HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-31, Page 8�UR1CY1 • ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD --------- p0 �Op �9p u S 1 ebruary We can only list a few of the many items on Sale. In these times of high prices. We invite you to call and share in the outstanding values we offer. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, BEGINNING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1952 Prints, 25 pieces new extra special at yard 39c Prints 15 pieces Reg. 85c to 98c for, yd. 79c Plastics, 5 pieces 36 -in. wide at yd All wool Plaids, 54 -in. Reg. 3.75 for yd. ........ 2.98 Factory Cotton 40 -in at yard Ladies' House Coats Reg. 1 1.50 for 9.50 . Ladies' Print Dresses Reg. 5.50 for 21 00 0 Ladies' print Dresses Reg. 3.25 for Men's Wear 10 Men's Suits, Reg. 57.50 for 49.50 'Topcoats 45.00 to 50.00 for 39.50 Dress Shirts Special at each ... 2.39 Flannel Shirts Reg. 3.75 for ,2.69 All Men's and Boys' Underwear 15% off. All Men's and Boys' Jackets at Reduced Prices. 20 Heavy Winter Overcoats value to $50.00, on Sale from 17.50 to 33.00 Groceries A LOT OF GROCERY ITEMS ON SALE AT COME AND SEE SPECIAL PRICES. s 400 TELEPHONE 59 • • • 3 ee e • • a rose ZURICH LOCAL NEWS. I Mr and Mrs Edgar Wuerth aznd Op Mrs. Thomas Meyers spent a. day in London on busine.s:, last week, Miss Ethel Simpson from Ingersoll spent the week -end at the home of Mr and Mrs .Melvin Brown, Misses Florence and Pauline ,Hab- erer from London spent the week- end at the 'home of their paretftc, Mr and Mrs Ted Haberer, The scarlet fever, mumps, etc. epidemic: are pretty .v*e11 c1eane0p, as there has not been any new eases reported. All the patients are ive1l again, Mr and Mrs. Charles Hay and da- ughters of Zurich and Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter were Sunday visitors at the home ,of their aunt anis uncle Mr and Mrs Thomas Meyers. £urQ1e s a s or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering 3% for L and 2 years. 3 ift for 3 to 10 years. POLIO PROTECTION: Pays up to $5,,01»010'. Entire Family including man, wife and children between ages! 3 month's to 18 years. Premium $10.00 for two years. Individual Policy $5.00.• for tvuo years J. W, Haberer - Phone 161. Mrs. W. J. Major of Toronto i spending a few days at the home of her mother 'Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Mrs. Clarence Hoffman having returned to .4 Clarence home in Galt, after spending �1 p some time at the Siebert horse; �G Left For Florida ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess of town, j.e'Mr and Mrs Garnet Patterson of the Blue Water Highway left for Floe ids to .•pend ai few weeks 'brcwe}ng •in the sunshine and sightseeing the beauties of that land of sunshine. Purchases Property • . Mr. -James Ronnie • who recently ppp sold his farm on the Babylon line, Q.4 Q has purchased the property in town .fr:m Mr. Edw. Demm�me, and which 0 p was formerly owned by the late Miss Qp Jemima Johnston.. .They wail occupy *p• their new home in the spring. Q • Attena'd Game Mr and r. T lin Oesch Jr., of Op• '' 0 r4iP'eon, 1'Ti•h• Mr and Mrs.Albert � of F Fire, Automobile and Casualty Schultz n -+nn Mich visited :.at the homes Oesch families lin OFFICE:—Corner Ann, William Sts. Monday. They a14zo attended the iii-. Phone: Exeter 504. tore—ting o•a'n a -,f 11,..rrev T"/"Y,, \-s, �, I F v r a » �a a.� •�� Zurich which they reported to have Evangelical Lutheran Church en n^at1 m .h s.. ,,,,v n^ far ,m,nl g ST. • PETER'S .ZURICH - ONTARIO' Insurance. R. P. P. KLAST PHYSICIAN ZURICH - Phone 66 Also for Summer Months at Grand Bend. Phone 150 ELMIER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to. 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeepin2 Service, .Etc, EX ETE•R ' ursday, ,iranuary 31st, 1052 , _.... ._-_. +.•rye 'lillllllull!Illllllllilill111iI!IIilIIIIlII►IIIliillilllillllMlliilllll!I LIQIi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIt IIIIIIIIIIIil111111111111�11 illlliilllll! Itl 11(�Il NUii ink' M s M • s s Call in and see our new Duo -therm Space Heater. a We have the Toridheat, Fees, Shur -beet and • Oil Burners to fit any type of Furnace Wingham and Good Cheer Ranges 9 PAINTS. - ENAMELS - OILS a ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES We Specialize in Plumbing, Heating, Tinsmithing 40. For Prompt and Courteous Service phone Rader & - Hardware • • Phone 63 - Zurich • . Your Hardware Store '---' i ,=-hich they atte„d' 4 at Detro•t iP I Of which we are pleased to hear: So come again. PIReceived Iniury Mr. -Stanley Smith sof the 8. W..$EV. E. W. 'HEIMRICH, PASTOR Hiehwav received a bad cut. over the . . • , • • • right eve and forehea•1 on Me..''l!°'• 10 a.m. ,Divine Services. „i,e,i 1,0 ram,' down s. ladder i" iti,e barn which gave way and threw ;1.15 a.m. — Sunday School. Stanley to the barn floor *'herd he r 30 p.m. =- Divine Worship, received- the injury and considerable chnkincr nm, Mndirnl attention :t -14s ! everybody' Welcome to all Services. given and several stitches- were r'e _ manv friends join in wishing bion, ___. 4.3 nuired +; close the wound. I 'is--- ;4.: ! A L Heavy and Shelf Hardware Lee Drysdale St®e g The Store with the Best Variety of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO-OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! 1 GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 of all • Kinds augvise t • • 1 00 *OZN C'6'atrit8n> `F t rip. CaWfre WI4D44{ het 1 tle HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Your lFuel NeedB Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a One. Let Us Look These Over For you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wag OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS speedy recovery, . BACKS PINERY AS PARK ;, The Village of Hensel] joined .with other Western Ontario municipalities in adv -toting that the Pinery he es- tablished as a provincial park. At its last meeting., Hensel] council decidedto take over the Pinery as' a Mrs. Milton Oesch to petition the 'Ontario Government' i'blic 33nday Services:— 4 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. , Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. s1 DE' ZURICH - QUALITY - PRICE a turned to their homes after an eri Celebrate Anniversary ' I j,o;yab}e eventing wishing them con - The family ot,Mr and Mrs. Frank 'gr.atulations and Best Wishes for the Denomme, 14th Con., held a surprise future. party cn Tuesday evening, January, "YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT 2?nd, in honor of their forty-fifth i • HEDY LAMARR" weld ng anniversary. A 44ial evening was spent in the 1 Although many men would give playing of cards, dancing and the their right arm for one date with la tilos. George . Grc Lee read the beautiful. Movie Star Hedy Lamarr„ a l.Iresa, while Mary Denomme they .probably would be disappornted made the presentation of a lovely they lose interest fast, says 'You'rhy e tri -light lamp. The address: IC�.ilgallen. Read why in You re Dear Mothereareand Dad: Wrong About Hedy Lamarr, in this toWe are asembled here tory ht 1 S.unday's (Feb. 3) issue of The Am - to celebrate the 45th anniversaryAot erican Weekly, exclusively with De - agowedding day. Forty-five years troit Sunday Times. ago .when brothers and sisters, fri- end.-• and acquaintances gathered .to wish f a much joy and God's ,bless- ings on your happy union. Tonight instead of the uncertain- ty of the future we can look back upon 45 useful years, 45 years of indu•try, toil and success. Many 41' ends "rive risen made and kept;much. hospitality has been shared, cror4es too have been borne; crosses that might: have disheartened less hope•til ;heat But with d ti "ll gV'ANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. t. ROPPEL Minister park and reforestation project. HATCHERY CHANGES. LOCATION t0:00 a.m. — Divine t1:00 a.m. — Bible Lakeview Poultry Farm and ('Tat- 7:30 p.m. _Divine chert' Ltd., has moved its plant and ,office to the red brick .building north of Monetta Menard, Exeter. The no* location, according to manager SW- ;Doti." Num. 10:29, don Wein, will allow the firm to plat _ __� __ all machinery on one floor anti est- ablish an assembly line for produt- them very much and were very grate - ion. A new mammoth incubator ill ful, hoping that for their golden an - chicks production to over 36,000 .nivereary they would both be spared chicks each week. The firm rn�ohey to again celebrate it together with into the mea' location. Formerly they their family. Also present were Mr. operated the building at the corner and Mrs. Fred Selman who present - of Waterloo and Main Sts. — Exefiaer ed them, with .cushion. Alovely Times Advocate ! lunch was served and the family re- - Organist Worship. School Worship. 111ciiffi IiIliI11IIHII111111llllki11111111111I11!111111IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII!111I11111111IIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn11111ll1111111i1W SOMISOSSOOMegannetagMalar Welcome at all Services— "Come hou with us and we will do thee lilt EIDO* QNT. SERVICE EVANGELIST AT SEAFORTH An Evangelistic campaign will be held at the Seafor•th Corps of The Salvation Army from Jan. 31st to Feb. 10th., under the leadership of Envoy Wm, S. Clarke. All services commence at 8 p.m, Envoy Clarke is a native of Smiths Falls, Ont.1•re attended the Ont. School for the Blind at Brantford for ten years. Af- ter completing his studies he enter - c1 into full time work as an Evang- 40 4 .5. 40 4 • 4 :0 .r. This Week's Meditation For the Son of Man is not' come to destroy men's lives but to•save them. Luke 9:' 56. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe- in -thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saver{, .xRom. 10: 9. Watch ye therefore, for ye knoweth neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man com- eth. Math. 25: - Zurich Golden Rule Gospel Messengers. !iY§1y't i t irftert :[tip," i114Ps,1 i,1N, {. fx>h:i i `.r l7111.'11411 11 „i,r FLOOR TILE FDR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174. LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Gives ,IaC 11,. illv.l !fT 111:".I' r s. ru tar courage, goo •r lein. and herd t- o k, many difficulties hive elist in the Salvation Army, which been ovc• come. And n..w having capacity :he hay; travelled many tlio reached the milestone in your happy p. u usands of miles. The Envoy has inz 1� l,Zi:arried life you may with perfect' the course of his work, visited Army eonfideence look forward to another centres in Ont., nu& ec, Nova Scoria, five prosperous years; until the chain Netvfc:undland and Saskatchewan. He of your wedded life turns into goTd,;plays the pian- and , cordiati and with the sunset of life beautiful and renders vocal solos, The. Scripture br3eb; before t^ ou. lesson u,,ed, he reads from the Bradll-, So in behalf of us gathered hero edition of the Bible, 1'-1e also has this evening, we wish to present v,,u many of the favourite hymns and with this gift in remembrance of your songs ,af the Arn'ry in Braille. In his 45th wedding anniversary. And may God Bless you .both. Campaign the Envoy conducts radia broadcasts, services in schools, etc. Mr and Mrs Dolomite thanked and every night and Sunday. /for a,niiNh /lii�aiigii7hs• � . . WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many ;rales and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched meet* Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 4 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10 ` Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can bo rat, illy and Economically Converted Into extra Bedrooms or an income pro- ducing Apartment. . You can do most of the work yourself. See our collection of plans and ideas - FREE ESTIMATES. Fred C. Ka!blleisc 4 .; Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cerincnt just arrived re•