HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-22, Page 6NEW and USEFUL Too unusual Paint By preventing dirt and grime from penetrating pores of paint film, new paint is said to hold its clean appearance for a long time, rutting maintenance, east by as much as 40%. Can be brushed, sprayed or roller coated; covers most surfaces with only one coat; can be repainted without spe- cial preparation of the surface. Made in non -yellowing white and variety of colors in both flat and gloss enamel. Y k * Foolproof Photography Photographic exposure meter tells directly what lens opening to use. It's match - box size, weighs 2aa oz. Knob set at the front of the meter determines which of four film -speed scales appears. Point meter toward subject and tae ex- act Iens opening, or F-number, shows on scale below pointer. No need to rifer to a code to convert the reading. It's designed for home -movie makers as well as snapshot amateurs. Neat Tiling New lightweight plastic tile with bevelled sides is said to make in- stallation easy and cheap. Light- weight, the tile can be installed over plaster, plaster - board, wood, concrete of old walls. Heavy duty molded outside corner trim and base available in seven trim colors for contrasting color schemes. Conies in range of 24 colors. Broad butted end, smooth edges for rapid flush installation. * Lattice Pie Cutter Quadrant - shaped piece of Sty- ron plastic consists of 8 four-leaf clover cutters, a circular cutting edge and three locating pins. Cut- ter can be used to retake lattice or criss-cross pie tops. Saves the homemaker or professional baker both time and work needed to cut one half inch strips and then weave them to forum criss-cross pie top. Suitable for 8 -inch sizes, the cutter is made for 9 -inch pies, * * * Auto Door Visor Plastic visor that clips to auto- mobile door is said to offer driver, and passengers protection g s: • rain, snow, sleet and sun glare. Features include; optically clears Lass And Lad(der) This pert young beauty is French actress Suzanne Dalbert posing in front of a ladder symbolizing, it is imagined, the beginning of the climb to Hollywood success. At least it is hoped that's not the run ' t i Turning Top Soil "Down Under"—While farmers in the northernparts of the country are engaged in carrying in cordwood for that big living -room fireplage or pot-bellied stove, this tiller of the soil of South island, New Zealand, is starting his spring plowing. In the background is snow -clad Mt. Alta in the Buchan- ans Mountains range. finish; fade -proof color; rustproof; and easy installation. 'k * * Alarm Warning Protect against burglary, fire or flood by simple electric plug-in method, For example: Screw alarm mechanisms to top of window frame and tie a string tightly from plunger on the alarm to bottom of the sash to hold out the plunger. If burglar raises the window, the plunger snaps back, sets off a loud buzzing in the alarm. Also: stretch the string above your furnace, put a fusible link on the line. If the furnace over -heats, the link melts, loosens string tension and sets off alarm. Protection against flood works the same way: put a float on ti -e line. ::easy enough to keep a it - -_-.3g water i loosen the striae-. �� _ _ calarm.. x n * Of sid* a den off- °. ._-. ti. ar designed ring home a asate. =sided of .r":s-..-..- - ria,-.. - slides almost in - r.4 r c ':-� alae Warr its sets it will hold 71a -se ass _ as much as 27 feet off. ode: The rt -v-0 lures are molded of variegated plastic. The spinner spoon .combines rhe wobble of a spoon with the flash of a spinner, is recommended for stream or lake fishing. The adjustable -ging lure adapts for use as surface or deep running bait, or as a spinner. Action of water on its colorful rubber skirt increases lifelike motion, x * * Tipless Baby Cup Plastic baby cup designed to pre- vent spilling or upsetting has weighted bottom automatically righting it if pushed over; detach- able top controls the flow of milk, guards against waste. Fulll-ength handle provides a firm grasp for a small hand. Cups conte in a chip - proof pink, blue or red with ivory; practically unbreakable and can be easily washed, More Tractor Pull New lug attachment reportedly gives farm tractors more than twice • as much traction in mud, The traction -lug does the sante thing for a tractor that cleats do for football shoes. The attachment is a round metal disc with teeth that hugs the. inside of the tire and - wheel. From the driver's seat you set a lever that pushes the lugs out over the tire .tread or retracts thein. Each wheel attachment operates in- dependently, so you can run one wheel on soft ground with the lugs extended while the other wheel is on pavement with the lugs retract-. ed. You don't don't have to oil or grease the lugs and they have no constantly moving parts. The at- tachment fits any farm tractor, and g In erpretat on, large earth -moving equipment, Slnall.Package Pup .-- Seemingly making canine medical history is "Jiggerboo," right, a tiny Chihuahua owned by Mrs, J. B, Her- man. Shown with his brother Chico, the midget muff was one of a litter of six, all of whom at nine weeks weighed r7bout two pounds '-- all, that is, except Jiggerboo, who, normal and healthy in other respects, hardly affected the scales at dl/2 ounces, Dual : Purpose Cattle At Westar Fair Red Poll dual-purpose cattle will be shown for the first time this year' at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, which takes place Nov. 13-21. The Red Poll breed, which orig- inated in Endland, was given recog- nition at the spring meeting of the Royal's beef cattle committee when it was agreed to set up a class for thein in which prize money will to= tal $900. At least 50 Red Polls will 'be shown at this year's fair: Most of the entries will come from the west- ern provinces and Ontario. ' The Red Poll, a breed similar to the Dual-purpose Shorthorn, has become more popular iii this coun- try, particularly in Western Canada, since the end of the War. Like the Dual-purpose Shorthorn, the Red Poll is bred for both, beef and milk production. Dual-purpose cattle "pay their way" through milk production until they are marketed as beef cattle, thus overcoming some of the high overhead encountered by farmers raising beef ,cattle. The ,Red Poll, so named because of its reddish -brown color,' is about the same size andbuild as the -bet- ter known Dual-purpose Shorthorn: la P47 S1,YRNTCl LC ,Just hew many d.frerent sports . magazines there are published south of the border we wouldn't even wish to guess. Casually look- ing over downtown magazine stands- it sometimes seems to us that there must be a new one born every mire• ute. Left to ourself there are only , one or two of them • we would bother much about, but a junior member of our family totes' them hone by the long cord; and some- times, when we get weary of read= ing the Good Book, Shorter Cate- chism and the speeches of our political leaders, we skim then over. * ,k p Which is why, on Sunday, .Octo ber 21st., our eye was arrested by tae cover of "SPORT — THE MAGAZINE FOR SPORT SPEC • - TATORS;" published in New York, and a very 'interesting and readable periodical, at that. Featured on that front cover as the leading article was one entitled, "I'd Rather Play in Canada" by George Ratterman. George, in case you've forgotten, is • the All-American college and pro- fessional football star who came to otir side of the border this season —at a huge salary —t o lead the Montreal Alouettes to a Grey Cup. Just for the fun of it, we're going to quote a few paragraphs frons Mr. Ratterman's opus. Here they are. * 'k * "I Iuaven't found it too difficult to adjust to the. Canadian game. When I first came to Canada they showed me several movies of the Grey Cup game, If som.eone had shown them to me when I was unfamiliar with Canadian football, it would have been a long time be- fore I could tell the difference in play." 5 * r "In the first place, here you have only three downs to make a first down. That means you have to gam- ble more often, It's unheard of to march down the field racking up first clown after first down until you score, We try to score all the • time, from any place on the field. Because it's' more difficult to make a first down, there's much more em- phasis on passing. Which doesn't make me feel unhappy," k * * "We have /tine American players on the Alouettes, I feel rightb at bonne, .. I think we've got a pretty good team." *• * "In addition to my playing dut- ies, I'm also backfield coach. Natur- ally, it would be difficult for me to play and coach and any coaching duties consist mostly of figuring out plays, Once practice starts I'm just another player, Because of my experierce with pro ball in the States, it's more of a consulting position. 'rite reason 1 wanted the job was so I could give my own views without embarrassment. * * k "That's an important factor, be- lieve me, I think there's a growing tendency in sports to ennpha*yze the importance of coaches. • Many of therm say they did this or that when really it's the team, the players,' that make the coach, That's why etas a relief to talk to someone like Steve Owen of the New York Giants who readily admits that you have to. have the material to make the team go. * * * 'In the majority 'of circumstances the coaches are merely impressed with their importance. They try to play football like a checkers game. Instead of dealing with human bes in.gs, it's like dealing with robots. The only successful exception I. can think of is Paul Brown of the Cleveland Browns, * * * "Some coaches call most of the plays, which I don't think iii such a good practice. Sitting on a bench and not being in close'contact with players on the field, the coach is 'somewhat remote, 'What if one of the backs is tired or has something • wrong with hint and the coach should call his play? They just don't have the opportunity the quarterl•ack has to .participate in the game. * * * "Here in Montreal my wife and I are very happy. We've rented a duplex and we just had our second child. I like Montreal and the people and everyone is treating me well. There's nothing like the Montreal football fans. They really go all- out to support the tearn. It's the sante way all over this football - crazy country. The fans really go for the game, And I like to play it for them and will give it every- thing it's worth. But the important thing to me is, I'ni finally on the way in business, starting from the ground up to learn everything pos- sible about the brokerage field, Now when my football days are over, maybe I don't, have to worry so much about supporting my family." * * * So ,much for Mr. Ratterman. His article, as we said before, appeared in - a magazine around October 21st.: Now we:quote as follows from a dispatch to the Toronto Globe and Mail dated from Montreal on October 21st—sante date; * * * "The Montreal. Gazette, in, a sports page • story tonight revealed that George Ratterman $22,000 -a - year passing star, will quit Canadian football at the end of this season and return to the New York Yank- ees of the National Professional League. Ratterman has candily ad- mitted that he does not feel he can adapt himself to Canadian football. Although recognized as one of the greatest passers in American foot- ball, he has had very little success with Montreal Alouettes, "In Cana- dian football a quarterback has to improvse and I found it a little bit= too tough," the handsome, like- able blond quarterback said, • ' * * Well, it all seems sort of mixed-up to us and the only comment we personally feel called on to make right now is this—SPORTS-THE MAGAZINE 'FOR SPORTS SPECTATORS should at least take the 1951 Oscar for mis-timing, How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. ' How can. I treat scratched mahogany furiture? A. Before polishing mahogany furniture that has ]leen scratched rather deeply, all in the scratches with tincture of iodine. Then ap- ply the wax or polish and the scratches will be practically invis- ible. Q. How can I be sure that a stain remover will not affect the color of a garment? A. It is risky to take chances with any stain remover on colored fabrics until it is tested on the underneath part of the hens of tbe garment to see if it affects the coi- or, Q. Ifow can I treat the water for a child to blow soap bubbles to gives the bubbles more color? A, A drop or two of glycerine added to the soapy water - will do this, and the bubbles will also last • Longer before breaking, Q, How can I make a dry shampoo? A. Grind a little cornmeal as fame as possible and add a small quantity of pulverized orris -root. Sprinkle this well over the scalp. Let it remain for a few minutes, and then brush out thoroughly, Q. How can I economize on soap flakes? A, Try beating the asap ilal,ee into a foam with all egg g lmeater, T ( will require fewer oases i,,r t• {J same purpose. ...Classified Advertising., RAB11 OI:I,IQJif$ DAY 0 L D CHICKS.: — We hatch them every week of the year, ask about our special cross strain purebred chicks for layers, also our special broiler ehicka, non -sexed and pullet chiclts, also cockerels when available, Started Chicks. seven and eight weeks old totter pullets, twelve weeks to Wing, It,O,.P. and approved breeding cockerels. Catalogue, Turkeys, TWzt»DLE CRICK HATCH ER:E DS LTD. Femur, Ontario. TOP Notch day old chivies, till popular breeds, Ask about our Sow pullet prices for immediate delivery. Started chicks while they last. Seven week olrl, started pullets, Barred Rock, White Leghorn X Barred Rock $47,76. Barred Rook, non - sexed $38.50. Assorted breeds moo per hundred less. Oltler pullets, 12 weeks to Saying•. Breeding cockerels, Catalogue. TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES Guelph, Ontario, STARTED CHICK. BARGAINS: While they last, 7 to 8 weeps old pullets. Barred BOOK, Ausira X White, 1Vhite Leghorn X Barred Rock, $47.95, Barred Rock non - sexed $38.96. Assorted breeds, $1.00 per hundred less, Catalogue, TVEDDLE cirTCic HATCHERIES LTD. O'ergur, Ontario. •DYEING AND CLEANING ttA VE you anything needs dyeing Ur clears too Write to us for Information We are glad to gnawer your questlnne De. Pavement H. Parker's Ova etenrke I,lmtted, 791 fridge St 'Pimento FARMS TOR SALE 75 ACRES near Fergus; choice farm, ex- cellent building, hydro equipped, good water supply, nice lawn and trees, well located. Fh•st time offered for sale. Con- tact Alex 'Woods, Real Estate, Fergus, Ont. Phone 279. 200 ...ACME.' farm, 12 -room brick house, Hydro, good barns, mixed bush, lots of water, near school, lake, town 34 miles from Ottawa on Highway 29. Price $8,000, $4500 down, balance easy terms or best cash offer. If interested call and see it. William Peat, R.11.2, Carleton PIace, Ont, FOR SAisI0 CRESS CORN SALVE — Icor sure relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. 13 STOREY metal clad building 30' x 80', central location In Emira, Ont. Present owner can offer good propnslton to anyone interested in a welding business. Reason for selling, larger plant being constructed. Possession in December 1951, Apply to McKee Bros., Elmira, Ont. Phone 478 LIKE new, Oliver "99" Tractor. R. C. Wright R,1, Holloway, Ontario, QUiLT PATCHES EEAtITJFUL cotton prints, about hand size, 8 1bs, $1.98 postpaid, Including 3 excellent Heirloom patterns free. Satisfac- tion or money returned. Over 20 years serving Canadian homes. Textile Stores, 528 Queen Street West, Toronto. SABLE and :white Collies, three months. Good farm stock. Reg. mother. Also white Conies all ages, 1fre. Cheater Jackson, Chatsworth, Ont 1 PURE Bred Tamworth Boar, ready for service. Priced 050.00 F.O.B. Pedigree.. extra. 5 Registered Hampshire Ram Lambs choice stock $60 each F.O.B. Registered Guernsey Bull Calf one month old. Dam First orb e dry cow at Regional Show. Sire --ilcDthn'ald N'arrn LePhelan, lst prize and Jr. Champ at same show. Prices 8160,00 F.O.B. N W. McConkey, Lifloc Dairy Farms, Peterboro, Ont, WANTED: Flocks to supply Hatchery with hatching eggs. On some breeds, the eggs taken the year round. Guaranteed premi- um plus hatchability premium paid. Send for full details. Box 12 123.12th St., New Toronto, • i'% H.P. McCORMICK - DEERING gas engine. 7 h.p. Fairbank-Morse gas en- gine. Bellsaw saw mill. Refrigerator. Write for prices tq Wm R. Agar, Brook - lin, Ont. KELP WANTED—FEMALE CALLING ALL WOMEN BECOME direct factory representative for Jorge dreus and lingerie firm established over 26 years. Newest range of fabrics and colour's, also children's and men's wear, Every garment factory guaranteed. Highest commissions, bonuses. Write 13r1- tisk Knitwear Limited, Slmcoe, Ont. • HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED, married man (Canadian) to assist on Guernsey dairy farm, mo- dern barn, highest wages, free house, fuel hydro. rank and phone WILLOW MIDGE FARM. Lloydtown, R,13. 2, Ontario. Phone —Bolton 565, MEDICAL ITCHING bleeding piles. Immediate relief. Proven Formula for fifty. years. 21 suppositories or one ounce tube $2.00. N - ER- GEF. FORTIFIED for Sten or Women. Replace lost energy, New Pep! Forty Pills $2,00. Postpaid. Roman, 1283 Dunda.e W., Toronto. Dandruff Selenium, a metal that converts light into electricity, brings pro- longed relief to dandruff sufferers. A compound of . the metal is the essential ingredient of a new anti - dandruff preparation. Of 400 patients with seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, 81 to 87 per cent were successfully treated. Common dan- druff was controlled in 92 to 95 per cent of cases, staincAt JON'T WAIT—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pgin'or Neuritis should try Dixon'zilemedy MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa 41,25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH its tistme01 01 dry eczema reales and weepine ekin troubles Poet's @enema Salve will not disappoint you rtehine. euanna, burning eczema, acne, ringworm pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless. Odnrleae ointment, regardleso nt how stubborn or hnpeleer they mom PRICE $2.00 PLR aisa POST'S REMEDIES sem Post Free nn Receipt of Price 859 Outten SI E., Corns, of Leann. Torrent* OPPORTUNITIES 5101T MEN AND IVOt1IEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 7O1N CANADA'S LOADING SCETOOL Grunt Opportunity Learn toIrdressing Pleasant dignified urnfeselan good wages Thousands of successful Marvel graduater Alnerlea'e Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL EIA TRDRESSTNG SCi9OOL$, 868 Blom. St W Toronto .. Branches is Hing Sl Hamilton 72 Rideau Si 'Wawa BUSINESS OPrOR'rUNITIEs STEN AND WOMEN SICK OF YOUR NECKTIES? WHY not swap them? In return you'll get an equal number of smart freshly - dry -cleaned ties, in assorted colours from fellow "swappers." Just send seven of your ties plus a dollar to TIF. SWAP. Pickering, Ont. State preferences. NURSERY STOW{ PEONIES—strong roots, 3-5 eyes:• each 70c, 3 for $2.00. TULIPS — Rainbow collection of outstanding varieties, 2 .down for $1.26 Postpaid ' — Kuyper'r Bulbs, Ffatzic, B.C. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor--Ltat of In- ventions and full Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patein Afton neva. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa PETBERS3'ox AIiGH & Company, Pa- tent Solicitors, 'Established 8890, 860 Bay Street. Tnrnnto Rnntriel of Informs, tion on request PERSONAL LONELY? LET CANADA'S GREATEST Club Introduce to lonely people desiring early marriage. Many with means. Widows with farms or city property. City and country girls. Members from coast to coast. Proven results since 1924. ).res particulars in plain sealed envelope, C.C. Club, Box 122, Calgary, Atta. QUIT S1IORING—the easy way, Use To- bacco Eliminator, a scientific treatment quickly eliminates tbe craving for tobacco, ride the system of nicotine, King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists (Alberta), P.O, Box 673, London, Ontario. - WHY suffer when nature contributes and we distribute reliable herbal - remedies from The Pure Herb Store, Sault Ste.. Marie, Ontario. POSITIONS WANTED POSITION as herdsman by experienced beef stockman. Good at fitting and show- ing. Married. Best references. States terms first letter. Box 85, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED PART or full time, to sell household necee- eity needed in every home. Can be sold Aa sideline. For big profits write immedi- ately to Box 84, 123 Eighteenth St , New Toronto. Ont. WANTED TURKEY HATCHING EGGS WANTED: by Canadian approved Hatchery for 1962 season. Good price palet and long hatch- ing season, Apply Box 12, 123 - 18th St., New Toronto, Ont, CHOICE healthy New Zealands, any age, Golden Fawn's, Juniors. lirattle Ridge Rabbitry, Route 1, Acton, Onturio. REM! NEAT o{ea e44 Ns bind riot ,ase Wa 14! EXCLUSIVE PATENTED FIRE -BRICK INTERIOR There's clean, healthy, friends ly warmth in your home when you have a WARM MORNING Heater. Amazing, patented in- terior construction .. , a great heat -maker and Fuel saver! Burns any kind of coal, coke, briquets. Heats all day and night with- out refueling. Start a fire but once a year. More then a mil- lion in use] See your dealer, BOON•5TRACHAN COAL CO., LTD. baminlo'r Squat, 05de„ tfonlreal 2, quo, 57 Vonca 31„ 7oranrer Ont. i'rolrio PI*)., u,54,4 Omit, Caves*, lid, Winniroe, Mon. Ic•rop ISSUE 44 - . 1951