HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-08, Page 2Strange Notion
About The Moon
The notion that the moon is
linked with madm. es is now regard-
ed with some seriousness by
psychiatrists. During researches at
Duke University, L)r. Leonard J.
Ravitz discovered what he believes
is an electrical connection between
the moon's changes and human
moods and emotions.
With special instruments Dr.
Ruv:.z was able to measure the
"electrical potential" of hi, patients
and worked out mathematically
t+,e'lel 1'c1itU011 tel the
found that peak reading coin•
tided with the full and new moons
and also found that peaks in emo-
tional disturbances came at the
sante tame,
'.l'hroughout the centuries the
moon has fascinated men and given
rise to all sorts of theories and sup-
erstitious about its influence on uur
«'hen we say it is unlucky to see
the moon t ./ugh glass we are
simply carrying on an old belief
that moon -light in a louse is evil.
tVheil we turn over our silver et
nt moon we express the hope that
the silver coins will grow as the
moon grows.
Tel Australian bushrnen build
their nuts so that the moon never
shines through tiie door, and in
some parts of Europe sheep are
always shorn so that the new
growth and new moon coincide.
Whimsical as some of these
ns. tions niay be, there are some
circums aces about the moon and
its effect on life that we cannot
lightly dismiss.
Many mental hospitals du nut
)\v the staff leave at the full
moon. Patients who are normal for
twenty-four days of the month be-
come violent as the moon brightens.
Experts have proved that the best
c'.tches of herring may be expected
at full moon.
Dr. Lebran, an authority on lunar
problems, has gathered statistics
that show the larges number of
births occur when the moon is
near the horizon.
Experiments over several years
on a Kentish, farm showed that
certa' vegetables sown near the
time of full moon grew to nearly
twice the weight of others sown
at new moon.
Beans, eas, carrels, tomatoes
and onions did best if sown about
three days before full moon, but
potatoes were better planted under
a waning moon.
Bananas, too, are "moonstruck"
fruit. For each of the thirteen lunar
months there is a distinctive banana
and it has been discovered that 1t
is the new moon that determines
the shape.
The March banana, for instance.
is long and straight, while its April
brother is bent and 'has a fine horn.
like point.
l'arh 1,anana reaches maturity
exactly at new moon in the month
to which it belongs.
Smartens That Old
Lamp -shade Of Yours
ft you have small lamp shades
of silk or cotton that are dingy or
faded, here is a quick and easy way
to rejuvenate them. Remove any
trimmings and dip the shades into
a (seep vessel filled with dye of any
desired color -not boiled dye, but
Tintex or a similar preparation,
Experiment first with a piece of
white cloth to be sure of the right
shade and see that the shades are
completely submerged. Remove and
stand on a board to dry. The shape
will not be altered for the frame
prevents shrinking.
"Are you always so quiet,
Tommy?" asked the visitor.
"No," replied Tommy, "but
mother has promised me a quarter
if I don't say anything about your
bald head and red nose."
Watch For 'Emi-Preparing to realse one of many plastic, balloons
used for the Air Force project "Moby Dick" are iaunching crews
who, naturally, think of this as a whaleof an operation The 50
to 110 -foot diameter balloons are drifting at altitudes of 10 to 20
miles for the purpose of transmitting data concerning high-
altitude winds. The transmitter (arrow) below the balloon sends
out signals to direction -finding stations. Crew inflates one of the
big bags (inset) which may appear as "flying saucers" during the
early and late hours of the day because of sun reflections or, the
transparent coverings. Persons Inding collapsed balloons will
receive a reward for return of radio unit
An Open Letter to
Dear Mr. President:
1 realize you are a very busyman
and I also know that you probably
get plenty of advice and criticism.
especially the latter, from your own
side of the border without any
outside help. Still, there is a Little
suggestion I would like to hand
you, Mr. President, and I will try
and „put it in as few words as pos-
sible, which is more than you can
say for some of your home - brew
critics, such as those who vote. the
Republican ticket.
Well, Mr. President, the sugges-
tion I wish to make is regarding
one of your citizens, Joe,Louis Bar-
row by name, or Joe Louis as we
will call him for the sake of brev-
ity. Mr. Louis, as you may have
heard rumoured, was once a box -
fighter by trade and a very good
one at that. Whether or not he
was the greatest that ever lived ;s
a matter for debate, and I would
be very glad to debate it with you
on some occasion when you have
any free time, maybe after next
November, But I will 60 so far as
to say that he was just about as
good as they come, particularly in
these times when most heavy-
weights seem to be troubled with
the falling sickness.
* :y
But the fact of the platter, Mr.
President, is that Father Time
.catches up with us all, including old
soldiers; and the way 1'e has caught
up with Mr. Joe Louis this past
couple of years is a sin and a shame.
But unliike the old soldiers Mr,
Louis was not contented to simply
fade away but continued to ply his
1 O. . 44444444
^++ti+. -mow, .r„a.. *AO al.,. +Mr...
.SOM ..r.we ,,.w..., .me w. .,w.... ..
trade as a box -fighter, much to the
sorrow of his millions of admirers
who wept bitter tears to see him
having trouble with big loogans
who formerly would have passed
out if he had given them even a
dirty look, or any kind of a look
for that (natter.
Now as L said before, Mr. Presi-
dent, you are a pretty busyman
and maybe it has escaped your no-
tice that the reason Mr. Louis Con-
tinues to ply and trade is not be.
causehe enjoys making a punching
bag of himself, or any desire to bask
in the limelight. No, Mr, President,
the reason Mr. Louis continues
working long past quitting - 'time
is simply he is in hock to a certain
extent to your Income Tax •De-
partment - and I may say he is
by no means unique in this respect
on your side of the border or on
this side either,
Furthermore, Mr. President, con-
sidering his color -which is slight-
ly on the sunburned side -and also
considering the temptations he has
been up against, Mr. Louis has ac-
ted like a pretty fair citizen in most
respects outside of this Income Tax
imbroglio. In fact most folks think
he has been a credit to his race
and also to the fighting game, both
of which are fairly hard to be a
credit to at times, if you get what
1 mean and I think you will.
So now we come to the nubbin
of the matter, and that is what 1
ani proposing to you. In your po-
sition, Mr. President, you probably
know some of the High Brass in
your fucome"Tax Department at
least to speak to. So why not call
them in and say, "Boys, in the past
Joe Louis has contributed to your
Department about ten times what
the average person does, maybe
even more than that. So now that
Joe Louis is in a tight spot, why
not call the whole thing off and
give him a paid -in -full receipt,"
,k ,I• *
And after they have agreed to do
that, Mr. President, you could write
a letter to Joe Louis something
along the following lines; 'Dear
Mr. Louis. Isere is a settlement of
your account with our Income Tax
Department, for past services ren-
dered, and if I ever catch you or
hear of you being closer than 50
yards from a boxing ring I will
make you very hard to catch, in
fact 1 will cal4 up the \aarines and
Large variety of poNterto.
Stripes and Colors
Individually Gift Boxed (if d('sired)
ONLY $1,10 each or 3 for $3.00
Ianrontrai, i g n estwesl.S6e eget' extra
Ideal for Christmas lofts,
Colors Blue, Green, 6Taroon,
Red, Grey, Brown.
Please speehfy coior anti NVIleiller penin
shades, stripes, or patterns of tie
In Whife and Colors -
$1.50 & 32.00 (inch.
Pure Silk -$4,00 each
Send money order or postal note, or
we Mil ship Parcel Post Collect.
R & ID Neckwear Co
have them shoot you as full of holes
as some of the speeches we hear in
N ,1' :k
Of course, Mr. President, you
would probably phrase it a Little
different from the above, but you
probably get the gist of tiie idea.
And if you were to take some such
action in regard to Mr, Joe Louis,
it is my sincere belief that you
would receive a burst of applause
and congratulations front both sides
of the border that would be prat-
tically unanimous, although possib-
ly Senator 11,1rCart hy and Colonel
Bertie McCormack )night want to
bring in a minority report.
.4 * .k
With best regards and trusting
you are keeping up your piano play-
ing, as it is awful easy to get rusty
if you neglect your practising, I
remain, Yours
Ideas For That
Kiddies' Party
1f you're hard pressed for a party
idea for the small fry, and want one
that isn't too elaborate, just put on
a bag party\
When the youngsters arrive, hi -
vert a paper bag mask over the
head of each one. These masks
are simple t0 make, requiring mere
ly, eyes, nose, and tooth holes, and
a few crayon features.
When all the guests have as-
senibled, have a "who's who?"
guessing game, the winner being
the bright child who correctly
guesses the identity of the greatest
number of,,masked compatriots, and
the prize, a huge bag of peanuts
' writes lIsien Houston Boileau in
The Christian Science Monitor.
Mask Becomes Funny Hat
Next, you might have a. contest
to see which child can convert his
mask into the funniest hat, just by
tearing and folding. Again, an in -
the -hag prize, this time a hag of
foil -wrapped chocolate coins.
Have a number of paper bags,
. each containing ordinary materials
such as soap flakes, rice, feathers
salt, flour, marshmallows, sand, etc.
Close these bags tightly, and tie
them to conceal what they contain.
Now, give every child a chance to
guess the' contents of each hag,
just by lifting, smelling, and feeling.
The winner gets a cellophane bag
full of marshmallows -colored ones,
mind you!
Finally, try a bag pitch. Roll
down a rim around the tops of
sturdy brown papier bags, place a
number (10, 25, 50, and 100) on the
side of each, and line them up,
weighting each down with a rock.
Now give each youngster a chance
to pitch a bean bag into -each paper
bag. If there is a tie, play 'it off
with a second round of pitches. The.,
winner is allowed to keep the bean
are wonderfully
simple when you have such a good
excuse for serving them in dispos-
able bags. For every child, have a
bag lunch containing a sandwich in
a bag (34 cup peanut butter to 1
cup chopped raisins, 1 cup cottage
cheese and a little salt makes a
good ones); a little bag of simple
candies; an ice cream bar in a
paper bag; and probably a glass of
milk on the side. This is not a
balanced meal, perhaps, but it's
about average for a birthday spree.
While travelling in a remote part
of the country, a motorist stopped
to chat with a native.
"How are the roads in this. dis-
trict\'" asked the driver.
"Fine," was the native's reply.
"We've abolished bad roads around
"That was a big job, wasn't it?"
"No," replied the native. "Wher-
ever the going is specially hard we
don't call it a road. 'We call it
a detour."
'Wouldn't you like to jump out of bed
feeling fine?
Not up to par? ... you may suffer from an
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food may not digest freely -gas may bloat
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goes out of lifo. That's when you need
Carter's Little Liver Pills. These mild
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constipation and so help promote the flow
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happy days are here again thanks to Garter's!
Why stay sunk? Get Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Always have them on trunci. Only 15o
front ane drnr..a;a.
Farmers Attention - Consult your
nearest Harness Shop about Staco
Harness Supplies, We soil our gooda
only through your local Staco Leather
Goods dealer The goods aro right,
and so are our prices. We mans)•
facture in ow factories - Harness,
Horse Collars, Sweat Pods, Horse
Blankets and Leather Travelling
Goods Insist on Staco Brand Trade
Marked Goods and you get totisfac
tion Made only by
SAMUEL iR, ii t'i
42 Wellington Si E., Toronto
- Write For Catalogue -
.,a Claassifie
ii.411Y ODIOUS
NOT too soon to place Your chick and
turkey order for 1952, All popular
breads, also ('Melts far Immediate delivery
for broilers or layers, Started chicle bar -
Millie. 8 weals olds, Barred Rork pullets,
$411.75, Assorted pulsus, $42,96, Older
pullets. ('74)74
TOP Nt1T('rt ('liiCI{ SALES
(11telph, Ontario .
EIOHT week old ...Aiurle1 eh kits. ItAR-
11AIN S while they toil, Barred stock,
White Leghorn X Ilnrre,t Rock, )dark
Austrnlorp X 1\'ttit., Leghorn. $47,116.
Barred Rock nine sexed $38,95. Assorted
pullets, right weeks, S44.91,
Fergmi Ontario,
JT'S'I'tat' the press! One of the greatest
hooidets ever published. 'Fatherly Ad-
vice '1'o His San." 1•"res Inv 2c postage.
2 0.4,•h's Art ,,i ,,», 611t Yonge St , Tor-
FREE Liler141111'. book list, Theosophy,
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BOONS nn Ings, oats, Rabbits, Aquaria,
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Farming. Fruit, oardepi,ig. Stunting. etc.
Catalogue free, Morgans. London, Ontario.
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Located in Southern Ontario City. Esta, -
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modern equipment. \VIII soil building and
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cars, used ears and service garage, Salo
prlre includes buildings and land, and
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7 1lughaon St. S.
HAMILTON, Ont - Phone 2-1182
HAVE you enythmn needs dyeing or clean•
(nee Write to ❑e fro Information We
ere glad to answer your questions De.
oariment 58 Parker's. rive Works Limited,
7111 Forme St r„r'm1u
BEAUTIFUL cotton prints, about hand
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excellent Heirloom patterns free. Satisfac-
tion or money returned. Over 20 years
serving Canadian homes. 'textile Stores,
623 Queen Street West, Toronto.
CRESS CORN SALVE - Ivor sure relief,
Your Druggist sells CRESS.
GARAGE business, brick, 32x40, 2 pumps
and pit, modern house, 1 acre land, on
lake, Cadiw's Garage, R R.1, Clifford.
NYLONS: Super. Full Fashioned 51 gauge,
3 pair $1.70. Slightly hnperfects. 100
double edge Razor Blades 01.10. American
money. HOSIERY MART, 300 Parer Ave.,
Norfolk, Virginia.
STATIONERY and China business in
Campbellford, with new stock and fur-
nishings. $3,000. Arthur F. Collette, Real
Estate, Campbellford.
PURE-BR'E'D Tamworth Pigs, 41 months
old. Either Sex 560.00. App1Y H. 17. Black
Cookstown, Ont.
BECOME direct factory representative for
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over 25 years, Newest range of fabrics
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Highest commissions, bonuses. Write Bri-
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EIXPERIENCED, married man (Canadian)
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-Bolton 555.
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835 Elgin Ottawa
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PRICE $2.00 teem JAE
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8189 Queen St. E., Corner of Losen, Toronto
Protect your moults and ()Asti 1r0r11
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a else
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Purpose. Visit ns or write for .ortees.
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I42 Front St, E., Toronto
Established 1850
Great Ottportun1ty Lenin
Pleasant dammed prntesslon, good we,get)
Thousands of successful Marvel graduated)
America's Oreat:en system
illustrated Catalogue Pre.
Write or Call
868 Blear St. W., Toronto
(4 Klns St . Hampton
72 Rideau St Ottawa
BECOME a Ilerhalist. Complete home,
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Son "Herbal'College Ltd., 1706 Grave-
ey Street, 'Cancouvr 6, British Columbia,
WIIT not swap them? In return you'll
get an equal number of smart freshly.
dry-cleaned ties. in assorted colours from
fellow 'swappers.” Just send seven of
your ties plus a dollar to TIL SWAP,
Pleltering, Ont. State preferences
(IN OFFER to every Iuventor-List of Ire
venticns and full information sent fres.
1'he Ramsay C0„ Registered Patent attar
treys, 273 Rank Street, Ottawa.
3'h)THIORSTUNHA11014 5 Company. Pas.•
tent Sollettoro. (established 1800, 360
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tion nn request
Club introduce to lonely people desiring
early marriage. Many with means, widows
with farms or city property. City and
country girls. Members from coast to
coast, Proven results since 1924. Free
particulars in plain sealed envelope. C.C.
Chub. Box 128, Calgary, Alta.
QUIT . S1101L1NG--tile easy way. Use To.
bacco Eliminator, a 'scientific treatment
quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco.
rids the system of nicotine. Bang Drug
Pharmaceutical Chemists (Alberta). P.O.
Box 673, Condon, Ontario.
WHY suffer when nature contributes and
we distribute reliable herbal remedies
from The Pure Herb Store, Sault Ste.
Marie. Ontario.
TRY C. C. and B. TONIC tablets for low
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One Dollar
POSITION as herdsman by experienced
beet stockman. Good at fitting and eltow-
ing. Married. Best references. States terms
first letter. Box 86, 123 Eighteenth Street.
New Toronto Ontario.
PART or full time, to sell household neces-
sity needed in every home. Can be sold
se sideline. 11'or big profits write immedt-
,a.tely to Box 84, 123 Eighteenth St , New
Toronto, Ont.
STRAW wanted Wheat or Rye wire Baled
Also Christmas trees by the thousand,
We pick up. Write Lloyd Sherwood, Alder-
shot, Ontario,
NOV. 13Tlf21"
-tare's the easy, proved way to combat asthma's
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Powder or cigarette form -at al! drug stores in
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ISSUE 45 * 1051
Was Nearly Crazy
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Until I dlecovrred 17r, OD. Denithe amazingly
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speeds pesos and comfort from cruel itching
caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athletes
foot and ether itch troubles. Trial bottle, 430
First appltoatlmn checks even tint meet Intense
Itch or money hook. Ask druggist tor D. D. D
Prescription (ordinary or extra strength),