HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-17, Page 4• ►fr EURICIII ONTARIO • ZURICH •. HERALD ''Iil.'sieta..cl+''';s ...11.4on try 17i'rhe, ;I94ita t111111U11111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111W11III A(iI111111i11111Nl ser Westlake Furniture WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry -Herbert _ 'and Schubert Pianos. Also Cagy all .either lines of .Home Furnishings Ts f�•,;r:,7eLh . ,fie R• 4 furniture Store Phone 122 - R•esidence Phone ;39. ►r Zurich a j 111111IIiilillllilll IlllllIIIIIIA111111(Mill((IA11111111HIIIIIIIII1111III1II1111111 1111(111 0 PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAiN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: Rader & Mittleholtz Phone 63 - Zurich 19521 . DODGE MAYFAIR IS ANNOUNCED een This smart, new .1952 Dodge Mayfair model offers the dis- tinctive styling of a convertible combined with the convenience, safety and durability of a per- manent steel top. Brilliant new two-tone colour treatment and new, ridi.er, interior appoint- ments make the 1952 Mayfair one of the most eye -appealing oars on the road to -day. And now Oriflow shock - absorbers contribute new com- fort and smoothness to the Dodge ride. Driving control is greatly improved ori Lumpyand wash- board roads. The complete Dodge line for 1952 featuring the new Dodge Oriflow Ride includes the Coro- net 4 -Door and Club Coupe; the Regent .4 -Door, club coupe, and Mayfair; the Crusader 4 -Door and club coupe. and the Kingsway 2 -Door, Suburban and Savoy. ') A S 1-4 0 clip Mrs. C. Allemang Ides Mgrs, Clara Allemang, 73, who d'ed dere on January 13th, 'Sunday, at the home of her daughter, Mee Alb. er•t Miller, resided for 20 years at St. Clements, and then rrt,,Kitchener• before coming here two -years ago. Her husband, August Allerrrttilg, died 15 years ago. Since comingDash wood she was a member '8'i''• Zion Lutheran Church. She ia, survived by one sop, 'Carl, Niagara Falls; 3 daughte.re, Mrs. Albert Miller and Mrs, Edgar Restemayer, Dashwood; .Mre. (Cobert Sellbaum, Kitchener; 1 •h -other find a 'sister, Oscar Weisnril- lr,r, eel ,Mrs. R. Wahl, Elmira. The remains rested in the Hoffman fun- eral borne, Dashwood, where a sere• ice was held on Tues day. at e P„nee At the t i er the pu.rpos4 of selecting trustcres Dreisinger funeral home , Elmira, on i Tuea,day evening and services there ran Wednesday, 2 p.m. and interment was madewain Elmira Union Cemetery. BAYFIELD I rr and Mrs Stuart Sturgeon eon of Preston, were. visitors with the for- mer's parents, Mr and Mee.Mn. Ed..Stur - geon. Mr and 'Mrs '1' H. Mack have l'eft�: to spend a .month in Florida. They were in company with Mr and Mr;,. Lloyd Batkin, Clinton, formerly of Mayfield. hayfield Branch. of the Bible S. eiety thanks the contributors and all the collectors who made possible the generous donation .of $158., Trustees Named recentnormeat (on meeting• liy the Rev. L. flighted], then in the for the Police Village of Ba '''Emld,. the -following were erected.: tied Rathevell•, Jack Fraser, and Grant Turner. Ladies Met The TJ. C. women held their Janu- ary Meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Me'slenzie. There was a ,goon attend- as?r:e and both presidents, 'Mrs. Ren- Haar and Mrs. Makins conducted •tiheir meetings. Mrs. Sparks :read from the Stuly Book. .St Joseph and Beaver Town Late Marcel Pierre Corriveau On •Sunday, /unwary 13th; 1952, this community was s'hockea to heari of the sudden deeith;of Marcel Pierre Corriveau who was lin his 68th year;' his birthday •corning ,o;nly once eh four years as he had a heap year birthday, and would have been 68 years old� -Feb. 29th, 1952. Mr. •Cor•.riveau'was a lite long res- ident of this -parish, ,being born a short distance south of St. Peter's Church, a son sof the late Oliver and Caroline Cor•riveau. Forty-six 'years!] ago, November rl'6th 1905 he wast married to Marceline Denornme, also of this parish, and from their Union thmee sons; two ,of them deceased, a son Jioseph Norman at the age of ,5, months and ,a daughter Constance,,' at the age of seven years. The re naming ones are: ,Regina of Wall-; aeelburg; Dorothy, Mrs. Robert Me Lean of London; Valancreue,, Mr s. John Trahan roif Landon; Andeths i,; Mrs. Gerald Feeney of Kitchener' ands Jeanne at home. Te remaining :sons' are: Gordon lit 'home and Napoleon of Arva. •One'brother, Frank of Sea - forth, and three : dieters: Marguerite, Mrs. Theofile Ayotte of the 14th con. Hay Twp; Delpiin, :Mrs. Peter Duch- ;arme. •of Windsor; :and Melina, Mrs. Adolph Pariseara of Detroit. The deceased, after living; some ;years in this p,'!bought the'•tire- sent home on the 14th(Con. 32 years ago where the fanillyihas lived since. 'ISeSides farming }he and his sons, formed a father ;and son company and went into the cement conzr•act- iing business where they built up a nice .profitable trade., rand continued this work until ,receartlly. This• work among 'the public gave the deceaed •a great 'opportunity to meet with many and to make many friends. Mr. Corriveau 'vas a good christian igeel a firm lbelieyer iin 'his faith, arid on Sunday last less -than two hours before his ,passing away, wass'artten4- ing eight o'clock Mass, and Where he partook Holy Communion. Ant ,after' .Mass walked up to the erib of "the infant Jesus, iliFke' the Magi of ioltl.'. to offer a gift, and perhaps to ,ask. words of encouragement and as weli pleading ter bodily relief; and per- haps the answer was "Watch Ye and, Pray, for you know aot the hour" Such an incident Is worthy of.con- sideration, and it. should be con. cling to the family, to. the Parish, 'and, to the eornnauzaity. The remains were at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurieh until Monday when they were taken to the home. Then on Wednesday morning at 10 a. m. the remains were taken ;ao .,St. Peter's Church wh:ere requim High Mass was celebrated .by Rev. Father W. Bourdeau, assisted by Father Kelly of Wallaceburg and by Rev. Father D. Monaghan of Zurich. Af- ter ,Mass the remains were carried to the adjoining cemetery by six of his nephews, as follows: Joe Dacharnre. Adolph Sopha, Alvin Ayotte, Leon- ard Etue, Leo Corriveau, Lucien Cor riveau. The entire community joins with the bereaved fancily to offer their deepest sympathy in their hour. of bereavement. and Mrs. Ernie McCliu'chey reading from the 'Study Book. Mrs. Pitt closed with prayer and lunch was served, HENSALL Miss Bettie 3Vlickle returned to London to regime her studies at U. W. 0. 'after 'holidaying with her par- ents here. Mrs. 1. •Tetreau spent a pleasant wee -end 'With her sons at Zurich. Mrs. Letitia Sangster, who was •co'sifi'necl to Clinton Hospital for a few 'weeks was able to leave the hos- pii l going to her daughter Mr and Ma's Jack Peebles. Miss Hattie .Sutherlana who has been :a patient in Clinton Hospital ler 'the past month with a fractured arra, has returned home. ;. :Mrs. Grace Harpole of. London, vis- ited With her brother, Mr and Mrs. Aar Vis Horton. .Mrs. W. A. Kerr and daughter 3ctty, returned to Monetville, North - dire Ontario, after spending the past ;five weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. Maude 'Redden. Mr. Roy Kyle of Timmins, was a :recent visitor with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle. .:Rev. J. B. Fox, Mrs. Fox and fame 'fly of ,Brandon, Man. are expected :to :arrive in Hensall the latter part of 'January to take up residence here. !Rev Fox recently accepted the ap- pointment of Minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. John Hyde Sr., recently sulf- ated a severe stroke and is confined :to :her home here. Rev. A. W. Hare, London, was the ueet minister at Carmel, Presbyter- ian Church, Sunday Jan. 13th. A big ,game of (the -season coming up this Friday night Jan. 18th, 8.30 Zurich vs Hensall; two old rivals meet:attt~he;Hensall Arena in a WOA A. Inter. game. For a game of thrills and Spills make it a date Fri- day lith. 'Both teams are playing hard for -cup group of the district. iiienaeill -Wins '4-1 Game At Parkhill, Hensall trimmed Park- hill-Thedfoxtl (Combines i14-1 in .a Cy- clone League 'WOAA hockey game. Harrison, 'Knight and Nicholson each flashed the red flight three times. Biel 'Kyle is Tops At the week -end shoot at Kippen Gum Club -for Championship Crest of Huron County saw 'Bill Kyle.. of Kip - pen win high 'honors nosing out Thos Sherritt of Heneielt lby 1 bird in third spot four were tied With fifth gonlg to •one man of FG:oderich. Close to two thousand targets were thrown. Auxiliary Meet The monthly meeting of the exen- ing Auxiliary took elute an the Unit- ed Church School room on :the eve. of Jan. 14th with a good attendance. Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs. W. Spen- eer hostesses. President Mrs. J. F. Blackwell took the chair and Mrs. Pearl Passmoreconducte-d the dev- otional assisted by Mrs. J. Flynn. Miss M. Ellis. submitted the slate -of officers for 1952: Hon. Pres. Miss M Ellis; Pres., Mrs. D: Kyle; 1st vice. Mrs L. Chapman; 2nd . vice Miss Gladys Luker; Secy treas. Mrs. A, Sihirray; treas., Mrs. J. Drysdale; Press Reporter, Mrs. Maude Hedden, STANLEY TOWNSHIP R. J. Cooper of Kippen Left rccc- ently for Florida, where he intends to spend the winter. Several cases of chicken-p:x are reported in the community and are the popular epidemic so far. Mr. Don Bell has returned to Guelph to resume his duties..!after spending the holidays with his par- ents at Kippen. Mrs. Morley Cooper is improving slowly after_ ker. recent illness and all -hope to:see her=out soon. Varna United , Church presented their Christmas pageant- in .the base- ment of the, Brucefield Church Sun- day evening last to. a good attend- ance. Over in Tuckertimith Township at places the chicken pox are so bad that some people take them the se- cond time, after having had them in former years. W.I. Meet The January meeting of the Kip - pen' E. Womons' Institute will take the form cf a sewieg bee heid rn the Legion rooms, Hensel], on Jan., 16. A pot luck dinner •will :be.servect.Any good used: clothing• can be brought, also good used vhite.cotton. The Varma 'WMS. held their Jan. meeting at the home ,of Mrs. Lee Mc- Connell with Iiia members and one visitor -present. M,. Fred Reid and Mrs. Ernie. MCClinchey opened the meeting with devotions,- followed. by e hymn. Mrs. Fred Reid oontieued the meeting and had .charge of the lei:ineas. Minutes of the- December neetinu were read :and adopted. The rnll call for the February rn.eetine will be answered with the word Love. There were live sick calls ` to GRAND BENZ:). Mr and Mrs Fred C. Walker and son Philip who recently rent on a trip to Florida, are expected home in' the near future. Mr and Mrs Arthur Heist have gone to Florida for the winter. Mr William Jennison and Mr and Mrs. Emerson Desjardine .motored to Palm Beach, Florida. They expect to return late this month. At the Lions Club dinner meeting at the 'Brenner Ruse, Dr. Bayce of Parkhill, the speaker, was unable to be present, when Glen Brenner filled in with some entertaining films. Turnbull Family Gather The' Turnbull fancily of whom there are 58 members, gather annually, at the New Year, usually at one of the larger homes common to most of the seni•os :rriem(bers. This year Mr and Mrs Stewart Webb were hosts and engaged the dining room •or the Bee- nner_ House. The staff. catered and a delicious dinner was served. An im- promptu program of garner =•provk1- ed amusement . for •the afteriioof.' Supper was later 'served to those guests Wallysettled. 'Guests carne from • Detroit, '•Iigndon, Parkhill and •Crediton as well as Grand Bend.' 40 attended the dinner; 30 remained for supper. Thanked For Gifts Thirty members and friend;? of the G B. W. Institute heard letters of thanks for -donations to the Child- ren's Hospital, London, the Fund for Greece, Care and the Cancer Fund Mrs. Ed, Gill presided for the meet- ing. Each .member answered the roll gall with a gift for a child at the Shelter. Mrs. 1Vlansel Mason played the piano as the ladies sang carol,. Mrs. Garnet Patterson gave a report on the Hensel' executive meeting, and report from Miss Lewrs on the Toronto convention was read by Mrs Emery D'esjardine. `I ( OBSERVE TREE 'PLANTING The Ausahie Valley Conservation Authority will hold a public Tree Plantiny day in Hay Swamp in May to mark the start on the reforestat- phut'-h- . The meeting continued be ion of 640 acres in aid area. The !1,,ne Fred Reid, RN Lee 'McConnell tree -planting' Machine.; of the 1 • i • • • i s 1 January Specials 10 Per Cent. off all House&•ess». 15. P, C. off all Skirts 1,45. P, C. off all Blouses 25 P. C, off on all Snow Suits Pure Linen Tea Towels at 49e. each,,. Custom made Venetian Blinds at 5' square ,foot,:, HENSALL - TUDORS .. Phone 10' LADIES WEAR DRY GOODS' 0 • • • • ■ g 0 0 • • • 0 •• • • • s • • • January. SALE At Goodwinis - Hennsallr 11 Days Only January 19th to January 31st: SAVE 20% on Winter Station Wagon Coats ,arta ' Jackets,,, MEN'S OVERCOATS HALF PRICE. ALL SNOWSUITS 20 IP.C. OFF. MEN'S TIESS 20 P.C. OFF. Men's Sweaters and Pullovers 10% off, Ladies ton. BEDSPREADS AND QUILTS 20 P.C. OFF Franellette Blankets Reg. $6.95 for $6.05 enb:90) BATH SETS 20 P.C. OFF. Guelph Rayofleece Wool 33 cts. per Oounce Ball. SPECIAL, Guelph Yarn 90 p.c. Wool 10 sec. Nylon, 39e '.Ball; Half --ib. Skeins Wheeling Red and Btatrk Ladies Blouses, Long and Short Sleeves at 'HALF.PRICE:• PRINTS and BROADCLOTHS 10 PC OFF. :'Heavy Doeskin Shirts, Reg. $4.50, for i$3.504, Other Doeskin Shirts 10 P.C. OFF - MEN'S DRESS AND WORK LINED CLOVE'S 20 P0-OFFr• All Curtain and Drapery Materials 10 P.0 OFF' ALL WORK SOX AND WORK BOOT'S 10 ]i►:C. OFF ALSO NOTE THAT OUR NYLON nose ARt.. REDUCED • This Week's :. Meditation J For the Son of Man is not carne: to, eddstroy•; men's lives but to save them. Luke 9:: 5.6e. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord t -.:Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart- that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt he.savect +- +- +: Ro p- om.- 1 o.i 9., Watch . - Watch ye therefore, for ye km weth: neither the day nor the hour wherein. the Surra of ntan,cor ,- eth. - Math. 25: 13.. Zurich Golden Rule Gospel Messengers.. • • ANNOUNCEMENT DRY CLEANING We have. been appointed Agents for Goderikhl French Dry Cleaners • Pickup and delivery Monday and Thursday morn/ - O ings. For superior dry cleaning try French Dry Cleanere HENSALL : - TUDORS Phoma. i Ladies Wear Dry Goods 3 • 0 5 Notice Township of H y Notice is hereby given that the Township of Hay will not assume responsibility for damage at any time by the Hay Township snow plow' to milk • can stands . and milk cans placed on the roads of ' Hay. 7 ownship by farmers. Earl Campbell, Reeve H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk Authority will be on display and competition will be held amongst members of the Hay public schools for the best hand -planting of trees. Members of parliament, conservation officials and. municipal and county officials will be on hand for the op- ening cerernony. Tentative date set for the day is May 7, or in case of rain, May 9th, BEGIN CHILD SAFETY DRIVE. WITH NEW AI3C COLORING BOOK . This month 200,000 youngsters in Ontario are receiving from. the De- partment of Highways a book espec- ially prepared to help make traffic safety lessons something for them In 1 enjoy alien remember. Titled, "The;, ABC's of Traffic Safety," it le a riei.,r, and revised edition of a book of safe. ety drawings to color, which was or. iginally issiled by the Department, two years ago. The ,supply of the, roe-. iginal printing was exhauseted for the. Spring of 1950 due 'to requests frone several thousand public school prim. cipals. On each page is a ''drawing illustrating a .common cause of acct. dents to children, that ean be ootored with paints or crayons. Also on teat page, a letter .of the alphabet t,egl.ns, a safety ryhni to -help the children remember it. Sample copies et the. book have been sent to all 6,01::3., elementary school principals with t : bulletie from. J. P. Bickel], Regist(a ar of Motor 'Vehicles. Toronto, r x a