HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-10-18, Page 6Tapping The Sun.
For E nierg3r
Some people have been squinting
at the sari with a new interest since
reading the prediction of President
Conant of Harvard that by the
end of the century the sun will be
the main source of energy for in-
dustry, atomic energy having been
found too costly and too dangerous
for genera Luse. Out in Ohio,
Charles F. Kettering, the inventor,
is working on the problem of tap-
ping solar energy. When he has
found out what makes the grass
green he thinks he will have solved
the problem. Dfr. Kettering is the
inventor of the self-starter for auto-
mobiles. In his retirement he is
trying to discover a kind of self-
- starter for all industry.
Whenever the question of solar
energy is raised it is immediately
pointed out that we are already
existing on energy, which the sun
laid down eons ago, in the form
of coal and oil. Even Water power
is a creation of the sun, since the
sun has first to draw the moisture
up above sea level before it can
be released as rain to fill the rivers
behind the great dans. Earthquakes
and volcanoes represent enormous
amounts of energy which are the
creation of the earth and not of
the sun. and this kind of energy
we could well do without. The sun
is also the source of such human
energy as is displayed on the earth,
for it produces the food by which
men exist. The dwellers in Plato's
cave had no idea what life was like
until they left their cave and carne
out into the sunlight.
Father of those who are still seek-
ing the secrets of the sun was
Ana'uigoras, who ventured to tell
the Athenians that the sun was not
a god driving a chariot and four
across the sky but a mass of molten
metal somewhat larger than the
Peloponnesus. It took ail the elo-
quence of Pericles to save his friend
from severe punishment for this
and similar un -Athenian views on
the nature of the universe. Anaxa-
goras went into exile, while the
Athenians continued to argue about
how Helios, the sun god, transfer-
red his golden chariot and immor-
tal horses from west to east every
night. The people of Rhodes went
on to build the Colossus in honour
of the sun god and centuries later
Roman Emperors were still trying
to force the cult of `Sol Invictus'
upon their disillusioned subjects.
Twenty-four centuries after Ana -
angoras astrophysicists know a
great deal about the sun. By intri-
cate calculations they have dis-
covered the secret of the sun's en-
ergy in the transmutation of hy-
drogen gas into helium. Last week
it was confirmed that scientists had
so far progressed in their experi-
ments that for another half billion
dollars they can probably apply the
sun's secret to the making of a
hydrogen bomb. While they are at
work the sun will be exploding
several million hydrogen bombs a
minute, creating enough new en-
ergy every day to balance what is
given off in light and heat. How
to utilize this free and unlimited
energy is the problem of scientists
who, like President Conant, look
forward to another, if not golden,
then silver age when deserts will
bloom, food will be plentiful and
all nations will enjoy an adequate
place in the sun.
Telling The Time
By Your Cat
Can cats really see in the dark?
Why are a cat's pupils slit-like when
she blinks at the sun but widely
dilated when she has just come out
of a darkened cellar? Questions
like these are now being studied by
scientists and already they have
made some interesting discoveries.
Only the other day Mr. Ralph
Gunter, a London scientist, set
shout finding out whether a cat
tan see objects in a room which
'o human eyes appears pitch-dark.
}Ie used six cats against whose eyes
Ie decided to match his own sharp
He put into a dark room a Sall -
:et of milk which was "illuminated"
vith a beans of light so faint that
to himself could not see it. Every
ale of the six cats saw the saucer
t once. And as it was in an air -
;gilt, glass -sided box, the cats could
tot possibly have scented the milk,
These and other experiments are
enthusing. Scientists will probably
stablish that what we call a dark
nom is hill of tiny rays of light
vhich a keen -eyed cat can pick up
asily. It is known that the pupils
of a cat's eyes are capable of being
nlarged or distended to a great
xtent, thus letting in every par-
lcie of light, And this enlargement
f thet pupils takes place almost
laver tried to tell the time by a
at's eyes? fir's quite possible if
:1e weather is favourable. On a
right day, according to Chinese
I;t-Revers who have studied the
abject, a cat's eyes are smallest
t noon, gradually widening until it
dart, and remaining like that un -
1 daylight dawns again, when they
r' 01 to narrow Once more.
No Sale—This Communist propaganda sign has no effect on Pvt.
Harold Harrison, left, of Spring Hill, Nova Scotia, and Pvt Ray-
mond McConnell, (iron gunners with the Canadian forces in Korea.
int 4
Thicken 1 can of consomme with
3 tbs. flour blended to a smooth
paste with 14 cup cold milk. Add
2 cups diced cooked pork, 1 finely
chopped small onion, 1 very finely -
chopped clove of garlic, Season
with salt and pepper. Keep hot in
double boiler,
Biscuit Shells
Mix and sift into bowl, 2 cups
ounce -sifted pastry flour (or 1?•4
cups once -sifted hard -wheat flour),
2 tsp. Baking Powder, 1 tsp. salt.
Cut in finely 5 tbs.. shortening.
Make a well in centre, pour in ?3
cup 111ilk and mix lightly with a•
fork. Roll out dough to !'s" thick-
ness cut into 4" squares. Line greas-
ed muffin pans with dough, prick
with a fork and pinch corners, Bake
in hot oven, 425 degrees, 15-18
minutes. Fill with pork mixture
and serve. Yield -6 servings.
Cut 2 lbs. lamb into l" pieces,
brown well in hot dripping; pour
off excess fat. Add 4 cups boiling
water, 2 celery tops, 2 sprigs pars-
ley, 1 bay leaf, 1 tsp. salt and 34
tsp, pepper. Cover and simmer 2
hours. Add 14 cups diced carrots,
6 peeled small onions. Simmer until
neat and vegetables are tender,
about 34 hour. Combine 1 tbs.
melted butter and 2 tbs. flour and
stir in a little hot gravy; stir into
stew; stir and cook until thickened.
Mix and sift into bowl 14 cups
once -sifted pastry flour (or 11/4
cups once -sifted hard -wheat flour),
3 tsp. Baking Powder, 3 tsp. salt.
Cut in finely 134 tbs. shortening.
Make a well in centre, pour in
34 cup cold water or milk and
mix lightly with a fork. ]Drop by
shall spoonfuls over hot stew.
Simmer, without lifting the cover,
for 15 minutes.
* * *
Thicken ] can of consomme with
3 tbs. flour blended to a smooth
paste with 34 cup cold milk. Add
2. cups diced cooked pork, 1 finely
chopped small onion, 1 very finely -
chopped clove of garlic. Season
with salt and pepper. Keep hot in
double boiler.
Affix and sift into bowl, 2 cups
ounce -sifted pastry flour (or 13
cups ounce -sifted hard -wheat flour),
2 tsp. Baking Powder, 1 tsp, salt.
Cut in finely 5 tbs. shortening.
Make a well in the centre, pour in
cup milk and mix lightly with
a fork. Roll out dough to ;i" thick-
ness, cut into 4" squares. Line
greased muffin pans with dough,
prick with a fork and pinch corn-
ers. Bake in hot oven, 425°, 15-18
minutes. Fill with pork mixture
and serve. Yield -6 servings.
Mince 1 ib, frankfurters and mix
in 4 clip chopped drailied pickles
or pickle relish. Saute / cup chop-
ped celery and 1 sliced small onion
in 2 tbs. hot fat. Add to frankfurter
mixture and combine; season with
said and pepper. Let stand while
sou make.
Mix and sift together once, then
silt into bowl, 3 cups ounce -sifted.
hard -wheat flour), 4 tsp. Baking
Powder, q tsp. salt, 34 tsp. dry
mustard. Cut in finely 6 tbs. short-
ening. .Make a well in centre, pour'
in 1 c. milk and mix lightly with
a fork. Line greased loaf pan (4/
x 81z inches) with two-thirds of
dough, Fill with meat mixture and
top with remaining dough, sealing
edges; slash to allow escape. of
steam. Bake in hot oven, 450 de-
grees, about 30 minutes. Serve
with tomato sauce. Yield -4 or '5
servings. 't
Mix and sift into bowl, 134 cups
once -sifted pastry flour (or 11/s
cups once -sifted hard -wheat flour),
3 tsps. Baking Powder, % tsp. salt,
Cut in finely 4 tbs. chilled shorten-
ing and mix in % cup washed and -
dried raisins and % cup lightly=
packed brown sugar. Combine one
slightly -beaten egg, % cup mills and
a few drops almond flavoring. Make
a well in dry ingredients and add
liquids; mix lightly with fork, add-
ing milk if necesary, to make a
soft dough. Knead for 10 seconds
on a lightly -floured board and pat
out into greased pie plate (714" top
inside measure) and mark into 6
pie -shaped wedges. Bake in hot
oven, 425 degrees, about 18 min-
utes. Serve hot with butter or mar-
garine. Yield -6 .cones.
Mix and sift 3 times, 24 cups
once -sifted pastry flour (or 2 cups
once -sifted hard wheat flour), 24
tsps. Baking Powder, % tsp. salt,
11 tsps, ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp.
each of ground cloves, ginger, all-
spice, nutmeg and mace; mix in
cup washed and dried seedless
raisins and ;4 cup chopped wal-
nuts, Cream ?! cup butter or mar-
garine and blend in 134cups
lightly -packed brown sugar; beat
in 3 well -beaten egg yolks and
tsp, vanilla, Add dry ingredients
to creamed mixture alternately
with Mi cup milk and spread
batter in 9" square pan, which has
been greased and the' bottom lined
with greased paper. Beat stiff,
not dry, 3 egg whites and a few
grains said; gradually beat in 1
cup lightly -packed brown sugar
and spread over cake; sprinkle with
Yy cup chopped walnuts and bake in
a rather slow oven, 325 degrees,
1 to 1:: hours. Cover lightly with
brown paper for last half hour.
IT'S the strain that counts. Growers from
Prince Edward Island to -Alberta, Praise.
Tweddle Special New Kamp $roller
Chicles. These New Ramps are not ordin-
ary New Damps, they are very light In
colour, fast feathering blocky type, very
vigorous and develop quiticly into the finest
broilers that money will buy, It will pay
to try them, Also many New Kamp trusses
of the same strain, Catalogue.
Fergus Ontario,.
DAY old chicles, non -sexed, pullets, special
breeds for broilers, others for layers.
Started chicks, special while they inst. Six
week old Barred Rocic pullets, $46.75. non -
sexed $,38.50. White Leghorn X' Barred
Rock pullets, $47.75, Assorted Ileavy
Breeds. $1.00 per hundred less.
Guelph, Ontario.
STARTED chicks while they last, 6 to 7
week old, R aired Rock, non - sexed,
$38.95, pullets, $47.95, Austro White pul-
lets, $49.96. Assorted heavy Breeds 61.00
per hundred less. Catalogue.
Fergus Ontario.
LEARN Auctlone'ering. Terms soon Free
catalogue. Relscb Auction Schmid, Ma.
son City, Iowa.
HAVE you anythu1g needs dyeing or °leap
Ing? Write to ns for Information We
are glad to answer your Questions De.
partment a, Niemen Dye Werke Limited.
791 'Fringe Bt Toronto
CRESS 'CORN SALVE — For sure yeller,
Your druggist sella CRESS.
TOBACCO' FAItM for sale on highway.
Full description, P O. Box 51, Ayr,
Ontario. No agents. -
FOUR-SIDED planer — ball bearing; Y•
belts throughout, first class condition, sur.
fare planes 12 . incites, planes 4 sides 9
Inches, Apply Norman MeVeety, Reatoule.
equipped, seatingcapacity 24 persons,
Location established 15 years. Lease at
nominal rental. Full particulars and
list of equipment forwarded' on request.
Must sell through illness. Full price
$3000. Cuthhertson Reel Estate. Brock-
ville, Ont.
and cows. Herd fully accredited. We
are overstocked. Reasonably priced. W.
A Armstrong, R.R. No, 3, Oagoode, Ont.
SMART Martha. Washington an0 Rich -
ledge stainers three-piece bathroom sets
White $160.00 to $189.00: Coloured 5274.00
complete with beautiful chromed fittings.
Air conditioning furnaces $295.00, Special
offers to plumbers and builders too. Save
man valuable dollars, buy with confidence
and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices
if we supple everything you need for com-
plete plumbing or heating installation.
Catalogue includes litho photos of math
fixtures prices and helpful installation
diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets,
laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigera-
tors, Pressure water systems, oil burners,
.septic and oil tanks, etc.. Visit or write
Johnson Mall. Order Division, Streetsville
Hardware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261.
Full of zeal, the amateur drama-
tic company was doing its best—
but that wasn't good enough. The
audience got colder and colder. At
last the heroine, fat, forty, and not
so fair, advanced to the footlights.
"Oh, why was 1 born?" she ex-
"That can't be helped now," came
a retort from the gallery, "get on
with the play!"
His bagpipe playing was the chief
thing that nattered to hint in life.
One night, while he was strutting
about the room, skirling for all he
was worth, his wife attempted a
mild protest.
"Jock," she said, "tlat's an
awfu' noise you're making."
So Jock sat down and took off
his boats.
Reserved Seats
on sale NOW
Nov 13 21
As the' supply is limited, reserved seats
should be obtained immediately!
Don't miss this thrilling event, featuring
the colourful Cadre Noir of France and
Internetiottna .romping Teams.
Reserved Sents Afternoons
Nov. 13, 14 17 20 & 21
$1 00
including general admission
Reserved 1 including general admission
Evenings 1 $1.50 $2 00-$2,50
(inclose a self - addressed envelope with
your cheque or money order to
Royal Coliseum, Toronto, Ont.
It i`
Always Worth
Mail or
your order
100 Cents On Tlie Dollar
You can't lose savings that you invest i.n Canada
Savings Bonds, because Canada itself guarantees
that you can always cash them for what you have
paid for them, plus interest. The principal value
never fluctuates—regardless of market conditions
and the interest return is 3.21%—much better than
2.75% on former issues.
Denominations: $50, $].00, $500, $1,000 and $5,000.
ntrto � g Street 117e$t
Toronto Wood
o oGundy Company
Telephone:.E.Mpir'e 4.4321 Limited
11 STOREY metal clad building 30' x 60',
central location in Emirs, Ont, Present
owner can offer good propositon to anyone
interested in a welding business, Reason
for selling, larger plant being constructed,
Possession In December 1951. Apply to
McKee Bros., Elmira, Ont, Phone 478
SELLING A N (f 0 It A RABBITS, adults
$0.00 pair. ;hipped C.O.D. only. Wilfred
Cousineau, Dalkeith, Ontario.
LIICII new. Oliver "90" Tractor, R. C.
Wright R,1, Holloway, Ontario.
BANISH tt( turrnent „0 dry eczema rashes
and weeping skin troubles Pow:. R1czema
Salve win not (Reappoint you.
Itching, sealing, burning eczema, acne,
ringworm. Dimples and athlete's toot, will
respond readily to the etnInlese, odorless
ointment. regardless fit how etuhborn or
hnuelese they semi
PRICE $2,(10 1,511 JAIL
Sent Post Imes on Rere,pt M Price
499 Queen NI D.. Cerner or Logan, rorentr
DON'T DELAY! Every sufferer of Rheu-
matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.29 Express Prepaid
t0131 t'ANADA•S LEADING Sr1300L
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession goo° wages
Thousands of successful Marvel graduate®
Amertee's Greatest System /
illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
365 Bloor St W„ Tnrnnto
44 lima St , Hamilton
72 Rideau Si Ottawa
GREE — Complete Directory -1952 Step-
ping Stone to Success. Box 8542. Station -
B, Winnipeg. Manitoba, P-7
PLASTICS for pleasure or profit. New
Instructive catalogue and samples 25c.
Kidder Manufacturing Co., 49 Richmond
St, East, Toronto.
WFI'T not swap them? In return you'll
get an equal number of smart freshly -
dry -cleaned ties, in assorted colours front
fellow "swappers'." Just send seven of
your ties plus a dollar to TIE SWAP,
Pickering, Ont. State preferences,
PEONIES—strong emote, 8-5 eyes, each
700, 3 for 52,00. TULIPS — Rainbow
collection of outstanding varieties, 2
dozen for $1 20 Pnstpnid Knype='e
Bulbs, Belgic, 13 C.
9.N OFFER to every inventor—List of 1n.
venttone and full Information Bent free.
Phe Ramsay Co., Reglstered Patent sunr-
neya, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa,
tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 85e
Bay Street, Toronto Rnnlrlet of Informs.
tion nn request,
Club introduce to lonely people deeming
early marriage. Many with means, Widows
with farms or city property. City and
country girls. Members from coast to
coast. Proven results since 1924. Free
Particulars In plain sealed envelope. C.C.
Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta,
QUIT SMOIGING—the easy way. Use To-
bacco Eliminator, a scientific treatment
quickly eliminates the craving for tobaroo,
rids the system of nicotine. King Drug
Pharmaceutical Chemists (Alberta), P.O.
Box 678, London, Ontario.
WANTED: 2'locks to supply hatchery with -
hatehing eggs, On some breeds, the eggs
taken the year round. Guaranteed premium
pus hatchability premium paid, Send for
full details. Box 12, 123 -18th St., New
Toronto, Ont.
004 dtone
Thede are the heat-
ers you've been
hearing so much
about. Amazing
heat makers! Fuel.
savers! Exclusive;
patented interior
burn any kind of coal, coke, briquets.
Heat all day and all night without
refueling. Start a fire but once a year.
Your home is WARM every MORNING',
regardless of the weather. Four models
to fit nearly every heating requirement.
See the WARM MORNING at your
Dominion squaro Bldg., Montreal 2, Qua.
67 'tome St., Toronto, Ont.
Prairie Dhle United Grain Otowor , Ltd.
Wlnnipog, Mon. tear;
Here's the easy, proved way to combat asthma's
distressing symptoms. The aromatic fumes of
R. Schiffmann's ASTHMADOR help clear up
congestion—bring amazing relief. So easy to use,
so economical you can't afford to be without it.
Powder or cigarette form—ac all drug stores in
Canada and U. S.
ISSUE 42 -- 1951
"V df_>r an
Wagon n ®a�
Roll Aside Feed Toil h-
I�IN aNr.
Yes, a forage and grain blower with its
own wagon unloader - designed by farm-
ers - tested and proven by
farmers , . , the last word in
modern blower design , . .
sturdy in consuctinn .. -
superlor in perfhormance.
The blower has a 10 ft. trough that easily rolls
out of way to permit load of forage to drive close
to blower , . , no need to hoist feed trough in the
air , , big 10 ft. steel auger ... wide adjustable
fan blades for blowing hay, silage or grain.
Eliminate the hot, dusty, hard work of unloading
hay into the mow. With one man you can do the
entire job, yet its big capacity will permit two men
to unload from forage wagons. The forage blower
backed by over 50 years feed cutting, blowing and
grinding machinery experience. Come in and see
this new blower now,
London, Ont.
Please send full information on the
O.K. Forage and Grain Blower.