HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-24, Page 4ZUIUCH ONTARIO ANNUAL MEETING AND F'IDERATION BANQUET The manual Meeting and banquet 'qf the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture was held in the Zurich Community Centre last Thursday ev- ening, and the large hall was filled to the doors with visitors from far and near. It -was indeed a most won- derful setting and a most bounteous banquet catered to by the Ladies'. Aid of the local Evangelical i1. B. church. Delbert 'Geiger, the president, took .charge of the meeting which op- ened by prayer and thanks .by Rev. B. E, Roppel of town. After the first e'ourse, the president introduced Mr, Alvin Wolper, as leader of eomznun- ity singing, with J'V1rs. H. G. Hess, as pianist. After the banquet . and another sing song, the president in- troduced the Huron Agriculturat .rep- resentative, 4r. Jerry Montgoinez•y, who gave a nice .talk on county work and emphasized ,that they are trying to.organize a calf club and asked for full support front bhe Federation. After this the president introduced the entertainers, the Paul BrotherP, of Kirkton, who had an endless amo- unt of humor and songs that will 'really make tone laugh. Thenext call. - ed was Bo.b •McKercher, Co. Federat- ion president of Dublin, who stressed upon all parties interested in poultry to use their vote at a campaign to be launched shortly, 'Gordon Greig, the County Federation Secretary gave a nice talk on organization work. Then the chairman called on the guest speaker, Roy Jewell, of London, and 1 + •t• At The ALDON THEATRE - GRAND BEND t Bingo. • 1 ANMINNOtto At 8:30 p.m. on THURSDAY, JANUARY, 31st. 15 Regular Games $5 Cash Prize 2 Special Games, $25.00 Cash. Prizes 1 Super Special Game $150.00 Cash Prize Sponsored by Grand Bend Branch of Can. Legion Admission $1.00 includes 1 regular card, Extra regular cards 25c. each or 3 for 50c. ,* + + + + + + + + • •+ 4. •Z i +' • + • • • %A1111111111II1I111iohIIl1I111111111111111111NIIl11II111111111H1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII #NIIRiI VPestlake Furniture WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings Furniture Store Phone 122 Zurich \/ i -i Residence Phone 89. IU111111111111111111111111111111111di110111111iI111I111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIII111111111111 I� PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's n Pioneer in your future! FOR FT.J'il ORMATIOt`I1 AND ('RICES, aON PIONEER AND SUPEOTWIN c'1; 1?;d SAWS SEE YOUR ' LOCAL DEALER: ad kr & M tt1eholtz- ,�r1Gii7^ f¢ r - Zurich , - who Is the farm editor of the London Free -Press, be being introduced by' Gordon Greig, Mr. Jewell's talk was based on the greet changes 'made , and the big problem of the woricf becoming over populated, as populat- ion is increasing 50,000 every week, Feeding these multitudes will be - the. big problem, At time close of his tails Mr. Carl Oestreicher moved a hearty vote of thanks for Mr. Jewell, Also vote id thanks to the ladies who s.5 nicely supplied the food and served it so nicely. Mr, McKercher ''hen took the chair for the election of ,officers which slate was rend off by James McAllister, and which re-el- ected Delbert Geiger, president, Cara Oestreicher, vice pres., Cliff Pepper as secy-treas, and a strong hoard of Directors which were read off so rapidly that your reporter just could not keep up writing them down. In all this was tone of the best annual meetings held. And thanks to the many donors that contributed to the funds to make it .possible to have so suitable a place to Bold it in. OASHWOOD To Hold Bazaar and Tea The Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid of Dashwood held their regular moral -11'y meeting Wed. afternoon last. Pres- ent were 30 members and five visit ors. The Pastor gave the topic on the life of Peter. The ladies received many cards of thanks from recepi- ants of the Christmas boxes sent. A committee was nominated to arrange for buying new vestments for thee. church. Arrangements were made for a bazaar, ;baking sale and tea Febru- :. ary +1'6. The group under Mrs. W. C. Salmon served lunch at the close of i the meeting. i' Dedicate Mama Chimer Evangelical Church history dates as far back as 1850 when the first Evangelical missionary, Jacob Bastin, visited this region, preaching in Hay Township in the home of Christian Olswald. In 1852 Huron Mission •of the Evangelical Association was est ablished to include the work in Hay , and Stephen, then known as Goshen Line, Bronson Line, 14th Concession, l Sauble Line, Lake School House. ' Black Bush, etc. In 1874 Dashwood became an organized congregation, and was joined by , groups on tire' Goshen Line, Slhipka and McGillivray In 1895 a move was made to build a new church, which got under way at once and was soon completed. In 1945 the Golden Jubilee of the pres- ent church was celebrated with a great homecoming. The late Rev. T. S. Burn was then pastor. With the present pastor, the Rev J. H. Getz a systematic and steady series of im- provements during the past few ye- ars has seen the church completely re -decorated in all of new features added to it. The most recent improve-, ment was the installation of Amp1i.'- Red . Maas Chimes, dedicated on Sun= day evening, January 13th. ` This :is a 60 -watt system played from a sp- ecial 21 -note keyboard on the electric organ and with two directional trum- pets on the roof of the church. The chimes are a memorial to the late Mr and Mrs. Horatio Reynolds, former residents of Dashwood. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr and Mrs Edgar Smith of Guelpt were visitors with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Jarrett, Kippen. Mrs. Alice Cook and Mrs. Schilbe of London, visited with their mother Mrs. McClymont, Kippen, and Who is ill at present. Stanley Dist. L.O.L. met in the Orange Hall Monday last when the i following officers were elected W.M. J. Watson: D.M., R. Cornish; Chap. M. Hohner; Rec. Sec. R. Taylor; Fin Sec., J. Addington; Tress., 0. Row- son; Marshall, H. Penhale; 1st Lect. W. Mcliwain; 2nd Lect., F. Harburn The officers were duly installed by Past County Master, Ben Rathwell. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stan- ley will meet in the Orange Hall on Monday eve. J'an. 21st. Tops Allocation Newly elected president, Mrs. Rob- ert Allan, of Brucefield United church, W.MV .S. was in the chair for th e first meeting of the New Year, with Mrs. Alice Hain, secy. Mrs. Ross Scott and Mrs Wm. Scott were .na,nm- edauditors for the ensuing year. Mrs Ross Scott gave the treasurer"s re- port, indicating the allocation has been oversubscribed. Annual reports were given by officers and secretari- es. Had Annual Meeting Annual meeting of the I.lrucefield United Church Sunday School was held in the Session room of the chur- ch with a good attendance. During the past yeaar the school was opened 52 times with an average attendance of 66 and an enrolment of 85. The following officers were elected for 195+21•..Supt. Norman Walker; asst. Clem Christie; Sec., Wallace Haugh; Asst. Archie Mustard; Treas. Bob. •A.11 i.n , Pianist, Margaret 1VIcQueen, asst ,,,,Marion Ross. A plea is being made foi••a larger attendance for the year 11)52. HENSAL.t. • lir and Mrs Stewart McQueen left to spend the remainder of the win - `or hi Florida. Mr and Mrs W. S. Shepherd are pending two week's holidays in •nron to. .::lr and Mas John :Farquhar arm RICH MERA.• Thursday, ..fanuair 24th, i q12 , ti • 4; 10,000 REVOLUTI PER MINUTE DEMAND SKILFULcARE N , . , Out of the tail pipe roars a fiery blast of air to 'rocket' a Vampire through the sky at sizzling speeds. The' impelling jet is generated by the turbine blades of an engine which spin at over 10,000 revolu- tions per minute. New Mr Force engines are built to do things unheard of, even ten years ago. The precision found in a jet engine is a mechanic's dream. Tolerances of more than .0002 inch are prohibited. Yet the era of jet engines has just begun! If you' are mechanically -minded, here is your oppartaisity.to get int bio: tite:prounciii door.. p The Air Fong will give rat a Qompietei and tisocougratrade:trainingiaj; ttengiaes.,, Be as Aero -Engine 't echnkia ; i* 'the.. R.C. k.. F.. r Serve c out 1 am •a. valuable trade! yoeirg# state yaw-fro/ire n (sen Aero Olghte rechni i . th. fie R.CILE OTHER TRADES OPEN INCtUDE ....AIR . FRAME... ARMAMENT...RADIO-RAD,A`}t• _ INSTRUMENT . . SEi1F. ►r kohl es en R.C.A.F. technician. reit au., le &thr es 17 and 40 —it. p&yrical4 Bk,.... ha.* aced* teammate, en berth ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT – OR MAlt on COUPON 1 Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters;, Ottawa. Please mail to ,roe, wFthont obiigenise, MI particulars regarding �7 ennlasewreviireaaents and *mins: nom•asrilrbie i»'be 1L,GA.F. 11 NAME (Please Print} ....,, iSutetarn) _ (Chcisciap Name) STREET ADDRESS _..,_...._.....•,...........,....--.... CITY ............ , .^ PROVINCE EDUCATION (bygrade and provincc -..,....,...AGE 1 CAE6 W$. 1 family, have moved to Exeter, I don; one daughter, Mrs. Gordon Miss . Joyce Weeks, Clinton, has ,Herdman, Buffalo, NY.; one brother; taken a position as bookkeeper at Rev. Jacob Herold, Ohio; and Vhir- Cook's Garage. Mr and Mrs Roy Campbell of Ex- eter have rented part of the resid- ence of Miss Violet Hyde and nave moved therein. —Roland Hughes of Bagota, Col'im- bia, South America, who is attending OAC at Guelph, was a guest with Mr Bill Mickle at the home of his par- ents, Mr and Mrs E. L. 1Vlickle. Mr and Mrs Keith McLean have moved into their newly built home. Mr. ,Sid McArthur visited recently with Mrs. J. Manson and Mr and Mrd: Hilton Laing in Exeter. The many friends of Mr. G. M. Drysdale are pleased to hear that he is improving following his recent il- nes. Park Board Meet The first meeting of the 1952 Connnunity Pouk Board was held in the Council Chamber with a good at- tendance. All members preee:it t-o'c their declaration of office before Justice of the Peace, James A. Pat- erson. George Armstrong was appo- inted chairman, and Sam Dougall, vice chairman for 1952 and James A. Paterson secs-treas. The chairman named a committee to arrange for a carnival, namely G. Armstrong, L, Luker, H. Keys, E. Dougall. A mot- ion was made and carried that the Manager -caretaker be authorized to make any necessary small: purchases. Death of Mrs. J. B.• Hyde Mrs. John Barbour IIycle passed away at the home of her son, Jack Hyde, Hensel], Tuesday morning in her 82nd year, death being attribii - ed to a severe stroke she suffered the latter part of the previoris week. The former Louisa Herold, she was horn in South Easthcpe and resided in Stanley Township for many years before mining to Heimail to re,ide, Surviving are three sons, Alex Kip. pen; Jack, Hensel]; sand Laude, Lon - teen grandchildren. The body rested at the family home, Hensall, where public funeral services were held on -__ Thursday las t at 1:30 p.m. conduct ed by Rev. A. E. Hinton; of St. .An. drew's 'United Church, Kippen, burr-_ a took place in St. Andrew's ceret.. ery, Shakespeare. s 1 a z 4 4 5 a HENSALL. - TUDORS ANNOUNCEMENT DRY CLEANING We have been appointed Agents for Goderich French Dry Cleaners Pickup an` delivery Monday and Thursday morn- ings. For superior dry cleaning try French Dry Cleaners Phone .70 a Ladies Wear Dry Goods ■ • • II Notice Township of Hay Notice is hereby given that the Township of is ill no. 'time responsibility for damage at y'the 'Hay Township snow plow to bilk n:,st.nds and milk cans placed 'on the roads of Hay Township by: farmers. Earl Campbell,, < ` H. W. Brokenshire, Reeve Clerk