HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-31, Page 1lit 777, 1stablished 1900 Are You Suffering From Headaches? 11 so, Have your byes Examined with f he Latest Methods mnd Equipment at A. I.. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODER•I — ONT. Good Glasses at fnaole Prices NOTLCE The •Womeris;' Phstitute of ,Zurich gill sponsor• as aaro:atenr Talent Show• • in the near future. Wateh 'for• par- oculars. All; those, iaatereSted•. , • nail Mrs. Gus Roche, Phone 88-4. The Voice of Temperance The strength of the Canada Temp- erance Act iis:that it does not provide for outlets far the salt of liquor. It. does not allow the opening of liquor stares or 'beverage rooms or cocktail lounges in the kolvena. and villages {af Huron, County., lit pstoa,,ides that lig; ezor can ale ordexeclt from. outlets out - aide the county aadl e�aai be brought in by licensed carrier. This 'allows the man :who wants, liquor to have it. At the same time; i1U s.vaes the towns :and villages of Blur= from the men- ace of liquor +cutre s: The significance of this is that liquor is not so easily • available; with the result that not so much liquor is: consumed; with the further result IA hat the ev:il effects • of drinking are kept within narrower limits. If the peg...4e of Huron. want protection agaietst the deadly menace - of the liquor traffic they will retain the , Clanad+a Tezance" Act which, towns aa 'fa ' om liquordolma, and beverage e :rooms and an other (lienor; tontlets< ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,:; Aron Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Feb. 1st, 2nd The Great Caruso (Technicolor) You Must See This One! Mario Lanza, • and Ann Blyth Shorts and Comics. Two Shows 7.30 and 9.30. Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. 5.6 FOR HEAVENS SAKE Do Not Miss This One! Joan Bennett and Robert Curnatings News Reel and Comics. WATCH FOR .OUR WEEKLY ADD. WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY LOT OF GOOD PICTURES C0'J- ING. 'CARDS OF THANKS • I wish 'to .greatly thana all my friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers, treats, •call:, and best wishes while a patient at the Hospital, London. — Theodore :Ba!berer. Mr. Daniel. Gaseho wishes to thank all his friends ,for their thoughtful- ness in remembering him with Cards, get -well wishes, treats and visits while :a patient at Victoria Hospital, London. BOHN At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, on January 27th to Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Bedard a daughter, Gail Mary . Angela., W'HAT'S NEW AT THE LIBRARY? New members, 24. to date.. Which fact indicates that public interest ie. t� Y L l raiy ,has, been; •tiriotra4` Further report next week. A 'new .board was electees at the annual meeting held on January 19, 5. Marry No man/ 9u'azerc ZDame Pun1er'c 1- Director — Primate C'&r „41ri,bribbitoe, Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of S+T'. JCHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE • Pe tab e OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL, BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH Ff.OWi "S SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hausa Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. TIEL'S BuLperior Store Stock Cleari L Commencing Tues..Ban.22 g GOODS MARKED LOW IN ORDER TO SELL (QUICKLY MEN'S :AND BOYS' 'EAR - LADIES, AND"GIRLS' WEAR Floor C;oveirings, 'Blankets, China, Dry Goods - Etc. COME IN TOR A BARGAIN! . . none T - C. ] I. THIEL Zurich I Lyric The0tro Phone 421 EXETER Friday, Saturday Feb. 1, 2 Across The Wide Missouri Clarks Gable Ricardo Montalhan A year in the making. Thousands in the cast. Monday, Tuesday Feb, 4, 5. I'LL GET BYE Lun:digan. Juane Haver Color By Technicolor You'LL Swing into high with "I'll Get Bye" Wednesday, Thursday Feb. C, 7 THE MEN Marion Brando Teresa Wright Adult Entertainment A completely new experience •between men and women Children may purchase admnssion t'..kete at our box office between 5.80 and 6 p.m. .on Saturday w.thout being accompanied by 'an adult for Saturday 6 pan. show. as follows: Mr. Henry Howald, Mr. Milford Schilbe, Mr. Wm. Siebert, Mrs. Bryce Mack, Mrs. Harold Stacie Mrs. David Meyers, Mrs. Joan Will- ert and Bruce J. Klopp. All serve gratis, of course. New magazines will be on tend - shortly: e.g. American Ladies' -Home Journal; Hockey News; Baseball' Magazine; Wee Wisdom. All this is yours for $1..00 for a whole year. Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening. THE.. CANADIAN- NATIONAL IN- '; Q}R THE :-BT-I �T;1'iU1.E F Re: Building Fund Campaign A special financial campaign to raise $150,000 has been launched in this• district to The Canadian Nation- al•Institute for the Blind. The amo- unt to be raised in this County for the Western Ontario Hume and Ser- vice Centre for the Blind, soon to be built in. London, is $10,000. The building will benefit 400 blind peo- pie from the Counties of Elgin, Hur- on, Middlesex, and Perth, providing a well. -rounded program of social re- d'ustment •crafts hobbies work - a J , , shops and recreation designed to lead the sightless citizenry ' to a . happier and more useful way of life than ever before. The'building will be a credit to, the district and all sighted people will be glad to have a share in it. This campaign means building lives for the blind right here in this County. Please be generou.s Don- ations are exempt from income tax thrilling game that had the fans in and may be sent to The Canadian, a continual uproar all night. This National Institute for the Blind, co. game was really a Doozer and any - S. B. Taylor, Exeter, Ont. one not seeing it missed the best and !Most exciting spectacle of the season. tOundy started the Zurich team en it's way by firing a blazing shot into JANUARY 31 1952 Single Copies 6 Cents. Subscripton in Canada Year V.011:$ Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50 kitOine From. Hospital Mr. Theoe flaberer returned from Victoria Ho pital, London and is pro- gressing very good. Also Mr. Dan- iel Gascho-'of town. We wish both a very speedy recovery. Hockey Games Hockey damesof interest to the local fans . for the corning week are. Jan. 31st; Zurich at Lucan; Feb. lst, Hensall at Dashwood; 4th Dashwood at Thedfordi 6th Hensall at Zurich; 7th, Ildesttoii. at Dashwood; 8th Dash- wood at E 'user, and Zurich atThed- ford; lith Dash"wood at Zurich; 12, Dashwood`.at Lucan. In the Juvenile on. Feb 1s Zurich at Ethel. sjured In Fall The inatet lfriends of Mrs. A. C. Kal,bfleisch'`' of ; town will regret to learn that ',Fist Thursday while Mrs. Kalbfleisc t aae emptying the • tea pot off the ? nal'1^• back verandah of their 'home, " ot knowing it being cov- ered with `''thin coating of ice, she fell and a a;+erg other bruises and a bad shakin sup, she fractured a few ribs, ;and 1, be laid up for some time. We w. sh her every success in her recove >r; .. I. Banquet A lovely; . time was enjoyed last Thursday ening •inthe town hall., Zurich, wh, fi, the ladies of tiie Wom- ens' Institi't ` enterta^fined their hus- bands to ai d'elicious meal. The table r.= setting loo ed attractive in the Til- 1 col S. yellow and blue, along with, the , }fi4 eats and a splendid social api ' All sat down to this boun!tifti1 +`Yleper. Prayer was led f' 1:" 3 `e T ev 'n k.., ie etx Q•'. l?y� y �-ate a t. Wei' e jroyte t -iwith a short prograrii, social chats and games, Those receiv- ing prizes for the ladies, Mrs. Mary Manson, Mrs. Leonard Erb; for the men, Mr. Philip Hartman and Elmore Klopp. Before returning home a hot cup of tea and cookies being served. A vote of thanks was tendered to the ladies by C. L. Smith and endorsed by E. F. Klopp which was well re- sponded by the men. . All returning home after a happy evening together HOCKEY NEWS (By W. A. S.) Playing ,before a near capacity crowd of 1,030 hockey -mad fans at The Babe Siebert Memorial Arena in Zurich on Monday night, the Zurich team defeated the big, strong, Irish Six of Lucan in a clean, fast and Youthfor Cfl ris the net from, the blue line and the (first period ended with that score: Brings Zurich 1, Lucan 0. In the second THE EUREKA JUBILEE SINGERS period Lucan came back strong and t scored three times when Stevenson, FAMED DARi{EY SEXTET 1 Hardy and Watson each blinked the And red light with no return from :he home team. Just why Zurich's team EVON HEDLEY -- Canada's Leader did not score is a mystery, because of Y. F. C. - A Dynamic and Ag_ they certainly did everything else gressive Speukes but, having a good share of the play A Fine Setup for a Wonderful and missing numerous goals by seine Program in the 'tough luck. However ' in the third CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL i period the • linea of Hesse, Frawley and Baird began to click on their On plays and really turned it on. Baird got the first goal 'en a neat pass from SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd. IHesse only to have Lucan come right At 8.00 p.m. back and get the point back on a —_ — -- goal by F. Revington. Frawley' then ANNUAL MEETING scored en passes fr in Bairdand Besse and with only a few initiates The 77th Annual Meeting of the r of play remaining Hee:e tied up the +T1 :licy'•-holders of game on 'pauses from Frawley and THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' ,13aircl^ At this point the Zurich sup - MUTUAL "FIRE INSURANCE CO. Will beheld in the Town Hall, Zurich On MONDAY, the 18th day of February 1952 at Two o'elock, BUSINESS: 1. Receiving Reports of the Presid- ent, Secretaryie"lreasarer and Atu1• itori '1' pass a motion to <unen 1 ... • porters went wild with joy and al- most before the din died d-wn Baird sr;red his second and the winning goal of the period and game on a Pass from Frawley with. only about thirty sec:ids to go before .full time. That was the ld hockey: game folks and l,elieve me you never saw such a cloyed of jubilant and hockey -mad 'fans in your life. It was a thriller( i+h a capt.a.l 'I' and all the boys NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1228, Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made St-- Order dea-Order --- Seth O. Amann, Zwick Ont. • Phone 128. —.__AsessaltmensomsommsamissmIlInzangmanwassusso __ See This VALUE 17 JEWEL Men's Waterproof Strap WATCHES Shockproof ' Dustproof - Radium Dial Unbreakable Crystal FULLY GUARANTEED $33.00 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. - Colder Weather With the Colder, Weather .were you can depend on warmer homes by using BLUE COAL - - Solve your heating problems this easy way and use the Coal that will definitely • assure you continuous heat throughout the winter months. LORNE EILER HENSALL Office Telephone 10, ROE FEEDS LOOKRR SERVICW. foOot00000s0000m0000sossoos cos O oos00000 16tialtteTunrovat Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS ;FOR' Ae+GCCASKINSA,���;y�;�„ Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich 1 o pass By-law li'eii the date of tin ti , +:, .; c n aunt,-np t, ante, with the Mieetinag 8. The discus:ort 'of other matter., in the interest of the Company. A Go ad Attendance is Reque;:ted. William TI Ai), President. Tres'icrt K. Eft.; .;c^., l.': aetary. ••ond line hotter than a bunch of (3er 2a: MZ. ZEV.r tore We are ever at your service with the beat lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Desi,}:° Zinc . PRODUCE WANTED. illimmiesensmorenimarosreent 6recrecker-, These two teams play oagain at Lucan .an January 31st: at fire new arena in Lede tn, The e th teat havoc Lame will be with i. l lic:.t.;ttll teasel on February 6th.ailAne > s+tregra ak 'a Phone i 65 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Cold Weather F 00 LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Wank Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN --- New Pattern Prints and Flannellette. GIVE US A CALL( Good Supply of S d r E. Schwartz Fresh Groceries ntruber, Props always on 1-Iald ° rrr' 1'aS Phone 1141 , , A , a 4 4