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Zurich Herald, 1951-12-20, Page 8
• r 1 INNIICFI is ONTARIO THS Christrr�as Sere We would be pleased to have you call and see our dispay of Christmas Good. We have a well assorted stock of all the various lines that make suitable Gifts for every member of the Family, 1 FOR LADIES A new line of Weldrest Nylons with fancy heel, all sizes, very special at a pair .... $1.95 'Also new silk benyberg hose. new scarfsGloves, silk Pyjamas and Nig htgowns, sweat- ers of every description, fancy boxed towels, and everything for the home such as Rugs ]Blankets, Bedspreads, Table Cloths, Runners, Fancy Chinaware, Glassware Etc. FOR MEN AND BOYS: Let us show you our new Station WagonCoats for Men's very special at each 33.50 A large assortment of all the newer lines in Jackets for Men and Boys at lowest prices. Also everything in Sweaters, Pullovers, Sox, Ties, kid gloves, Hats, Caps Etc.SPECIAL We are Agents for Curries California knife pleated Ties, the newest creation in mens' Ties...You will want some for Christmas. Special at $2.00 each. GROCERIES A complete Stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand. New fruit for Christmas Cake, New Peells, Cherries. A full Iine of Candies, Peanuts, Walnuts Oranges, Etc. Gasch ism �I1 LOCAL NEWS %! A Very 1Vlery ChritlasI YMr and '1�lr:s Jacob Haberer spnt ii a day inLondon this week, Edwd Datars was a buinesim a visitor to London on Wednday, 1Vlilton Desch is nusilured ler ,*'_recovey. Chrismas guests at the I Mr and Mrs. lierd Haberer c lude Mr and yMrs Robertnee Arvis Haberer ofInjured }anr, Donad Hesse receivedjured left hand while prhockey on Tuesday enn Westlak.e � uo�. S�� Purniture Trust I + �r . or 20th. 105/1 g an speedy Canada Tru me of CERTIFICATES ill in- Roland, :Mass, zin in- ctisIng future to 18 years. Premium $10.00 for Individual Policy $5.00 J, ,wish him better luck in the in this lively game- . HOW TO TREAT YOUR CHRISTMAS PETS 1%D., you expect to find a a Mitten, or a canary, or some © "pet among your Christmas D 1B e sure to read in this Su 01 (Dee. 213) issue of The Mn: • .1 weekly, exclusively, with the+ ii Sunday Time, advice by Dr.. D i• Washington Little, eminent v: arian, about the 'handling, fe pf1 and other care r;f pets. `,vQ • Had Birthday Party �•Q0 A very happy event took place on DOD Friday afternoon last when Mr and ® Mrs.' Howard Klopp held a birthday party in honor of their eldest sen • Ronald who celebrated his 11th birth - 1 duty. Girls and boys attended thin splendid time by playing games, etc. , and partaking of a delicious ,birthday I sdpper,( the table !being centred with +an attractive birthday cake, a gift from his aunt (Edith), Mrs. 'Tali 4X; Yungblut. Many !other gifts were re- �V!((/! ceived for which he greatly thanked every one. A. joyous time was spent by all. We congratulate Ronald for his fine musical talent in both vocal and musical instrumental and for h'.s fine personality whenever you meet him. We join his many friends in wishing hint many more Happy Birthdays. Santa Claus Treated Tots On Saturday after .on, pare and children gathered- at the Co +unity Centre to spend some ti taking in the 'beautiful moving tures shown by Mr. Victor Dinn Principal of the Zurich School. W all of a sudden sleigh bells were he by the 'splendid attendance, a Santa Claus made his appearance ter coming over that crisp tvh.�� snow, entered the building, shaking hands with the children as he made his wap t1, the platform. He sure wa;, a grand chap, a real fine fellow, as most of them, were ready to do al- e most anything what he asked thein to do. Several Tots were handed to him by Mr. Ted Haberer, as Santa o asked them questions and what they a wanted from him for :Christmas, the a• response was very good, A sing song was enjoyed thy, all with Mrs. A Harry Hess at the piano. Santa pre • sented all of them with a well filled package of candies nuts, pop corn, etc, They all were very grateful for this good Santa Claus that visited Zurich. This was sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club. Now Offering 3% for 1 and 2 years. 3% for 3 to 10 years. POLIO PROTECTION: Pays up to $5,000,00. Entire Family including • man,, wi !e and children between ages 3 months RaPPY„ Fire, , gifts? ndav's eri can etroit George eterin- edine QI Q TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH Q Q Drysia1e We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and may these fine relations continue to grow, as we extend to one and all: nts m - me Phone 84 - ZURICH pic- in, and D 77 DR. . T. P. K uAST en nd PHYSICIAN af•- two years. for two ,veers W. Haberer Phone 161. Automobile and Casualty Insurance. hrisimas Special WILL ALLOW YOU $30.00 OR MORE for your old Washing Machine On.the purchase of this Genuine THOR WASHER The washer you buy for a Lifetime. .See us .about that Christmas Gift. THOR Automatic Dryer THOR Automatic Gladiron THOR Cushion -Drive. Electric Floor Polisher We also have a good Used Dominion Washwell Electric Washing Machine for sale. For all Electrical Jobs — Call: Wuerth Electric 3 • • • • • • eason's Gritings1 • • : JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE .. Phone 98 r I • • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURfE I ;' �iiil.i)i111t111lilllln, l� tai %i..�'�C..;Slyf�,��»�'^F�`•c�7ri1,��-;!�.`�'' {"� vy. 1-r'cl%illl�4li� ti ,.s A 11111 '11„. TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS tae UiH " ONT. QUALM" PRICE — SERVICE 1 i Women's Institute: The executive of the South iiuron Women's Institute convened in the Town •Hall, Hen.sall, on Dec. 5 for their fall meeting. The chair was taken by the president, Mrs. James Kirkland. Branches represented were Hurondale, Grand 'Bend, Zurich, Kip - pen, Seaforth, •Crediton, Elimvilee and Hensail. Mrs. E. Johns spoke in the interests of the Children's Aid Society and stated there were 130' wards and also stressed the great need for clothing and thanked the W I. branches for donations reserved in the past. Mrs. Wilfred Mack of Cred- iton district rep,, gave highlights of the Londim Area Convention, and Mrs. P. Doig of Seaforth spoke in the interests of the Junior Institutes and asked co-operation of the branches to .stand behind them and back them up. Readings were contributed by Mrs. Anna Walker, Hensail, Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zurich and Mrs. P Seoforth. The story "The Black Madonma" was presented .by Mrs. W Brock, of Elimvilie .The president expressed her pleasure and thanks to the branches for their excellent exhi- bits at the local Fair. • ......Warm est greetings! SL 980 CFPL's IVIARY ASHW.ELL ZURICH - Phone 66 Also for Summer Months at Grand Bend. Phone 150 ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office Yuletide reetins 980 CFPL's JOHN TRETHEWEY Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH -- ONTARIO EV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 0 a.ni,---Divine Services. t.16 a.m. -- Sunday School. '.80 p.ni. -- Divine Worship. i verybody Welcome to all Services. EMMAIt1Ul"1 EVAN U. B. CHURCH Zurich ..- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton- Oesch Organist Sunday Services: - 0:00 a.m. " Divine Worship. - 11:00 a.m. Slible School 7:30 p.irt, « Divine Worship. Welcome at all Services•... "Conte lat.( with us and we will do thee good." Num 10:229. Extends to You Season's Greetings Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. ��1111�1�1111�1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:11111111 � • • • 1llAnNNtI!!lllji(IIINI1IthlflffffflftlflAg11111UNiilIIIIN!(t1R1111t1trl 111111iillllllllllal11111111, — ]till, GI� i(fllfUl(II(Nlllill111117�1II►ItlllRllttl(lIIIIIII� IIIIIIIIIININiillfiiltl li(@IUlij;! • • • • �♦ • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • And Our Thanks to all our • a • • .Customers and Friends •• •♦ • Hardman Phone 63 - Zurich , IIUII' I tuff i IB N Ilf ift )iIIIIN>Iltllllfll pppllllllNlllllllMlllflllllfllllllillll(fNltll II1111111N1NI!!lllfillf III►lllllNl 111 Iiiltl r tterz,< 1li.F- ,-. i +mtm L2= � "� l"lr tiu WOO FLOOR TILE Our a 'dware Store Compliments OF THE SEASON e The Best FOR In Mastic GET Tile Floor TILE 4 TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM a Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as S Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched ¥ai lk Flooring. Per 100 Square Foot $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space tan be aaR..ItP and Economically Converted Int" extra Bedrooms or an income Arps, clueing Apartment. . You cats d•, most of the work yourself. S ass our collection of plans and ides„ FREE _ESTIMATES Fred Ce Kalbfieisch Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can Cement just arrived 1 • •