HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-02-14, Page 4ZURICH - ONTARIO
Are You Suffering From
If aa, Have your Eyes Examined with
Lyric Theatre
Phone 421
Fridaa, Saturday Feb, 15, t
the Latest Methods and Equipment at Bill Williams
A. L. COLE, R.O.
Good Glasses at Reasonaole
Jane Nigh
A :story of e. race horse - behind the
scenes look at racing -spectacular 711
Monday, Tuesday Feb. 18, 19
.A011 Blyth Mark Stevens
The 77th Annual Meeting of the
Policy -holders •of
Will be held in the
Town Hall, Zurich
The 24 hours that shocked the town,
and there's a laugh with every scan-
dalous second.
• Wednesday, Thursday Feb. 20, 21
No Questions Asked
Arelene Dahl
On !Arlene Dahl as the double crossing
!doll - so beautiful - :3o treacherous,
Fast show every Saturday night at
6:30 p.m.
Barry Sullivan
MONDAY, the 18th day of February
1952 at Two o'clock, p.m.
1. Receiving Reports of the Presid-
ent, Secretary -Treasurer and Aud-
2. To pass a motion to amend the
By-law fixing the date of the An-
nual Meeting.
t. The discussion of other matters in
the interest of the Company.
A Good Attendance is Requested.
William Haugh, President.
Herbert K. Eilber, Secretary.
The inaugural meeting of the Co-
uncil of the Township of Hay was
held in the Township Hall, Zurich, on
Monday, Jan. 14, at 11 a,m. The
Reeve, Ear] Campbell, called upon
the Clerk to administer the oath of
office. By pre -arrangement .Rev. H.
E. Roppel was asked to attend the
'meeting The visiting clergyman gave
a abort address and prayer This ad-
dress dealt with the responsibilities
Westlake Furniture I
Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum
Cleaners tank and upright types.
Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert
Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings
Furniture Store Phone 122
Residence Phone 89.
:„: Tnere s a Pione4tr m yOur past.
There's n Ponetr in your future!
& IVIittlehoitz
•at -aa
Aldon Theatr
Presents for Your. Eatioanamet. the
Following Attrectione
(Supercine Color)
Geo. Montgomery Paula
Shorts and Comic Strips
Friday, Saturday
Two Shoe 7.30 and 9.30,
Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. •49-20
Joan Crawford Robt.
and Frank Loveday
News Reel and Comic Strips
One Show, 8 p.m.
well they had rendered a g-reat help
to Mrs. Geoffrey.
Cerement -
Parents today have a great desire
that their children inherit ail the
good qualities, so they may ibecome
men and women who w,ill in the fut-
ure be able ti respond to aeaponsible
positions in our land. Peasoriality
the lback ground of it all. If they
are born with the folidwing, the jin-
gle is as follows:
Monday •child is fair of face,
Tuesday •child is, full of grace,
Wednesday child is bring and giving
Thursday child works -hard for living,
Friday child is full of Wee,
Saturday child has fare to go.
But the child that is botreen Sabbath
urtg Is Brave and Roeny and good and
facing the Council and urged them
to give careful consideration to all
problems that might come before
them during 1952. The Reeve thank-
ed the •clergyman and then welcamed
the 11i952 Council and asked for their
co-operation during the coming year.
Each councillor gave a fitting- reply.
At this time the Reeve called for the
reading of the minutes of the last
regular. meeting, which was adopted
as read. The Reeve now invited the
Council members, Rev. Roppel and
other officials to be his guest at din-
ner at the Dominion House, Zurich.
The .meeting was adjourned until
1.30 p.m.
At 1.30 p.en. the meeting was again
called to order and folloaring busin-
ess was carried out.
That we order 1.2 opies of the
Municipal World for the officials of
the Twp. That the Are insurance
premium on policy No. *220448 to
insure the Twp. office for 3 years at
$50.00 be paid and that the Hay Twp
Treasurer' bond be renewed for 310-
000.00 for three years at 3100.
That the money borrowing
11, 1952 be passed authorizing the
Reeve and Treasurer of the Twp. to
borrow up to 335,000 from theBank
of Montreal, Zurich as needed for
current expenditures.
That the Reeve and Clerk of Hae
Twp. be authorized to sign the restr--
iction agreement between Ralph
Schneider, representative of the Lake
Shore Railway Co. and the Corporat-
ion of the Twp of Hay re: plan of
Twp. Lots 17 and 18 LRW.
That we give a grant of 310. to
the Huron Co. Crop Improvement
Aasociation, Clinton. "
That the following Twp. ,appoint -
merits be made:
Scheel Aet. Officer, *Brace J. ialapp;
Pound keepers; 1.' F. Ingram, Garnet
Jacobe,Fergus Turnbull, E. T. Wala-
en L. Kerner, S. Hoffman, Roy Gin-
gerich, H. Finlay, H. CIausius, Allan
Crearar, Win. Watson; Stock Valuat-
or, Bertram Klopp; Fence -viewers, P
Campbell, Lloyd Hendrick and Alf,
Pfaff; Road Supt, Jas. Masse; As-
sessor, Geo. Armstrarig.
Hay Twp. Community Centre and.
A. C. (Babe) Siebert Mein. Arena.
13oard, form Twp. Reeve Earl Cam-
pbell and A. J. Roche; Hay A.gricult-
ural Society, Arnold Meaner; Hoy
School Area, Ray Fisher; Z, Police
Village, Lloy O'Brien; Federation of
Agricuture, Delbert Geiger e Zurich
Lions Club, Ivan Yungblut; • Zurich
Chamber of Commerce, Leeland
Ameauble River Watershed Au
thority, Wm. Haugh and that a by-
law be drawn up confirming same.
Man per hr. 70c; Man ;and team
$1; Patrolman 75e; Snow plow help-
er 75c; Power grader operator nr.
31; team and mower 1.50; Selection
of jurors, reeve and assessor 36.00
each and Clerk 310; fence viewers,
$2.50 per meeting plies anileige; teas-
ctor on grader pulling brush 51.50
hr; do wagon doing light .work 31.
per hr; School Att. offier. 32.50 per
trip plus mileage. Stock vaIuator,2150
ditto; Road Supt. 31 hr and provide
own transportation; Deputy return-
ing officer '$6; poll clerk $5; Assessor
for .1952 3900, plus postage; Reeve
3125 plus $3.50 per special meeting;
Councillors 3100, ditto; Mileage of
officials' to be 7 1-2 c per mile where
That the signing officials of the
Twp. are to be the Reeve and the
Treasurer sad of the Police Village
the chairman, J. 1. Turkheim and the
The usual number of routine sr -
J (.) Vt+,
Mr and Mrs. Roundtree of Wood-
bridge spent a few days with Mr and
Mrs. TalH
es. operoft.
Mr and Mrs Clayton !Me are Kam -
ding this week with relatives in
Lansing, Mich. •
Mr and Mrs Alber Goetz of Strat-
ford were Sunday visitors with his
parents Mr and Mrs. R. Goetz.
Mrs. Trudell who has been on the
sick list for some time, was taken te
the san. by ambulance on Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs Ed. Willem accomp-
anied by Mr and Mrs Dixon of Lon-
don, left on a trip to Florida last
Mr. Arthur Morenz of London,
spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs
Art Haugh.
Mr and Mrs Ralph Weber and
Diane were Sunday visitors with Mr
Wm. Eagleson and MTS. Cameron
Ireland. in London.
In the Sunday moaning eeavice in
the Evang. U. B. Church special
numbers were rendered by Harry
Hoffman who sang at the Coronation otthe late King George VI fifteen
years ago. The choir sang "Abide
With Me." a favourite of the Mon
arch: In the sermon the "Pasta:, Rev
J. II. Getz also paid fitting tribute to
our departed Sovereign as to his life
which he gave to his gamily, his
country and his God.
The large storage shed and work-
shop of Ervin Rader was •alanost com-
pletely destroyed by fire Monday af-
ternoon. The fire is believed to have
started from a stove in the workshop.
Mr Rader was able to save the grain
and bean machine, tractor and truck
as well as a number of valuable tools.
Dashwood, Zurich and Grand Bend
Fire Departments responded to the
call for help. Mr. Rader has not been
able to estimate his boss.
The book entitled The Royal Tour
has been, placed: in the Dashwood
Library. People of this •community
Would do well to join the library and
avail themselves of this splendid book
at this ,particular time. It is suitable
for both children, and adults.
The trustees ea the Village of
Dashwood have declared Friday, Feb.
`115th a public holiday.
A member of the G.N,O..Club will
call to ask for your donation to-
ward the hospital for the blind. This
is a worthy cause, please give liber-
Mrs. Charles Feltner, of Crediton,
fractured her hip in a fall down
stairs in her home. She was taken
to, Victoria Hospital, London by the
Hoffman ambulance of Dashwood.
The many friends of Mrs. FL Arn-
old will regret. to learn is coni nod to
her home with pneumonia.
Mrs. James Hoggarth who has been
in pada health .for some time was
taken to Clinton Hoepital in the in-
terests of her (health.
Rev. J. B. Fox occupied his own
pulpit in Carmel Presbyterian church
Sunday last, delivering two very fine
discourses at both services. . Mrs. W
Jarrett was soloist at, the morning
seraice. LaNicol ACCO. was et
the organ .consol.
Mr and Mrs. J. R. McDonald of
the London Road south, Highway 4,
who have both been in peer health
for some time, have gone to a Ilene
ing home at Listowei..
Relatives and friends from a dis-
tance attended the funeral -of the
late Mrs. Milton Lave were: Mr and
Mrs. Green, ' Temontaa Rev. H. V.
Workman and Mr .sWorkman, Till -
counts were passed as per voucher. sonburg; Mr and Mrs. Roy Rycknair.
The meeting was adjaurned to meet Flint, dalieh; Mr and Mrs. Howard
again onal anday Feb. 4th at 1,30, Bolger, and Miss Lois Bolger, Lon -
FI. W. Tirokenshire, Clerk. don.
Earl Campbell, Reeve. leir and Wire. P. Evans and Patty,
spent the week-ead with relativee in
St Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs Howard Love returned
to Toronto 'on Sunday.
In the Junior' Hockey playafte
Hensall defeated Colbourne 3-1 em
Friday evening last, :thus 'winning the
first two playoffs in the best three
out 'iof 'five. The ahlad game to be
played on Feb. 12th. 12 penalty -8
were served.
Mn Jarvis Hortnn who suffered
a severe heart seizure white walking
to the bus depot, is still in a very
serious condition, although date of
with Mr and Mr 1? DuCharitie P,W, writing he was alightly flalaahad- Mr
Horton oxygent tent with
Oin of the old time mating beep 'three Reg. Nur-.es 111 tate-tut:ince:
anre heal at ale home of Mrs. Tama Narse8,...il.
re Mrs" I.L.rvraber' rA'N
Cosorrmy n at aeeepe en E. Wee leer, Mae .04 ee. r;
":ue.elea 1.04. Th.stt who took part it I-Tara:411'a many friendi wish hat n
wor e enjoyed their day, awl aespeedy recocn'y.
Mra Eliee Laporte of Paincourt,
aceonmenied by Mr and Mrs. Teles -
fore lienomme, spent. the week-etei
calling on relative; in this nerghbor.
hood. •
'Alia, Jeanne Hartman of the Gos-
hen Line eastith, spent a few eraye with
her grandparehts, Mr and Mrs. Fred
Ducbarine of the B. W, Righway,
•-:saft. and line. Louis Farwell of
retie Zurich, were • Sunday vi -iters
Moving to Exeter
Neighbours and friends of Mr and
Mrs. Geo. Tinney, former ivell known
And highly esteemed residents of Hay
who recently took up residence in
Exeter, gathered at S.S. 10, Hay re
Friday evening to honor them wite
a presentation. They were presented
with an occasional chair, honors go-
ing to Ed. Corbett; Miss Shirley Bell
and Miss Shirley Coleman. .12 tables
were in play for progressive euchre
and winners for the ladies was Miss
Norma Deitz, Kippen; gents, Jack.
Faber, of Hensall. Wm. Hyde pro-;
aided violin music and Mr. R. Mann
a,accnoenepanied at the piano for the
Thuredeea, February 14th, 1952
at Scott- ?Awn, IloaPital, Soafarthr he
was permitted to return to his home,
This was the fourth eatmalty suffered
by members of the Heneall team title
reason. Ray Consitt suffered a brok-
leg; Den Moore, right winger, a
eoncussion,, and Art Woodcock, goat
tender, a cut eye, aequiring starches
Legion Elect Officers
A well attended meeting of the
Legion Branch was held Friday night
in the Legion Hall, the meeting be-
ing in charge of 'President 13. Kyle.
The two minutes silence was absent-
ed. It waa announced that a public
service would be held on Friday,
Feb. 15th 11 a.m. in the Presbyterian j
church, the members of the Legion
and Auxiliary would attend. fhe
following officers were installed by
Peet Pres. D. Sangster: Sgt. at, K.
Buchanan; President, D. Daymanast
Vice .Gee. Walker, 2nd Vice L. Bayn-
ham; Secy. J. Clark; Chaplin, W.
Roger, Executive, J. Tudor, F: Ban-
thron. Meeting closed with the sing-
ing of National Anthem.
Mrs. Milton Love Passes
lMrs. Milton Love, well known and
highly esteemed resident passed a-
way at her home here in her a6th
year. She was the former Lillian
Workman and was born in Hensel,
daughter et the late Mr and. Mrs.
James, Workman. A member .ot the
United Church, WMS and W.A. Sur-
viaing are: her husband, • One son,
Howard, Toronto; one sister, Mrs.
Harold Bolger, London; three broth-
ers, Rev. IL • V. Worlonan, Tillson-
burg; Wan. Tuckersmith, Percy Var-
na. The body rested at the Bonthron
Funeral Home til Sat. 9th at 2 p.m.
Rev. W. J. Rogers, officiating. -Inter-
ment in Hensel! Union Cemetery.
Hockey Player Injured
Harold Nicholson, a forward on the
Hensall hockey team suffered a fra-
ctured collarbone at a game in St.
Marys and after receiving treatment
. •
The annul,/ meeting of the Varna.
branch Red Cross was held with Geo -
Reid as chairman and Miles Recited
Johnston as Seey-Treae. A canvass
Will be anecie later.
Bolds Anneal Meeting
Brucetield United church held ita
annual meeting with Rev. W. Y..
Maines as chairman and A. J. Must-
ard secretary. Reports were grven by
the -various organizations of the
Church. Appointed for three years
on the managing board were J. Bro-
adfoot, A. J. Mustard and V. Taylor.,
Goshen United Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Goshen Un-
ited Church eongregatton took place
Feb. 1st. It was .preceded by a pot-
luck supper, which was thoroughly
enjoyed by. the large number pres-
ent. The annual Sunday School ree
port was held first. Rev. T. J. Pitt
was chairman, and Robert Peek was
elected secretary for the meeting,
The report ,of the S. S. showed that
the past year had been a gaud one.
The school has met regularly and a
great deal of interest has been shown
The superintendent was re-elected as
was also the associate slept., Ele
more Keyes and Anson McKinley, re-
spectively. Arnold Keyes is treasurer
Other' .officers and teachers were ape
At the 'general. pongregatiotral me-
eting which fo1lowed, the -various
boards and organizations presented
very satisfactory reports. M. and M.
contributions were above the previ-
ous year aa also ,ewere those of the.
WMS. The WA :had a successaul yr.
Elgin lVfeKinley, -who was reapprint-
ed treasurer -of Committee ef SteVe-
•a,rds, presented hie financial statem-
ent for 1951. Here also receipts were
larger, and the 'debt on the new
church is being decreased steadily.
A vote of thank & was tendered to
Rev. and Mas. Pitt for their serraea
since July last..
eontracts Wanted
. Red'1idney Wh''Iddney, Cranberry and
Marrocorat Beans
W. E. RE!D
Phone 87 or 158
Dashwood, Ont
Co -Op Insurance
Co -Op Insurance now Available to Both Rural
and Urban Drivers in Huron County. •Contact
your nearest Agent for information and estimates
on a coverage for your Car or Truck
Agents: Bert Klopp, Zurich, Telephone 93-1
W. V. Ray; Box 310 Clinton, Tel. Clinton,
557 or 324J
Ross Francis, Kirkton, Tel. Kirkton 33-8
If you are a policy holder with Co-op insurance,
tell your friends about its features and have them
insure the Co-op way. There are over 1300 Cu -op
policy holders in Huron County at the present
11.. 6.411
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BANN.. 01? IVV.YNT11,2A1.