HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-10-18, Page 1Wished '1900 ZURICH, ONTARI , THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18 1951 Evangelical Lutheran Church ST.' PETER'S ZURICH — ONTARIO 'REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR a.m:—Divine Services. I.7:6' assn. — Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. — Divine 'Worship. `i~verybody -Welcome to all Services. EMMA.NUEL Fi.VANGELICAL U. 13. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist 'Sunday Services:- 401;00 ervices:4Q:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 41:00 a.m. -- Bible School 7:80 p.m. — Divine Worship. shiip. Welcome at all Services— "Come `thou with us and we will do thee raooci." Num. 10:29. Are You Suffering From Headaches? E' so, Have your Eyes Exaanined with Nee Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH --• O1'fl`. 'Good Glasses at Beasenao1e Prices t Aido:a Theatre GRAND BEND resents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday October 19-20 THE TEXAS RANGERS Supercine Color Geo. Montgomerty and Gale Storm Shorts and Comics.• Two Shows 7:30 and 9:30. Tuesday, Wednesday October 23-24 THE NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR Jas. Whitmore and Nancy Davis The Story of what happened at 8:30 p,m. to the Joe Smith's and Families Like Theis'r all over the World. News Reel and Comic Strips. One Shom 8:00 p.m. HURON COUNTY FEDERATI•N OF Agricultural Banquet Will be held in the Community Centre, Zurich On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 At 7 p.m. MR. JOSEEPH CONNELL of Mitch- ener will be the guest speaker. The Program will be put on by the Huron County Junior Farmers and Institute. Desjardine's Orchestra will play for the Dance. Anyone wanting tickets, contact your Town- ship President. ARE YOU WORRYING yourself Sick' Doctors are finding that headaches ulcers, heart .troubles, skin aihnents, diabetes and other maladies often are einationally caused illness e s. Learn how pssychiarists are curing such victims of worry. Read "Char- ting Loves and Hates That Really Make You Sick,' in this Sunday's (October 21) issue of The American Meekly, exclusively with Detroit Sun- day Tinges. '. Marry Y oiman' r Neral Moine ZLJLer°crib Director — Private Car tAiri j I bla i c e Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE • Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN X'RESH FLOWERS SUPP1.11 D FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE AT THE,, Hay Twp. Community Centre ZURICH, On FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th. 1301a MITTLEH•OLTZ and His Ever Popular Dance Band will furnish the Music. Dancing 10,to 1 Come and enjoy this Evening's En- textainment with this popular Dance Sponsored by Attending Convention Rev. and 'Miss. E Heimrich, Mrs Gertrude Datars, Mrs George Deich- ort, :this Harold Thiel motored to Hanover on Wednesday where they attended a ',IVIiesionary Convention Blake Resident: Passes Mr and Mrs J. Penfold of Blake, who had visited with their ,on at Band. British Columbia since July and the Zurich Community were on their return home also visit - Centre. ing with relatives and friends at Admission — 50 Cents. Brandon, Man., where Mr. Penfold took sick and died in the Hospital ZURICH HOCKEY CLUB ,„, ;#-,;(3. In The Community Centre, Zurich On Wednesday, October 24th. Dancing 9.30 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. Music will be supplied by Bob Mittleholtz and Band Admission 75 Cents Come out and join in the Fun a. c ng School TAP - BALLOT - ACROBAT Town Hall, Zurich OPENING, OCT. 27th, 1951 RUTH DECKER, INSTIIULTCTOR Phone Zurich 85 r 1 tf ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd O'Brien of Zurich announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Cathar- hie Marilyn, to Morris Howard, son of Mr •and Mrs. Steward Webb, Dash- wood, Ontario. The marriage to take place at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, November 10th, !1951, at 2.00 p.m. BORN At the Clinton Hospital on October. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Beierling of Zurich, a son. , ' Fiftieth . Anniversary Zurich Couple Celebrate A very beautiful and impressive service was solemnized Saturday, October 13th, 1951 in Zurich Ont., when 1Ir. and Mrs. David Ducharme repeated. their wedding vows they had taken fifty years ago, when Father l'redum married them at St. Peter': 11. C. Chore;,. The Mass was, :officiated b -y, Rev. Father Monaghan, 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. their ttre aneloquent loquentr�odd res. h]ld1 at the age of 80 years. His remains were brought to Elora where inter- ment took place. Mrs. Menne Steckle of the Bronson line, Stanley .being a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Penfold. HURON LLIBERALS NOMINATE At the annual meeting and nomin- ation at Hensal].' on Tuesday evening a large croved: gathered and the choice •of the Convention was for John Armstrong, a former warden of Huron, to •contest the riding on the Liberal ticket On the forthcoming el- ection. Seven:,other names were up but Armstrong; was the favourite.The meeting was addressed by several prominent pari leaders. In the re- organization Ivan Kal+bfleisch of Zurich was elected as president of the organization, with Benson Tuck- ey as Secreta?y and 1boy Lamont as treasurer. HOCI4:EY NEWS MIDST HOCKEY Attention al Boys between the ages of 14 and 16. This is a 'dill to all' boys between the ages of 14 and 10 who can skate and who wish to play hockey this coming wintek with the Zurich Mid- get Team.: Esbtt.and every boy who wishes to try out -and catch a place .en this team will the given every chance to do so. The Zurich and Bagfield Lions .Clubs are sponsoring this team and wish to make it the strongest possible, so every boy is invited to show .what hockey talent he has. If you wish to play hockey please register with "Dill" Siebert at Zurich Post Office. Lions Club News A fairly well attended meeting was enjoyed on .Monday? gat the sup- per meeting in the Dominion House. At the outset of the program the chevrons were presented for those Lions who had perfect attendance fur the past year. And Lion Victor Dinnin presented Past President Lion Jacob Ila!berer with his customary. pin Lion Lill Siebert reported on the boys and girls committee that a juv- enile hockey team has been torganiz- �^a ren serving, Richard and David Du- ^ -ed, that is Zurich and Bayfield Clubs v �.aa Du- charme 1'rh . r s were l:ennetia Char- i which should put up a strong con- rette and Earl Denomme. teilcling team. The speaker of the A hymn was sung by Theresa and t'vsning was introduced by Lion Ivan Angela Ducharme. The couple was Mc - attended by the bridle's brother, Mr. i�albf]eisch, who was Wm. S. isle John Geotfroi groomsman of fifty 1'� nald, Secy. manager of Forestry years agoand :Mr.,. :Jelin G otl'roi. r"oxr,ervatim Division, Prov. of Ont - 'Che bride's dress was gorgeous, a who gave a very interesting as well bronze stip with a corsage of yellow as instructive talk on conservation rases; the bridesmaids dress was of of forestry and wild life. if we w brown with a corsage of talisinan want to keep moisture in our land and water in our Wells, we must grow roses. mere trees, and keep grazing cattle After the Mass the family spent out of our woodlots who do so much the day at the parental home, where damage, and get so little uenefit. lunch was served, pictures taken, At the conclusion he ran ofi a few etc., then at four o'clock a sumptu- - interesting reels of pictures.. Lion ous clipper was served at the Com Russell Grainger gave a report of munity Centre by the Catholic Wonn- the ,Goderieh Club celebrating its 30 ens' League. A reception was held anniversariyn, which was good. at eight o'clock in the evening at the At the Oct. lst meeting the guest same hall, when all friends and re- s eaker was introduced by Lion Ivan latives were welcome. The jubilate Yungblut, Rev. Father Monaghan of tan received the papal blessing from g r t'' y his Holiness Pope Pius XII Congrat- Zurich, who said that he enjoyed very EEK-`�1� GROCERY S� CIALS ulationG were received ich and vicinity, feeling quite at by Prime Min- much living among the people of Zur- FANCYSOCKEYE SALMON' '7% oz TIN 43C ister of Canada, Louis St. Laurent; home :for the short time he has been A. Y. 3IcLean, M.P., and a host of here. He chose for his subject"`�Cit]z- NABOB COFFEE / -11). BAG ...• ....... 99C friends. enshrp and !Patriotism' The speaker The immediate family conseet: of LIB 3Y'S TOMATO 'GAT SUP hoz. BOTTLE 25C {' eleven children, thirty-six grandchal- said he has had former experiences , dren and one great grandchild. The with Lions Clubs, -and thinks they T`RY'S 13REEA:IfrEAST.00�:C10.A. Hai'lflb. TIN 37•C r; •children are Mr:. E. (Pearl) Char- leeadx�l reling giousandcbe Oa ne can (LSC L vette, Detroit; Eleanor at home; Gil- person bert on the bonne farm, Zurich; rs. worker in helping with material needs V. (Evelyn) Denomme, Roseville, of .life, the two work hand in hand. Mich; Russell and Wilfred of Wind- We aali have �a duties in this great work sor; Byron of London; George of it cturnot all'be left to our :rerttoeas Dublin; Patricia of London; Mrs. C. ': f Parliament. What are we doing to (Dorene) Russell, Ailsa Craig; Lieut. hold our young people after High Cyril of Picton. All these things School. 'these are same of the paobe they will cherish in their hearts as lents wt' face today; what are we \a joyful remembrance of this: day, to doin<g in preparation of national de-, '..e treasured for the rest of their fence .incase of war, we know $o 1 lives. The happy couple wi; h to little how to take care of ourselves. thank all their i + At the conclusion of this masterulful, ri WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING CHESTER 1- �iY9I'I'ka, 41.75 • Year in Advance. *2.00 in U. S. A,, in Advane . N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. PAG RUGS and CARP'ETA On a Order Ont. New Modern Loom, !dada f',t — Seth O. Amann, Zuyf.. Phone 128. ,.v- Via_._ -' M��,_ ., ._.M. Pt DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. New Low Spring Coal Prices, The Saving in these spring prices, Plus the cash discount, enables yo�t to buy your next winter's fuel cheaper now than any other time of year. Order Your Supply from your BLUE COAL Dealer! LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10 Residence ll HENSALL ROE FEEDS! ssa8@�aro 0 0 0 0 0 0 Telephone: Res. 89 a 4144 ot®60ts09lcDwaeaoo eee Licensed Embalmer and Funeral DirectorPriv ate Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR Al .F , OCCASIONS Day and Night Service or 122, Zunch 0 a ;;,t 3 0 it d1 3 , iLB.TrN FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETA LES CURED MEATS IF '. REQUJESTE ►�, WE DELIVER GIVE US w4, CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 W C. H.THIEL .. ZZurich Doer eetseeesee, 0000000001 Ort Z I c We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL .',t. en o ` scf, mac•. PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 ogemeaelaaaleeeeteaaeMv,. r e „vl Kik"tr?i3XS".Wts�.x,.3 ''CSiMI4RE,iri ' BLUE RIBBON COFFEE, 99c in Imp. qt. glass jar ib, Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, lb. 39c SUNLIGHT SOAP (with Coupon for scissors) for 25c Surf Large Pkg. 42c USE OUR BIG 3 LAYING MASH SH FOR HEAVY PRODUCTION - GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! AXE lovely and cds and relatives for the many lovvely gifts ards, address Lison C. L. Smith thanked rite E. Sclawart lelltruber, Prop. I also expression of good wishes that Rev. Gentleman for his remarks and helped tt? make this event srxecessful.r' helpful suggestions.