HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-17, Page 1IEstablish-ed 190 RI le Are You Suffering From Heada` les? ero, Have your Eyes Examined with Me Latest Methods and EQuipment at A. L COLE, R.O. - OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODL — ONT. Geed Glasses at Reasienaole Prices A Banquet •A D ANNUAL MEETING., Of the Hlay Toweiship Federation off' AgricuI'tures Neill be held in the Community Curare, :Zurich Oc THURSDAY, JANUARY Thlz. At TAO Dern. 'Guest Speaker:: RAW JEWELL, C.F. P.L. Rem: Clot:aterstater 'Tickets $11i,65- Get your tickets early ,Il in the Community are cordially inviBeef: 1er attene9 • DANCE TO FOL3i.DW 'PROGRAM i'Ian to attee4 and ,r dost kour era tion• et' Win,•c ul'taxe :resident,'Delbeart: t3leiger. =Secretary, Clii1€ , rimper.. 4; f7 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY Ni0 G> JANUARY 17 1952 Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscripton in Canada Year 2,OQ Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50 :-.Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - . EXETER Friday,Saturday Jan. 18-19 ` '" ` Man In The Saddle Randolph Scott Joan Leslie A thrilling Western Melodrama pho- tographed in Technicolor. • Monday, Tuesday Jati. 21, 22 Adult Entertainment Law And The Lady Ethel Barrymore Maurice Evans A good Comedy Melodrama fresh and exciting sophisticated fare. Wednesday, Thursday Jan. 23, 24 Millionaire For Christie Fred MacMurray Eleanor Parker Also on the some program JOHNNY ONE EYE . Wayne, Morris Dolores Morgan Adult Entertainment First Show every Sat. night at F p.m. Annual Meeting. OF THE 'South Huron Agricultural Society and Hensall Stock Show Will be held on. .-.Saturday, January 19, 1952 At the NEW COMMERCIAL HOTEL HENSALL, ONT. All parties interested are invited to . be _present Ctlrirmdxrcin eate,. 1....,-1 0 p.m. Richard Etherington, Secy-Treas. George Armstrong, President. • -e%"tf l 'i71' 'Pf s'D 'ic .1r?/ t1'2G71,67C6 Xonve luiterat Director — Private CCG1' !lab bl amuse Meir of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOIN'S AMBULANCE FIRST MD CERTIFICATE 'Portable OXYGEN Equipment 'EIOSPIT*E- 6EDS TO RENT--4NVALID "CHAIR TO LOAN 'FRESH 'FLOWfORS SUPPLIED >PROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WILE ANYWHERE ' -24 EHE Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. T H -I E L'S Superior Store to•ck Clearing ALE Commencing Tues. Jan.22 GOODS MARKED ;'IOW IN ORDER TO SELL . QI TI KLY MEQ AND BOYS' •<'UEAR - LADIES, AND GIRLS' WEAR Floor Coverings,. 'Blankets, China, Dry - Goods .. Etc. COME. IN :FOR. A BARGAIN! Pfau* 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich r Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions the Friday, Saturday Jan. 18, 19 (ONLY THE VALIANT) Gregory Peck and Barbara Payton She gave a Man the kind or thirst da'n'ce the Desert never Could rat±o Docto Short Subjects and Comic Strips. who i pital kno who ,j cover! Dr Two Shows 7.80 and' 9.30. Tuesday, Wednesday Jan. '22--23 GLASS ,MENAGRIE Kirk Douglas and Jane Wyman From: the Williams Play that won the Critics Award fGor Best of the year News Reel. Shorts and Comics One Show 8.00 o'clock. DtN( A DANCE Will be held in the Community Centre, Zurich On Thursday January 17th. Following the Banquet, sponsored by the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture. Music by the Disjardine's Orchestra Dancing from 10—? Admission — 50 Cents NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING • Of THE 'ZURICH`'f,iik ti"'r r�SSOCT 'ATION, at Town Hall, Zurich On. SATURDAY EVE. JAN 19th. At 8 p.m. A number of Films will be shown. As fellows: Canadian. Cruise in tee- nicolGor; The Zoo, in technicolor; In- dustrial Revolution; and Cotton. Everybody cordially Invited. —Silver Collection— Dance Revue Kay Ellis of London DANCE INSTRUCTRESS Presents her PROGRAM OF SPARKLING ENTERTAINMENT TAP AND BALLET DANCE REVUE Chorses, Instrumentals and Vocal Solos Assisted' by Ljcal Talent Community Centre, Zurich Friday, January 25th 8 p.m. Sponsored by Zurich Library Admission. 50 cents and 25 cents, Reserved Seats - 75' Cents. Plan at Thiel's General Store DANCING - 10.30 - 1.00 Disjardine's Orchestra NOTICE The Womens' Institute ofZuric]x will sponsor a.n amateur Taient-Show in the near future. Watch for par- ticulars. All those interested call Mrs. Gus Roche, Phone 83-4. • NOTICE Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of -the Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st. At Two .,'clock, p.m. 'Business -- Receiving Financial Re- - port, Election of Officers, Etc. ease be present at this meeting .1 and boost for the welfare of the Society Ferd J. Haberer, President, ilPl " E. F. i{.lopp, Secy -T. 1441 Is At Hospital -and Mrs. W. h1. Coxon and er • Sue Anne motored to St- an Sunday to call on the s father, Mr Andrew Coxon, "patient in the General Hos- fthat city. Mr. Coxon is y Many in this comnnun;ity, Ili'?in wishing him a speedy re - A Busy Clergyman Mr 2'. R. Waugh and three child- ren +o ..L'annbeth, Ont., spent several days this week visiting at the homer f 1VIrs. Wau•gh's' parents, Rev, and s JI. E. Roppel of Zurich. Rev;154re,Waiugh has •been taking a post. e, scholarship course of theol.a ical studies at Emmanuel Col- lege r� Toronto since last September, and Lside-line in addition to his own a , ies he also teaches both Hebre eand Greek languages there. He is' l zowever also maintaining his pastry: connections at Lambeth. HURON'S WARDEN Gq ,e ch—Harvey Johnston, reeve of 404Township, was elected wardeof Huron County, at the op- ening:' ession of Huron County Co- uncrl ;6j Tuesday, Jan. 13th. E liner reeve of Stanley Township, and . r1n er-up on the wardenship, move°d hat the election be :inanim- ous, s' added by Reeve Bauerman,of McKill. ,1'who was also in the field. Then Warden is president of Hur- on Co f 'er.ative Medical Service; vice -prudent and charter member of Brussels }''ions Club; past master of St. J3hi:Lodge, AF and A.M., of Br.uSsello ' e has served en Morris tcliF.WiesSI ,c a i�zntsrl o �` �' f � r1., conseo�tA•ve years, the past four as reeve. He specializes in Shorthorn cattle; York- shire swine, and is past president of Morris Federation 'of Agriculture Brussels Fair Board; and is Sunday School superintendent in the United Church. . HOCKEY NEWS A large number of hockey fans, accompanied our team to Seaforth on Monday evening, owing to the softness of the ice ion the local arena, where there was a double he.acrer on tap. -Namely Thedford vs' Lucan; Ilderton vs Zurich. There was • an immense crowd present, and the spe- ctators saw some real thrills, and spills as well, if yon please. This was a bad night for the locals, as they lost their first game here, with mly a small margin behind, while the Thedford team fairly "plastered" the once . powerful and unb.eated Lucan team. In every small com- munity -there usually develops one or so players that is more outstand- ing than the average, and in, hockey, it is this type of player that makes the difference in a team of wviniring or losing a game. Only a few rapid moves Ur shots at the opportune time usuallyimakes the difference. It takes years of hard work practicing to make a good athlete in any line of sport. Chamber of - Commerce News The 'first meeting of 1,952 was held on Tuesday Jan. 15th at the Town Hall with twenty-one meanbers pres- ent and at which new members Pat Hess and Ted Steinbach 'were wel- comed. The President gave a resuune. of projects adopted last year to be com- pleted in the near future, including the erection of street signs, Shop in Zurich week; Blinker light for the four highway' corners and the estab- lishment of a Park for Zurich. A change was made in the meet- ings and every fourth one will be a dinner event at which a prominent speaker or program will be presented Also mentioned, was the proposed future program to stianlate the Vot- ers' interest and participation in .Municipal affairs, their responsibilit- ies to and appreciation of the volun- tary efforts of the Council members. At the next general meeting to be held in the Town 1 -]all on Tuesday, February 11th, Mr. Harry Hess will u. Ono t speaker and his subject will be of paramount importance to all in lineation with the dlinxan+shin e water supply for 'the Village of (,r- ich, Attendance of ALL member, is requested at this important Meeting. Support and Take Interest In Your Local •Council 'CANADA'S FUTURE 'BELONGS To FRt~c CANADIANS. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. See This VALUE 17 JEWEL Men's Waterproof Strap WATCHES Shockproof Dustproof Radium Dial Unbreakable Crystal FULLY GUARANTEED $33.00 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a Nese Modern Loom, Made k Order --- Seth O. Amann, Zurfe Ont. Phone 128. Wm coat Colder Weather.:. With the Colder Weather Isere yoa, can depend on warmer homes b using BLUE COAL Solve your heating problems thus easy way and use the- Coal that will definitely assure you continuous heat throughout the winter months. LORNE EILER HENSALL Office Telephone 10. ROE FEEDS LOOKER SERVIGM OOH0000000000001l000000000 111001110111000111011110•000011411419•410 I COt1,44 ttUrOt4i raq4 * I i I Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Sere Hospital Bed and Wheelchair. or Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service i Telephone: Res. 89 - - orY 122, Zurich ra000N00000000000000N0y a00000•000m•00000•0a000 ZIJRIeI-ps Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as we/I as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menne Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Cold Weather FOOTWEAR LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN ---. New Pattern Prints and Flannellette. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl THE BLAKE STORE E. Sewartzimtr'uber, Prop. Phone 1147