HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-17, Page 8Pr r SILMICR • ONTARIO fl Ibex Blankets 70x90 a pair $5.95 W` Ibex Blankets 80x90 a pair 7.25 9 EXTRA QUALITY COLORED STRIPES �p Falcon q49 dl 70x90 at 70'84 at YARNS 5.75 pr. 4.95 pr. 200 Balls of Monarch and Guelph Sweater Yarns to Clear at 35 cts. PLASTICS 5 Rolls Assorted colors 36 -in.. width Special at 39 cts yard Walipape rs We carry. Boxers and.. Watson Foster's papers in stock. All new patterns. Extra Large assortment to choose from. A limited supply of last year's in bundle lots at HALF PRICE Gasebo Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH VIRTCH HER LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Torrance has returned Aim». Toronto, after a visit at the kinme.or relatives there. il3usinesa without advertising rs like. a girl winking in the dark, Slie I knows what ,lie's doing, but r.o :one else does. -Ex. Mrs. Mary l..avelle ,of .;,Oran Bend was a week -end vrefcor''t th home of her brother, Mr and 1VI' John E. Gascho, and other reltr'c Mrs. 1-Ieimrich has rcturned'k' to her home in Stratford, after visilin, at the Mune of her son, Pier anti Mrs E. W. 1Ieimrich, of town fey the Yuletide holiday sease:n. `sago, & Erio or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now' Offering •3'O/o` flan ] and; 2' wears. 3172: AM 3' to 10 tearrs-. POLIO) PR.G.TTt,CTTO'N: Rays: up) to $15,000.00. Entire' Fitmil;y ihelJudiug man, •wife and chiltl'rerr between ages 3 months Mr. Earl. Campbell, of near:Hen- salt and Reeve of Hay Twp, is this week officially attending the sessions of Huron C: unto Council at. Godes;- fcli which ,opened on Tuesday. LONDON MAN DIES • to 18 yeas. Premium, $10,..9.0) !lies two years. Individual:Roth:6Y $;^v.00 for two years ' f.. 'Dfv�: Haberer. - Phone 161 Fire; :Automobile and Casualty 40e Friends are sorry to learn of T. he I y• , death of Major Ferguson Loudon, husband of the former Miss !Minnie' tMerner, danghter of Mrs. J. J:Mer- , ner of Seiaforth, and former esid� Ti. EAST 0` The Drysciale Store • • • -• • • • 1 • CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats • i , Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! 1.,,, IGIVE US A CALL! 1 JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE -.Phone 98 r 1 The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds e i of Groceries • • Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys v • A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances °• ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES • • • I • • • • • 1 i••••••••••tet` ea.aee 9 * �$t " ,f. HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE a Your Fuel Needs 1 Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR . HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One, Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Slierwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enarnels and, Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO „I!'•UR1CH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE ... SERVICIE ents in Zurich. Major Ferguson was a musician, army officer and Dept. of Veteran Affairs official. He wets 5] a well known trumpeter, pl yed for periods in. the famous Guy Lumhardo and Glen Gray's orchestras. He leaves his wife, Minnie, a daugtrter.• and a son. Presided at Inaugural Meetier The inaugural meeting of the<.Hay Township Council was held in the Zurich Council Chambers last Mon- day, Jan. 14, with a good attendance. Rev. H. E. Roppel of Zurich gave the inaugural address and offered j yer•' on their behalf for the ensuing ;year•. In his address, the speaker firs.t of all conveyed, "The Season's Greetings" in representation of the religii5us side, of our community life. He also re- ferred to the responsibility of office as well as the high honor •q.rnferred upon the Council as a public trust. The spirit of good -will, co-operation and public confidence was also assur- ed in the classing words or tile: ad'•• dress. C. W. L. Meet: 7'he monthly meeting of the C:W. L., Zurich, was held in the town -hall on Monday evening, with Father D. Mvngahan present. The minutes were read and adopted as eorect. The President, Mrs. Rose wed all the members a Happy- New Year, And thanked all' the members'. for • their fine co-operation during the 7.30 past year. A motion was passea to hold a baking sale in the near future verybody Father Monaghan was the guest spe- aker for the evening. Several situ;• Il'IIIYISS1C11AN ZURICH - Phone 66 Also, fan Summer Months at Grand Bend!. ?hone 150 ELMER D. BELL. B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXW ER,. ONT. Wedhesdhry,, 2 toe 5 p.m. at Zurich M. Tbwnsihiip ,Clerk's Office ARTHUR FRASER Inrorne Tax Reports 3ookkeepine Service. Etc. EXETER' )p'I!'r ': Corner 4nn, William Sts Phone: Exeter 504. Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH — ONTARIO AEV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR - 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. Sunday Schools. — Divine Wors"ip. Welcome to ell Services„ srmgs were given by some Of the parish. The meeting Was closed with prayer by Father Monaghan. Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met r. the home of Mr and Mrs. Carl Oe. treicher with 23 members present an 3 visitor:. Mr. Wm. Edighoffer le the discussion, the topic being "`I there enough Farm Credit?" Ther was a difference of opinion but was generally felt that the :hank should be more lenient wan sI>or time loans since they are Govern,. ent controlled, The discussion wa closed by listening to Mr. Church hill's speech. The •next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs. Clarence Schades' with Cliff Pepper leading the discussion on "What's wrong, with our Farm Organization." The meet:- ing eet= ing closed with the singing of the National Anthem. Women's Institute The Zurich Women's Institute Met in the Zurich Town Hall for their January meeting on Monday evening, with Mrs. Newell Geiger in charge of the program, which opened with the Institute Ode and praying the "Lord's Prayer" in unison. Also singing several community songs with Mrs. Ed, Stelck at the piano. Mrs Geiger read two suitable poems. A group of girls and boys, who are pupils Mrs, Ruth Decker, favoured the attendance with several numbers of tap dances. Miss Marlene Wagner, accompanied at the piano. These girls and boys did very well for tak•• ing lessons only such. a short tinie, Master Waynb Clausius gave two cal numbers well rendered. 4r, Reginald Illsley being the guest spe-' alter for the evening chose for his topic "'Community Activities and Public Relations,' pointing out the fine spirit of fellowship in the small- er town, and villages as well as't.he community in general, where a fri- endly atmosphere or hello, etc, is passed to one anther when meeting! on the street. The W. T. and church groups are likened to the heart of a community. The heart being the en-' gine of hon inity which supplies the motive force, whereby many projects are created and completed. Mre. G. Roche, President, took charge cif, the business meeting. The minutes were read and adopted by the secret- ary along with the. other hrtsiness. _,noting cards v; {'re received and f ten. . l from 1 ' .tri' n ' sand, c, Ynstitrttes; is>Il call : H ,w can we improve our Corni- munity? This was well responded,. The mf eting closed and a love soa-• ial time was enjoyed. with `a delicione luncheon. Committee.: Mrs. Wm. "Voll'' - rester , Mrs. Newell 'Geiger and MPS M. Manson it S d d a e t Mrs. Milton °each - Organist Sunday Services: - 8 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -.- Ontario REV. I. E, ROPPEL Minister t0:04 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. -- Bible School 7:30 p.m. Divine Worship. Welcome at all Services-- "Come -sou with us and we will do thee food." Num. 10;29. SHOULD MARGARET TRUMAN CLOWN? • Do you think Margaret Truman should clown on radio and TV shows? Is it undignified for a .member of the 1 White House family to appear as a straight -woman and comedienne ? Elsa Maxwell weighs these questions in this conning Sunday's (Jan. 2,0) issue of The American Weekly, excl- usively with Detroit Sunday Times. I HENSALL GETS VETERINARY I Dr. Douglas J. McKiIvie of Strat- ford, has opened,up a veterinary practise in Hensal, and with his wife and two children are getting nicely settled in their home they purchased from Mr. John Farquhar, Dr. Mc- Kelvie before corning to Hensall was Veterinary Inspecaoa• with the health of animals 'branch in Stratford for' three years. He graduated with the OAC. Guelph, with 3 years With the RCAF and served overseas one. year. He is a native of Shelbourne. IiOkN At the Farwell Nursing Home, at Zurich, on Saturday, December 1.2th, to Mr and Mrs Bert McBride, of Stanley Township, a son. (Ronald Albert.) Mr. and Mrs. William Brown (nee Joyce Hunt), .of Zurich, announce the birth of a son at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on January 8,1952 Dale Stuart. A little .brother for David. To Mr 'and Mrs. Melvin Greb, Dashwood, on Jan. 5, a daughter, Pauline Ruth, at the Hooper Nursing Howie, Exeter; a sister for Dorothy To Mr and Mrs Frederick TTaist., Crediton, aciaughter, Jan. 3 at- St, J'oseph's Hospital, London. A kister for Murray. To Mr and Mrs J. L. McCioy, Tor. onto (nee Ruth Hess) a son, nom Ian. 6. A brother for Kathy and a grandson for Mir and Mrs. George • Hess, Hensall. Thursday, Jul;4rt4fs' 17th, 195g rillllllfllNllllllilllllllllllllilllllli!lIIIIIlIII!lNIIIliIIIIIII! IiluIIfIIIIIIIIII• I11111N1181111N1ifl1(Illllllllllltl(Illflliiillllllitl(IIfUtlIIlHlfiillllilllillllllllll(Illliir,cr�::� - • • • • • • • Call`= int and see our new Duo -therm Space Heater. • We: have the Toridheat, Fees, Shur -beet: and Lee • • Oil Burners to fit any:type of Furnace Wingham and Goad Cheer Ranges • Heavy and Shelf Hardware M f - PAINTS - ENAMELS - OILS • ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES • • We: Specialize in Plumbing, Heating, Tiiiasmithing • • IF -6r Prompt and Courteous Service phone • • Rehr iftl�eholtz •• RHardware' •• Your Hardware Store Phone 63 - Zurich -R11111111 111(lill1p_I111II 1111111 IIIIII11111IIIIIIllJNIIIiflfHIIINIlll111NIIOIIIIIf111111IIN11101 MIll1alillifllllllillll 11 illlllll111111111'11111111111111111111111,I,i:::, FLOOR TiLE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Fl4bcr GET TILE -_ TEX - ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. - See Youi Local Agent JOHN M. T'URIKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAW AND. MAINTAINED. !Free Estimates Gladly Given H WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and tyves in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched MapI• Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC i 0% Down . 30 Months To Pay :- Wasted Attic Space can be eas..ify and Economically Converted fate extra Bedrooms ,or an income pro. during Apartment. . You can de most of the work ,yourself. Seat our collection of plans and ideas. FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son- Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cement just arrived • • •• fa • • a • s • • • a TFIE MOST POPULAR THROUGHFARE IN TOWN ,- YOUR Weekiy Newspaper The Most Effective Medium through which Adv- ertisers Sell their Goods -- Take Advantage of it, Mr. Merchat! : , w It's a Volume of Facts -- your Newspaper, It is the thoroughfare which carries the news of your corn - triunity into your home, It renders indispensable service to the home -maker, the worker, the busin- essman. It is the crossroads where customer meets me, merchant learns his story, buys his �ooas. It;'is a leader in your house -town, a champion of democ- racy the voice of the people. 'A few cent a n;eek will bring it into your home. Dont wait for your neighbor to lend you his, • • • • • • 0 0 • •