HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-03, Page 6►
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. Xs it all right to send a
Christmas card to someone who is
in deep mourning?
A, Yes, if its picture in route
way illustrated the birth of Christ
of the promise of peace, or if its
:message be of loving friendly
thought. Don't send a gay card
shouting "Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year"
Q. When buttering a piece of
bread at the dinner table, slsould
one hold it in one hand or keep
it ors the plate?
A. It is better to hold the bread
against he plate while buttering it.
Q. Will you please suggest a
good '`thank you" letter for bride
to send in appreciation of a wed-
ding gift?
A, "Dear Mrs. Snaith: The
prints you sent us will go just beau-
tifully in our living room. It was
wonderfully sweet of you and I
thank you more than I can tell
you, hoping that you are surely
coming to the wedding, Very sin-
cerely, Mary Jones,"
Q. When a man is dining with
a girl in a restaurant and another
man stops at the table to chat for .
a minute, what should the girl's
escort do?
A. He should rise and' 'remain
standing until the other maw leaves.
Q. What type of writing paper
should a man use for his personal
A. It should always be con-
servative. Plain white or cream,
or gray or granite, or a deep blue
paper of medium or large size, and
stamped with his address or his
initials or, fort', social correspond-.
ence, with his crest, is in good taste.
Q. Is it proper to give money to
a friend as a Christmas present,
when one knows that the friend
needs it?
A. It would be better not to
give money':' Often such a gift is
resented -and causes hurt feelings.
Q. When carving a turkey,
should the,., host ask ' each guest
which piece he prefers?
A. Merely ask if he prefers
light or dark meat. If there is ,but
one turkey and everyone would
request a leg there would be quite
a problem.
Q. If one has a house guest, who
Is in the home on Christmas Day,
should there be a gift' for this
A. Yes. And, of course, the guest
should have .gifts for the host. and
hostess and their children, or one
gift that they all can enjoy.
Q. Doesn't the bridegroom and
his family send out some of the
'Wedding invitations?
A. No; all of them are sent out
by the parents of the bride.
"Dearest Betty," wrote Frank,
who was hopelessly in love, "I
would swim the mighty ocean for
one glance from your dear eyes.
I would walk through a wall of
flame for one touch of your tiny
hands. I would leap the widest
stream in the world for a word
from your lovely lips. As always,
your Frank.
"P.S.—I'll be over on Saturday
night if my toothache is better•"
'Weil, well .. a built-in perch!"
Sister Of The Jeep—The new "Aero Wing" is the first passenger sedan model to be built by Willys-
Overland Motors since 1942 when the company went into all-out production of Jeeps. The new two-
door has a six -cylinder, 9'0 -horsepower motor, and is expected to deliver 35 miles to the gallon.
9c aC fOA. NOd .FIRM 111h0
** Upside-down to prevent peeking.
Wrestler Tried To
Cheat Gallows
There are more ways of killing
a cat than by choking it with but-
ter. And there are ways of saving a
man from hanging other than by a
last-minute, reprieve.
At least, so thought "Farmer"
Borns, who was a circus strong-
man performer; one-time heavy-
weight wrestling champion of the
world, and the discoverer of Frank,
Gotch ?'itrho-beat the'faiii'eotis "Gecit-
ges Hackenschmidt in the most dis-
puted mat battle of all time.
Martin Burns was a farmer's boy
when he first broke into fame. Sent
into town to sell some pigs, he
was attracted to a visiting fair, chief
item of which was a wrestling
booth. The proprietor was offer-
ing five; dollars to anyone who
could gain a fall from his pet grap-
Acclaimed Champion:
Burns went on the neat in the
blue overalls. -that bespoke his cal-
ling. He won the match, collected
his money and earned from the
crowd the name of "Farmer"
'Burns. ;,ser
After that he decided it was eas-
ier to gain a living on the mat than
down on the farm He took to pro-
fessional wrestling and in time was
acclaiined world's champion by
reason of a victory over the original
"Strangler" Lewis.
Burns' toured the United States,
wrestling all comers with great Suc-
cess. In the course of his travels
he came across Frank Gotch,
taught . the tough German all he.
knew, and eventually developed him
into a champion.
The "Farmer" was no physical
giant, but used his natural strength
scientifically and 'practised physical
,Ready To Ski-paddle--Dagmar Rom, Austrianladies' slalom and
giant slalom world skiing champion, tries her skill on a ski -bob at
Zugspite, Germany, during the opening of the German .winter
sports season. Miss Rom, a member of the Austrian Olympics
winter sports team, -egarded the ski -bob rate as a welcome break
i'► her hard pre -Olympic training an Germany's highest mountain.
The ski -bob is a combination of bicycle and skin'
culture with fanatic zeal. He made
a particular study of muscle -control,
and one of his favourite tricks •of
showmanship was to. allow himself
to be suspended by the• neck' for
five minutes. •
He would have a scaffold built,
stand on a box beneath it and have
a running noose put around his
neck. Then they would kick the
box away and leave him dangling
in mid-air for the advertised'tinie.
When they let him doyen he .would
perform a front and back_sanier-
sautf to~ prove iree 'quite all
This speciality eventually caused
Burns to figure prominently in a
dramatic story.
In Chicago a certain bar room
habitue named Painter was accused.
of killing a woman. Although
George• Siler, a wrestling referee,
came forward and: testified, that the
prisoner 'was in his company at the
time when the murder was com-
witted, Painter was found guilty
and sentenced to death by hang-
There were the usual appeals, all
of which failed to secure a reprieve,
' Finally, all hope of saving. the
doomed man was abandoned.
Siler, who honestly believed in
Painter's innocence, chanced` to
meet Farmer Burns one evening.
The wrestler lent a sympathetic ear,
discovered that the execution was
fixed for 'three months hence, and
asked to be taken to see the prison-
This was arranged, and llirns
strengthening exercises such as he
used himself when training for his
famous "hanging" performance. He
had the idea that if they strung the
convicted elan up three times with-
out being able to break his peek,
he would 'be acquitted without fur-
ther attempt.
Painter was well. acquainted %:ith
the renowned hanging stunt. Gips -
ping at the last straw to save his
life, he practised daily in his cell
the "wrestlers' bridge" and other
special exercises for the toughen-
ing of the neck muscles.He became so enthusiastic that
before long he was confident that •
he could not be hanged, 110 matter
how often they tried.
Burns left town before the
date of the execution. Returning a
month later, Le sought out George
Siler and asked if Painter had been
"Oh, yes -- hut they had to have
three tries," explained Siler, wish-
ing to let the Farmer know that his
efforts at life-saving had not en-
tirely been wasted. "They broke
two ropes on hint and finally hang.
ed him with a third,"
"Well, then," countered the
wrestler philosophically, "it just'
goes to show that if you try some-
thing often enough, you're bound
to do it in the ,end."
A Man with a caustic wit wits
quarrelling with his wife. After a
particularly 1liting remark, she Mart
into tears and said: "flow can yon
treat me- like this when I've given
you the seven best years of, i11j!
"Good Iieavensl" real',
bud,"weret .c d her? itis
those your besf?"
it is a universal tendency of
men and women to marry and esta-
blish a home. For we suspect that
happiness is made in the home.
And we are right. At a deeper level
the family is a workshop for the
art of making love. But this is not
the end. The home' is but a prepara-
tion for family life with God.
God does not live alone, afar
off, in majesty and solemn grand-
eur. It is common experience among
us that one who enjoys power and,
authority, is left to live alone. This
is not• true of Gott Neither is He
alone nor does He wish' to remain
• apart from us. For the -life of God'
is a family life, the life of the Di-
vine Fancily of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost. `
Never 'before the coming of
Christ did anyone guess the -.na-
ture of God's life. Throughout the
many.' wise men came to the con-
clusion that somehow God must
have companions. Thus we• find
the story of triads—companioais of
. God—described in the literature of
the East. But these companions of
His were always of lesser dignity.
There still' remained the cold
solemnness of God.
We, men and women everywhere,
consider loneliness a form of suf-
fering. It is a sign of anincom-
plete life. But the life of God is
perfect, complete. The keyto hap-
piness, therefore, lies in studying
the Divine Family life of God.' The
human family must be patterned af-
ter the original family if it is to
lead to happiness. Its fa.nal happi-
ness will be found when it be-
comes a part of Divine Family life.
And thus is the happiness of man
completed in the family life of God.
This is one of a series of
messages by Father V. Mceivney,
Parish Priest, St. Francis Parish,
Pickering, Ont.
Yeast— The Food
Of Many' Uses
As world supplies of meat and
eggs diminish, scientists are seeking
more ways in which Yeast can be
used to save loader-nourisbed mil-
Yeast goes into bread and beer,
and without it these two iteins could
not be made. The tiny micro-or-
ganisms of which yeast, is built up
act like Miniature factories. Tl'ley
take in sugar at one end and deliver
alcohol and gas at the other.
In the case of beer the alcohol is
absorbed by the "wort" (the liquor
produced by steeping barley in
water)if and the gas forms the
"head" or froth.
With bread only the gas is used.
This makes tiny holes in the dough
so that it comes from the oven soft
and spongy. The alcohol evaporates
with the heat of the oven,
But yeast can do much better
things that make possible the baking '
of bread and the, brewing of beer.
It contains a high percentage of
protein, that necessity for growth
which modern science has found to
be so lacking in notch foodstuff,
Protein is a complex compound
containing car bo n, hydrogen,
oxygen; and nitrogen, with a tittle
sulphur, It builds muscle and tissue.
Without' it the }Ionian body would
waste away.
Soule yeasts .contain 50 per cent
of protein,' compared With 26 per
cent in cheese, and. 17 pet• cent in
beef: Yeast i$ also one of the richest
• knowi] sources of vital "13" group of
vitamins which combat disease.
In 1943 British scientists dis-
covered a type of yeast that Will
perform miracles of ]multiplication.
A yeast factory was set up in
Jamaica, where the; raw material for
feeding yeast is most readily avail-
able•in the form of molasses.
Into a vat containing 7,000 gallons
of ordinary water go approximately
125 Ib. of .yeast cultures, 1 4 tons
of molasses, and sonic ammonia.
The hungry yeast cells gorge theiil-
selves on this food supply, and in
just 24 hours a' single small vat
produces as much protein. values' as
would be for}lid in the meat from
• four two-year-old cows. •
The mixture emerges in the form'
of creamy paste whic11 is dried into
flakes er powder, or "compressed
into tablets. Once `ivied it will keep
The great nna,r about yeast as a
foot is Chet fete people like the taste
of it $0 now 'science is busy trying
to get 'rid of the flavour and ~till-
stitute More palatable ot]es.
Ch sifie Advertising,.
esus atilt:Its •
D0108 this mean anything to you? 'J his.
rear we purcase 4046 ing
Banded n digreed�t cockerel*: toiuse �in}Our
breeding 'flocks: Don't he penny' wise and
pound .foolish, 'i)uy chicks with, genuine
breeding hack of. them. They may cost a.
.penny. 00t• chink more, but the pullets will
make do]lars more in the laying house,
the cockerels will snake mere money for
broilers or roasters. We have all popular
Pure breeds and (t•oss breeds to choose
from, Also turkey vomits, older Pullets.
Pres catalogue.
Fergus, Ontario.
r3A.1715 you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? write to us for Information. we
are glad to answer your questions. De-
partment 1I, Parker's Dye works Limited,
791 Tonga .St., Toronto.
80 acres, good bttildings, spring water.
hydro, half -mils best of Cobourg og
Highway No, 2, 80 miles from Toronto.
THOMAS ROSS, 11.11. No, 4, COr101JitG,
Your Drugghrt sells CES'S,sure yeller.
RECESSED nangergns $Qll •
SIT_ARRT siarthe lirashinnton and RIehledge
stainless three-piece bathroom sets.
Camplete at i lehromed
.00 'beautio ful Coloured fittings.
Air conditioning furnaces` 5195.09, Special
offers to plumbers and builders too. Save
many- valuable dollars, buy with:,eonildence
and have a nicer hone. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. S:xtra discounts off catalogue
Drives 11! we supply, everything you need tor.
complete plumbing or heating Installation. '
Catalogue includes litho photos of maln
futures,prices and helpful installation
diagrams. Select style -,'of sinks,cabinets;
laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrlgera,.
'tors, Presektre water systema all burners;:
septic and oil tanks, etc. Visit or write
Johnson ASal2 Order Dtvlslon, Streeteville
.Hardware; Streetsvrllo, Ont, Phone 261.
BANIS7-3 the torment or dry eczema rashes
and weeping blcin troubles, Post's Eczema
Salve will not disappoint you.
Itchingringworm', pimples and athlete's foot swill
respond readily to the stainless odorless
ointment, regardless of how stubborn or
hopeless they seem,
PRICE ,52.00 19080 JAR
Sent Post irrse.-on Receipt of Price
820 Queen St NI. Corner of Logan,
By Rev. R. 8. Warren, B.A. B.D.
The People Make Their Choice
Joshua 24:1=8,14-18. ;
Memory Selection: Choose you this
• day whom ye will serve. Joshua
24: 15a
Joshua had come to the end of his ••
life's work. He had worked efficient-
ly, first Moses. The people were
now settled in the promised Iand,
All the tribes` were gathered to
S'he.chem• The elders,' heads, judges
and officers presented themselves
before, God. Joshua briefly reviewed
God's leadership of the people from
the days of Abraham. Then he made
the great appeal of the memory
selection. Would , they revert to
pagan worship, the gods of Abra-
ham's homeland or those of the
Armorites, some of whom still
dwelt in the borders of the land?
In a powerful plea, Joshua exclaim-
ed, "As for me and my house, we '
will serve the Lord."
Example exerts great influence.
The people • responded, "God forbid
that we should forsake the LORD, •
to serve other gods. "They pledged
to serve the LORD also.
Everyone must make this choice.
We are all. serving; either Jesus
.Christ or Satan, Happy is the man.
who has made Joshua's choice. •'
"The service of 'Jesus true pleasure
affords, -
In Him there' Is joy without an
Tis heaven to trust Him and rest on
His words,
7.t pays to serve Jesus each day?"
GOOD ADViCEi Every sufferer of Rtteud
matl5 Rains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
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Great Opportunity Learn
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Thousands of successful Marvel graduates
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Write -or Call
358 Sloor St, W.. Toronto
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AN 0)1251RR to every Inventor—List of in.
ventions and full information sent free
The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor-
neys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa.
tent Solicitors, 'Established 1890, 360
Bay Street, Toronto. 'Booklet of informa-
tion on request.
QUIT SMOKING—the easy way, Use To
bacco laiminator, a scientiflc treatment
quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco,
rids the system of nicotine. Xing Drug
Pharmaceutical chemists (Alberta), P.O.
Box 679, London, Ontario,
LADIES' make own hand Iotlon. Save
overhead. 50c makes 1'j6 pinta, 51.00
brings Formula, gone Ad..nas, RR. No.
2, -Normal, I11incls.
TEACiE,EIt WANTED—Manitowaning Con-
tinuation School (Manitoulin Island) re-
quires qualified assistant, Male or Female.
P,;;otestant, to' teach French, Latin Art—
half time, and Public School—Grades 7
and 8, half time. Term commencing San.
3, 1952, Salary 52,600, Apply stating
•aualifieations, experience and last Inspec-
tor, to .7. I3embruff: Secretary, Sox 183,
Manitowaning, Ontario.
by Canadian approved Hatchery for 1962
season, Good prices paid and long hatching
season. Box 12, 223 Eighteenth Street, •
New Toronto.
cud C LOS
• Warm Ecloctric Oil
• Rub well into chest
and throat
e Cover with warm
'flannel •
• Effective for children
ISSUE 52 — 1951••
lad C tcutation -William J, Waylett, above, a bakery salesman,
oaks with satisfaction on the five -gallon jars a white pennies
'le has taken out of circulation. Waylett got disgusted at the
-ober of times the pennies got passed to him as dime& to eight
years he nas collected about $400 worth,