HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-02-28, Page 5XVXICO ONTA&IO. ZURICH HERALD Authorized az second class mail, Part Office DePartroonts Ottawa* BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneet For HURON AND LA.NIBTON For (:pour Sale, large or Armin, Cour- teous and Efficient Service at all tiniest Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7 VETERINARIA.N :LOCAL NEW. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme of the B, W. spent a eouple of days with Mr and Mrs Kuno Hartman the Past week. • Mrs. Minnie Weido of London, was a visitor at the home of hex daughter Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Be dard. Mr 'and Mrs Wm. Sauve spent a few days at Toronto recently on business. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Wat- erloo and Mr and Mrs Floyd Cook of Ritehener, with their families were Sunday visitors with their mother, Mrs. John Brenner of town. Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. ZURIQI1 BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let us supply you with the very choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept tresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins iunghlut Oz Son PRODUCE Mr and Mrs Charles Scotchrner and daughters of near Hayfield were visitors at the home •Jf their parents, Mr and Mrs. John Albrecht. Miss. :Barbara Boshart who is at present at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Goshen south, and aiiss -Gloria Gingerich were recent visitorsat the home ,of the former'e g,andmother at Seaterth. Anniversary Guests Mr and IVIrs Delbert Geiger and Mr and Mrs. Oscar Greb were wed- ding guests last Thursday at the home home el the former's cousm, Mr and Mrs. Newell Geiger, We extend our congratulations to them. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy and. family of Toronto were week -end visitors at the home of the latter"s brother, Mr and Mrs. Bert Cornforth of the Town Line near .Hillsgreen, Mr. .Mahairy's burns on face and hands which he received rrom ai explosion in his home by a torch are healing nicely. Visitors over the week -end at the home of Mr 'arid Mrs David Ducharme were Mr and Mrs Exdas Charrette, Pte. Robert Charrette and his bride, newly married couple; Pte. Donald Charrette and sister Doris all of De- troit. Also Mr and Mrs. -Cullen Russell of Ailsa Craig. Donald goes 'to Washington and Robert to Los Angeles, ,California where they are in' the Services. BRIEN'S PRODUCE. Cash -Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on OUT AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor lame 101 Zurich FOR SALE 2 young fresh Holstein cows for immediate sale.—Apply to , Elton Bender, GoShen.-Line Stanley. 'Phone Hensall 699 r 12. * ZURI H HEM CARD OF THANKS. The bereft family of the late Emerson Gabel wish to express their many thanks to neighbors and friends for their kindness Shown with cards, floral tributes, and in any way show- ed their sympathy in their sad hoar of bereavement. . • . Thank ...You! izurich, Feibmary 25th, 1952 It is with muck pleasure we anno- unce the final total -eOhtribution to our recent Christmas "..Seid,1 Campaign of $380.0,0. As our aret(e0vers only • Hay Township and inelUdeS the Vill- age of Hensall, we 'wigi to thank all donors for their fine,, eo-operati..n to asplendid esese. LOST In Zurich, a pair of pink girl's plastic spectacles in a tan case, lost some time a.zo. Finder kindly leave same at Stade .&. Weido's Hardware • , FOR .A quantity of'feed be:11E) foie 'sale. Apply te, jaeob Gingerich, Thone 84 r 2, Zurich. ' 8e, ...EAD 0....the table , ...:•••;••••••••'''' Sincerelyyou . the meal is reach R. W. Illsley, Chairman. Fittron County Christmas Seals Com - , . LET YOUJR. BAKER For Lent - Hot Cheese Dishes Be Yoth. IVIenu Maker! All the way frot,,,,,h4rs d'oeuvres YOUR BAKER not only suppnes. to desert, cheese lenclel any meal 'delicious whOle,ome bread for your gourmet touch that other food ,table—breadf, foe your recipe:). Out can achieve. For Lenten menus that ! o r his frakrant ovens come all man, 4. 4. 1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. rsTia Y, ,eibruarY" McKinley Farm & Hatchery .T. COCKERELS, PULLETS and UNSEXED •:. Producers of CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Your enquiries are solicited. Write or phone and ask McKinlzys e•;-70 c•,: 4 z-krtgarding your chicks for 1952. 46974-11 Hensall , R.R. 1, Zurich 11:i11111900K955EVAWM.AIMagaitinellIMMEMIWIMICZ=MAMISM4113 61101:erdIttligaVaeltiEMABOOFIZAVIMINageOriallti;ZEWPSWKaMIMBIUMICSNIMBESEEfteVEM 4,- ,,,,, • ontracts Wanted *- • • • • a BARLEY OATS AND SOYBEANS • Red Kidney, White Kidney, Cranberry and I Marrocofat Beans • CUSTOM GRAIN AND SEED TREATING Dashwood, Ont. 9 give satisfaction ,plus, see 'this Sun- ner of month -watering goo ;es tO 0 ' NOTICE CEMENTING! 1 am in a position to do all kinde of cement work. Contact me for further -an•angernents. — Mahlon Sauder, Phone 94 r 212',, Zurich. tf2-4 Zurich Creamety: Your home Market for Cath' •2111b. 41.1.!lialMOMMIONITIMUY WANTED We want your window shutters. Tel, .61 --or 521I'VV.,,, ExeterK, day's (March 2) issue of The Am- crown the inertia of everymeal! Frog- ` erican Weekly, exclusiyely with The Detroit 'Sunday Times. See Amy Alden's recipes en; flavorsome hot cheese dishes. WHAT'S NEW AT THE LIBRAR1'? Membership now nearly niivty. Bookmobile will cal again March i5 worrying -about -variety in meals— •• llth. Some suggested .books Which let your baker be your menu maker, • See what's Xpi his tray today! rant Coffee -Cake and Cinnamon Bum - for bretdd.400i,. luscious fruit -filled treats for lUncheon..piping hot Pan • ter HWs for dinner. Bread duse in variety, bo, for snacks any firm • of day or Xeht. So don't get wrink. • you can 'find on the shelves. Boys' Book of Whalers" -Verrill "The Bravest Boy in Camp" -Leigh- ton; "Up from Slavery"' - Booker T Waehington; "Adventures in Alaska" - Young; "Ruth Fielding Of The Red Mill"' - Emerson; 'Adventures on The Roof 'of The World'; "In Times Like These" - Nellie McClung; The, Alpe From End to End -Conway; Camels Streetor; The Arm. of G.ild -, Con- nor (Ralph) ; Love Stories - Rinehart The ,Seats of The Mighty - Parker; John Barleycorn - Jack London. HENSA 1 J. Mr and Mrs Laird Mickle and Mr. One,of our nimistere and Mrs Walter Spencer spent Tues- tion's ans.Wr. lived for some years in a busy -town day and Wednesday of last week in Detroit and in South .'W•estern Ontario., For the while there saw the,Holly wood ice .Revue starring Mies Darb- past three years he has lived in Hur- ara Ann Scott. . on County. He asserts unhesitatingly Mr and Mrs . Alvin 1?ollock that he saw evidences of drunkenness ' of Saskatoon, are guests with Mr .and every day in the town that was under Mrs. Emmerson Kyle of Kippen. Mr the Liquor*Control -Act and that he and Mrs. Pollock are cousins of Mr. hardly ever ;sees anyone -drunken in Kyle.the Herroli...lCounty Town. Another Miss Betty Mickle, nurse -in -train -'newcomer to Huron had lived in sub- ing at Victoria Hospital, . London, urban Torente. There it was a corn - spent the week -end .at her home here mon sight on the -streets near the Mr John McGregor who underwent beer parlors, men staggering with ' strong drink. Here in ,quiet Huron County town he testiles that it is a rare 'sright43? Ask any- person who has lived und4 the two acts. He letiowe the ansWelitl,to the -question—wrelph i . , asty,,.:.14u Bakery ptiolsio; 100 - JR I C'14 The Voice of Temperance Whioh isl.the better temperance measure—the Canada Tem peran ce Act or or the Liquor Control Act? Under which act is drunkenness more in evidence'? We have the answer to the first question in the second ques- FOR SALE • A• 2 -wheel trailer, ha..6(10x15, tirec4 complete with stock rack: Also a combination elec. and eoaidatoire near ly new — Alfred Ropp, Zurich. House For Sale A desirable propertY in Zurich; stucko finish, furnace, Hydro, water in house, fruit trees, full sized lot, large garage, a very desirable prop- erty.—Ed. Beaver, Zurich. , ' ' Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a prerniuin for- deliveredCrearn We are equipped to giVe;effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in ,charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE FOR SALE. A young white' gander,' stiitabli:fer keep or for, food. Apply to. •LP`Prfl IVIerner, Zurich. , a major operation in St. ' oeei, Hespital,. London, Friday last, is Me- preving nicely. • Mr and Mrs. W. D. 'Simpson, Bill and Bo•hby, ...of Biriningham, Mich.., , were :weekeend visitors with Mrs. 'Ds th ,beteliteraperance measure'! Is Simpson., • •;-• •-• , '' - " •-•;- there alyobe anywhere who will'eles-' Next Sunday evening at 7'p.m. sent that there is less evidencefof- Rev. Rogers will present a religious drunken/10s under the Liguor Con film, folliwing this service he will trol Act with its liquor stores and show films to the Chiselhurst Con- beer -parlors and cocktail lounges? gregation following. —Advt. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Inman Co. FOR QUICK. SALF 100 or more 83;(e months'olavRock Hamp. cross pullets, ready to lay in about 6 weeks. Price s1'.5o fr quick sale.—Ferd Hhrr* • • ' .F 0 R.. -S A.t E WOOD --500 Cords of mixed stove wood, F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd. OF WOODSTOCK Arm LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- -AIM, COMPANY DptNG BUSINESS OF,THIS KIND41i -ONTARIO, .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726,00 rotal Cash in 'Rank and Bonds. $405,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION ' E. F. KLOPP ZURICH AGEN • Cement amin,,',..-mommiummonemeama Give us a call for your Cement rtiquirements for immediate delivery —Kalbfleisch Planing, Mills, Zuri 1111.11.1111.11.11.."111111.111111. WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 e:4 411011111191.1112111111111•1119110151111122•1191101121111111111 Dead Stock $2.75 Bach. Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 24 r 4, Crediton Central. -ci-5-'50 APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications :for the position as Seeretary-Treasurer of • The flay Td,wriehip Farmers' Mutual Fire in- surance Company will be received 1,y the undersigned up to Saturday, the! 8th day oC March 1952 at 1 p.m.. State qualifications, The lowesr any application not necessarily ae- ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING cepted. litODS AND ALL KINDS. Of FIRE IN5URANGE H. K., Either, Secretary4reasurer Oreditml, Ont, ) • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 RETAIL SEEDS W. E. REID Phone 87 or 158 We have' received a 'Special Quantity Discount on a large shipment of Refrigerators and we are passing this tremendous saving on to you. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR 12.2 Cu. Ft. capacity and 16.9 square feet shelf area; 60-1b. Frozen Food Chest, and containing the famous Kelvinator Features at a new low Price, You won't believe thisBargain until you see it and discover the Price. Crocker Refrigeration - Exeter, Ont. "Phone 59 WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL! .1.111•111111. To Arrive Soon Our NEW SPRING STOCK will arrive shortly, and we suggest you have a look at them and see for Yourself the new line of Styles. We can Give you the Most for the Least! Dr. Scholl Products such as Corn Bunions and eallbus pads, Arch Supports, Foot Creams and linaments. Genuine Singer Sewing Machine 'needles, belts and oil in stock • • .1 • • —Shoe'Store" • Equipment W.6,tiffei•Ybtis.t:he following Good Cheer Gravity, • or Forced Air Furnaces . rr • • • • Mai*' St. Hardware Store • • movezmato)rl.AlutokArkasevmsossausasissamuniasiumusmassessurso The Arcollarne Oil Furnace; Coleman Oil Bur- - nem in three different Sizes. Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Electri • Stoves, Refrigerators, Radioaand all Electrical Appliances • Pluming • - Furnace Work - Tinsmithing OUR AIM4--To Serve and Satisfy. Main St, Hardware Store. Phone 213 DatarS & O'Brien Phone 213 1 1' Massey - Harris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS E.ARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" T el. Shop 149 Oscar Klapp R(, 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS!