HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-11-01, Page 1pts+'• "Atblished ROO ,evangelical Lutheran Church ST., PETERS ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIIVIRICH, PASTOR. N.0 a.m.—Divine Services. P.1.15 a.m. — Sunday School. ,T.30 p.m. — Divine Worship. j",^.verybody Welcome to all/ Services. tn..,..._._ EIVIIVLANUIEL a 'ANGELICAL U. E. CHURCH Zurich - Ontario EV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch Orga.nist iSundary Services 0x.0:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. .1:00 a.m. — Bible School 7:30 p.m. — Divine Woreiaip. Welcome at all. Services-- "Come anou with us and we will do thee •I oocl." Num. 1.0:291. f f, Are You Suffering From Headaches? NTARIO, THURS;MtAY MORNING NOVEMBER 1 1951 ZURICH I-IOCKEY CLUB In The Community Centre, Zurich On Friday, November 2nd Dancing 9.30 p.m. to 1.30 a.rn. Music will be supplied by From the Recordings of Famous Name Bands Admission 75 Cents Come out and join in the Fun There twill be a paper collection on Tuesdalyl November 6th. The pup- ils of Room 3 will. be collecting.Have your papers out in front of your home or your places of business be- fore noon. And have them securely 1i ed. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Fr. Monaghan, Ursuline Sisters, Sisters of the ;Prec- ious Blood and all others for their prayers, and also for the many cards flowers, treats and visits while in the Hospital and since home. Mrs. Kuno Hartman. BORN c ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ZURICH Bible Society uOOA:i y WI, Mrs. John Brenner and son Clar- ence visited with the former's sister and relatives in Milverton on Sun - Will be held in the day. . St. Peter's Lutheran Chuttch Barn Moved .u, • On The barn. which was 'once a very Sunday, Nov:ember 4th. useful »art of St. 13oniface's parish equipment has recently begin purch- At 7:30 ':p.nY' used by, Mr. Harvey Clausius and by Rev. Dr. W. A. MacNIVEN, BA. DD. the A11ur1 moving equipment Reof Hen - District Secretary of the British and sail was moved unto Mr. Muslim' s' Foreign Bible Society, of London, little farm a mile north of town.. It Ontario, will be Guest Speaker will be a great convenience to Mr.SPECIAL MUSIC— C lauaiu.. Special Vocal Musical Numbers will iW. I CONVENTION be rendered by local talent 3lrs. Noma, Meyers, Provincial Everybody is Cordially Invited to '';lard t'Tember of the r'4ro?,Yens' In- Atkerrd this Grand Get Together etitute and Mrs. Harry Rose delegate of the 'Zurich Branch attended the convention held at Hotel London last week, Splendid inspirations were re- ceived by the speakers along with a grand banquet and a fine social time was enjoyed. Rally Bruce J. Klapp, Secy -Treace.. Chester L. Smith, Presrdeant. Mr and Mrs Roy Erb have moved to Kitchener where they have taken' positions. Mr and Mrs. Thos. .Meyers spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Bryant at Stratford. Miss Pauline Hess is holidaying this week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr and :M'rs Gordon Kait- ing at Goderich. Mr and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer and family, Mr. John Scotchmer Sr. of elle ,Tela e,(le Sunday visitors at Lions Club News Official Praises Local Club • District Deputy Govern.,r Victor Dinnin; of Zurich, paid his official visit to ;the Exeter Lions Club at their supper .meeting Friday evening last. Mr. •Dizinin gave an interesting report of tihe :i.niternation.al convention held at Atlantic City. He also c, amend- ed the .clubs for the splendid the horde of Mr and Mrs. John Al- work tat is being done. '1 he local brecht. club has ;been interested in providing At the Farwell Nursing Horne, in Mr. Herbert K. Either of Crediton artifrc'aI- limbs for a -Crediton lad. A Zurich, on October 3ilist, to Mr and was a Sunday visitor at the ?tome of Hallowe'en partly", is being sponsored Mrs. Harold Stade a daughter.his daughter, Mr and Mrs Ward for they .children. The Grand Bend (Fritz. 'dons cnsorecl-• an informal booth LOCAL NEWS Mrs. J :hn Rau, 4T1 and Mrs. Leen-* .e an- !for tli summer; inaugeraten a safe and l,au have returned home after patrol her school children at the Prof and iMis Leonard ~pencil 1 a 1e�1 c 1 (.Yam erzsection and are now look~ children and Miss Verna Birk all of ' alld C.1 t -t ter � f t ble location A' r a slat CHESTER L. SMITH, PUUBLJJI ovis a Yeas inn 'Adman, *2.00 m U, a. .6., 1n .e.uvenco.. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223, Zurich NORMA SSTEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPE I � On a New Modern Loom, Made iite Order --- Seth 0. Amann, Zur�+el Ont. Phone 128. pi tical meed DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING Birk andr ; ',yid'. relatives, ♦ • int hien(1 at es -,?l1111 LTId i ince for a suitable Guelph called on friends in town 'on part:, of the USA ling rink. Zurich •Lion, are sponsor - Saturday on their way to visitat lir and Mrs Leonard Lee, Mrs.'.ing <t, young people's band and are Dashwood. for the week -end. Newell it tf I r, ' -. `.1.1' <r• • mGetill Ttl';1 fine St LCC.-~, 'Such •Zlcl'fred-SChil:be x11(1 1 rI1 111.: .,.., . lbe t .rh were nt;t'l?ir !i. r1lnee. to be cunt Mr and 'Mrs. Haveyour Eyes Examined with daughter Sheila and 1lrs. Herbert visitor.a l Lo.l'w s :£ co, n 'b e -_' .3 i . ,..,Yl tee ,� ..l til- _. Cl L: . 1v aa; C �- 4 tc� a1c, t,.r ..�.: arid. �Y_ 211.bna:> 7, Saeid tine speaker. 111 Dia t at Schilue .'pent several day., in Duff-, lir ^nd uas i n .t 1• r was l.ttroc'ueed by S. i' Taylor r:'bo Latest Methods and lScllnipmen , A 5 . S jeweler and Registered titian. Cold Weather Ahead Order your winters supply now. You can be sure of getting the kind and amount you want by ordering now. Don't wait for those stormy days. LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10. Residence 62 1rIENSALL ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERVICE 0 a1 N.Y., last - ed;S. and n, .,,. l,';1'„ +.c:T d'f n i 4 - tt. :t. Ju«! i ,. rice' '"1i and Mrs. Russell Tiernan r.11la_d of Manitoulin; reeee'( Son Barrie 'uf Dashwood, find ' 1t' and t 1i? :ttllitl hadi1-1,,,,:,,11,3;1e3 a,voe t . t Mrs. P�a'r Schillte and daughter Gail home• ,cif ilio, io t: <' "'1` , ' 1` OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN i?raN spent the week end with' and Mrs, Wm. O'Brien 1 vreek. t C1°3 thou.of pa e Yt Mr and firs 1lilfred i d M Lloyd Edighofrer• and 1 GODER1OH •- - �' and z- Hugh dig l �aerod Glasses at Reamer1e Prices SehiTbe. HYMENEAL Mr axe Mrs es Po. Hoeft - Krueger Ea dali•ght,ex., . Mr .:ins. r' '. l i 'f n. 4 : Betone of whiee civ , •anthems R, offer, a'11 sof'Mitchell had an enjoyable i ares, feariu and candelbt:i et Si. I'et Si' lvisit at the home of their cousins, ' or's Lutheran Church, Zurich, Jean 4i1' and Mrs. Newell Geiger on Sun- 1largaret Krueger was united inmate (r•iage to Edmund jack Pollock, Tor- C' � t. � c r )�2Cr day. . Marr (9 ff icZ7Z nAe CG cj() J I Church h /9y iratVeabary onto, on Saturday atterliooir, by the ] 1' l s 3 Church 1 I,c , Edward ' • 1' the daughter of . lW'f'@rC'ii Director -- FF'LUaIO (TCG!' ,.•.`�l1Lf)IGZ't. ace, Member of Ontario r'io Funeral Association Holder Of ST..ECMIi'E AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE C]Xy YGFN . Equipment lie ,,a1. 1 11 E'�sifi��rd.: �s 'which well rccetve�l by i rad l fur . r _ t •d W. Heimrls_h. The Emmanuel �van_cii. i Mrs. Herb- -•.t, - t rrc c is 1 at Zur i, h, t t = : L cd the •- sary of the building of the present ert Krueger, Zurich, and the late Mr , church e. line •; e 1 ;U'td f i• t. 1.11 '.;: Uc. ,@r, and the ;,'r 0 d17 is the son of with the I'a T ot, H. E.Ropeel 1l Ili- t e late a e Mr and' t Mrs. a )l W. 1: t'ollock iding. Dr, .Edgar S. :nee( was ki ttoft, .Mich., 11^ the ' ue-t t t lyes lt,'o\ided by Mi „'teire4• t.1t',ilrlrich, and the 60101 t 1, , tai( Pollock, two c 1 ' ; 7 cl 1, eY,large tEeen in marriage iag by hoe brother, HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN l audiences In view of t27e 17 i fill t unpbd-�eV1`elirunp` r'` f n i"llh 'I Yni1, the 13 Tut z el - FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES lance vll is ''- 11 `1' 1 ttl I The ^<. The moulded nasque was lash - WE WIRE ANYWHERE auditoria t , tv ell toned with long, tapering sleeves and visitors nylon yoke with to accent " l; r nr.. -s opine. which era � t from ter lr r lc.•y lino nil's' st t 0; that waistline.. The full hooped skirt ex- � l ,:, rind l♦. 'l'h+ t teuded into a chapel train. Her fins- xs:s a of last e•eat• }' • l..ntt)t e'r-lilt veil of itnlw ttdt French illus - e0,1 music 1. is ci'l 1:'.vei lyre b. . talent con .i=ting of a men's clioiri'.on edged with lace was gathered. to ( with '34 vol. e 1:lt, the re r'a'ng sere.- � 0 dainty velvet 01 10110. She carried ice and a mixed chop and elevenla a nosegay of white baby 'mums min- men at the evening e t ire. :1n 0c gled with forget-me-nots. tette of male voices al eo rendered a f Her .four attendants, identically ;special number in the nln,•ttin"• seri rsned in royal blue silk velvet, I ice and a ladies' 0( ('tic ai ti T1 -e eti'isi o•fe)e honor; MarilynCraig, London, as maid McC McClure, nI in the evening 'erviee After the Lera'dietton and di.enie- London, and Miss Donna Smith, Sar - a1 of the (avenin:;' eerviee the men's ' ia, as bridesmaid.; and Joanne Pol. octette again favoured the retaining lock, Pior arkhill, as Hofrw rgirl. ffJhe audience with a halfjhour sing;-. a g sh- �osf their most popular numbers. This Toned with :portrait necklines - and proved to 'b'e a very pleasing- con- fitted overces, hoops. the full Match ng flaring t elusion of a ;great anniversary. cloche headdresses and short white gloves completed their costumes, and they carried nosegays of white chrys- anthemums. The flower girl wore a Niue velvet bonnet matching her frock and carried a miniature nose- gay of •white chrysanthemums. Kenneth 13el'hack, Preston, was the best man. The ushers were Gordon Gill, Toronto, and Charles Dalton of London. Wearing a navy crepe gown, silver grey •flat with navy veil, grey r.ccess- ( 106. and a corsage of pink roses, the bridi�'s 0101001• re celvecl sues.: at : toilette Mina 'd' Mrs. Pe:Rock was of voyWi 1.) e tri - I T)It RUSSTjLI, enlisted .in the 1 Gl at attired in a aii4 1 1:1C,V. tt With inch he wore 0l tt. loci a. corsage age of black n(d ; t 111'-e.ept- t 1 tut hltdc :an 1 r;ronl left for "1 1 reit int bo L tni e lnealti; and ri,1 ': , the bride ttnvolin ; o l cin - t7.1 t 4, .1 e nil. t .tip el with a l°aril can e ceee tr- iwl Gi.111C1 oe e go 0omoleted ant tit. The bride is 0 graduate tf the Victoria Hospital Schtjol of Nursing, and the groom was gra(in- nted from the, University of Western 0 ntariQ, tilled 0 45 r.= csoovmsocis 1R'�`. '+:�6Y i<' 04;44%1104") F'ldE3�.-7ti,'•Fv`ort: e`f�v`."r� 34�1G a'ei 4144 PMICVat° Licensed � mba'11 er uiiid Funeral Ode's::fxtr' Ftivate Car Ambulance sv4-�riis:e i forR Rut Hospital Bed and a�1'-aeeE~:Ilalnr FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service .� or 122,.. Zurich Telephone: ©E)eSfst8f 000*IDC i n ._1 , 1. t'toI 7 ,1 r a7•• t of scall- 0 but ,tar n"' room. :e• Many z rti h repeated ea` ed below the ' 2 24 Hour Service --' Dashwood Tel. 70W. ,w.<..•.•2M phi `S^ "°".n.�r 'Sl4.�T#:�i",t7t".agya 517,-�nrCINi:tt f ;.. pOErior 3 '1 b AVE HAVE NUMER US ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY AVANCING WEEK -END GROCERY SPECIALS STRAWBERRY JAM 14-0z JAR RASPBERRY JAM, 24-0z JAR • • CHERRY JAM, 24 -Oz JAR • ... , CORN NIBLET'S 2, 14 -Oz TINS . - APPLE JUICE 48.Ox TIN ,, • +'. , FRGROCERIES , . t wI�FRESH Gf�.00ER a IES VEGETABLES S IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL , FOR SERVICE! 450 41c 47c 33c 25c CURED FRUITS MEATS nms..m+.w.c.+.. emsoa..,....++mo..uii^'re°♦`.wear.,w.....a...vrn..a.......... .. C. H. THIEL . Zurich Phone 140 giommemmiewormetwoursomswitoon elms SaVIIMOIRIIIIWOOMOVelaaigtaella youthfor e 1s�I Dr. Alfred Russell, M.A. ALBION, MICHIGAN Speaker for. the Youth for Christ Rally On Sat. Night, Nov. 3rd, 8 pm IN THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL 0: a 0 0 0 0 0 1 I l3attallion and wishes to meet is many of his comrades as can be pre - rent. 11c :ae rved'a , Alaloe in the First - i World War and ae.e.h:a.nlailr in 111.' \ Sear nd War, '' D,AN1ET, GOONSS ('11111 Artist, ;MIA , A i to b t i MISS I,Etv,i,N. 1 N 1 '' ` 1 dei ,1, .::. lIit S t.l:l l ` 1'' .1.A r'l' ' i uani t and Trumpeter. (ten. \DON'T.' ;411tis '1"IlIa PROGRAM .i l'r:> TOPS. CLINTON t Rt,,A. `'OU'3II FOR CHRIST Res. 89 QE st�o"3t@5Q'3&)CJa3•'s''eczo'r loot o w'•r`�izei e ....... .. -way, We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruit. and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL 'bo Me o )etc PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 esewevei s von ts:iii '" 'er*t ?.am.LZD `ri"tk r±l Tat:..w:"e:c L,e `<„ . ..:u. .$vl<.'.,.4'r1: 5... pa t. kft, WE FIAVE A GOOD STOCK OF 0. LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN — New Pattern Prints :end Flatuieliette. (( pp\:L x).) A LALL1 Gooai Su pply of Fresh Groceries alar a s P� �9 YrS e'l E1, 1( qL Wt y`tlY E. SchwartZeftruilaer, Prop, Phone 11 44 ,4M,?:Fee!S!Y011,1'DEGfw11lt11dC111.WE'