HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-17, Page 5ZUiftlCM ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Autltorized as 4,0000 class msi1, rot °ince Depsrtx0,ent, (Atawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Mein Street -- EKeter Open Every Week flay Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS. ALVIN WALPBR Licensed A c lou t neer For HURON AND LAMBTON or !row SEfficientlarge Service small, eiadl Cour- teous �a1ad ti1'nesl DASHWOOD Phonic 57 r 2. E. F. CORBETT 'Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction ,Gti r'anteed Phone Zuech 92 r 7 ' VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.Y. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON O with Residence,S i Street, . Opposite Drug ZURICHtkaae---9$.' BUTCHERS Z ricbs' Popular MEAT MARKET tat us supply you with the leery choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in " Electric Refrigeration Highest .Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins Yu ghl-ti t & Sou PRODUCE 0BRtE1S P,RODIJCB Cash -Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on OUT AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 Zurich lunch Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveiredcream We ere equipped to give effi- a3•nt 'accurate service. Egg Poultry department in t#;rge of Mr. T. Meyers. tis. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' luteal Weather lrs,ra,ee Co. Put Your Want, For Sale Loft, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE- WOOD --500 Cords of mixed stove wood. F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd. FEMALE HELP WANTED Would you like to become a Beauty Councelbor part time or full time work. Apply to ]lox 4, Zurich. tic FOR SALE DANE •PUPPIES — Males $15; Females $10, Apply, Hector Forcier, St. Joseph. Phone Zurich 87 r 17. FOR SALE NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT U. U. Tractors and • Machinery-. Hammer Mills and Grain Grinders; Water Bowls, Litter Carriers, pumps, Dax Hog Feeders and Waterers;Stan- Hoist Manure . Loaders; Spraying Equipment; R •on's Wagon unload- ers; Gibson Refrigerators; Stoves and all electrical equipment. Folders and prices without obligation. See us first, it pays.—New Idea Distribut- ors, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlota 28'21, • 3tp FOR SALE • 6 used 21" tires and tubes; 1 used 15" tire; ill used 30x3 1-2 tube, 2 used 19" tires; Car hot water heater, Ford Axle for trailer, Toilet bowl, WANTED — Mirror 16x22 or larger. Phone 210, Zurich, I. ' Willert. c FOR QUICK:'SALE Two Chicken Roosts 6x12 -ft. 4-ftI MO, also a number of nests, 1, new Dodge car seat with back; 2 oval shaped windows and frames, 2 bucket seats., Phone No. 80, Zurich, LOST In Zurich, 4.8 Pontiac Hu:b Cap, and crome rim. Finder please re- turn to Donald Oke, Zurich. FOR SALE A number of young Collie —Wm. Koehler, Zurich. Pups, FOR SALE Pair .of Black Skates and Boots, size 6. Phonn.e 216, Bryce Mack. NOTICE By mistake a blanket was taken out of a 'car at the hockey game. at Zurich on Monday evening. Blanket can he had at Zurich Creamery by proving property. PIGS FOR S.NLE 10 small pigs for sale. Apply to Asa .Steckle, Bronson line, Stanley. FOR SALE Boys' Skates and Shoes, size 2. in good condition. Apply to Harvey Clausius, Zurich. OF WOODSTOCK' V .;.. waxy LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF TRIS KIND IN ONTARIO": 'Amount of Insoranee at • Risk on December 81st, 1950 20,610 Poleciies $125,269,726.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E.F. KLOPP - ZURICH Dead Stock AGENT! ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for NOTE— If in Need of Chicken Ready for the Pan, call Thiel's Superior Store' Phone 140. FOR SALE Clare Jewel Kitchen Range; a Quebec Heater, medium size; 2 - burner heavy duty hot plate; electric grinder with new 60 cycle 2 h.p. motor. All articles are in very good condition.—Stanley Sauder, Phone 94 r oJZ. 3t* FOR QUICK SALE General Electric 1951 Model table Radio set. - Harvey Martin, R.R. 2, Zurich. • WANTED Coal oil hanging lamps -- Bailey's Florists, Main Street, Exeter. 3tc FOR OUICK SA'I.F • 2 good Holstein 'Heifers, due to freshen in February and March. — Hilton Tuemner, Phone '85 r 11. Zurich. 2 LOCAL NEW lilay Council met on Monday for its inaugural meeting when the var-• ions officials subscribed to the dec- laration of office, Mrs. John Etue of the Blue Water Highway, north, visited with her son, Mr and Mrs. !Morris Etue and family of near Seaforth for a week or SO. .Mrs. Emily Fuss who spent rhe Yuletide season very pleasantly with her daughter, Mr and Mrs J. Swart: at Detroit, returned hone last week. Mr. Peter Gingerich, Mr. Aaron Gingerich, •Mrs, Chris Gingerich, Mrs. S. Peachey, of this vicinity, at- tended .the funeral of a relative at New .Ham.burg last Thursday. Mr and Mrs.. Ernest Gem-mtg. and family of Rochester, N.Y., were week-end.visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington John. t', n and other. relatives. Messrs. Theo. Laporte and Lout. Brisson of W'ind'sor were visitors .ir. this vicinity this week, also attend- ing the funeral of their relative and dear friend, the late Marcel Corriv- eau on. Wednesday morning. There are cases of the epidemics of mumps and scarlet fever preval- ent in Zurich and district. We Sin- cerely trust .people will co-operate with the authorities, and physicians to prevent any new outbreaks. Mr and Mrs Ed. Brenner and da- ughter Marion; Mr and Mrs Floyd Cook and daughter Patricia; Mrs Wiclen from Kitchener; 'Mr and Mrs Floyd Hendrick of- the B, W. High- way, were Sunday visitera at the home of their another, Mrs. Mary Brenner. Attended Convention Mr. and Mrs. Delbert • Geiger of Zurich attended the Federati:,n An- nual Convention at Toronto last week Mr. Louis H. Rader, of Dashwood, Hay Twp. Councillor, and who was appointed as a Direct rr of the Feder- ation when first organized, arso at- tended the Convention at which some very interesting items were discus,• sed. Be Sure To Attend! • Don't forget the big Federation banquet, to -night, Thursday eve. in the Community Centre. A big sup- per, lots of entertainment, an ideal after-dinner speaker, a happy crowd a real good time, and if you wish to stay, there is a dance t) follow. All very carefully planned and well sup- ervised. Let's meet you there. Needs Help The publisher of the Herald, like every other `publisher, especially at this time of year, needs your help ar.d support to keep the local personal columns live and interesting. We d T the best we can, but you and you. must help u:, a bit. So if yon know of anything interesting, or were a- way, or had visitors, or anything worthwhile, you all knew what is required, let us have it and we will try and keep these columns interest- ing. NOTICE' TRUCKING --- Having purchased a truck equipped with P.C.V. License I am in a position to do 'your truck- ing such as grain, cement, hogs, cattle, etc. "Service is Our'Motto" Phone 084, Zurich. Bill Sauve, 4tc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 READ on the table the meal is ready! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome 'bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man ner of mouth-watering goodies tc crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun: for breakfast. luscious fruit -filled treats fee- luncheon .piping hot Par 'ter House Rolls for , dinner. l3read in variety, too, for snacks any timl Of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals -- 'et your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH RECEIVE $4,000 Executers of the estate of the late Jacob A. Ratz, of Shipka, received $4,000 in a settlement out of court as a result of the fatal Injuries re- ceived by Mr. Ratz last June. The •:ayment was made by the Rent-A- Car Ca, Ltd. of London, whose car struck Mr. Ratz when he was driving in a.'�'herse drawn wagon on the Cre- diton road. The driver was Jaek Wiong, London. The solicitor for the executors, Frank Donnelly, K. C. an- nounced'the settlement at the Spring Assizes of the Supreme- Court at Goderich. Martha Ratz and H. K. Eilber are the executors of the es- tate. , SCHOOL SPACE INCREASE La.tnbton 'County 'School Inspector William C. Vandenburgh is studying plans to increase public school facil- ities at Grand Bend and is expected to report finding to the G. B. School Board shortly. Two projects are m consideration, to build a new school or putting an additi:n to the one al- ready there. The school has an era rollanent ,ef 120 pupils, who attended classes in a two -room school and in make -shift rented quarter's. John ,Manore,.-chairman ,ef the 'board, said that school facilities the village has now are inadequate. C. W.• L. Meet January Thaw Each January, they say brings us a thaw or two, but this year we'have had an unusual supply of this kind of weather, as over the weekend it really turned to mid -spring temperat- ures, with the snow melting like ice in summer heat <•s the staying g es. It has played ho' ac with the don- artifical skating kinks. There wag al- so a. lot .of fog at nicht over• the \veck- end. In the city of Toronto they re- port oil Monday the mercury ;,o'ng up to 55, a new high for over a hun dred years in feet on record. How ever, with everybody on foot, owav t'r the streetcar and 'bus strike t'rere and with everybody huetling• on foot it likely helped to raise the temper ature of some. But the weaUlermal says back to normal winter weathe again. SODS AND ALL KINDS of FIRE Lifting,—Jack Williams, Call Phone INSURANCE l r 4, Crediton Centro. -C1-5-'10 The regular monthly meeting -f Si. Joseph's 'C. W. League was held at the home of \Irs. Louis Durand, on Tuesday Jan. 8th. They„ was an excellent, attendance.. Mrs. Rem! iDenomme opened the meeting with prayer •and minutes as read were ad- opted. The correspondence was read, by Mrs. Alvin Rau which included ;thank you notes far Christmas rem- embrances. Reports were given by the various aonnmittees and the trc- j esurer reported a substantial balance Mrs. Gus Roche reported on the !Christmas party which the C.W.L. gave the children of the 'Pari: h at the hall, and which was a great success. She also read n letter fro- -donne Denomene and Lruis Denomme,' our Toys in service wh-. received Chriet- reas parcels. New business wn•: aeso - di: e•seed, there wa also a lir- • • dT.:- - cus ion on Stamp Collecting with Fr. . ., Botudead giving- its some 1ntP,l'PS•In'; , pointers. We had two :ene,zs from Zurich C.W'.L.. Mrs. H. R se and :\ire - E. Bedard. Fr. Bourdeau closed the t sleeting with player and a deticions r lunch was served by the committee In charge. ti4t,e*li.e!Asteelee HEARD ON CBC Beth Robinson and Kenny Graham eonciue t young radio listeners through the make-believe rooms in Cucoo Clock I -louse, the children's series broadcast .;n the CBC wotk. 'They've grown up with •the show, having starters six years ago when they were both in school. Away front the spike, Iteth is a student at the University of Termite and Kenny is a risng young busutess man. Thu Y, Jartuary. x 7 bkl192 4-N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 Y 1 Co -Op. FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Ow Peeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH I t IN WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING? TO SAVE YOUR SOUL? IS IT ---Church Membership or ritual? ---The efforts of another man? --Good Works? ---Second chance? ---Keeping the Law? Or is it Christ - who said "1 am the way, the truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jno. 14:6. `,Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be Saved. --Romans 10:13. Chas. Fuller, Box 123 -Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. ._ To Arrive Boor Our NEW SPRING STOCK will arrive shortly and we suggest you have a look at them and see for Yourself the new line of Styles. We can Give you the Most for the Least! Dr. Scholl Products such as Corn Bunions and Callous pads, Arch Supports, Foot Creams apd linaments. _ Genuine Singer Sewing Machine needles, belts and oil in stock O�ICh Shoe "Store • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • y • • • 0 1t • • • •• • •• • • • • 0 til.", For , Your Heating Equipment We offer you the following Good Cheer Gravity, or Forced Air Furnaces The Arcoflame Oil Furnace; Coleman Oil Bur- ners in three different Sizes. Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Paints Enamels - Varnishes Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, Radios . and all Electrical Appliances Plumbing - Furnace Work - Tinsmithing OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. -- Main St. Hardware Store. Phone 213 Datars &O'Brien Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 iasse fiarris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT CIF' MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MA1' REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for CanadianKlopp Farm" TeL Shop 149 Oscar Ree. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! 1