HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-03-06, Page 5KWH • 11"l '4,00 ZURICH HERALD AU*Or zed .03 second class Maila 1104 00100 !]Department, Ott&Ns . ZURICH HERM ") BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AALVIN .WA.PER Licensed AUC lot neer :For HURON AND IabelVMI3TON For (pour Sale, large or swan, Cour- - teous and Efficient :Service at all {Mmes I Phone 57 r 2. D y1 WOOD Er F. COR ETT ems Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7 LOOAL NBWs Miss Ruth Xrueg..er spent ,the We- ek -end with friends in London. Mn R. W, Williams of town made • a business .eall tto'Exeter one day last week. Mr and Mrs. Allan Fraser of Ex- eter were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's .sister, Mr and Mrs„Earl Thiel, Mr. Norman Sararas and lady fri- .end from Waterloo spent the week- end at the home of the former's another, -Mrs, Adeline Sararas, of town .and brother, Mr and Mrs Len, Sararas of the B. W. Highway. Mr and Mrs Wm. Aiinke and Mr a•1t(1,Mrs. John Molson. all of Chesley, were week -end visitors at the hame of the former'e sister, Mr and M. Milton Oesch. Ifieeelts Given in Music Tests Suceessfu] pupils in the recent Royal Conservatory of Music oa. Tor- onto examinations) held at London, Ont., have ,been released by Conser- vatoryofficials. Local candidates passing exams in lour community: Grade V-$ story Honours, Idella J. Gabel. 1 ours Marilyn Haberer. These were pupils of bliss j?Iarie Love, A.L.,C.T. Grade II—Theory. First Class Hon - Ellen NOTICE No, LT E..R1NARIA,N Dr. W, Or COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON O ; era with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH BUTCHERS ,arsia�a96.-._.�-.--w- BUTCHERS u'iC .S' • Popular MEAT MARKET Let us supply you with the eery choice of Fresh and Cur- d Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins .o .. fid b1iit'e SOU - PRODUCE OBRIEN'a PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on oily AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien; Proprietor Phone 101 • Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash ,Prices paid plus Ai premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to .give effi- !ent accurate service: Egg and Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. ;mss» Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers', Mutual Weather Insurance. Mr. Robert MacKenele will be our Store . on FRIDAY, MARCH 7th. To show you the new Spring Wool- lens in Made-tb-Measure Suits and Torp Coats. Make it, a point to see Mr. MacKenzie. Easter is just a few weeks away and ;his expert help will enable you to make ,best selection of Spring and Summer Clothes you'll need. GASCHO BROS. - ZURICH 711 PIGS FOR S.NLE 18 little pigs for sale, 5 weeks old Apply to Ted. Geocrey, Phone 19 r 92, Zurich. , 3t”` FOR SALE 2 young fresh Holstein rows fcr immediate sale.—Apply to Elton Bender, Goshen Line, Stanley. Phone Hensall 699 r 12. FOR SALE A quantity of, feed beans for sale. Apply to Jacob M. ,Gingerich; Phone 84 r .2, Zurich. 3t'n NOTICE CEMENTING! I arm 4n a position to do all kinds of cement work. Contact me for further arrangements. — Mahlon Sander, Phone 94 r 22., Zurich. tf2-4 • w WANTED We<,.want your window ''shutters. Tel. 81 or 0211W, Exeter. House For Sale A ..desirable property in Zurich; stucko finish, furnace, Hydro, water iii- house, fruit trees,- full sized lot, large garage, a very. desirable prop- eity.---Ed. -Beaver, Zurich.. OF WOODSTOCK SHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- .A.NCF,, OF ANY. CANADIAN MUT- UAL CO11tPAN1( DOING BU'SIN'ESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . ]*mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 '20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 } rota! Cast in Bank and 'Bonds. r $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION KLOPP 4, ZURICH AGENT 'ALSO DEALER IN 1!,11`ITNING IKONS ANtO ALL KINDS. Qp. FIRE iNSURbACVCS FOR SALE A young white gander, suitable fcr keep for for food, Apply to Leonard Merner,' Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 100 or more_ 3 cis Monthe old Rock i& Hainp. cross pullets; ,ready to lay in about 6. weeks. Price $1.50 for quick sale.--Ferd Haberer F -O: WOOD --500- Cords of mixed stove wood. F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd. Cement Give us a call for : your Cement requirements for immediate delivery —Kalbfleisch Planing lbiiils, Zuri th. WHITEWASHING & .CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dasliwood Phone 35r19 Dead Stock .March Comes in Nicely The mild and rainy weather of Tu- esday Came to an abrupt end ]in the evening when following the fog:there Was much :colder followed with snow flying again, Saturday, 'March let.. came in like :a Lamb, while out in the eastern ,coast there was the met terrible weather. However, .we are still in winter .period, regardless of being in Kara, , the month of the big change, and many a blew and snow storm can visit our part of the world ;before the 'balmy summer bre- ezes come our way. Observe World's Day of Prayer The United World's Day of Prayer service wag held .in the Evangelieal meal "r' i y 3 U. . 'Chlerohy� Znrieh, laat Friday lf. � . u Bt w ternoon, wltla•'1bjx:s+ Richard Rabinso ,rf IAEA on the table • n �,• conducting ethe`• Meeting c.ssisted bI ..' ' YOUR BAKER ou�seau an llx Lee WMaker. Roffman Several of theladies) to ! Your Menu Maker .,, Mrs. Herb ltl' l' inpart In open its 1'OU re BAKER not only supplies g prayer; a ladies' deli CiOns wholesome bread for your quartette was:.iendered and a liberal table*bread for your recipes. Out • offering was .received. •lire. ei E. of laWfragrant opens come all plan 2 Rcppel gave a very inspiring address on the theme: "Christ Our Hope. crow the nevery u of m�eat�Frag e Wi..men from a hundred ,anti : four 0 rant 'Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns countries united in service of praise for .breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled ' : and penitence and •dedication as treetO f:or luncheon..pipinghot PSL, as hymn and prayers aseend to the ker Buse Rolls, for inner. Bread: Father of all. The trail goes lout :or , •:a in �zlrPty; too, for snacks any sisal i spiritual 'fellowship across and thr- of chiy.or niei,t. So don't get wrink, ough al barriers. Such united p:a;er les worrying about variety in meals-- 4O by GIJd's- Grace, may become a great let vcux baker be your menu maker, S power, because,it builds under tan -See vti1hat's on his tray today!,. e ding and Mutual concern for one•an- do 'e 'hursday iarclh Gtkl,. 1951 McKinley Farm & Hatchery t. 4• Producers of CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Your enquiries are solicited. Write or phone and ask McKinleys regarding your chicks for 1952. COCKERELS. PULLETS and UNSEXED .697-r-11 Hensall ,chher and binds -together all the peo- ple of Goll. Members of the Goshen United Church ji,.dned with the local churches and were well in attend- ance. Mrs. J.'Mc;Kinley of the Goshen Church, iclosed • with a Benediction Prayer- .. Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the School House of S.S. 8, :Hay with Mr and Mrs Aan„n Oestreicber." as host and hostess. There .were 2.1 members and visitor':, pre.ent. I,2rs Bert Klopp led the discussion on "Do We Need More Immigrants" which asty-rqu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH onstr ated was amazing. It must take many; months, i_ f tireless efforts and 2 hours of practice in order to do all ; these ,exercises. This •was the first A of it's kind seen in Zurich, and if you MEW were ;absent, well, you just missed a big ti"eat. The cast was wellfilled with to our way of seeing ,only one of the girls was missing. Walter Thomas, the comedian, surely kept resulted as follows: A large percer..t- the large crowd in laughter. age of immigrant lab::r has quit far Highway No. 83, from Hensall to ming ,because so few are agrrctlltr!r- S't. Joseph, received a gond coating alists when they leave their native of fresh gravel the past week, ,uliiclz country. Many immigrants expect puts this road in very good condition higher wages than they can earn. for this time sof year. Farm employers ehould try and pro- vide suitable housing accomodation HURON COUNTY ANNUAL for ;workers especially married work- ers. The farmer should introduce the • immigrant to Canadian ways of far- plans are completed, for the 5th.' ming, and' . °ays. of Canadian living. Annual Huron County Seed Fair, to Canada should try and bring be held in the ,Clanton District Coll - industrious workers into .the country. eg5ahe`'Institute in Clintoir on •March; The neat meeting will be held at the 7th and 8th, it was announced by -Mr School House No. 1.2; Hay, with Mrs. G.. ear Montgomery, Secy -Tress of Krueger and Ruth acting as hos+es_ aria Eamon -Crop Improvement Assoc. ses and Mrs. Leoner:el Werner serving Mr. Montgomery points ,out that this as leader on •fiche subject-"Custcanere yearW show promises .to he of the. Abr:ad. The meeting eased with outs't•ataing agricultural events of lunch :,and: the singing of God Save th 'Tae Tisr`grl ;Crop improve - the Queen. , anent :A>ssn.•. has spared no efforts in •SUCCESSFUL ICE REVUE tryiailto insure the success of this After a few tpostp'c�nments .the ad- show. -It is hoped that all farmers in vertised Ice Revue put on by the St- the county will. interest, themselves in ratford Skating Club was herd in the Babe Siebert Memorial Arend on Saturday evening to approximately five hundred spectators. The ice was in the very best 1:f condition roc the occasion, after looking quite question able for the larger part of the week. The attendance was good considering the postponments had to be made, and those present surely had their money's worth of entertainment. A variety of stunts, comic sketcnes, and which have been donated by various the most lovely drills the girls dens- I 'organizations. , it Farmers in the county should re- member that all are xneinthers of thi:t Asso ttatiion and if they have grain ' or seed which they feel is suitable for . the Seed Fair, it would be good bus- iness. to get some exhibits well pre- pared to exhibit at the show. The Association is offering a t.tal of inoze than $500.00 in prizes includ- ing some very inagnificeut specials, along .with some handsome trophies, $2.75 Each. ,'Prompt .] Servi4e for Lifting.—Jack " it lams."'Call Phone r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position as Secretary -Treasurer of The :any Tewnslrip Farmer:i' Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, the k 8th day of March , 1952 at 1 p.m State qualifications. The lowest of any application net necessarily ac - copied. • ' IL K. I::ilbrr, Secretary-Treaatn'er, Crediton, Ont. ONLY. TWO CLASSES SAVED SINNERS AND LOST SINNERS THE LIVING AND THE DEAD. THE WHEAT AND THE TARES ; WHICH ARE YOCU? ONLY TWO WAYS . The Broad or the Narrow'. One taken by many, the other by .few. One downward to destruction The other upward to life everlasting: ONLY TWO DEATHS! That of the righteous, that of the wicked. Num.23:10 Ezk 338 Its' your Sins. or in the Lord. Jno 8:21. Rev'.` 14:13 WHICH WILL BE YOURS OILY TWO FUTURES: Matt. 25. 34 Come` ye blessed—inherit the Kingdom, or - Depart ye cureed into everlasting fire. Matt, 25-41 DECIDE NOW WHICH WILL BE YOURS Luke 19-10 Matt. 13: 25 Mau. 13: 30 Matt. 7: 14 WHICH IS YOURS? Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles, 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. 0 is Canada's - r First Bank 'MY EIMll8 t0; WINNiANADIANS rl BANK OF MONTREAL WORK IHG W1tH CAN4OlANS 1N EVERY WA(K OF tI E S4N.E i817 :max. R.R. 1, 2Tlricll eontraett IVanted BARLEY OATS AND SOYBEANS Red Kidney, White Kidney, Cranberry and Marrocofat Beans +a CUSTOM GRAIN AND SEED TREATING S RETAIL SEEDS W. E. REID Phone 87 or 158 Dashwood, Ont. efa MLrvn^v+cramxuSTS4=DLMEEES'EMMZEMMMMe E 0 nive Soo Our NEW SPRING STOCK will arrive shortly and we suggest you have a look at them and see for Yourself tie new line of Styles. We can Give you the Most for the Least! • Dr. •Scholl Products such as Corn Bunions Callous pads, Arch Supports,. Foot Creams linaments. . . and and Genuine >Singer Sewing -:Machine _needles, ,14e1ts.,,° oil in,.stock - Desch •Shcn- • Your tie turg try as is 6'3 as t TO e9 1 We offer you the following Good Cheer Gravity, or Forced Air Furnaces The Arcoflame Oil Furnace; Cole .man Oil Bur- ners in three different Sizes. Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Paints Enamels - Varnishes Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, Radios and all Electrical Appliances Plumbing - Furnace Work -- Tinsmithing OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. Main St. Hardware Store. rs Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 ri Phone 213 M- •' : ` tZeetea ia' :: - ;.. , - :.Na:t 4 a, Massey arris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, E'1C. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" I el. ShoP 143 Oscar Kiopp Res. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! 2 0 9 5. 5.