HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-08, Page 1Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S 't ZURICH — ONTARIO ILEV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR a.m.—Divine Services. DI.1.15 a.m. — ,Sunday School. ft.30 p.m. — Divine Worsgaip. ;Everybody Welcome to all Service's. auviANuor .VANGELICAL U. . CHURCH Zusidis — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist undaly Services:— :1.11:00 aan. — Divine Worship. :7•,100 a.m. — Bible School 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship. 001 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8 1951 Anniversary Bazaar Of St. Boniface Church COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH Friday, November 23rd &Mon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions thi Friday, Saturcla y Nov. 9 -10th. MASK OF THE AVENGER Technic°lour John Derek Anthony gliinn Aid Judy Lawrence Monty Christ° Fights Again. ssove's Again and Thrills Again Connie Strips and Shorts Two Shows: 7.30 and 9.30. Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 13-14 Welcome at ell Services,— "Comae Mrs. O'MALLE & Mr. IVIALONE 'Vans with us and we will do thee Mairjorie Main Ann Nvorak saved." Num. 10:29. James Whitmore This will Tickle the -Nation's Fumy Bone! News Reel and Comics One Show 8.00 pm. • Are You Suffering From - Headaches? LI so, Have your Eyes Ease -reined with the Latest Methods. and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. IP. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERICH • NT. Good Glasses at Reasonaele Prices KEEP FROST GOVERNMENT STRONG Vote Pryde X-RAYING EARTH FOR CHRIST - XII invited scientists to use ray, to uncover ancient graves near the tomb of St. Peter. LOCAL NEWS • 0 6 0 0a • 0 0 0 their X- Mrs. Stanlake of Exeter spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Mr and Mrs. Lennis O'Brien. Mr. George Kibbler of Nosavich, called at the Fritz home last Thurs- day. Mr. H.IVIussalinen and children of Waterloo were week -end visitors at the home of .the farmer's sister, Mr and Mrs. tPeter Gingerich, Blake, DASHWOOD Special Anniversay eervices mill he held in the Evanelical Church on Sunday, Nov. 11th. Prof. A. C. Kil- mer of Naperville, Ills., will be the guest speaker. 'Special music will be given by the choir and :Mr. Morley PoHick, 'of Greenway who will be the guest soloist in the evening, Mr and Mrs Keith Wildfong and LOCAL NEW Mrs.. Emily Fuss was a visitor 'with her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Joseph .Schwartz at Detroit last week. Mr and Mrs Geonge Fee and son Charles of Hensel', called on friends in Z-urich on Ill xida:Y. Mae. Leonard Erb is spending the week at the home of her ,brother, Mr Kenneth Koehler, at Huntsville. Mr and Mrs. Morris Neil of Detroit, spent the week -end at the A. Meliek residence. Mrs. H. Sclmeieker Milverton, and Mrs. Emma Raceof London, are vieiting at the hoane of their sis- ter, Mrs. John .Brenner. Miss Elizabeth Steolde and '1VIr. A Weber ,of Elmira were'visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Menne Steckle Bronson line, Sunday. Mrs. :Elmore Klopp has returned. home after spending some time at) the home of her daughter, Rev and KINGSLEY Mra. Lloyd Kalbfleisch at Desboro. CHESTER L SMITH, PUBLLE IA* 0.75 s Year Advanes. *2.00 in U. S. A., in Aciveauss. N 0 R IV! ,A S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS TeL r2123. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Prom t Optical Sulks DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT MT and Mrs Ted Foster of De- troit, who have recently returned home from their lovely trip to Ari- zona, visited with the latter's mother Mrs. Louis Weber, lower the week -end Mr and Mrs Harold Kellerman of Dashwood and Miss Pearl Wurtz of town, visited iwith relatives at Lss- towel' recently attending the funeral of Mx. Abe Chapman. Mr. Bruce Eickaneiess who is at-. tending Dental College, Torento,rwas a week -end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Eick- meier. Rev. Dr. W. E. aVlacNiven of Lon - Grant Wildfong of London spent the don, who was the guest speaxer for week -end with their parents, alr and Mrs. Garnet Wildfong: the Belt* Foreign Bible Society, at Petees Lutheran Church, Sunday Mrs. 'Charles Steinhagen is spend - evenings was resident guest at the ins •a 'few days with her daughter home London this week. of Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith, A nuaruber of young pesple attend- ed. the E.Y.f Convention in -Strat- ford over the week -end. Weekenders with Mr and Mrs. A. while hi Zurich. Left for Halifax Mrs.' J. Wes. Muller left for GreenlOsd, Halifax to visit at. the IANITY'S SECRETS! E. Oestreicher were: Dr. Eunice Oese home • of her daughter (joan). On First details about a new, dramatic treicher and Mr. John McKishnie of her waithere she spent a few days means of archecloglcal exploaation Lon at the A-, e of her friends, Dr and don and Dr. and Mrs D. L. Oe- - will be revealed in Mrs. Wiin Bryce at Ottawa: day's (Nov.•issue loan Weekly. Sunday this earning Sun- te'lc. h er and Elizabeth Anise of Chat of The Amer- 11) exclusively with Thnes. Read how Pope ham. Detroit, Quite a number from here are at - Pius tening the musical Festival in Exeter this week: Mrs. Wm. Nadiger is .confined to her home on the sack list. Mr. Chas. Beaver who has been in London hospital for several weeks, has returned home. Mr. Win. Gossanan is in St. Joseph 5. Marry Xo§enutp, Amiered Mono 1Yalteral Director — Private Car illirbbalance Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE rtablie OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANY-wHER.E 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. T I E L' Superior Store WE HAVE UMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING FRESH GROCERIES VEGETABLES IF REQUESTED, FRUITS CURED MEATS WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! AVIVIRPIE.1:11.1010•11•••••••114 Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich W. I. Meeting. The Zurich Womens' Institute will hold. their monthly meeting in the town. hall, Zurich, on Monday even- ing, Nov. 12th at 8.30. Conunittee in charge: Mrs. David Meyers, Mrs. H. Rose, and Mrs. Maurice Durand. All ladies are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Hospital, London where he under- went a serious operation. Whew. What Weather Mr and Mrs. Harry Bleodow and A bad. midwinter storm visited daughter Brenda of Golden Lake,Ont these parts Tuesday afternoon and are visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Illy. Getz at the Evangelical Parsonage. Farm Forum Unique Forum — The first meet- ing fir 1951-52 season of the Un- ique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Klopp with 28 me- mbers and 5 visitors present. The discussion on "Are Coops Democrat- ic?" was led by Aaron Oestreichera the hetes. Among the points discUssed was that the directors of the Co-ops. should being in recommendations to the an- nual meeting for approval. The dir- ectors have the power to act in what lines they feel would be wise if certain problems arise. The rural co-op. is one of the mfoemative means used hy the Co-op to educate the people as to Co-operative organ- ization activities. Henry Schilbe was elected chairman of next week's meeting ies be held at Mr and Mrs. Leonard Menses. The meeting elos- ed with recreation led by Mrs. Mer- ner and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The Voice of Temperance The latest is the story of the Bot- tle Club. We read in the Temper - night, the SliOW turned to rain and then. back to snow again. Strange to say the -cites of London was the cold- est place 1 Ontario where the mer- cury dipped down to 1.3 below zero. The village is a mass of snow, ice and slush nearly up iron the knees.The snow plow shoved a lot of it aside, and one,- does not care to go out of ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING Banker Goes to St. -Marys Mr. William O'Brien, Jr., of Zure rein who, has been on the Bank of Montreal staff in Zurich for a few years has received notice from head- quarters of his transfer to tne St. Marys branch of the same Bank. 'We will indeed •miss Bill, as we knew min, veay pleasant and efficient at his work, and on the field of sports he will also be missed very much, both in hockey and baseball. We wish Bill continues success wherever he goes. The transfer, we 'understands will take place next week. Held Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Zurich Bible • Society was held on Sunday evening, this year being the guest of St. Peter's., Lutheran Church, and ance Advocate ,of bottle clubs In the considering the condition of the wen - U.S. They ,ate just the old speakeasieSi under a new name. They handle then the attendance was good but . of course the church was 'net filled moonshine. At the Huron Tempeidin ,ce Convention held in Goderiell on October 24th, we learned that the Bottle Club idea had been imported into Huron. Some ,one is looking for trouble. A bottle club is a rallied bootleggers joint. Selling liquor in Huron is against the law. There are no exceptions. There are no special permits from Ottawa. If some care- less person is trying to run a )o1d bluff and get away with law in- fraction—the police know their duty and will do it.—ADVT. ++++++++++++seSeseSseasesessesse A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 0,961C...111.1241.41 RAG RUGS and CA On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuriek Ont. Phone 128. Cold Weather Ahead Order your winters supply nova. You can he sure of getting the kind and amount you want by ordering now. Don't wait for those stormy d'P'3T• LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10. Residence 54. HENSALL ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERVICA onCOMMIUMO:156122.1111u.S.M.11.:011:1EMMUili 064101,011105421esseeetoeme 0 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 0 0 0 titraikt. 00900 00000 00000 000cee b41,4**V 41 a Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR Al OCCASIONS Day and Night .Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich "00••0•••••••••••000•G0 0 000 sibibeet0 1 z • • • •• • • • se-Ses, . 1621-1S toxQP 1504.06090 We are ever at your service with the best Ii-nez obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Sesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 65 411111.1.1.190/MOIMISME:WARMIRMIZZORMIZSUMPNIMMZIEJEWSM to capacity as usually is the case. The Pastor, Rev. E. W. Heimrich acted as.chairman, and the Field Secretary Rev- Dr. E. W. •MacNevin, of London, &livered the address which was in- tereating indeed. He told us of the great need of the scriptures in print t; he handed out to the Asiatic peo- ples who arc by the 'millions taking to reading, and :they are much bet- ter reeding the scriptures than the undesirable literature that is being eupplied. to them otherwise. The men's shorus, of the Evangelical Sserch rendered a few well received nmbers, under the direction of Mrs. !lilton (*Saab, whoacted as organist. T.,ast ;veer the total contributions for this worthy cause was over $300, -and the canvassers are making their rounds again at present. Give them a lift, *me! The former tfli001'8 WOrCI re-eletted. Irte-11,4 cet AND KEEP ON THE GOVERNMENT SIDE +++++++++++++++++++++04+41 WE HAVE A GOO Fal F 0 0 STOCK OF LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN — New Pattern Prints and Flannellette. GIVE US A CALLI Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl T1E4 _aid E 3'7,1; T'A E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11.97 RIO