HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-15, Page 1,semasscsamestamarresammang, URICH . • • HERALD 4.4 Eatablished 11,4 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 151951 CHESTER L SMITH, PUSLI1INa4 Mimi a rear Is Means. $2.00 in U. S. A. in Advent*. Are You Suffering From Headaches? ti eio, Have your Eyes Feternined with Me Latest Methods end Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. IrsOod Gleams at Reasoneol• Prices 44441111•1114.41441•14111141$44•4404.4.1.4444.1.1111. Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions 1Friday, Saturday Nev. li - 17 ROCKY MOUNTAIN -Errol Flyn and Patricia i'Whymore The Rugged No Man's Land where Renegades and Heros Battle side by eide for the Love of a Captive Yan- kee Girl Comics and Shorts Two Shows '740 and 9.30. Tuesdatie Wednesday No. 20 -- 21.st. HALLS OF MONTEZUMA (Teelmicolor) Starring Richard Widmar and Many .0thers News Reel and Comic Strips !One Show 8:00 p.m. 'CARD OF THANKS The Family of the late Mrs. Car - Puss wish to greatly thank all their neighbours, and friends, • also Rev. Heimrich and the Choir for the kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS wiek to thank all my neighbours and friends for their kindn.ese in • n'esnembering me with treats, cards, tete., while a patient in the Clinton ISIosPital. —Wilfred Weida 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Anniversary Bazaar Of St. Boniface Church COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH Friday, November 23rd Afternoon Tea - Home Baking - Fancy Work - Booth - Fish Pond - Bingo - Games and Fun Galore! Dancing 1 1 p. m. until? To the Music of the Syncopator Orchestra. Sponsored by St. Boniface Parish • • • • • 1 • • • • LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter, Mary Lou were week -end visitors at the home of the flormer's father, Mr. Herbert K. Either, at Crediton. • Mr and Mrs Ed Stelek of Dashwo- tod spent a few days at the name of. Mr and Mrs Newell Geiger the fore part a this week. Mrs A. MacLean has returned to her home at London, after spending some title at the home of her par- ents, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien. Mr. Roman ,Slabough of Milfred, Ind; and Levi Jones of Middleburg, Ind., -visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Albert Clausius Also joining the hunting group up north. • Mrs. Andrew F. Hess has returned to her home here after spending some time at the home of her son Paul at Toronto Also visited with her a• eldest eon Quimby at Ste. St. Maxie. O Mm Wellington Johnston is en- joying a lovely time at the home of • her daughter, Mr and MTS. Ernest Gemming at Rochester, N. Y., where she •is visiting for a •few weeks. Misses Marie and Bernedette Dur- and have returned bo their duties in Chatham. after spending a lovely wee ek-end at'the home •of their parents Mr and Mrs. Morris Durand, 14th: Con. Moved Into Apartment aVIr and. Mrs Harold Zehr and in- fant daughter Dianne have moved into the aPartment owned by Mr. Moses Elb. We welcome the new Citizens to the Village of Zurich. Hunters Returned Messrs 4u -el) Haberer, Ferd Hab- erer, Ivan and Earl Yungblut had a most pleasant hunting trip in the Halliburton District. • • • • Monday and Tuesday last in the and- itoroums of Exeter Schools, was ter- med 'A most successful affair" by Dr. G. Boy Fenwiek, adjudicator of music for Ontario Schools, sponsored by' the Huronia Male Chorus under the direction of Mrs. H. L. Sturgis. Contestants, according to Dr. Fen- wick had a great abundance of nat- ural talent and interest. "For the first fesbivall" he said, "It was very suc- cessful. I think there is every .evid- Brien. Boys' vocal solo 11 and under, Ronald Horwald, Wayne Clausius; Vocal solo 8 and under, Bob John- ston. Ohorus, Zurich room 2: Miss Olive O'Brien, teaoher, was among the first prize -whalers. We congrak. ulate teachers and students for their splendid talents to take .advantage of these fine ,opportunities and help to take their piace in this musical line to make our beautiful world a better ence that the ethildre-n are receiving place to live in with cheer and good skilful training at the hands of their will surroundings. music teachers. Among the winners Have Moved to Zurich in the Zurich district are as followsc Bobbie Johnston, 'aged 8 years, sen of Mr and Mrs Ross Johnston, Zurich Who sang 'The Post/ Song" and re- ceived 95 per cent. was awarded the Claude Bowes Trophy for the high- est Junior vocal solo. Mr. Moves is principal of Exeter public school; Tenor solo, Jiohn Haberer, baritone solo, Ronald Helmick; - girl's solo, Marlene Wagner, Katherine Klopp; soprano solo, Joanne Bedard; con- tralto solo, ViVaima. Deicliert, • MalyKlapp. Klapp. :Among gfons: donde exie, ber 10th for a pretty wedding •when • joyce Witmer, Janice Regier, Helena Rev. Father M. D. Monaghan, milted ZURLCH BOY WINS TROPHY Ferviell, Marion Regier; BeYS'. quart I inenterrinne Hannel ore Storling, tof With over 300 entrants, the first ette, John Haberer, Ronald Heimrieh, Hamm, .Germany, and Adam Black", 'South Huron Music Festival held en Wiliam Yungblut and Donald 0'- of Centralia. For -her 'wedding, the ' bride chose en '•English grey wool s.'ult -with-accessories to match.. A reception for f ort)y guests was held at the home of Mr and, Mrs. Henry Stasik, Kippen. :Mr and "Mrs. Black will reside at Kippen. The bride flew from Gelanany s.fewweeks ago.' • Miscellaneous Shower A happy •event took place last Wednesday evening in the basement of the Evangelical U. B. Church when relatives and friends gatherecr to do honor to Miss • Catharine O'Brien, (bride elect), to present her with a miscellaneeus Shower. 'Miss Barb- ara Gascho read the address and Miss Gloria Dietz presented the gifts •which, were lovely and useful. Cath - 24 Hour Service Dashwood. Tel. 70W4.•• grille gratefully replied with many thanks for their kindness to her. Refreshments Were served and an in- vitation was given for the ladies to come to the O'Brien home to seethe trouseau, which was grand. Among the "Best Wishes" they returned to their homes, after a lovely social ev- ening together. Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Weido have moved their •household effects into their home which they purehased from Mr. Moses Gerber. We wel- come them to Zurich and the many friends are pleased to see Mr. Weido home from Clinton Hospital and wish them health to enjoy teeir home for time to tome. • MARRIED IN ZURICH St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, was...the setting on Saturday, Novena- YearriMo 171/0ArP writ Xonie lydteral Director — Private Car Anzbalamee Member of Ontario Funeral Associatton • Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable ,OXYGEN Equipment 4110SPITAL BEDS TO RENT --INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN . . FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE •—• , i1 THIEL'S Superior Store WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING WEEK -END SPECIALS Quick Quaker Oats 3-1b. box • 35c - Peanut Butter, 1 6 -oz jar .••• 328% Pure Veg. Shortening 1-1b. pkg.. ...... Deep -Browned Beans 2 20 -oz tins '39c • • • • • FRESH GROCERIES FRUrrs VEGETABLES CITED 1V1.2ATS IF R-4E:QUESTED, WE V GIVE 1U CALL FOR SE.6R.VICE! • Phone 140 • C. H. THIEL •- 01110611111MIN 011.1111111111110•11.11101 II al I IN ir Zurich. Huron Liberals Present: B. W. Tuckey, Exeter Speaking in behalf of • JOHN W. ARMSTRONG, Over CKNX, Radio Monday, November 19th. At 11:55 Noon • ANNUAL THANKOFFERING The ,amin.-1, Thank offering meeting of the Wonien't Missionary Society of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, will be held ion Sunday evening,Novem- ber lath., The Miss Elfrieda Rettig of Kitchener will be guest speaker. Miss Harfj-g is .the Educational Sec- retary or the lertlieranCliir' Eastern Canada. One phase of her interesting work is the SundanScho- ol by main Everyone is cordially invited to this meeting. HYMENEAL • Webb — O'Brien -Amidst a setting of..fern and white mums, at the home of the ' bride's parents, Catherine Marilyn O'Brien became the bride of Morris Howard Webb. Rev. H. E. Roppel officiated. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd -O'Brien, Zurich while the groom is the second son of Mr and Mrs Stewart Webb, Dash- wood Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in white satin with 'which she wore a tierra of seed pearls and net from which fell her heirloom veil of white appliquid ill- usion net. Her gown featured a Queen Anne ,collar. She .canried a cascade bouquet tof white nivans and white streamers, entwined with blue forgetene-nots. Miss Betty O'Brien, sister of the bride, was maid of honour and Mrs. Marion - Mason was bridesmaid. Miss Judy Weber, niece of the bride, wa, flower girl. The attendants were gowned identically in gold and emer- ald green satin with matching pict- ure hats. They carried cascade ,bou- quets of white 'mums. The flower girl was attired in a 'plum red satin gown with .which she wore a match- ing picture hat and !Carried a miniat- ure cascade of white mums. Mervin Webb, cousin of the groom was best - man. Brian MacLean, nephew of the bride, wasrmg-bearer. • ilor her daughter's marriage Mrs. :O'Brien chose steel grey crepe dress with nava/ accessories and corsage of American Beauty Roses while Mrs. Webb's dress was dark green crepe with brown accessories •and corsage of yellow roses. A reception was held at the Dominion, Hotel, Zurich. The couple left on a honeymoon to New York and other pbfilta,: of in, terest, the bride travelling in'. a black velvet 'dress with nmtching accessor- ies and winter white coat. Her coin saibe. was of •American Beauty Roses. Mr and Mrs Webb will reside in Dash wood. • Attended Annual Meeting • Meisis. Reg. Illsley and E. C. Me - Bache= of town attended the annu- al. mreting of London Chamber of mn‘ held in Rig...ay R ' • , .. , .1 i , 0 n 11.,; n , On ..ru,,,,tay even trig. 0,0;, NV;4-..• I . • VI01 - ,, ',. church meinh„.r. plinking mid inent members of the Chamber in- i , :owaort ,,,.., -.1,,:l - I ;..,, • :. om- ,. drunkenness are not part of the eluding Mr. Buchanan who is assie christian way of life. Church memb- rated with the Pinery 1Praject Who ership does demand certain standardsaatwred of a possibitity to complete \ of conduct, —Advt. 1. . this Undertaking. NORMA'S • BEAUTY SHOPPE • FOR .APPOINTMENTS Tel. 228. Zurich , NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and cARPErt On a New Modern Loom, blade In Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zwick Ont. Phone 128. Prompt Optical Serke DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING .4.4 The Voice , of Temperance • 'There ts :one way in which the me- nace of the drink traffic can be over. .come.—Let all ,church members ack- n.owledge that drinking is inconsist- ent,avith. their position as members of the christian churches,Let them act • accordingly. it requires nothing more than tills that all the membership of 1 1 tho chno; h t nke a firm 0 :t 11,1 :i 10 kt li— 1,— or .)1,,,1toii.• b :ma A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. 440••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••*••••••••••••••••••014 *blue c Cold Weather Ahead Order your winters supply new., You can be sure of getting the kbnt. and amount you want by orderin now. Don't wait for those stornw days. LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10. Residence st HENSALL ROE FEEDS LOOKER SERVICW 1 ---- - FLOWERS- FOR ALL -0C-CASIONS • . Day and Night Service • • Telephone: Res. 89 *stilstitt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent or 122, Zurich ••••••••eoseseeeesee•eoes **************•••****** NAP • • zumews Grocery Store We re ever at your service with the beet lines obtainable of • FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season As well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables ort'hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL . . Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 165 ;"4”t•' WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Fall & 0 0 TW ter AR r,• LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS,, -Overalls, Work Pants, UniTerwear, JACKETS " Etc. Etc. JUST iN.. New Pattern Prints and Flannellette,;. • GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply 6f Fresh Groceries • E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. , Phone 11-97 , • r