HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-29, Page 1't Wished ilkaa ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSD. Evangelical Lutheran Church 1 Aldon Theatre ST. PETER'S 1444 ZURICH — ONTARIO 'E+tEV. E. W. EiEiCI`itgliCK, PASTOR 1.0 a.m.—Divine Servkees. 11.15 a.xn. — StanstaT School. T.30 p.m. — Divine Worship. <av@rybody Welcome, to will Services. EIVIMMIU L GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the. Following Attractions Friday, Nov. 30, Saturday Dec 1st. TWO FLAGS WEST Joseph Cotton Linda Darnell Jeff Chandler Cornell Wilde Comic •Strips and Short Subjects. Two Shows 7.30 and 9.30. �. _.. Tuesday, Wednesday Dec. 4 - 5. THE ENFORCER ]•.)rarna. Featuring Humphrey Bogart Zero Mistel and Ted De Corsia News Reel and Comic Strips One Show only 8.00 p.m. ' EVANGELICAL U.. E. CHURCH Z.uriic n — Gextario REV., &f., E.. r tOPPEL Miniiet%er Mrs. Miltona Oea ih - Organist .Sunday Servieem-- 110:00 a.m. — Diva Worship. -•1;00 a.m. — Bible School 7:30 p.m. — Dii_vihe Worship. Welcome at still 5;tsrvacee— `(Came ''s ou with ua and. we will de eines e Cod." Num. Pl1:Z . Are You . Shag From 'Headaches? •,1f so, Have your FFares Examined with the Latest IVIethede said Equipment at Aa L. CO, R.O. OPTOMETRIST .fle OPTICIAN. GODEI .G`ti — "Good Glasses at Posemanole Prices RUSS PEARCE AND 1-118 BAND Will be at the Community Centre, Zurich On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th. As this promises to be an outstand- ing Evening's Entertainment; be sure and attend this one! A REAL 7 -PIECE ORCHESTRA Admission 75 Cents Sponsored by Community Centre Committee -^ CARD OF THANKS T wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for so kind- ly remembering me with cards, let- ters, flowers, treats, and visits during my recent staff, in Victoria Hospxtal, London.—Garnet Jacobe. c MEMORIAM In loving memory of a Dear Mother who passed away December 2nd, 1943. Her memory is a keepsake, With which we will never part Though God- laas hex, its his keeping, We Still have her in ;our jaeaits: —Lovingly remembered by her fam- ily of the late Mrs. Clara Decher. Curry i o man c/'w ZG'3''a' Moine .�'uuer Xr .DL;•reetor -- .P1''bv(GI•l3 vt'.b1' 1/,7.inI iu 1 ce, Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST.. JiOfdN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE ":lull bl'e OXYGEN Equipment . HOSPITAL, /BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLO't;MS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 How: Service -- Dashwood Tel. 70W. MORNING, ,NOVEMBER 29 1951 ---COMING EVENTS ---- LONDON GIRLS AND BOYS BAND Presented ley A. 0.,Robinson, Band - Master of our local Band, will be at the Community Centre, Zurich On FRIDAY EVENING, •NOV. 30th. at 8 p.m. The program will consist of Marches Overtures and Novelty Numbers. A special feature will be the Marimba solos by Bob Comber and Karen Dobrindt, (11/.3 years of age, etc. Admission Adults 50c. Children 25c Proceeds for our local Band. Ingo and Dance AT ST PETER'S PARISH HALL St. Joseph, Ont. Clrt ' SATURDAY DECEMBER And SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th. Good Music will be Furnished Come and enjoy this fine Evening's Fun and Sociability Refreshments Admission 50 Cts. Everybody Welcoane 1st. Thank You! Father Monaghan and the menb- ere of St. Boniface Parish extend sincere thanks to the Lions Club of• Zurich, to the Executive ,of the Com- munity Centre and to the many friends in Zurich and the surround, ing district who helped to make the Parish Pazaar such a fine social and financial success. The sum of $12:00 was nutted. ZURICH PLAQUE DEDICATED Many froin far and near were pre ent at St. Boniface R. C. 'Church, on •Sunday evening to attend the anniv- ersary service commemorating the 80th year of the church, and the 55th year of St. Boniface as a separate parish. Before the first priest Rev. Father Ballantine, :who is at London, the (parish was served by Priests from the French Settlement and St. CHESTER ll.,SMITH, PUBLISHIMe /LYS a Yew la ;der*. 2.00 in U. S. A., in Adyttnoc, LOCAL NEWS TakingrPourse At London Tec. Mr. Ro$brt`Mittleholtz is attending night schael twiee a week at the Technical'School, London, where he is •studying the practical plumbing work. •We admire' Bob for his amb- ition, andwish him every success in his trade. Met With Fall Mr. Syivanus Witmer, an employee of the Kettbfleisch :Mills met with a rather painful aceiclent the other day while handling some large sheets of glass, in some way he fell and al- though n,thing serious happened, Mr Witmer received a shaking and bruis- ing up, aatduring his thumb to the ex- tent that`he is laid. up, but will likely be backlo work in a week or so. • lettirns From Meeting ,Maio .Thomas •Meyers, of town, after rending a three day sess- ion of the Provincial board meeting of the4derated Womens' Institute.. o•f Ontario at the Royal York, Tor- onto last' week; spending the remain- der of the week at the home of her daughter, ?Jr and Mrs Floyd Hope, and after returning home she receiv- ed worth that their little granddaugh- ter Jane; aged 4, underwent a succes- sful operation for bowl obstruction on Tueslay. Late This Week. Sorry'' we are late in getting out our edition this week. We had a lot of j:ob ork that just had to be got out here Wednesday evening, and when we usually go to press, this week ,4 were just starting to work on the ,paper. Then besides we had •(onside. able repairs to make on our big pres, among other delays. We do regi+et getting so late, but this week, rel], we just, can't help it. bazaar Prize Winners "Cher:: held in l+ rday:, indeed a hgh .success, it also calm-' he Anniversary +of the Parish, tended the various activities, winners of the major draw follows: lst, John McQuillen, Londoal..winner •of Sofa Bed; 2ud, �rirs~:' C :cd1Sb . oyd, 1 i g ars ;Faa7.lsi winner of Baking Oven; 3rd, ' Will:: iam Witmer, Zurich, winner of pop• up- Toaster; 4th, 'Mrs. Edwin Regier Zurich, winner of flash bulb camera; 5th, Ross Johnston, Zurich, winner of Blankets; Gth, Mrs. Alfred 'Meidinger, Zurich, winner of Chenille Bedspread 7th, Albert Maid, Hesson, winner of Kitchen Sanibof; 8th, Mies Joanne 3asaar of St. Boniface Parish the Community Centre last afternoon and evening, was Mated many •i and th were a,- Columban.•1 Bedard, Zurich, winner of pillow During the service a bronze me-, cases. morial plaque in memory of the late' Lions Club News Rev. Fr. Aubrey J. Lucier was ded-! icated. Father Lucier was pastor of The Zurich Lions Club held it an - St. Bonifnce from 1942 until his nual Ladies' Night in the Commune death, December 8, 1950. • itiy Centre here on Wednesday even - !flee Rt. Rev. A. P. Massone,, of irao' it was in the form of a zone St. Peter's Seminary, London, oflic- get-to-gether Social and was attend- iatecl at the eer mous of dedication:. ; cci by around 160 from the Clubs of He was assisted by the Rev. William Exeter, Parkhill, Grand Bend, Bay- ]3ourdeau, St. Joseph's Parish; the tield and Zurich. St. Peter's Luther- ' 'Rev. J. M. Pbgeiriv•. Mount Carmel,'an Ladies' Aid did the catering anti and the Rev. S. J. McDonald, of Clin- e served up a delicious hot turkey din- ^+ a mmg "^ t :n. Thomae •I'ryde, M.L.A.. Exeter, mer with .all the trimmings, and how k represented the province. The Rev. those Lions and Lioness did partake M. D. 'Monaghan, pastor of St. Bon- of all these goodies. Lion Jack Few - s pg &ice, gave a brief address of wel- ape p e loo OO YOUR. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR MANY GIFT SUGGESTIONS WE HAVE TO OFFER. ONLY OME MONTH TO G.O. BUY NOW! WEEK -END SPECIALS Maxwell' House Coffee 1-1b. bag 1.03 Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 2 5 c Niblets Coax 14-oz.tin 17c Fancy Fruit Cocktail :20 -oz fin 3 3 c FRE! GROCERIES F aUx TS VE E`TA LES CURED MJ -.'ATS .w...„....=,Q...,.:.,.atx.,e...,.rt.,� ..L., ..:,.,y.m, 40 C. H. THIEL Zurich low, of Woodstock, president of the come. Canadian Association of Lions Clubs Monsignor Mahoney was the prea- wee the guest speaker. He gave a cher for the occasion. He gave a ver;,' vet's instructive address on friend- brief hieteees of the old patriots from ;hip which predominated tluougIaout the time of Jacob on clown to tlae Lins organizations. The happy u11 in,, of the Temple, incl than of gathering was entertained by the N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH .. Prop. r r t.Pt pfical Baryta RAG RUGS and CAI'ET>il On a New Modern Loom, Made MI Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuri. Ont. Phone 128. DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 288 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT,. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. Cold Weather Ahead Order your winters supply now You can be sure of getting the kind and amount you want by ordering now. Don't wait for those storm days. LODE E. HAY Office Phone 10. Residence 52; HENSALL ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERVICE else eoesBleCi"ooeinetasseeomeFt a 4-4soaesesece&Aee7'+ca' moec c'^, e 9 8 9 9 otta.ht Zuntrall Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service $ Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR A! 1, OCCASIONS Day and Night Service _ Telephone._ Res., 8 or 122, Zurich 9 s► fir ¢� aoseeemeeemeeeoss e a- •1 1 8 8 8 0 • • • • A 0 0 d01 0 Store TM -I'S We are ever at your service with the best luxes obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season a3 well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL enno Oesch PRODUCE ` z/ ANTED. 0 Phone 165 1 ;its destruction and rebuilding, 7 al. Parbcrshop” male quartette of the ling this progress :.��. an example of ! xeter Club; and ;Miss Marjorie Hays �ye�at+r.v� es°, God', weir b Having his house 'af oi' Gaderich. Toasts were proposed rship esta'lished. Ab paid tr:lr I, . Mune Tien, Exeter; and Mrs. Ed- i ute to the late Father Lucier, as a �t win Gascho, nseho of .Zurich.The latter holy, humble and faithful pr,est who ! put was inthe •to of a dance. refits friend to both Catholic and nor nun ;may Catholic in the parish and e,inn its. And how he kept on with his pastoral work, regardless c," tris ill health, until the AImi.'ht gilled him i world. Father Fogarty . to the better • ` conducted the `reniclictory exc,a'cise . The Voice of Temperance it is inscribed in the Canada Tent- ,,:, •,,,,,;' art (haat its raper.( can be ef- fected only by a pet'.:len :and e yet,: a,,- tie. p'• p;:'. That i, the d Wel (,,. democracy whee :.ny . c-. ii; iii ,',:i Pit,• • t'.1‘''11 hip or c�''c ity ,rP ,iVi\- 17, i pro, ,.t,.,, +„ .; ,. , t'r .... role(, isentent was designed by 'o,• ti,""•ni'•,, i ill'' pc, •lst'', '"heat : f Seagram to tell the people b w t tt'v tsar, in R,a siv. in Canada Created and signed by The Hou appropriate copy for foreign land papers printed in various languag TELLS THE i from this nu tare of s about Canada and thing ive nee t n ,a, i , , i , , , WI' ft c fro ' .nadlian. i, 1.1.-..o. , ,•' a,t , -5 - ,• le in Latin America, Asia' ;, ,t4,1: parts of the world are • ,e on'the richness of Canada's ,,Fres, wild life, scenic beauty i,..•t- oire•int OV . stay ollicita traditions. The more tin hodsi or att-,,, who may be tempted i, j be toe oifcion-c title parva:rr:,rh gee! } warning, hands off the rights of t? people,--Advt. I 1 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Fail LINED ANDF+F�''' ILINED SMOCKS, n ,i'a ..-ti.ETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN New Pattern Prints and GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply. of Fresh . E. SchwartzG1 truber, Prop. the ruse' i 4 a a