HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-22, Page 1IC &tabHailed Jaw Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S.; ZURICH -- ONTARIO ''REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR Ell a.m.—Divine Services. 41.2.5 a.m. -- Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. — Divine Worship. "Mverybody Welcome to au Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist '-lBunday Services: - 3.0:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. am. — Bible School T:30 p.m. — Divine Worship. Welcome at all Services— "Come hou with us and we will do thee) 4Rod." Num. 10:29. remeieumememmemenanssermr Are You Suffering From Headach& zLi eo, Have your Eyea Examined with ithe Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Veed Glasses at Reasonaolte Prices ZURICH, ONT'ARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, ,NOVEMBER 221951 • • • • • • • Anniversary Bazaar Of St. Boniface Church COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH Friday, November 23rd Afternoon Tea - Home Baking Work - Booth - Fish Pond - Bingo - Fancy - Games and Fun Galore! Dancing 11 p. m. until? To the Music Syncopator Orchestra. ADMISSION TO DANCE 50 CENTS Sponsored by St. Boniface Parish of the Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday November 23-24 LORNA DOONE Technicolor Barbara, Hale and Richard Green The Age of Splendor Thrills the Screen Conde •Strips and Short Sujects LO NE WS Don't Ferget,, Friday, November 28 • is. Nomination. Be sure and attend these important meetings. • AELD MEETING • The ReView Meeting of the Baby. lon Line Rbrum was held rn the form of a turkey dinner at the Dominion • Hotel. All members atten.ded, and J later were entertained at the home of IVIr ancrIVIrs. Ross Dick. A very lover evening was reported by all. jSPECIAL SERVICES FOR DEDIC- ATION OF MEMORIAL • On .Sundary evening, November 25th • • et 7:30 JU. Rev. A. P. Mahoney, 9 Vicar Geneaal of London Diocese le • ;will dedicae a memorial plaque in • St. BoniAce Church, Zurich, in honour oe. :the late Father Aubrey • Lucier. n,Monsignor Mahoney will also preaonsemb this occasion. ne • I Father oumer was Pastor of St. 8 Boniface Church from 1942 until his I sudden death, December 8th, 1950. He was wal known throughout the village and'ieemenunity and was high- ly esteernect. The plague has been donated the/lithe nembers of the Iloly Name Society of St. Boniface Parish. and Concert LONDON GIRLS AND BOYS BAND' Presented lay A. C. Robinson, Band - Master of our local Band, will be at the Community Centre, Zurich On FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 30th. at 8 p.m. The program Will consist of Marches Overtures and Novelty Numbers, A (EL:ACTION TO -DAY • To -day, Thursday is election day for the Proe5ince of Ontario, and we would airgeall people having a vote to go out and honor their franchise. Many leou,A4,ies have not the privil- eges We heeee, and would like to have the freedone•that we enjoy. There are always ,.1.good candidates in the field that ,one ,can choose from. And there is ',always the freedom or vot- ing as one l'il.see, which is part of ic way of life. Here riding, our way of at both candidates are n, worthy of the posit- ' •'' .•. - ' ion, and a:, usual it is anybody's guess who ' 21.have the most votes when the 'le Ilote are counted, and that wi,.11 be the lucky candidate to ,represent tie' riding, .one of the best in the Prowl' ce. So come out and vote for petit favourite man! WOrilens InStitine . ... The local Zurich Wornens' Inet- itutemet in the town hall on Monday evening, Nov. 12th with a good at-. tendanee. Mrs. ,Gus Roche president took charge of the business. Among other business, a beautiful hand made quilt was on display and will be sold in the near future. Plans were ar- ranged to have a miscellaneous sho- wer for a new Canadian Family, fruits, vegetables, clothing, bedding, dishes etc. will be welcome to be brought by any one on Dec. 10th.lo the Town Hall .Zurich at 8 o'clock. Mrs. David. Meyers took charge of the program; Mrs. Rose gave a spl- endid report of the recent convention held at Hotel Dendon, and pointed out many good deeds that .could be clone and many that are done thr- ough the Institute ,work. A vocal duet by Man. Maurice Durand and Mrs. Rose, with Mrs. Milton Oesch at the piano, A reading was given •by IVIrs. David Meyers• a sing eong our elemocr special feature will be the Marimba .in the Hon • 'Tuesday, Wednesday November 217-28 solos by Bob Comber° and Karen thinking ie:, THE GREAT MAN HUNT Dobaindt, ,G years of age, etc. very fine Admission Adults 50c. children 25c DF ouglas airbanks Jr., Glyinis Johns Proceeds for our local Band. and Jack Hawkins Adventure Sweeping Across the Continent NewsReel and. Ocianic Strips. ...e THE SEAL OF CHRISTMAS One of the first signs of Christ- mas is the arrival of Christmas Seals 3. Marry Xoffnum wrod Moine larteral Director — Private Car &a -balance Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment 1110SPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. •1109...5,01.1,Vermir, T IE L'SSuperior Store DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AND TAKE .ADVANTAGE OF OUR MANY GIFT SUGGESTIONS WE HAVE TO OFFER. ONLY ONE MONTH TO GO. BUY NOW! WEEK -END SPECIALS Campbell's Veg. Soup, tin T 2c Kellog's Rice Krispies 5 I-2,oz pkg. 17c Strawberry jam,. 24 -oz jar 48c Midget Chocolate Mallows lb. . 49c FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF IKKARSTED, Tr":771; GIVE US A CALLli Jki.3,4"2"R,, assmokameiarsagoolow,emenimsVommoirla•Wriromimisimiiimiiiil .........worisersemonownvanarsanorgowarrkaume Phone 140 C., H. THIEL - Zurich •BORN Ducharme —At .Soott Memorial Hospital, :Seaforth, on Nov. 13th, to Mr. and villa. George 1:!,-4,011.arme,,, of Daiblin, a daughter, Jean Anne. 's Bonthron, at the Clinton Hospital, on Nov. 13th, to. Mr ,and Mrs. Har- old Bontheon, of Hensel!. a daughter. Steckle — At the Bronson line, Stanley Township, on November 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Asa Steckle, a son. Mr and Mes Jack McCli»chey of London announce the birth of their daughter Shirley Dianne at Victoria Hospital, Nov. 9th, 1951. A sister for Larry and Sandra. which remind us that even in Can- ada, one of the half dozen countries in the 'Weald's lowest TB death rat- es, we still have to fight tuberculosis. If the day before Christmas is an average day as far as TB is concern- ed there will be ten deaths in Can- ada from this. 'cause that day. It wall have been the same all through December. For the year the tetal has been about 4,000, That meanq many homes where there won't be much singing and merry making. Because these cases of TB were not prevented with Mrs.. Ed. Stelok, pianist was enjoyed. The meeting closed by sin- ging the National Anthem.. Delici- ous refreshments were served by the Committe and a lovely social time was enjoyed. Lions Club News A fairly well attended meeting on IVIonsclay evening in the dining room of the Dominion House was present. Most of the hunters had returned and enjoyed the good meal along, with busines matters and sociability. Secretary George !Beichert reported as at the Directors 'meeting three Liions were appointed to be a com- mittee to look after the interests of the newly organized Band, which is sponsoring a concert in the Commun- ity Centre on Nov, 30th, Leelandi Willert reported as the Ladies Nitei of Nov. 28th as coming along nicely. Lion Ed. Gascho reported as some requests for the Minstrel Show and one guaranteed engagement at Can - brook for December 3rd. Lion Bob McKinley reported as attending a meeting at A-1*one, and listening to Nome good speakers. Lion 13111 Sieb- ert introduced the guest speaker of the evening, namely Idion Ted Bus- well of Exeter, who spoke on the solid rock fortress of Gibraltar. He was stationed there as a flying offi- cer during the last war. And he has a very intereeting story about that neportant reek and fortress which is eId liy Great Britaia ,ami is the le he •:\ledetrainian Sca. 'r I ! • , a 1.,0 1.110.) feet in net to term a nom- . 1i q1101 ---M oro drinking. pee e forties.- with nothing visible on tove drinking --More bootlegging. the surface. At the conclusion of his 1 ht's the way it gees. The Can- talk he was thanked by Lion Jacob ada Temperance Act forbids out- Haberer, and the meeting Mile to lets., t elo$e, two, three, perhaps ten 'years ago this will not be a merry Christmas. Now is the time for us to prevent similar sadness two, three or five years front now. But let us look at the bright side of the. picture. There were twice as many homes saddened by death from TB in Christmas of 1931 as there will be this .Christmas. That means that thousands of families will be joyous. with never a thought that danger was averted. Thats fine. That's the way Christmas should be. That's the way we want to make it for everyone. The Santa who looks at us .f.rom this year's Christmas Seal certainly looks merry enough --and well he may He's on the Christmas Seals and they have been paying for TI3 prevention Which has made it possible for a great many people to feel marthful and jolly. They will go right on pre- venting TB right here in Huron Co- unty, Our .part is to buy them so that they will get a chance to keep up their good work. Last year the sale of Seals in the County of Huron amounted to $5425.85. it is hoped that in 1951 sales will be much gre- ater, The cost of the Association will be greater in '1951 because a County wide Mass X-ray survely is to be con- ducted. Support the work of the Aseosiation by buying Christmas. -The .Commitioe. „ e NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223. Zurich .NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Prompt Optical Servree DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT, BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES AT A SAVING A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. ROE FEEDS LOOKER SERVICA galifdim..13MIMMIMP virelin1111111111101110111•MIMMINspal=laWamaillia igsmalemee••••••••••••••• **ea eeseeeeeessee CHES I $'L Mt: r ilLit4401414, #1.716 a Tear ht Advance. .4 $2.00 in U. S. A., In Advance, 4 RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modena Loom, Made sk Order — Seth 0. Armen, Zurlaalle Ont, Phone 128 Cold Weather Ahead ••••••04.••••••••••••••••••••11 Order your winters supply now. You can be sure of getting the .bit and amount you want by orderbne now. Don't wait for those storm days. LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10. Residence Eg. HENSALL z 1• • • f • • • • tlIeetelIP -"*sttalit WitilOttat PM* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS, FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service - Telephone: Res. 89 - - or 122, Zurkh Gr cer- We are ever at your service with the obtainable of FRESH GR CERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesch Zurich • • PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 lanarreenowesuummuneamo. 411111.1111.1MENEUMMINYteS141331WITEMMIWAWASMAgeat. • WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Fail F ter LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc,. JUST IN — New Pattern Prints and Flamiellette. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply W.41,Aie litAtak. ICA J*4 E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 000iiiiiimparmimmunioniummonmonermistailonsvamanommomagavvr;