercury 3 -ton gravel truck with new motor, if not previously sold. Tractor, Combine,. Farm Imple- ments — Cockshutt 30 row crop tractor, equipped with live power take -off, starter and lights, 2' -raw cul- tivator and bean puller Cletrac catter pillar 3 -plow size p:wer take -off and pulley, and hydraulic loader; M -H. 12 -ft. self. propelled Combine, fully equipped, with pick-up attachments; Western 27 -ft. grain e]evator on rub- ber tire wheels, with hopper, used one season; John Deere one way disc. John- Deere 8 1 -2 -ft. spring tooth cultivator, power lift, on rubber; 13 disc Cockshutt fertilizer seed drill, tractor hitch and power lift; .M -H. 5 1i -2 -ft mower, The above mention- ed Machinery are all in firer, class e! ndition and good as new. 10 -ft. stic tootle cultivator with power lift; international 3 -furrow tractor plow on rubber; tractor tandem disc, steel land roller, buck rake; M -H. hayload- er; 2 section lever harrows, rubber tired wagon, steel tired wagon, 1.11-H. side rake; dump rake, post hole aug- er, Cyclone grass seeder; 1''% h. p. electric .motor; 2 rubber belts; Web- ster paint spray outfit and atr c'oin- ressor; 3/4 -ton chain hoist; 2 legging chains; heavy duty barn jack; .Chev.. 3-torCwheel and tire, scythe, coal 500 chick brooder, 10 sheets steel roofing quantity heavy duty belt lacing, elec- tric fencer, anilk cans, harness, pul- leys and shaftings, shovels, forks, ropes, bolts, Man's bicycle, tires and tubes, and many articles too nuttier- , ous to mention. Hay and .Grain --- One bushel red cloyed seed, 2 -(bushels timothy seed, 100 bushels Clinton oats, 200 bushels mixed grain, quantity of baled hay and straw. Household Effects-- Electric wash- ing machine, buffet, 2 beds complete With springs and mattress, ,reser, Not', ^ hor Offers 5 -Year Protection On All Washing Machines Everything You Want in a Washae-- You'll F'nd in THOR! CHECK THESE Outstanding Features 1. Farm ens Thor Delux Agitator,, giant 9 vane super agitator with 3 .bottom vanes and 6 : side vanes. 2. Massive Streamlined Wringer,, swings to 5 positions for greater convenience — Feather touch re.. lease bar and reset lever. 3. Full size 9-1!b. capacity tub. 4. New all -Aluminum tub cover, rust-parof, seals in suds and helps - keep water hot. • 5. Thor D'elux Mechanism. New- engineering features and, ensure greater lasting satisfaction. Corrie in and see it today! FOR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS AND, APPLI.A.NCES CALL Wuerth Electric Phone 84 - ZURICH studio couch, table, chairs, quantity.- 'of uantity'of dishes, Congoleuan rug 13x12 feet,,. 'Wilton rug 9x1±21 -ft, circular heater,. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Terms — Cash ;Earl Hern, Proprietor. R. B. Williams, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. DASHWOt)t> The Jr. Bridge Club entertained; the Sr. Bridge Club to a supper in; the Men's Club Rooms on Friday !night. A very enjoyable evening; was spent. 1 Mrs. Lucinda Mclaaac who has; spent the winter with Tier son tn. Detroit returned home on Saturday. Mrs. D. Tiernan was taken to Vic-.- toria Hospital in London, Monday,, where she will undergo an operation.. Mr and Mrs Ed. Willert who, lavaa. been on an extended trip to Florida have returned home. 1 Mrs Maurice .Klumpp has returnedt !home after spending the past w•eek with her sl -ter fn Mr and Mrs Jack Cudgaore of Tor - mato spent the week -end with iMrn. E 1(1 einstiver. 1 St Joseph and Beaver Town (Continued from Feb. 21,;52 My First Adventure (By F. E. D.) But since I did not have a desire. !for home life, I did not want tp verse my plans on' the last minute:: i Icould hear from the barn yard, the; 'cackling of hens; I could hear the; crows perched on high trees cawing;; I could hear the home dog bark and then prancing around me; as t'ho), he too felt the impulse at that mom••, ent; I could hear the voices of the - farmer's in the neighbourhood woo - 1 ing to their horses in the fields., where . they were completing the fall work:. ! But all these were only daily oc-. curances which 'were quickly forte :gotten; but there were crouch more• than .that to my first adventure; arra- one that I could not quickly forget.. and that was about a woman, whose, hair had already started to turn to a ,silvery color. Walking slowly from. .the farm home to the r*adw,ay, weep- ing and forcing her voice to the, highest, so that it would reach enkt' 'attract my attention, pleading for. 'me to return; all that were vrorda• that fell from the lips •ox a mother,, in a last attempt; but all was in vain j minutes later I was away from the, scene and slowly the voice had van guished away. In later years, T' had' fully realized my folly, and when the !occasion would arise, that 1 would'!' meet fioolish youths as i had been. :myself; I did not hesitate to use all: within ane to upset their plans. Crr•r,:t forgive nie.--Faddy, (To be continued