HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-31, Page 411UR)zCH ONTARIO
Thursday, 3!
1$ .sl:, 1942
NOTICE is hereby given that Application has
been made to the Ontario Municipal Board for
authority to put into effect as from February 21st,
1952, the following toll charges which are in con-
formity with standard rates already in effect for
similar distances elsewhere.
Person to
From To Sta. to Sta. Overtime Person Uvert'sn
D.ashwoocl Exeter
and Hensall 5 mins, 10c stains. 5c 3 ruins. 20c 1 min 5c
Zurich and
Grand Bend to.;;
Exeter 3 mins. 15c 1 main. 5c 3 mins 30c 1 anin 5c
and Crediton
Grand Bend to;
Hensall 3 mins. 20a 1 min, 5c 3 mins 35c 1 min. 5c
A surcharge applies on all calls over 15c. e.g. calls
over 15c and under $1.50, the surcharge is 5c.
Should you wish to present any substantial ar-
gument in favbr of or opposed to this application,
you may do so by addressing a letter to Miss M. B.
Sanderson, Secretary, The Ontario Municipal
Board, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. To
receive attention, your letter should be mailed not
later than the eleventh day of February, 1952, and
the exchange and number of your telephone should
be clearly stated therein.
If you desire further information in reference
to the need for increasing the telephone rates, you
may apply to the undersigned either personally, by
telephone or by letter.
The Hay Municipal Telephone System
Earl Campbell, Reeve.
H. W. Brokenshire, Secy. Treas.
At Home and Overseas
,n rye front Lines of heedo
Westlake Furniture
Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum
Cleaners tank and upright types.
Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert
Also Carry all other lines of Horne Furnishings
Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich
Residence Phone 89.
111111111111I1111I1111 IIlIilllllllllllllllllillllill1111iIIIIIi111iR
1 here's a Pioneer in your past,
Thes'e's a Pioneer in your future!
Rad •!r 8- 'i iu kk oltz
'in:' 63 .. Zurich
• N.
(qc% w OP84T7ZtS)
Modern inventions have not taken away from the Infantry its
all-important part in victory. Again and again, in the battles of
1939-45 and in Korea, Infantry has proved itself -- "Queen of
Battles". The job of the infantryman has become tougher, more
complex. He must be able to handle more weapons and to meet
a greater variety of situations in defence and attack.
To attain the specialist rank of Leading Infantryman and the
extra pay that goes with it, calls for intensive training in many -
varied subjects. For the Canadian Infantry Soldier is one of the
most thoroughly trained inen in our army. He ranks with the
finest fighting men in the world.
More men are needed right away to serve with the Inffantry---m
the most important men in the Canadian Array.
To enlist you must:
Volunteer to serve anywhere. Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen to 46.)..
Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot:
No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau A Charlotto;Sts., Ottawa. Ont.
Ne. 3 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot Street, Kingston, Ont,
Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont.
No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay,, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury,.
200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont.
. rrosv-,g
Listen to "Voice of the Army" — Tuesday and Thursday evenings:— Dominion Net
beast would do; when the early wan- s
ter sets in, he went into his under- !
Mrs. W. Trudell is o?t the sick list ground cave, and there he remained e
.,Mr and Mrs, Mervyn;' `ierr an spent until the sun beamswere stiowuig-
a few days in •Toronto 'last week.
Miss Susan Kraft hard" the, misfor-
tune to fall down stairs fracturing
several rips and was badly bruised.
Mr and Mrs Ralph Weber and Mrs.
Dan Weber visited on Sunday with
Rev. and Mrs. B. Carr in Port Elgin
Mr and Mrs Maurice Klu;mpp and
family and Miss Clara Gossinan spent
the week -end in Detroit.,
Mr and Mrs M. Tiernan and Lynda
and Mr and Mrs Henry Hoffman
were Sunday visitors with relatives
in London.
Messrs. Mervyn Webb and Robert
Haugh and friends are attending the
icecapes in Torontia this week.
A • number of the members of the
EYF attended a district wally in Mil-
verton on Tuesday night.
By Special Corr.
Every Sunday morning at 9.45 and
Sunday evening at 7.15 and Wednes-
day at 7.15 p.m. the air in and ar-
ound the Village of Dashwood is fill-
ed with sweet music played by ,Mrs.
Kenneth McCrae on the Maas Chim-
es, dedicated on January, l+3th, 01952.
Mr and Mrs. Horatius Reynolds of
this vicinity remembered: the Evang-
elical United Brethren Church with
donating .a sum of money to be us-
ed as its members saw fit. After a
careful consideration the purchase
was made from the Hei'ntznian 'Co. of
London. It is hoped the ',pall to,wor-
ship will be heard` sand seeded . for
many years to come.
changes' of the season; and on that I
particular one day, " should he pop I
out into: the open, we are wondering •
if that should be termed a weather 0
forcast? Well, after all if the
ground hog prophesy fails, it is no . I
reason for us to loose :confidence, Lox •
this winter so far has kept the rnost ••
capable predictors on the quest, as •
to whet to ftorcast fro -none day ,to
Mrs. Catharine Devin; returned to
London after spending two weeks
with Mrs. Edna Corbett.
Mrs.. A. Crerar and Allen visited
London recently with the former's
brother, ,Mr. Ed. +Mitchell, who is ill.
Mr and Mrs.' A. L. Case visited
during the past week with the Tat-
ter's ?pother, Mrs. J. Reid in Lon-
Going South
Mr and Mrs. A. L. Case and .Mr.
and Mis. G. M. Drysdale are leaving
Wednesday, Feb. 6th for Pheoniv,
Arizona, where they will spend six
weeks. From there they will spend a
few days in Los Angles, Calif., on
their way to Long Beach, Calif. The
trip will be made by C.N.R. train to
Chicago, Rock Island Railway and
Southern Pacific from Chicago to
Pheonix. They expect to be on vac-
ation for two months.
Received Life Membcrslaip
Mrs. E. Fink was hostess for the
Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary, of
St Joseph anti Beau r Town the January meeting. The chair was
taken by president Mrs. C. Forrest.
and worship .period was conducted
.lir and Mrs. Oliver Gants and by Mrs. C. Kennedy. A Life ,Member -
Miss Valerie Contin all of Detroit,
ship Certificate and pin was present -
Spent the week -end :with their per- ed to Mrs. A. Hildebrand by the rtes
ents in •St.:7oseph. � .
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sararas and ?dent. Mrs. Harry Hoy reviewed the
da, tighter Marjorie Of the B. yir H ( first chapter of the study book on S .
sough,,• were Sunday visitors at the •
homearch Geoffrey of that
of llS
Mrs. Sararas, Who • has been for,'
same time confined to iher home, is
now much improved in health, and
we hope she will restore her good
health in the very near future.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Ducharnie in
company with Mr and Mrs, Kuno
Hartman of the Goshen line south,
spent a few days an Windsor the past
Much crushed stone has ,been haul-
ed the past week for use ,on this
Blue Water Highway and it is be-
lieved that the ,Hieluvay will be un-
der repairs in early summer,
Ori Saturday next will be Ground
Hog Day. Everybody will be on the
tookont, as the shadow of the much
talked little creature; the ground-
,1 g teas cl^.ne just what any other
Mrs, McClymont of Kippen spent
Sunday last with her son, Mr and
!Mrs. Orville •McClinchey Goshen line
l'Ir and Mrs Cameron of Aberdeen,
Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, Kippen.
Friends will regret 'iron learn that
Mrs. Carl McClinchey, near Kippan, t
is at present ill in St. Joseph's hosp-
ital, London. Her friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Robert ,McBride of Kippen,
has left ,with her son Lorne, for a
few weeps in Windsor.
We; made]ine Wil -n, +of Brim-
r" e -field, graduate of '.Stratford General
Hospital, and daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Lorne Wilson, has received Iter
Registered i`;trro de;;ree.
We have been appointed Agents for Goderich
French Dry Cleaners
Pickup and delivery Monday and Thursday morn-
. ixigs.
For superior dry, cleaning -try French -Lint_ Cleaners
Ladies Wear 'Dry Godids`'`
Goshen WMS Meet
Mrs. Elmer Hayter opened her
home for the January meeting of the
Goshen :W1VIS with her group in
(change of the program, .Assisting
were Mrs. Lloyd Armstrong, Mrs.
Walter Eckel and ,Mrs. John Mc-
Kinley. The president, Mrs. Richard
Robinson, took charge for toe bus-
iness, The minutes were read by Mrs
Elgin McKinley and the roil call.
The treasurer gave the report anti
Mrs. Bruce Keyes and Mrs J. Keyes
appointed to audit the ,books: Cards
were read from Mrs. Russel Hayter
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Keyes.The
Birthday Fund secretary also report••
ed. The offering was received 'after'
-which a duet by Mrs. Bob Peck and
Mrs. Russel Erratt. A very interest-
ing topic on French Canadian Evang-
elism was given by Mrs. Elmer
Hayter. The meeting closed with the
singing of a hymn. Mrs. John Arm-
strong's group served a dainty lunch.
1$10 towards the War .Memorial C111-.-
dren's" Hospital, London.
That L. Becker be refunded $33.-
'40 he ing 9 1-2 p.c.: .of his 1951
taxes on his property T.S. Lot 4
i 14 to 13 in the Village of Dashwood
That the•Clerk refer the Letter re-
ceived from K. Hunter, regaa,+iting
the ,Emerson Erb claim for damages ti
Ito, cattle beast due to warble fly
spray, to J. W. Heberer, represent-
a,ti;-e. of the Gore Insurance Co. for
That the appeal to the Court of
Revision against the 1952, essessrn-.
entroll by Alex. Meidinger, that his
acreage be changed from 58 1-2 ae4
res to 63 1-3 acres be corrected and
that the assessment of $2:00, placed.
on this 10 acres be cancelled as it was
already included in :iihe original as-.
: That the various accounty be paid!
as per voucher.
That the meeting be adjourned to:.
meet again on Saturday Dec. 15th,..
1951 at 1.30 pan. •
H. W..Brokenehire, Clerk and Treas...
Earl Campbell, Reeve.
The Council of the Township of
Hay met in the Township Hall, Zurich
on Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1951 at 1:30 p.
m. Motion, that the .minutes of the
Nov. 5th and Nov. 6th .meetings be
adopted as mead. That regarding the
correspondence from F. Donnelly,
K,C, re: +Schneider Survey, we auth-
orize the following (a) That there be
only 1 single family dwelling with
appropriate accessory dwelling . per
lot, except ('hl lots ,• that Mr
Schneider wished restrietod for com-
mercial rise (c) that the Twp. of
Hay will not assume responsibility
for any new roads built or roads
That the Assessor, Geo. Armstrong..
be paid $901. for his .1951 salary,
postage end transportation.
That William Watson he paid his
fence award costs amounting to
$325.8:5. This having been placed on
the 19eu' r^'rncron' Roll against lot
3, Con. 9, . IHay Twp.
That we pay a grant of $15 to the
Dashwood Public Library; $25 to.
wards the neat !Public Library and
Herb Sturgeon left to spend a:.
month at Pont Stanley.
Geo. Weston is to Detroit for a
few weeks.
Betty Lou Lars„n, Margaret Mac --
Lend and Donald McLeod were on a.
-trip to Detroit.
Native of Bay('ield :Passes
George Clifford Pollock, who oper—
ated a barber shop at his home at
120 Highbury ave., London died at.
Victoria I1uuopital. He was born in.
Bayfield and resided the last ;33 years:
in London. Surviving besides his wife -
the -former Edith feeble, are two.
daughters, Margaret and Helen Poll-
ock, both in London and three siFe.
ters, !Mrs. Mary M. Holman, London;-
andon;Mrs. Florence Stewart, Hamilton :and
Mrs. Evelyn Johnston, of Ste. Marie.
Services were held from the tiiVlillard'
George funeral home 'with the Rev,
George W. Goth of .Metropolitan Un-
ited Church offieiattng. Interment
in Woodland eeineteryy,