HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-02-28, Page 1•1 • Established 1909 Are You Suffering Froin Headaches? Lf so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODIMUCH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasorusole Prices Annual Insurance Meeting The 77th Annual Meeting of the Policy -holders of the Hay 'Township ZURICH, ONTARIO', TIILIRSDAY MO NOTICE The Womens' Institute of Zurich will sponsor an amateur Talent Show in the near future. Watch for par- ticulars. All those interested call Mrs. Gus Roche, Phone 83-4. Zurich, on Monday, the 18th of Feb- ruary 1952 at 2 p.ni. William Haugh President, was appointed Chairman, and H. K. Either, Secretary 'of the meeting. - Before the commencement Of ;business, two minutes silence was observed in respect ta., the passing of King George VL The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting were read and adopted. The President in his address stated that the amount at risk norw amounts to $19,992400 an increase of $2,2)03,200. Durnig the peat year 957 new and renewed p01 - ides were issued to the amount of $3,155,100. The reinsurance with armer diamatrall Fire insurance !the Usborne & Hibbert, West Waw- VIIIIMINNIIIIIIMBESSOMIGMMIMIMIMEMPINIthisanagonismara. • Company was here in the Town Hall, artoele McKillop and Howick Mutuals N -1 • 1 4 R VUE Will be held in BABE SIEBERT MEMORIAL ARENA, ZURICH z On Saturday March lst. at 8.30 .6' Clock .p.m. Program by the 'Stratford Figure Skating Club Who, are Sznationed by ;Elie Canaraian Figure Skating Association • Full 21istur perroarniance featuring a cast •of 50 skaters, Show trained surd produced for the the Stratford Figure Skating CIA hp the Club Prefessional Ross Smith of Winnipeg,. former Canadian ,artdi Western Canadian singles, pair and dance. cham- pion. 1DONT' MISS *nit TREAT OF FINE SKATINC.; Sponsdrea by the Community Centre Adssion Adats :50c, Children 25c. -—--- - Xo man, tgameral Moine Iii:aerat Diret,r — Private au. Jbabittanee ' Member of Ontario Funeral .Association Holder OE ST. :ZORN'S eeMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable 'OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL REDS TO RENT ---INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRE -SH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. THIEL'S I prior Store Stock Clearing Now in F 11 Progress GOODS MARKED LOW IN ORDER TO SELL QUICKLY MEN'S AND' BOYS" WEAR - LADIES, Theatre G, FEBRUARY 28:1952 Phone 421 e - EXETER Attending Convention • r. /Harry G. Hess, accempaueed b le members of the Zurxcn Police Wage Trustee Board, namely, Mil- Schilbe, Jack Turkheim and Monday, Tuesday March 3, 4. L d 093rien attended tee Hydro ention held at Toronto the be - KIND LADY '0 big of this week. Return From Florida t" r. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach of Mr. and Mrs. James Hackett •eeA/vinston and Mr and Mrs. Frank kett of Allistorn have returned fry their fine trip to Florida after t' eng several weeks in and around district where the lovely palm Wednesday, Thursday March 5, 6 tee, are inviting for one to remain lo .er. Along with all the beautiful DESERT FOX i te that go ;with it. After aall, its ni toreturn home cherishing the f memories of the time spent in War countrees. We are thankful that al .f our tourists so • far have re - .ed home safely. A.1don 'Theatre few good ay eve. Zurich defeatecr Daeh- Ale playoffs the past ,week. On gnmes were wrtnessed ,,d. by 6-5, and it seemed any - game meta the ,ffnal gong de d eck close was the playing. So te two teen's have one each. Then Nednesday eve Zurioh edged the pe ferful" Lucan team on their own a sal ice by 3-2. The return game ise emg played here in Zurich Arena Friday, Saturday Feb. 29, March 1 Week End With Father Van Heflin Patricia Neal A comedy that will have the whole family rolling in their seats. Ethel Barrymore Maurice Evans (Adult Entertainment) An engrossing melodrama disting,ue ished by fine acting revolving around the activities of a gang of sauve crook. James Mason Cedrick Hardwicke This screen biography of the military exploits of Field Marshall :Rommel, the famed commander of the Afrilea Corps. HOCKEY NEWS GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment • the so Following Attractions t Fri. Feb. 29th and Sat. Mar ist. I'll See You In My Dreains . . thik-Ved. eve., and should prove a. Dorie Day Patricia.Wyntnere-game. On. Monday even.ing the, Danny Thomas . Frank reeaej.4 fla wood boys received their worst Comae Strips.and Shorts ,.-11,q. at of•the year. when at Lucan Two 81*": 7".111i4 9.66.. '1'' '5guaffmeree!fathd:fVereaetkotipb-4o. p,Tle_ Tuesday, .Wednesday „NT h 4 5 Ilst' ' Cli at twain Friday evenmg...The --"e'' -7''''' Itilethday, eve. game was taken to Lu - can owing to supposedly soft ice on - • ,a, t1' Zurich rink. But many think Starring Irene Dunn and Others 'that Dashwood would have fared An Outstanding Picture. ' One you ,rie011. better on the Zurich rink than, Mut .See. at. Lucan, as they - usually play e News Reel and .Coneic. Strips- , - lasturelYe gams',of hockey in the ,One, Shew. 8.00.pan.,,,- — • . I.. ' ''' FIT ARN-,7,: ,:, ,.. . is increasing oath year: A study of' thef;stetemente mailed to the policy:, ;e:'ee 'Late Dennis Mahoney holdftx:E. shows • we have libx1. • another s.,10deeinfinsoMara, itifhotecya, rSniteerideiond Tawtp4,0nrde-- suceessful year of oo-operative work on, February eeltee in his 79th year. together. Durieg the past year there •were 96 claims paid amounfang to H. eRreoffmnutainnsiiwlieerieall/Thoctumgeh,t rashwtheooTa $16,06e,62. and with the reinsurance loses paid Other companies of $3,- daenyd ,thtem,,fut.neor:L..war Rhecld. ocnhoWroehanuese- 777„..94 there was a total loss pay- ineept of $19i847:56. The tossespaid iiisaetnoredfi.voevdertboyrt oonfe stdraauttgoeritde,r,aMaorsn. tor• live -stock amounted to 7,396.32 john aee.horne, two, sisters and a bro- compared with $3,108.1110 of tne prey- iotie year. Fite Extiaguiske‘q are tiler", . , Lite ' Ernest Keyes still being distributed anion our Ernest KeYesailed at his home 'in instances have proven their value. Stephen Kyeaeyre..a hBoornmnestaenadd rainseeacil. John-and policy-holders and in a trumeer Stephen on Feb: '1.9th in hie 70th $207.50 was pad to the different on the Fire Brigades for their services in has been a resident of' Stephen for the district. The gross Assets Of the many years.. Surviving besides Ms Company are now $107'612'68 "in- widow are one sister, Pearl Stephen, pared with $97,4013.10 of the previ-and a broeher, Albert, Exeter. The oras year. Our surplus increased $6, - funeral was held ha the Shipka Un- The571.82 and as a result we are to pdy ited.Ohurch Friday with interment in. Canada Income Taxe of $985.77. Flxeter Cemetery. The Hoffman un - live -stock, theB,:ard of Directors Ile - Due to the change in values of remains. dertakersz Dashwood had charge of utive of the reinsuring companiesj cided to call a meeting of the exec-) the uDsie6100Akt, Hensall and and try and work .out some method' inessman of Henget' ' for 45 years Corned'. bus - of coverage which would be more died a t his home on Feb. 21st. He in keeping with present values and ' was one of known as Cook Bros. es a result commenceing with Jan. 2, . Co. and also aperated a garage Mil - market faille would be paid on gradeelelg 'and; car sales, retiring e. year ago,was cattle providing the insured carries 80 c'r coverage and for purebred •or.2.6ernember of the United Church choir for 40 years. Surviving are his wid registered stock, the limit p.iyable ow, the former Minnie Hemphill, one for any elle animal up to 12 menthe. son, Harry, Windeor; a daughter NIrs is to be $300 and over that age 3550 with the special privilege of insuring eChellovv (01a), Los Angles, Cal; 3 any one animal up to $1,000 by brothers, Norman, Hensall; Charles giving the registered name and ieri.nand WM. Chicago, and five grandebil- ber of such animal. In this particu-dren. Burial took place on zeaturday I.ar case, the insured must carry 100 in Exeter pemetery. . p.c. coverage on such tyre of animal- ...,. Reference was also made to the in existing between the officials tied resignatiea of H. K. Eilber, secretarignembere of the Board of reeeetors. for the past 18 years due to ill;','. The reports of the Treasvrer end health. We are very sorry to. ioosee,Auditors were then Oven and adopted his services as he end his father eave'e 'The General By-laws -f the' Com - been comiectel with the Hay Mutual panv were chineed so that tee date for the put 76 years. ' ;of the Annual Mating . waz fixed for Appreciation was al ee made by the , the third day . of Febenary in each 1 ---a - 'President to the splendid co-eperati year instead of the live Monday of — January e Mr. John A. Morrison, President Youthfor C h r 1 st sotfillhneceErotrnWpailllivamars ilii!at,,,i:lt,l, ril.rie.r.;11t(ii: ent of the M.F.U.A. Aleociatine snoke ..4. briefly on fire preveation and the extra hazards which are eo ranidly developing in rural dee teens ioal, mut- ian erl extrerne carie i n ,i11... e a‘ .4 gas - o I en e and the inetal I eel en e Hydro • -el i all nee. Se me (1:1e:lrl'on eall e a. ed concerning the tiet bean. cook- MUDLARK -- SATURDAY NIGHT MARCH ist, 8.00 BRINGS:: (II and electric broeiterein huildieee Rev. Ralph Hornby, London Fred 3. Habeeer, 'Clareece Pneke AND 'GIRLS' WEAR Pastor and Ezra Webb eeere rc-etccted the - :,1' eatore f a' three vem , an d J. W. Floor Covesings, Blankets, China, Dry Mr. A.' H. Woiner, Convert-. afg.11,cr;rat,nuovilhr:e.r.. Delesert Audit eJewPianist - 1 G The, meetinp then i djonrned by 1 oods - Etc. d , sinring the nitional Anebena Arian' ! COME IN FOR A BARGAIN! ° IVICLe6.1111:80aNt TChOe LLEGIATE tc.eiecomntiAg.i,int,h101:,,;,neewelot And Bring Your Frien s arte,‘ r. Preeident, Vice -President, rang,emolit$ were else, made to 1 C. H. THIEL ,,. Zurich AUIDITORIUM d . i tad Peesident .and Clarence Peen as V ice. 'Pr e i d ant fer the ensu ing 0 e r., . , Neighkooars sp.,teinT raid ,Agent attend the An. eseteekseateraraweweneeeeeeino. l'oronto Ile:,L month, • ' P " • ti C,,mverlion of the M. TP, 1 • • 1 • ,ssammersamematiasiaaseissonammcwcommemaassaamanaaKarmiettemaaagarRaw WE HAVE. A GOOD STOCK OF L .—_----=-_,7"..eeeeneyereneneneee" Single Copies 5 Canes. Subecripton in Canada Year OM/ Subscription U,S.A., Year *2.50 NORMA'S RAG RUGS and CARPETS - BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223, Zurich NORIVLA STEINBACH - Prop. On a New Modern Loom, Maele Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuricle, Ont. Phone 128. Corn Flower CRYSTALS New Shipment of: SHERBERTS. GOBLETS JUICE GLASSES SHERBERT PLATES Set your Table Beautiful With this Fine Crystal Stemware A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Colder Weather With the Colder Weather nere you can depend on warmer homes by using BLUE COAL Solve your heating problems this easy way and use the Coal that win definitely assure you continuous heat throughout the winter month.. LORNE EILER HENSALL Office Telephone 10. (ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERVICI. •••••••••••••••••••••••••oc •••••••••••••••••••••0044 II tttni, rUllt* Licensed F..nbaliner end Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLQWERS.* • cx ay and ight Service- t-e-le-Pri—on-er Res. 89- 8100111•1190414601006.Z68680CSIMM,5 e Groc 4k o' in, Zurich emellemegismetettee***-0** We are ever at your service with the best line obtainable of FRESH GROCE IES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits- in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on as well so hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supp1y GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED, h rich Phone 165 Phase 140 Cold F 0 0 T eather 9•99.99.99,99., LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. IUST IN — New Pattern Prints and Flannellette. GIVE US A CALL1 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! TLE JO r Yr) F ' E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, . Phone 1 1 -97 imorrgow