HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-01-03, Page 4ZURICH • ONTARIO 4. • 4- nom. 4. 4. 4 Seasonable Thoughts Glory to God in the Highest, and On earth peace, goodwill toward men. -'-Luke 2:14. And She shall bring forth a son, and ' thou shalt call His name Jesus, for he shall save his people, from their sins — Math. 1 : 21, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Iife, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see Jife, but the wrath of God abideth on him. -- St. ;John 3:36. Zurich Golden Rule Gospel Messengers. 4. t 4 t 4 { 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4- ; $ •Y;+ 4. + PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: Rader & Mittleholtz Phone 63 - Zurich 1 s IIIIIlhISlI11EFI[uMOU Sat. Nights 5 p.m. St. Thomas CHLO 1 • Youth for Christ IBroadcast • 4 The next meeting of the Huron County Council • will be held in ,the Council Chambers,Court House, ..,3 oderich, commencing MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL + ,i, + 4. At 2.00 p.m, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15,;,,1952 t ! i it All accounts, notices of . deputations and other . e 4. 4 business requiring the attention of Council should '4 4.• be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than +t, 4 1 Saturday, January)2, 195,2 d. . : A. -'H. i'Erskcine, County, Clerk. ?r + 9 Goderich; Ontario. DASHWOOD Mr•. and Mrs R. I3iesenthal of Windthorst, Sask,, are spending a feu weeks with their daughters and rother relatives. Mr and Mrs Wes Wolfe spent Chr• ii=tsnas with their sons Murray and George in Toronto. Glenn I•Iaugh, of Naperville, is spending ,the holidays with his par- ents, 'Air and Mrs. Art Haugh, Mr and Mrs Joe Bruce of Wintl,•e•, and Mr and Mrs Sohn Snyder or .Brantford were Holiday visitors with their mother,. Mrs, Bertha Hayter. Mr ..a.i d 'Mrs Charles Steinhagen ispent 'Chr-i ;trnas holidays in Sarni: , Mr and Mrs, Lorene Kleinstiver Spent. Christmas holidays with her p sre —r in -Bo wm anvil] e. lir and Mrs Glenn Brown .,;f .Pon- • don seen ',.e eh r.. I t ma, hoir.la ti rvi,h 4tr "•," <1Ie , 11l• :117,1 �_1'.• •C,/sir. 1. a - , and Mrs .3 J.ac . z k Cud,a.ol,: of 'Toronto spent Christmas with relati- ves here. Mr and Mrs Walter Ness of De - I troit epent the week -end with the ' foriner's mother Mrs. Ness. , Mr and Mrs Ken McCrae and Bonnie Heather spent Christmas with his parents hi Meafcad. Mr ani Mrs. Paul Nese of Stye t-. ford spent Christmas with his mother Mrs. Ness. The Dashwood Planing Mills Ltd., have recentlybeenf awarded the con- tract for the mill -'"work on the'Mount-. si:eld whool ,f iaathr.ry, to be...con- structed immediately at 'a cost of $2550,000. Ellwvood 1VIeCrae of Meaford spending New Years holidays with relatives here. Mr' and Mrs. Ervn 'Corenther and family of Tot-ntn are eneediet New, • Ye'rr'a hrilislays with veto :timrea hero. Mr. .A1 -'n Kellrrn1.hn % on the s•„,. 1. (ht., hope . ti'�t. C 4 . 1) . for t a , ��ov�>. . l' rcedv zee l • Mx ami Mrs W. Schultz .Oral clan- ghter Ona and Mr. _ Nen Le 'BGrtte of Detroit spent New Years with Mr- and 'Mrs. Maurice Klumpp Mr. Mervyn Stelck and patsy .of Bradford spent New Year's with his parents Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stelek. GRAND 13 :81,\11.) Residents were glad to see,, the re- cent (haws, which took dio;Wir,;tne big banks of snow. LEGION ENTERTAIN CHILDREN Grand Bend Branch ' No. 4i)8 Can- adian Legion l3ESL, with their Lad ies Auxiliary, entertained 11.17 ehil- dren and some of their parekits at a party held in the Aldon ,Theatre.. There was the tree with all the trim- mings, toys and candy galore, dis- tributed to the ,youngesters'>la' Santa W.M.S. Meet '1;, The WMS met in the school'; room of G. B. United Church for the ann- ual meeting and election ofrtpfficiers i r 1952. Officers elected 'were:. Pres- ident, Mrs. Garnet Pattersol; 1st. vice-pres. Mrs. Harold Skipper; 2nd vice Pres. Mrs. Wellwood Gill; 3rd. vice, Mrs. Earl Rirr; secreta•., Mrs. Colin Love; asst. Mrs. Pon H ndriek; treas. Mrs. Allen Miller; 'iristian stewardship, Mrs. Garnet Ps'terson.; lf`elpers, Mrs. Wm. Love, Mr t; Man - ford Luther; strangers sect., :, Mrs. Ern. Desjardine; ,helpers, Mrd,; Ellen Desjardine, Mrs. 3. H Mere:=or; .Mission Band spirt., Mrs W,,pturde- vent; heelpers, Mrs. Carman L,3te,Mrs Max Turnbull; ass),ciate help .r, ylrs Remy Ravelle; Miss. Monthl•+$ Mrs. Hy." Devine; Baby Band sinal. Mrs. Earl Brirr; asst, Mrs. Allen 'Willer; literature serf:, Mrs. Willis Gill, pai•• nist, Mrs. Mansel Mason; 'asst l'ie's. Jno. Giyy; press secy., Mrs, w;, Cyrus Green; supply Ecom. Mrs. J. 11. Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Cy. Green, Mrs.' Geo - Latta; auditors, Mrs..Garnet:lPatter- son, Mrs. Don Hendrick; temperance Mrs. Merritt Thompson. St Joseph and Beaver Town Many thanks to tire Zurich^herald fi,r its Season's Greetings! It is our wish that its management, •;win.:;.con- tinue to serve ,thepublic dee the -fut- ure as it has - in ithepast;,-iteis also our wish that its Editor zand5Otliers who have in the past took pi t:in its publication, 'will enjoy good. ;health, peace of mind; and will receive, in- creased patronage from its; many customers, and with it goes. Our Best Wishes for •a Happy .and, Prosperous New Year !—Corr. The New Year When this ,article swill, reach the Stege.:,rot,.being printed, •it wiII'�be 'in the year 1952. A year that we' all look for bo enter in peace and to close in peace. The world today is on the balance, one cannot, be expec- ted to make an accurate guess of its future; we can only hope fp2.-, u, der - standing among "nations and w,e phut 'expect to give and .,take, if we' Wyant peace and harmony. Scienceis devl-, sing deep in Nature, andth ere ` are i nany things remains to be develop - ad; and perhaps much of 'that• is causing worry, anxiety acid ani.n the people today. It is true when once perfected, and put in action, it could be destr- active, it could, heap cities into ashes and it could destrop' all in Pts way; Even the rough spots of the earth could be levelled, by it's force. Srrrl is the world that we are living in today; one is not too certain. if there will be the beginnig of another year; However, there is nothing left for us but to adopt ourselves to the Ideas and generation of to -day, tho, some perhaps, will yet prove diabol- ical. • We remember years ago reading an article in a French paper from France, written by a French Clergy- man-, containing the following pre- dictions: In the year of 1970 all the inhabitants of the earth would earn their living from the soil, peo le would live in glass houses, nvounted ,on a pivot, and it would automatic- ally revolve,. according as to the nfovernent of the sun; glass would be of .a mixture, that would contain the necessary. heat' the year round, that the body requires for good health Those spared to- ,t, fat date WIIN be living in a land of plenty, as the vast wealth of^-today.would be shared by few; the work rot the land w.luld be done in the house by pushing butt ons. From the above predictions you can draw your own conclusion; perhaps by then the wl»-1d will have been destnoyed, and already had started a new area.. But that, -like many other events,, renaia 'to be seen, only time will:. tell. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr and Mrs Norman Rickert and. daughter. Kippen, were holiday visy. itors in Clifford. The deepest of sympathy of Stan= ley friends is extended to the Robert McBride family, in the loss of their husband and father. Mr. Mel3ride Fire and Thieves Riverside Poultry Co. plant which lost 70 live f wl in the $40,000 fire flint destroyed its main building n,,,. 1 rn., on "'"rlrav r^t. lost another 8200 worth to thieves, Howard re rgu.. on. of Mr m 1 Mia J. ,Ferguson, of nisei:vet part ';+wrier ZURICH . HERALD Thursday, January 30, 11)b2 FOR many 'a farmer the farm is, boss ... it runs him, instead of hien running it. Too many farmer's underestimate the worth of their time; too few know what they are being paid for their work. Let the B of M help you make a fresh start in '52 ... so you'll know exactly -what your farm is paying you ... and which operations are making or losing money for you. Yogi• B of M manager will gladly give you a simple Farm Account Book that will help you run your farm for maximum profit. Call -or write for your copy. There is no obligation. Be boys of your I r in'52 And, when you've:•planned ; Ito„ Farm Inrprove'm nt Program for - '52, you 'may ttri4 'your BO .Mi. manager a handy 'man again—•it' you need extra money to make those: go-ahead plans come true. Whether it's• for installing. mot electricity or dai;ng, some other im- provement io.b suitable for winte - tune . . . sowiu ng mote ' seed next. spring . getting more machineryt to speed the busy summer - . . ora - arranging for more heat in the•house• next fail , }lou'lt find: your B' of M manager the man to see. Have at confidential chat with him staom• He'll help you all he can in '52!.. 'MY BANS" BANK OF MONTREAL 10 A NItti0N CANAD/ANS working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 ezKacla a 7exat Sag4 Zurich Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON,. Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) s} . Wag, said he discovered the Ioss When he returned to the still smoul- dering ruins of the plant. The dres- sed fowl were in the cold storage biulding adjoining the burnt-out plant. Same of them were smoke da- maged, but most were all right, Ms Ferguson said. Theft of the birds must have taken place between mid- night and early morning. Four Generations Young Edward Heard .celebrated his first birthday, in the company of his family on Monday night, Decem- ber 3. Edward is the fourth generat- ion, of two famil trees. Amony others atteindinry his birthday party at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Heard, on the Babylon Line, Stanley Township, were his mother and father,- his grandfather, Mrs. Nelson Heard, Bayfield, and grand- father,. Christopher Parker, his great- grandmother, Mrs.. L. Lawrence, who is 85 years old. His great grandmoth- er on his mother's side of the house, Mrs. Catharine Parker, Bayfield, is 93, and was unable to attend the pari''. The gasoline pumps which have for years been in front of Johnson's store at the intersection ,of Highway No. 4 and the road from ,Seaforth to Hayfield, have been removed, com. plying with -.regulations to that eff- ect which must 'be done by the end of 1951. HENSALL • Born At Clinton. Hlospital, Sun- day, Dec. 30, 1951, to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mousseau, of Hensall, a , eau ghter. Holy Communion will be administ- ered at the United Church next Sun- day morning, Jan. Gth. The WMS of the United Church; ;have postponed their January meet- ing a week later, which will be held Thurs. Jan. 10th:. Mr. and Mrs Howard Lbve, Tor- onto, visited the formers parents, Mr and 'i1Trs Milton Love. Mrs. Love who has been very ill has improved. Miss Irma Kipfer has returned to Toronto, after spending the Irulidays at her home here. Mrs. James Sangster who has been ap atient at Clinton Hospital, left Tuesday a1 l is wing m staying the hospital v with `her daughter, Mr and Mrs. 3, Nolo, London. THE• IDEAL GIFT! We know of no finer Yuletide. Gift, one that will remind the receiver every week, than a Year's. • Subscription of the Horne Paper to a friend at a distance or at home. A- few cents a week will do it now! . Canada, anywhere $2.00 U.S.A. $2:5.0 ZURICH HERALD - Phone 80. i l Mr and Mrs J. Pfaff, Mr and Mrs Nelson Pfaff and family, agent the holidays with relatives in London. I Mr. Dave Xirg, grave -digger . at Hensall Union Cemetery, states that he had dug only two . graves during the past year. 1 Binas Pepper, son of Mr • and Mrs John Pepper, of Hensall district tel 'from the top of a ladder 'while roof ing a new shed at his home and recei i ved several injuries to his right arm He was taken to St. Joseph's Hosp- ital, London.. Dies in Florida - Funeral services for Dr. George W. D+oxsee, 72, of Hensall, woo died suddenly from a heart attack, while wintering in Orlando, Florida, were held in Toronto and interment in the Prospect •Cemetery. Surviving besides his wife, are one son, George W.,and three daughters, Mrs. James Martin, Albion and Vena. in Japan," anlrf "Physical Training in Schools". The different classes- took part in the pne:grarr and contributed- res, tatiorts, songs, drills and sing-.. songs:" Gifts -were distributed. from. the tp Enjoyed Supper evening was spent i . An enjoyable .. 1 • the Legion rooms, Hensall, when the - members of the . Kippen East W. In stitute entertained their husbandai ' and families. About '125 sat down. to a sumptuous turkey dinner.Follow-, ing the dinner a .short program ` upas ' . enjoyed, presented by the children and young people. Ilarogreseive euchre - was played. Business Sold Mr. Lorne Hay of Town, has sold his lockerservice, coal and .feed business to Mr. Lorne Siler, who has been in the Yukon district for the past three years, and who with Mrs. Eider took up residence here rrecent- ly. Mr, Hay purchased the business from Mr. W. R. Davidson two" years ago, and has no immediate plans for the future. Mr. 'Eller gets possess- ion the first of January. Carmel S. S. Has Progr:.m The annual Christmas concert of the Sunday School of Cannel Pres- byterian Churchwas held• in the church schoolroom. Mr. Geo, 'Pinney the superintendent; of the S. S. acted ass chairman, and introduced iv'h•: VidorP)" ronin, principal of Zurich 'Public School, wh, presented three films, "Mountain Clnnhing," "Troops. NURSE RESIGNS Huron County Health Unit Hoard, meeting in Clinton recently, accepted' with regret the resignation of Miss ' Rhea Desiardins, staff nurse for Clin- ton and district Miss Desjardins ire leaving to work for the city .of Sun- bury, bepartnient of .Health . replacement wilt be sought. Can You Solve Thies Exchange: The Houston Press re- ceived a letter from a subscr:eer„ .ask- iiig for help in figuring out her.fam ily relationships. Rut for once the, newspaper fell down. 'Ileal ''ts her• problem: 'i'ty father's brother,tsar riod my husband's sister, They half! 10 children, My husband had severe children when 1 .married him. WG have five. "My father's brother's; old- est son married in husband's se:rortt dr,-eht- r. they ' 1i d five children: "N'nw Emir of those chiidren are mar-, ri s'r' rind have children. Three of M;W , children also .have children." "What vel;ltion are these ' children'?" "We. cr+runt h ter opt hove We are stated,? let.," Chu j'ott':