HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-02-14, Page 6tit SPURTS COLUMN eifveet o t, 40 THOSE EXPERT viewers of the sports scene who record such things recent- ly voted to decide who was the "greatest l woman Canadian athlete of 1951." We may be quibbling, but we believe that while the selection was perfect, the term used is incorrect. The greatest athlete of the year, of either sex, is always a question to debate. But if this ballotting was intended, as no doubt it was, to designate the competitor who provided the most thrilling and spectacular success of the year, there wasn't much doubt about the award. The honor of becoming Canada's Girl Athlete of Distinction in 1951 went, and quite rightly, to a snub-nosed freckled bit of a girl, 17 years old and weighing 108 pounds, who undoubtedly rated listing as Canada's most dramatic single figure of 1951. This was Marlene Stewart, a poker-faced bundle of golfing dynamite from obscure Foothill, Ont., who captured the Canadian Ladies Close and Open championships at .Montreal's rolling Laval -sur -le Lac links. Marlene night go down in golfing history as the Little Girl Who Played Like a Woman, For here she was, only 17 years old, a mere slip of a girl who had never faced such crowds, nor such competitors before, pitted against some of America's best. Let us paint in a bit of the background to a Canadian girl athlete's finest performance of the year. Marlene, the Mighty Mite, in achieving the first "double win" by a Canadian woman since Toronto's Ada McKenzie turned the trick in 1934, eliminated Mar;orie Rowe and Mae Murray, two topnotch US players in the opening rounds of match play. That set the stage for a gruelling 35 -hole final against Grace Lenezyk, two-time Canadian open champion and one of the best women amateurs on the continent. Wee Marlene held a sl.aky one-up lead at the 35th on the tricky back nine at Laval, and headed for the final hole with the knowledge that her powerful opponent was getting stronger, having erased a one-time three -up margin The chips were down. This was it. And wee Marlene stet the challenge. She 1 unched her slim shoulders and boomed a tee -shot right down the middle. Grace Lenezyk duplicated the feat. They both• made the green in three. Marlene stroked her 18 -foot putt within incl es of the cup, while Miss Lenezyk missed her i5 -footer and cnpccded Marlene the match. Youth marches on, in sport, as it always has done, but more decisively than ever. In Canada a 17 year old girl becomes the top athlete of the year. Across the line, by coincidence, another girl still in her teens is named the United :Sates girl athlete of dis- tinction for 1951. Maureen (Little Mo) Connolly, the second youngest player ever to win the United States national tennis championship, blazed her way to this honor 12 days before she became 17 years old. There seems to be an interesting moral in this continued upsurge of youth in sport. It means, we think, that the kids are getting into sports competition at earlier ages than ever be'ore, and there's nothing wrong with that. It means, broadly, that instead of a nation of onlookers, we're becoming a nation of par- ticipants, which is a great deal better for both moral and p'•ysical well-': sing, Your comments and suggestions for this column will be r; aalcomecl ' by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge 5'., Toronto. ► . DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO Like To Try Some Nice Fried Ants? "Tinned Termites Now Off Ra- tion! High Nutritional Value — Equal To Six Eggs." Ever since the start of the Kor- ean War I have been carefully scanning the headlines for the above announcement (writes a TIT -BITS correspondent), feeling that the planners in their constant search for square -meal substitutes will have got wind of the fact that the Koreans are partial to a tasty handful of termites, which, in addi- tion to their high nutritive value, are alleged to have a,rejuvenating effect. The idea is not so. far-fetched. During the Burma 'campaign in the last war,o many men lost in , the jungle owed their lives to "In- sect Rations," and were actually briefed on how to live off 'the country, with ant's eggs, grass- hoppers, and giant caterpillars forming a staple part of their djet! As with everything else, it is only a question of getting used to the idea. I have eaten locusts mix- ed with rice and pumpkin on the West Coast of Africa, and thor- oughly enjoyed them.. For centuries, many countries have been insectivorous, and ex- periments have proved. that many of these meals have a high food value. Certain insects have, in ad- dition, medicinal qualities, and there are thousands of tieop]e who have eaten food coloured with cochineal without realizing that the dye came from crushed beet- les! After all, we in Britain have been eating honey since the day: of tl.e Romans, and honey is a secretion from iusccts. In \Vest Africa: District Officers • have been called in to quell pitched battles over white ants. The na- tives •wait until .the queens are egg -laden, then raid , the nests. Handfuls of the queens ares gather- ed and eaten raw and wriggling! Some of the natives helieve that a diet of these queen ants, if eaten by a wife, ensures fertilit, , In .Australia, too, the Bushmen are ant -eaters. They dig for the nests of the honey -ant and "milk" the insects into their mouths. Some of tl ese Aborigines even make a "punch" by pulverizing the ants in nater. In :Mexico, ants are considered a delicacy and ant honey is a ritual Wedding Dish, Crickets and grass oppers are a favourite diet in Mexico and among the North American In- dians: In times of grasshopper , plague, the insects are gathered in basketfuls by the woolen, dried, powdered and used as needed. A missionary 1 'know whose "parish" ' was in tl.e Dutch Haat Indies ham' dine(: on a mixe(i "di; t of fried silkworms cooked in oil, with rice, curry, and a beetle sim- ilar to our own seag-beetle, and found the meal quite 'palatable. China, fasted for its exotic dish- es, lists everything from roaii caterpillars, grasshopper j a m , white -ants' eggs • and centipedes. which, when crushed in ti e mouth, taste like apricots!' . I've seen tinned rattlesnake on 'sale in this country. Perhaps to- morrow may bring a recipe "New Ways With Woodworms!" or "Bottle • Your Beitics Now!" Look Dad, Some Whoppers! * Twelve -year-old Luis Henrique, proudly shows his dad what a good man he is with, the 30 -pound net.. Luis is a commercial fisherman at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico just like his father, but strictly after school hours, All Dressed Up And Waiting — Ready and waiting for the 1952 Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, to be held in the Coliseum, Toronto, March 14 to 22, are these 11 -year-old twins, Joan and Beverley Turnbull, with Wanda Little Canoe of the Six Nations Indians' reservation near Brantford, Ontario. With more exhibitors than ever before, new attractions and features and a completely different stage and water revue, indications are that the. 1952 Sportsmen's Show will be bigger and better- than ever. Show is sponsored by the Toronto Anglers' and Hunters' Association in -the interests of conservation. • This Mother Was A Real Individualist `!'here are a few stories about my mother in her advanced:«years stories swell -known in the shall Indiana town where she lived so long—which will a little better. ac- quaint you with her stalwart in= divldualisnl and her witty eccentri- cities ... . One of .the typical stories about_ her was told of an occasion; in her ninetieth year, when, cane in hand, and a basket on her arm, she had toddled down to the post office to nail a letter. Consistent with her frugally, she never bought more stamps than she needed at the moment. On this day, she asked for a three -cent stamp and tendered a twenty -dollar hill in payment. It su happened that the post office's cash t eserve was low, and they couldn't handle that much 'money.' They were quite willing to trust her, but Mama abhorred iimebtedtiess and the thought of owing anybody three cents was insupportable.. Directly behind her ,stood a tall, well-dressed, amiable man who said: "Madam% if it will be a,, con- vtnience 'to you, I can change your money." She thanked him gracious- ly; and when' the transaction had been completed, she said: "I see that you are a stranger among us. I am Mother Douglas. Perhaps you will tell me who you are." Said he: "I am Reverend so-and- so, the new minister of the United Brethren Church." Manta offered him a wrinkled little hand and said: ''1 ant glad to meet you, sir. 1 want to shake hands with a preacher who is able to change a twenty -dollar bill!" My mother was conspicuously old-fashioned. Never, in my recol- lection, did she change her planner of dress, or her. habits, or her opinions. By refusal to alter the fashion of her clothing, she claimed that she could 'be in 'style—for a brief 'period—once about, every tweut.y years. 1 often tried to give her a few modern conveniences in her little home, but she preferred a primitive mode of living, and had no use for labor-sav'ng gadgets or electrified giro cracks. - When the Great Depression first ,struck,.and the banks all over the country were closing, and people by the -thousands were becoming bankrupt overnight, Mama took her 'cane in hand and walked down Monroeville's main 'street, first on one side and then on the other— • going into every place of business -They tell me she shook her cane in the face of each proprietor (with alt of whom she had a first -name acquaintance) and said: "People are in a panic. They are taking all their money out of the banks everywhere. This is what makes banks fail. All the money I possess is in the bank here in Monroeville. I am not taking out one penny, and I don't want you to. If all the business men leave their money in the bank, it will not fail." I am happy to add that the business men followed her good advice and the bank con- tinued to function.—From "Time to Remember," by Lloyd C. Douglas. Provincial Curling Playdown Dates rr Dates for provincial curling play - downs in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba were announced in Montreal recently. British Columbia leads off in the play-off quest •which will end next March in Winnipet; when champ- ions from every province square off in the round-robin competition for the nation's most prized curling bauble — the Macdonald's Brier Tankard, emblt.matic of Canadian single rink supremacy. Top curlers from the Pacific Coast province will trek inland to the mining town of Kimberley for six days of compet- ition which. will get underway on .February 4 and end February 9. Crack curlers from Manitoba, tra- ditionally the province to beat when Brier time rolls around each, year, will start their own provincial elim- inations at Winnipeg on February 7, with play continuing until Feb- ruary 14. Edmonton will be the scene of a sudden -death battle on February 16 between northern and southern Al- berta. champions, with the winner' carrying, the oil province's torch at Winnipeg. - Battling for the right to tarry the Saskatchewan colours gets under- way late in the month at Saskatoon, with play scheduled for two days, • February 22-23. Winners in each of the four west- • STRIKES versus TI -HE PUBLIC llow can we prevent tie-ups in public utilities or in other industries, such as tl.e dist!dbi tion of a vital food, where the convenience, safety and sometimes even the life of the private citizen is involved? That is a problem we must solve or we face a complete breakdown of our society. In recent months we have had some bitter and costly experiences, We have seen our railroads paralyzed with every industry great and small throughout the country immediately affected. We have seen commercial transportation services in a great city and its suburbs halted for almost three weeks. TI ere have been threats to 'shut off fuel for cooking and heating in scores of thousands of homes. This sort of thing simply can't go on. What is the solution? Compulsory arbitration without , stoppage of work has been sug- gested and the Ontario Government, it is understood, is liow considering appropriate legislation. But compulsory legislation without the•genuine support of labor unions and workers would not he sufficient, There are some ;things that a law cannot do or cannot do well. One of them is to make an unwilling person work. To really protect the public, as' one experienced observer has sug- gested to The Financial Post, to prevent the private citizen from being used as a pawn in industrial squabbles, essential services niust'be main- tained. To do this when arbitration is rejected then means must be provided'for: The dismissal of those refusing to work or work satisfactorily. • Effective policing to prevent malcontents from defying the lawrand interfering with the rights of others to work and, finally— • Provision for operation of essential services by substitute Help,' if necessary by the militia. In our complicated; modern economy the public is absolutely de- pendent on• the continuous functioning of its great public 'utilities, We must find a sure way of keeping them ftmctioniug. —From The Financial Post, ..Classified Advertising • DAMN CHICKS 11I11.1AILDI.ESS of whether you raise chide for eggs or meat, there le no question about the fact that each u5i0- tional egg that each pullet lays is Just so ntu0h extra, income. It may cost you a penny or twu more to buy these high quality chicles, with lots of 11.0.1', breed- ing bark of 1110117, but we know they will pay off, we purchased over 4,000 R.O.P. pedigreed ooelcerels from high record hens to Ilse in our mating tide year. Aleo started chicks, older pullets, turkey poults. Catalogue. TWEDI9LE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Fergus Ontario "OXFORD" Approved Chicks live, lay and pay. They are the results of twenty-four years of careful selection and breeding. They have to be good, because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flocks,—hits vigorous, and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocks, White Leg - horns, Sussex, Columbia Rocks, White Rooks, Flamm x Reeks Crossbreds, Rock x Leghorns Crossbreds, New 1•Iamp Sussex Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Prod- uce Company, Limited, 414 Main Street. Woodstock, Ontario, BRAY - Baby chicks, day old and started. Cockerels, Pullets and mixed as batched. Write for prices and full in- formation.. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton Ont., or Falrbank Feed, 2386 Dufferin Street, Toronto. DON'T let today's price of eggs influence your chicly purchase. The chicks you Purchase now will lay next summer, and fall, Grade .4 Large eggs were 74o a dozen last August, and the same thing can happen again this summer, Buy your usual number of chicks, and buy them with 11,0,1'. breeding' back of them. Also, started chicks, older pullets, turkey vaults. Catalogue. • TOP NOTCH CHICK+ SALES Guelph Ontario CROSS BREEDS ORDER your chichi now for winter and spring delivery, Cross - breeds, pure breeds, also three way cross] All breed- ing stock government approved and blood tested. Write for price to Bonnie Chick Hatchery, Box 266, Elmira, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean. Ins'+ Write to us for Information We are glad to answer your questions. De• partment H Parker's nse Works Limited. 791 Yonge St. Teronlo FOR SAI.E VEGETABLE Juice extractors. electric, quart of Juice In a few minutes Live -Rite Products Ltd, 740 Yong, Ft,: Toronto, P-8 NO. 1 Clover Basswood HONEY, 24 lbs„ $4.50: 48 lbs., 68,60; 70 Ibe. 611.00. Robert Ritchie, Rte. 8. Perth. Ontario. GIVE your car, truck or tractor a proven ring and valve Job while you drive. Stops. piston slap and oil pumping. Puts metallic anti -friction seal on cylinder walls, rings and valve stems. Licensed under United States and Canadian Patents. Price $3.50 prepaid, Beck Sales Company Importers, 284 Palace Street. London. Ontario. 60 ACRE Farm—Cobd house, 2 barns, grainery. With hydro, drilled well, on paved road. For further information con- tact: Mathew Gough or Arthur Quinlan. Strathroy, Ontario. COLLIES, two menthe, parents extra. Good on cattle. $6,00 each. Jack Reasbeck, Vankleek Hill, Ontario. CHOICE clover honey, 12 fours 09: thirties $6.65. Amber• honey, 12 fours $7; thirties $4, R. Downes, Smlthville, Ont RED RICA—"The finest strawberry I ever tasted." SEPTESIBER—Best two crop raspberry. VALENTINE—Best new rhubarb, • Write-Pelmo Park Perennial dardens Weston.' Ont. DEEP SOUTH—Used Car Business, large garage, body shop. roomy lot, excellent location. Industrial city 15,000. U.S. Highway, Reasonable, terms. Britton Auto, Talladega Alabama. TRANSPORT BUSINESS — Meaford. 59,500, — Three units, equipment and warehouse. 0, F' & H •license with broad coverage. A good business for a good man Marsh and ,ldreltine. Realtors. Meaford, .Ontario. ADVANCED Registry Yorkshire Boars ready for service $75, Bred Gilts $100. Express prepaid your station. Holstein Bull Calves 5200, Douglas Hart, Wond- stock. DESTROY GOPHERS, RATS. MICE, without endangering with poison or trans. Simple, Safe. Sure, information, '$1.00. D. Walsh, Garibaldi, te,C. "ARTISTS and beginners" send for our 69 nage catalogue featuring Artists' Supplies and Picture Frames. Send 250 in coin to cover postage. Powells, 2320 Bloor St., West Toronto, MALE WALKER hound. 7 months, ready to run. Write Gerald Saunders, • 21 Georgina Street, Brocicville, C.C.M. Racer with 3 speed gear. used • 2 months. Same as new. Write: Gerald Saunders, 21 Georgina Street. Brockville. SSIOCKING MADE EASY BY Cholla Thornton in her new 45 -page instruction book sponsored by The Christ Church Cathedral Selma] of Smocking. 24 beautiful designs and full- size patterns for cutting out a eh11d'e dress. Send 32 to: Whiteombe & Gilmour Limited, 1040, Bleary, Montreal 1, for your postpaid copy. CRESS CORN SALVE—For sure relief. Your Drugglat sells CRESS. ern provinces will take possession of the British Consols trophies, em- blematic of supremacy in their respective bailiwicks. To date only one provincial champion has been declared, with 'Ken Weldon's Montreal St. George rink winning a rou.td-robin com- petition last week at Quebec City for the right to represent his prov- ince. 1 Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch— Until 1 discovered Dr. D.D. Dennis' amazingly Oast relief—D. D. D. Prescription. World popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication speeds pence and comfort from cruel itching caused bl eczema, pimples. rashes, athlete s toot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 430 tchtor money ch.e Assk druggist orsD DnD Proscription (ordinary or extra strength). FOR SALE SAVE Fuel--No-Draft Storm 1'S'indow§ et Transparent Vlnyl Plastic, Easily On. stalled Mr anyone, Order now—one for every window or storm door. Complete Kit, Size 96 x 72, $1.60 each prepaid. Beck Sales Company Importers, 284 Palace Street, London, Ontario. 61E0E55E0 13A ertuIs $00 SaIART Martha Washington and Met - ledge stalniess three-plece bathroom sets. White 5100.00 to $189.00: Coloured $274,00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings. A.1 r conditioning furnaces 5295.00. Special offers to plumbers and builders too. Savo many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satis7'aetlon guaratnteed. Extra dis- counts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumb- ing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and helpful installation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showere, stoves, refrigerators. Pres - euro water systems oil burners, septic and o11 tanks, etc, Visit or write Tohnenn Niel•! Order Division. Streetsville Hard- ware, Streetsville, Ont. Phone 261. MEIIICAI FEMINEX • One womantells another. Take suxrerior "1''ESfuNEX" to help alleviate pain, die - tress and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 55.00 Postpaid In plain wrapper. POST'S CHEMICALS 889 QUEEN ST. EAST TORONTO SATISFY Yourself—every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. 'MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema readies and weeping skin troubles Poste ,Erzame Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, ecallrig. burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and athlete's toot, w81D respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardlese of how stubborn or hopeless they seem PRiCE 82.50 PER JAY! POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free on Receipt of Price 689 Queen St . E Corner' of Logan. Toronto FOR BALDNESS AND FALLING HAIR any cause or condition. Usa THALIA HAIR RESTORER RESULTS GUARANTEED or Money Back in Full. Thalia Herbal Distributors, 1678 Davie Street, Vancouver 6, Britleb Columbia. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCH1)OL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, 0000 wages, Thousands of successful Marvel greduetes America's Greatest. System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SC1UULS• 358 Bloor St W., Toronto Branches: 49 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St„ Ottawa SELL BRiTISII KNIT MADE to measure dresses, lingerie. children's and men's wear representa- tives wanted to sell direct to the homes. Latest styles and fabrics are available.. Every garment factory guaranteed Higb• est commissions and bonuses. Write British Knitwear Limited; Simcoe, Ont $18.00 AN EVENING FOR Your Spare Time. Just 8 Easy -free Trial Sales of amazing Patented Auto- matic Refrigerator Defrosters can pay you that. Hundreds of hot prospects corn. mission. Rush name, address. for GUAR. ANTEED PROFIT OFFER. D -Frost -0. Matte Corp., Dept 84. Newmarket. Ontario. UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated from any part of the body with Saca-Pelo, the remarkable discovery of the age. Saca Pelo contains no drug or chemical and will kill the hair root, LOR-BEER LABORATORIES 679 Granville St. Vancouver, B.C. EASY TO QUIT SMOKING Use Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific treatment quickly Stops craving for tobacco, rids the system of nicotine. King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists (Al- berta), P.O. Box 673, London, Ont. PATENTS AN OPFER to every Inventor—List or 1n'- • ventions and full Information sent tree Phe Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attor noye. 278 Ranh Street. Ottawa • PETE EItSTONElAIIGle & Company Pa. tent Snlieltors. 'established 1890 350 Bay Street, Tornnr,. • Rnnklor nt Infnimn• tion on request ,' WANTED COOK General wanted for modern home. • Two adults • and three children. Ideal working conditions with 'separate laying quarters. Apply in writing stating exper- ience and wage expected to: Mre. R. 0. Biggs, . Dundee, Ontario. SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1.00 Drug Stores on ll or SedicinLToronto 2. LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Wouldn't you like to jump outof bed feeling fine? • Not up to par? ... you may suffer from an upset system. If you are constipated your food may not digest freely—gas may bloat up your stomach ... all the fun and sparkle goes out of life. That's when you need Carter's Little Liver Pills. These mild vegetable pills bring you quick relief from constipation and so help promote the flow of digestive juices. Soon you'll feel that happy dnye are here again thanks to Carlor's1 Why stay sunk? Get Carter's Little l,iver Pine. Always have thein on hand. Only 05,. from any druggist. . • ISSUE 7 — 1952