HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-03-06, Page 4ZURICH ONTAItio itaitifillitill11111111111011111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111101111111111111111111111, West ake urniture WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Horne Furnishings M P: 44, • instructed to sell by pahliOA ton oxl TUESD.A.Y, l‘I'Ana' ,Comnerveing at 1 , liorses--Two good orlv,iliore qeieq and reliable in everk:',y. Dairy cattle -8 Holateitif'Wers, freehened in December, Hcikiteln. cow 4 yra eid, freshened ' in lanUary; part- Hereford and Holsteielfie'WM, 0 41. .;: Holateur e ane years ,old, freahened in jarntaty; Rol - Stele cow 5 yrs. old with cal oat toot, floiateth colt, 5 years folti *Mt ; cow duJ',let; red ee'eltat st'lf; Ow due May 1st; RelsteiwOw, I' y. old due April 12h; ,Tereey bed- er ;2 yzes. old ; Holetein heat*. 2 Yrs, il Ord; 7 Holstein heifers r4r, old; 4 jersef calf. 3 'Holstein cavartegi- t6red Holstein bull, 2 yrs.:644e .The •,abqve mentioled cattle 'v:44,6 ..froin enrehred foundation fenegee ' mid ,, pUrehrod• sires with ctM.SeClitiVe •:, ele 9. n TM. tests. Pigs -14 chunks, averagi4g 75 to 150 lbs, each; 16 stna.11 cennets; 11 eow luo :lune .1..,t; 1 sow dee June 15th; 1 Tenworth boar, one 3,ea r old, M ftChi nety —John DeereOT 12-24 on good rtehber, hi goo kl work- ing order; John Deere 2-fureow 'trac- tor plow; itTc0-renick Deeringe15-cliec fertiPzer drill with power lift new; McCormick Deering hey lode'; M -H. side delivery rake; M -H. anoisPer ti -ft. out; 3 drum steel roller: MeCormick Deering 3 -section lever harrows; set -diamond harrows; rubber trect wag- on. steel wheel waeen- flat enay rack, set of sleighs with flat rack, Codk- shutt corn scuffler; 1 -hoe Alifiler; walking plow, dump rakee grain drill, tap ,buggy, open :be Fr gy„•,;!2 range shelters, •electric brooder, 4eleicken feeders, extension ladder 364t. new; Fairbanks Morse hammer niM 9 -in. with extension pipes .used :2eWinters; small quantity of corrugated steel; small quantity of lumber; 41101) 4 -inch tile; iron kettle; wheelbarroW, stone boat; 6 milk •cans 80 -lbs; .cress cut saw; shovels, forks, hoes, rot pulp- er. milk cooling tank ,(galve,; 1 -3rd hp. electric motor; lawn niowee, quantity .of wood, quantity of grass seed: also Cackshutt 3-furr'ow tract- or plow; 6 -inch drive belt,ett. etc. Household Effects, Etc---deneral Electric comb. range, 4 ..,eurners, nearly new; 3 -piece oak -beer .ola suits, 3 -piece ivory enamel ileedeo-om suite; 2 spring filled mattress; 1 mattress; •2 sets of senings; day b(1: wash stand, fern stands, linoleuni rug 9x9 -ft 2 wash tubs, tub stand; food chopper, roasting pan;,electric iron; vinegar 'barrel and realty arti- cles too nuertenens.teemention. No reserve, is theefarm is sold. • ..1.i li e Garnet Johns, f'reprietor...... Garnet Hicks, W. C, ,Alliecerie. Clerks AlVin, Welper, Auctioneer. -.. Furniture Store Phone 122 - Residence Phone 89. Zurich 41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iiittilliliff %.,:....kirrt4". 115 a ;043:4343434343-15 .3=comosr=a,c.-T.Nnwzmzionama mazomromisaasurm ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! :Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Out f.Peds AVAILABLE. AT liensali Dist. Co;aterative a • • . • • t . • • HENSALLnd :ZURICH a • AUCTION ' SAt.i..- • ,' • ' • ..,NJ::, ', D.Ai,T E 5 • ',..t::;',V.,.. . Cleating Auction Sale , cbaire; couches,. quantity. o,T. deshes.e and picture ' frames ; various 'rocking (A1vive'W41Pere-A11; .. . .. . , ;.. -. :. , e "•-.-eeeee'..139'7,.. lee :. a Pfeekiereeee. eee'lee4T:rae',e,„.tetre,e iFerzke„.reeeP.4" eglasaWare; .crOcke and, sealer's ; aoinb- Wednesday; !Marah -.12; :Lot.k.'15,'LRE. i"kin, '1`14'uselz'id "AT",,,t'' ination China cabinet; bueeau; box Bosanquet wp.,T2% miles south of' Bosanquet T.ownship, 2% miles south Etc. On the Premises, Lot 9, L.R.E. stove; small spinning wheel; antique Grand Bend.. EniTnery ,Stebbins,,, -; ' B. A. Station on 21 Highway. of Grand Bend;'Quartermile east of ,new; gas lantern; parlor. furniture; rug 10%x9 -ft. like proprietor. . he undersigned Auctioneer has been 6 high back chairs; Etc. 3 Aladdin lamps; larch 18 Tuesday, 1S, Con. 9epart 9-10 -• . instructed to. sell by -Rollie Auction ' Terms --Cash . Thursday, March 20; Con. .9' Lot 12, No reserve,, as the farm is sold. Usiborne Ti Garnet Jolms, Prop, ,Ciommencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th- i Frmme'ry Stebbins, Preprietor. Telay Twp., Ba,bylon. ;line, -James • Cattle:, 'Two part Durham au -et -Alvin Willier, Auctioneer. •''' . Glen Webb, Clerk. .. „ . Rennie, ! Hereford ,atIWS. 6 years old, due at , time of sale; 'Roan Durham c.ow 41 Mrs. Ernest. ' E.eYes, ., Priday, March 21, Con. 15, '..e.et 14, Years old, due in Aprii; Hereford 1 Clearing Auction -Sale 'Proprietress. • -e . t'" . heifer with calf at foot; red Short- ! Of Livestock,.Farrn Implements, Hay: horn cow, 5 years- old. due befere Grain and- Household Effects. On Wednesday, March 26, Con. .115.., Lot sale date e !.2 Durham' farrow cows; 'the premises, Lot 12, Con. 9, Hay 14, 20/2 miles north east of Kirkton, ariHemProprietor. -a part Durham an -d -Hereford heifer: i Township. 1% miles east of :Zurich; carrying first calf, due middle oe 3 miles sieuth on the Babylon Line. 7,. , April; !Shorthorn cow, 6 years .old, The undersigned Auctioneer has 'been vriday, ,IVIarch 28., Con, 3, Lot .10, latter part of March; Shorthorn horthorn' cow 6 years old, due the d instructed to sell !by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCH ,20th. ' east. Walter McBride, Prop, 114 miles south of Exeter; 11/e . miles with calf at foot; part Hereford an .'-oarYillo 'heifer. This 'is an extra good. Commencing: at 1.30 pan. Sharp No. 21 Highway; 2 lie -miles nor fii' of W• e nes ay April 2/ Stanley T.Wp 'on Herd of oattle: with clear T... 13- teste Horses—Three good 'Pertheron Drysdale. Leonard Etue, prop. Pies and --Poultry'— Yorkehire Sow work horses, quieendreliable in not bred; 2 'Yorkshire m .0 arket !", ._„„, every wa-. t - , -------- 'Yorkshire sow bred December 8 h ' e, 150 Rock and 'Leghorn Cattle—White Cow, milking, due en St Joseph.and Beaver Town' 'r. laying hens. A number of 'Bentham August; red cow, milking, due .mid - Chickens. . die of june; 2 heifers rising 3 yrs. On Sunday, March Ond the-stryo- Tractors - McC-Deeri•ng 1950 Super anding neighbourhood -gathered at old; 2 heifers rising 2 yrs. Mete 2 • A. Tractor. like new, equipped with yearling steer • 1 . These are very 1,vdr 'nger touch contrel, B. tests. • !the -home of Mr and Mrs Leonard choice Shorthord Cattle with clear' T. araras of the Blue Water south, it us.ed 1 year; Also with complete 4- . S ' row scuffier with .Ail attachments and )eing the occesien of a birthday IVIachinery 14.1-14. binder, 7 -ft cut, "MoDeerrng 'll in good condition; M -H. hay !loader, party of Mrs. Sararas. Those NIfilci at - ow beet lifter; .-furrow 'E --Y-• Cock shdisc 11 -run fertilizer drill; tended were 'from Zutich and th rau c tractor plow; ng - e 'PA Fordean tractor in re..t class con- Frost & Wood mower, 5eft cut; 2- surrounding ,burgs, in all, the Party dition, on tubber; M -H. 2 -furrow drum steel roller; 2 steel tired wag- was pleasinglo ,a11, spending the day tractor plow. Machinery - International 14 plate scuffler; Oliver riding plow; M -H, ons; hay rack; . bean puller and chatting 4 by -gone haPpextihiga and 'double disc, like new; On,71cshutt 18- Ne. 21 -walking plow; 4 -sect. diamond harrowe. 2 e t.. of those th follow. After a delleieele. clic grain drill; Internateorial 6 -ft le tchen harness ; . Omer was served, and and teok'pert ..-.'ff t i cultirat !r ; ItleCormick 5 -ft dump rake; root pulper; Anker holt off, they thanked the host and host- erit inow-er; McCormick 6-n bii le • cream se inton fanning. ass and their daughter garjorie, and , .oc s utt ruarture epreader, M -H. 8-1 ' ' mill, complete eith sieves; 2,000-.16. wishing Mils. Sararas rapid improve - foot fertilleer spreader: 'eT-F1. beat, cap. truck •scales; 2 new 14 -ft wire meet in health and many more birth International 2-ss.,ctioa ing-toath harrows; dump reke ; :e. water troughs; set of :bob sleighs p I s- r_ g'zt es; ,2 set of Sling ropes; 2 large days. :41,!,f lel n dnoed herr \v., 1•l1 -'4h ,buggY; critter; quantity of coed motored to London recently on a Mesers, &ger and Nelson Dedaed VIA watran 1 1 G -ft. f1:111 ',lay eaelee'kelwod ; oteintity of elm Wank and business trip. . Lester 5-h.p. gasoline engene ! 2 h. o ree..; cutting box. Bain wagon 1,.'ox; I lembee; gajr, pan; shovels. 1 • , Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Sopha and oggIng gaeoline engine; '1-4 he. f,*" , motor: chain'and " '1 • . ' ' ous to mention. h, inane az tic es too memo.- Mr and Mrs. Leonard Sopha all of F -inch plane- 14 -ft. line ehaft, coin; Detroit spent the weekend with their piete with pulleys: 2 electric, fencere, I Hay and Grain -15 fon of good parente',on, the B. W., Highway . 2 brand new 14 -ft sill. seitabie for !ouolitv loose alfalfa and timothy hay Comaient. reek; 2 small gates; Chatham fatIn, a cmantity of oats -and wheat. Aftet.: the passing of Feb. 29th. eeteel-tired buggy; Portla*,f1 cutter ing mill, cemplete with xiev; nilw TInimphold Xffertst--Extelivon tahl 1952 4.have now entered into a leap ; 4 steel drum, gas pump; 2 iron ket- inee• w •h* ;1 ebeiee. -bre.eau rockinv chairs, cab- Year,Which •coMea once in rum" I o corn ,;nei) , erne ,11 lneanrs little, while to others . 'machine.; kitchen enetee . .. 20 cereal• posts,,box shove, antique furnitere North - fit in the begining of their fat- . heeibarrow, 1 -50 -ft. hay fork rope; ern Electric battery radio in new ore lq,."' As.! ' 400 caPacity chick brooder; 135 -ft. eonefeion et. An foraner years re roay ' 4my fork ilpe; pailayg . gl'aln No reserve.. PM the farm is sold. . , • : brintiratertainment and as vveri. ari , nevel, quantity of s.acks, z6 einglel TERMS—CASH jeayitiektfio the fair eex, fi3r as in'the 1 , ,rords of good dry mixed w,od; 016P!,4111164 it', nnie, Prom -tool% boxei.., 4 steel barrels; ect of sting , Milford Mereer. Clerk. paseUkf will be privileged to .make ' - ropes, logging chains., carpenter to! e Alvin Walpor, Auetionep,r, . peel fayonrable replies, That 100 ! piotiAOSI. ad as well they will ex- maple sup equipMMit: 14'W 1 -ft.! . year theory is vivid in 'different co- pall, 120 iniekete ' and epilee, aedi Clewing Auction We unteleelegiving the women full rights ma)1,,... f t rti('; f.:;,f t,''.0 nunafiroq-. to men- ......___,-...- to pnrsue their paramous, and kiati " tio:l: flay and GrAin — 1:,':r bushele of ief' leiveefoelc. Tretor. ram Imply- , thein to the altar. In this cOnetrY choice rheat: 650 hi/sib*. early Al- meet,: nuf nonschold Effeets, on the there is little hope to' it, if any. a -len sfswil oats; 50 leiebeie Beat 11' Drptylipp,. Dart Loi 0-10, Cern. rr, i ,,,- at the same time bachelore cam 1)q. seed oats: auantity ./. 0: good down' .horne, Twn. 14 mile eolloi of v7;”. loverruied by its tencent, anu there- 4hav; 400 bales of Stra. leheisea. on St, Marve Rd. 5 m1lee fore become a prize to ,some chew Hoveehold Effects -- 2 eak exten- east of No, 4 Highway, 4 milee weet sloe tablee WO leavea; :3 email ..o. R'4-keee blonde .or some ernertebruenet, wliO etablee; 10 kitchen maim; picturos had aleeady made plans for then. mato k The ttrideraigned Atietioneer hem been irilnionial drive into- iwedto.ck, • i.. . . . , ..h. Baokelors who (prefer to remain asSillob; are well advised to keep a- way frorn, feminint society Itrro also avoid conversing too freely with the fair sex; of oourse there has been exceptkons where leap year. has pro- ved !beneficial to some of the 'old boys, especially those of" a ,sliy,nature So taking the wlioie in fairnees, tt is a half and half !affair to those con - it is not tour intention to intervene into the Matter, however, we reel that those lassies should get a break once in four— and that without far- ther embarrasing their plans. Had •Lc,-°‘. 35 hunters froM4Alieeteil and Staffa went on a rabbit 'de* on Feb. 27, near St. Columibane Gory Laween of Exeter, shot a 70-1VWolf. A second wolf managed to escape into dense bush. Two foxes . and 40 rabbits were also bagged. BORN Mr and Mrs Lbeyd Hope (nee Doris Meyers) are happy to annionnee the .birth of their •daughter, at Tor- onto General Hospital Private Pat- ient pavillion, Friday February 22, sister for Faith and Jane, Grandpar- ents, Mr and Mrs, Thomas Meyer, Zurich. " 1t 1:letirstlay PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW eeel • , ',5* K.Vgf..., ef,o, 4.6p• , x0i4 There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL. DEALER: . Rader & Mittlehoitz Phone G3 - Zurich Fifth Annual Se Sponsored by the HURON CROP IMPROCVEMENT ASS OCIATION To be held in the CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE' CLINTON March 7th and 8th, 1952 $500.00 in Prizes — Special, Educational Displays an Reforestation Special Programmes Friday Evening and Saturday Afternoon Auction Sale of Ten -Bushel Lots Saturday. Afternoon Junior Seed Judging Competition Saturday Morning - All Entries to be Made at the Agricultural Office • • Clinton, before Tuesday, March 4th, 1952 EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION.ERM,_ This yearagaiteThe Red Cross Appeal presents us wi th a challenge. • and an oPportunity. New victims of war wound, &eater need of lifesaving blood transfusion services, the inevi:tability of great disasters Of hre.and pood... all must fintrthe Red Goss ready. As the need to alle6ate suffering grows, the generositeeof Canadians grows too. But today the task is ahnoet beyond measure. There is the -challenge. The opportunity to help is ...before you. Give TODAY to tarry oll tomorrow's work of mercy 62:60LtTlin,/00 IS urgently neede,d to •KEEP YOUR RED CROSS STRONG' • 4,ifis•to your Red Cross ate wisely used. Earl) y6or the qecoutng is approved: by auditors of the Dorninion,Goverolient. total Carripoign Heodquerteri Anti Tur6iehnitteWentiae • . •