HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-03-13, Page 1Established 1900 ER ET ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 13 19 52 Are You Sufferi From Headaches? ILt so, Have your Eyes Examined with 'e Latest Methods and Equipment at A:' LQ COLE, :r:.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN 47, . GODERLG -- ONT. " nod Glasses at €lasaaonaote Prices Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH. --- ONTARIO REV. E. W. HIEWIRICH,, pA.STOR 0 a,m—l7iwine S'erviices. X11,15 a.m,—Sund'ay+- School. '7.30 p.m. — Dzvii,e. Warship. Everybody WWI'aome: to all Services Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. tin Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Mar. 14-15 Bird Of Paradise Technicolor Louis Jourdan Debra Paget ' Jeff Chandler A Story of Polynesian Love on the Islands Shorts and iCornics. Two Shows 7.80 and 9.30. Tuesday, Wednesday March 1!8-19 EMERGENCY WEDDING Larry Parks and Barbara lisle The World's Fastest Love Affair. Special Added Attraction. A. Double Reel Picture Story .of the Pagentry at the Funeral of The Late King. King George VI Laid to hest. One Show 8.00. Be on. Time! Monster Bingo EMMANUEL !EVANGELICAL 111..E CHURCH Zurich, --• Ontario REV.. ITS E, ROPF."EL Ministe4 Mrs. Milton Desch .. Organist :-UNDAY SERITI. ,_ 10 00 axe, — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m.. — Bible Scram)/ 7:30 p..m —. Divine Worship Welcome at a,Iil Service,-4.".C'a de, hnii with us area •eaes vent do t$ee zaod." Nunn. 1.11:29k, Will be held at ST PETER'S PARISH HALL St. Joseph, Ont. On SATURDAY, MARCH 15th. Time: '9 p.m. 1,5 Rounds Bingo at $5.00 each Other Prizes: $25.00 - 825.00 - $100,00 Come and Join in the Crowd for a -night's good Entertainments. Admission $1.00. -:Refreshments. 31 Harm man, gzeneraZ Xon .Purmer°al DDr tar — Private Car .iin,7 blan,oe Member of Ontario' Funeral Association Holder Of $•t PM NN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL, (CROS TO RENT—INVALID . CHAIR. T.Q. LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED PROM MITCHELL •NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE. 24 Hour Service -- .Dash- d Tel. • 70W. 13 I E L'S Saperior Store. eels -end Specials Wet ;ey/'m pi►.aans a jam 24 -oz, jar AyImerct9,of . Peas, 2O -oz Golden WhoteXernal torn ''14 -oz tin. 28c 17c 50c 15c Fancy zed t Ckeye Salman74 oz tin ..... ,45c BE: :ARE AND, VISIT OUR. MONSTER. uction Sale • l"i 1 SATURDAY, 1\:4ARCH 15th. Komi* 140 C. H j. #DIEL Zurich Lytic Theatrel Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday';March 14-15 Paramounts. 'Films of the Funeral of the fete King George VI. Texas 'Carnival Ester Williams Red Skelton M. G. M's high wide and handsome techniaolor musical .comedy. Monday, Tuesday March 17-18 LITTLE EGYPT Mark Stevens Rhonda Fleming The Shape that Shook the World. Wednesday, Thursday March 19-20 The Secret of Convict Lake Ethel ,Barrymore Glenn Ford Lonely Women at the mercy of the West's most wanted men. —ANNOUNCEMENT— Mr and Mrs Norman 'Gascho of Zurich, Ont. wish to announce the engagement of their only, daughter, Barbara Anne, to Sub. Lt. (P) David Ross McNab R.C.N., of R.C.A.F. sta- tion McDonald, Manitoba, son 'el Mr and Mrs. J. S. MeNab of Swan River Manitoba. The .wedding to, take place in April. Many Attend Games It is almost unbelieveable or the large crowds ' that assernble to attend the vaI On Monday evening at Lucan it f estimated 'around 1700 were pros snit. An hour before game time seat Ing room was at a premium. Jus where this growing enthusiasm is going •to end, still remains to be 'seen For the sake of the sport and th financial obligations of the arenas we hope 'it will continue for a ion time. But we must :consider, hockey is known the world over as Canada' National • Sport. Women s .Institute The Zuric]i Wo'mens' Institute hel their regular meeting in the Zurici• town hall on Monday" evening, March 10th. ,Mrs. Milton. Oesch was in charge of -the program. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode and praying the Lord's Prayer in son. A short sing -song was :enjoyed. followed by a piano duett by Mrs. n Mervyn Tiernan and Miss Shirley Guenther of Dashwood. The guest speaker• for the evening being Mi:;.a Della .Marks, who' is on. the teaching staff at Dashwood, she spoke on Edu- cation and Citizenship. ,The privilege that school pupils have .ta visit our Capital City, Toronto, and see the various buildings such as the Parlia- ment and Mm useus, etc. Also thron 1i the moving pictures, children are given the opportunity to see the act- ual way how scone advancements are being done from time to time. They are also, taught the Health, social and work habits at the schools as well as in the homes. In Citizenship they learn about Colleges and Universit- ies and their problems along with the racials from other countries ana their home land, etch , ,A recitation by Mies Helga Acker, aged 7, a New Canadian girl, who favoured the gathering with two pleasant motion recitations, this was Well dome. Mrs. Tieipan and Miss Guenther ptaycd ` another splendid piano duet! which } rrous pay-off hockey games At,ended Meeting Rev. H. E.ltrc�ppel attended the Minstrel streeting held at the home of Rev. Snell in Exeter on Monday. Back From Florida Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hoist and child have Vii' returned'from Florida, after spending several weeks on the balmy shores, enjoying the Atlantic breezes ,and. beautiful sights.. Dance Called 'Off Due to the uncertainty of hockey play-off dates, -the dance .being.spon- soeed by the Zurich Hockey Club for St. Patrick'S.:Day has been called off. ,Brotherhood to Meet At the monthly meeting of the Brotherhood, Mr. D, P. Savage, of Listowel, wall address,the men of Zurich, DOwood and 'Crediton„ in the Evangelical Church, Zurich, on Friday evening, March 14th, at 8 pan. Lions Club News Owing to; the renovation of the diningroo,u ;at the Dominion House, there was n Nipper meeting on Mon- day eve.March•3rd, but instead the Lions visited their sponsored Club, the Bayfield:"Lions this Tuesday ev- ening, and ;; had a very enjoyable time, as the Bayfield Club is always very hospitable. DANIEL TRUEMNER • Daniel T ctemner, resident of Cred • itof for thepast 25 years, died sud- denly on Sunday Marsh 10th In his }I - 86th year. =e farmed on the Goshen ti Line,. Hay l;#"ownship before going to Crediton �!. was a member of the • Crediton 4. Angelical church, and the e last meant , `„of the family. Surviving $' ,areteeine ter, -Cora, Mrs,,Aarojr g Wein, Creilr€on, and five sons, Dr:”' 3. Elmore Trueinner, Dorf Chesley; Herb- ert, of Flint, Mich; Allen of Parkhill; Dr, Ottis Truemner of Strathroy,and Howard of 'Belmont. The body rest- ed at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral Dashwoodhome, Dashwood where funeral was held Tuesday with Rev J. Dahms offi- ciating, interment -was in the Evang- elical cemetery, ,Goshen line. HOCKEY NEWS s d was greatly enjoyed. A trio was sung by Mrs. Menno Oesch, Miss .Olive O'- Brien and Mrs, A. Melick wrth Mrs. Milton Oesch at the piano. Mrs. Gus Roche, president, took charge of the business, Refreshments were served by the Committee Mrs. E. Hey, Mrs, Milton Oeseh and Mrs. Ed. Stelck. The Voice of Temperance The only soundly Christian. approach tostrong drink is abstinence, A man is responsible to God and to Society to ,sake the !best passible use of lri.s strength and his abilities. The chances are that he will not do this if he .mud- dles his brain with alcohol. Abstinen- ce is one guarantee that he Can measure up to this responsibility. or the influence he exerts our others, his example is: his most effective medium of influenee., He may be able to handle his liquor but in the company there are some who gee fighting a losing (battle against liquor and there may be young people who have never touched .it. If he is considerate andif he has airy Conscience a'b'out it he will abstain for their rakes. In the hu a,ir�l +sic abstinence is the Chris.) r tian approach_ to strong drink.-Advt Some interesting play-off games have been played the past week, and the Zurich team have had an eXcept- ionalgood week of it. Last Wednes- day evening they played that final game with Lucan to decide the Lea- gue 'championship and won same by the score of 6-3. For Zurich the scor- ers were Barash 2, Hesse 2, McKin- ley and 'Gignac. Then at New Hamburg on Saturday .night against the Wellesley .team. they played 4 -all tie with•Lignac getting three and Borash one, overtime was played but no score. Then on Monday night at Lucan the two teams met for the se- cond game Hesse 2, Barash 2, and Gignac 1. The score being Zurich Wellesley 3. They meet again at New Hambburg this Wednesday even- ing. Insurance Co. Appoint Secy. At the monthly meeting of the ex- ecutive of the Hay Mutual Fire In- surance Co., held on Saturday, one; of the various .items was the nosingof a Secretary Treasurer, In place of Mr. Herbert K. Eilber, who along with, his father, the late Henry Eilber have held this position for 76 years, and eve regret, is confined to Victoria Hospital, -London for treatment. Al- though regardless of his physical con- dition,, Mr. Eilber is in the very .bestof spirits, and we know with that determination, he will snap back to good health again. A number of applications were received estthe Company, and the Directors finally gave the position to Mr. Reginald Black; who is teaching school at pres- ebt at Dresden. Mr.. Black is known to many around town, its he is bhe son-in-law of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Mousseau of town, being married to their `youngest daughter, Joyce, .Mr. Black will be obliged to discontinue teaching .and take over as soon as possible, as this is a full time Job, with so many extras in the pastfew Years.'Phe Company has also pur- chased what is known as the Thiel Bock on. the ,rain intersection of Zurich, and the Mair, Office'or the Company will be ,roved from Cred iton to Zurich, where it was first ,rga.niaed, or we think en the Bron- son line, near Zurich. This will make. all ideal. piece for this occasion, and there ,are nice living tluarters which will ;be ;occupied 4by the Secretary, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. U23. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Corn Flower CRYSTALS • New Shipment of: SHERBERTS GOBLETS JUICE GLASSES SHERBERT PLATES Set your Table Beautiful With this Fine Crystal Stemware A G. HESS Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscripton in Canada Year lfh2.0 Subscription. U.S.A.., Year $2.$O RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made /141 Order -- Seth 0. Ami, Z urick Ont. Phone 128. Colder Weather With the Colder Weather ,sere Yeszt, can depend on warmer homes bet using BLUE COAL Solve your heating problems thin easy way and use the Coal that will definitely assure you continuous h throughout the winter months. LORNE EILER H E N S A L Jeweler and Registered Office Telephone M. Optician. ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERV1 a lliThessevestaili1N s***08 **41100411060411.1114114.1110.001110411.4111111 i 1 1 2 1 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Ser'vicle Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS- FOR ALL .00 . At ,IO Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - S' i! or 122, Zurich eeeeate e01n0000ae0e066•0o0 0e+e4101D®C:00000006660 6m ac0 zumell Grocery t We are ever at your service with obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season. Canned Fruits and Vegetables on e the . trent line& as well eta hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE Menno Oesch US A CALL Zurich i PRODUCE WANTED. P rcana 165 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Cold Weather FOOTWEAR LINED ; AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc, Etc. • JUST IN •- New Pattern Prints and Flannellktte. GIVE US A CAW • Good Stupply of Frush Groceries eliwairs on, Handl Int SLAKE TOitE' Sa hwartzentrubcr , Prop. Phone 1141