HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-10-11, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO AUCTION SAT . . tY:f Farm Implements and Household U£fe,cts on than premises, South Boun- dary, Stanley' Township; 2:1/2 miles north and one mile west of Zurich; car half mile east of Blake. The un- dersigned Auctioneer has been in- etrueted to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, -Commencing at 1.3$ p.m, sharp. Machinery — M. H. Binder 6 -ft. 'arut; Mc -Deering 11 -hoe fertilizer drill, set of Lumberman bob sleighs, M. H. walking plow, cutter; buggy; t wagons; 1 -horse rake; hay fork; 1 -horse nu-frier:a small mail box; Manion scuffler; 10 -gal. crock; 2-bur- Xner electric stove; lawn bench, and other miscellaneous items. Household Effects —5 dining room -chairs, dining room table; 3 kitchen theirs; 2 beds with springs and mat- aress, antique bed; kitchen table; antique kitchen clock; kitchen cab inet; chest of drawers, gas lamp; dresser; buffet; battery radio; couch; Curtains; drapes; rocking chairs; " `•trunk, linoleum rug 6x65 -ft; boiler; tubs; clothes basket, etc., etc. Terms — Cash Bob Ducharme, Proprietor. John Denomme, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing .Auction Sale Of Livestock, Farm Implements and Miscel'laneou. Items, on the premis- es, Lot 23 Con. 9, Blind Line, Hay 'Township. Half mile east 'of Zurich, and half mile north. The undersigned. Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction 011 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th. Commencing at 1 p.an. Horses — Middle aged work team true and reliable. • Cattle — Red cow carrying her third calf, due in January; Red cow +carrying second calf due. in February Red cow fresh four weeks; f2 red heifers carrying first calf due in Ferbuarv; 1 steer, 4 heifers rising 2 yrs. ,old; 4 spring calves, 1 small calf. These are extra good Short- horn Cattle with clear T. B. tests. Machinery — Goodison thresher '2" cylinder 38" body equiped with nbersol shredder, .grain elevator, clover .attachments, pea crate. This machine is in brand new condition; Fleury 10" grinder; 60 -ft. 6 -in. -rub- her belt; M. H. grain binder in good condition; 13 -hoe M. H. grain drill; 2edrum wooden roller; 16 plate out - throw disc; f2 T6 -ft hay Tacks; McD. a pure spreader; relot piper; large size gale, treugh; 1 -horse eauffler; light wagon, pea harvesEeD i 3 blltel}01" derricks; cutting (box; McD. 800-1:b, -tap. cream separator, like new; stock rack; hay knife, set of :sling ropes, set of double harness; 2 sets of -single harness; 4 horse collars; feed box; large iron kettle; whippletrees; tvoubletrees; and many articles too numerous to mention. , & Terms—Cash 'Alfred Pfaff, Proprietor. R. F. Stade, Clerk. Alvin Waiper, Auetianeer. • Clearing Auction Sale of Livestock, Farm Implements and Household Effects, on the premises, -Lot 30 South Boundry, Stanley Twp. fist farm north of Drysdale an No. 21 Highway. The undersigend Auct- ioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER ,116th. At 1.00 pan. Sharp Horses— Team of General Purpore mares 10 years old, quiet and relia- ble in every way; set of double harness, single harness; 3 collars. Cattle — Holstein cow 4 -yrs. old due at sale date; Ayrshire cow 6 yrs. old, due in Niovember; Durham cow 4 yrs. old due in February; Holstein cow 5 years old due in February;Dur- haan heifer carrying first •calf; Hol- atein heifer carrying first calf; Dur- ham farrow cuw; Durham heifer 6 ;months old. This herd carries three clear T. B. tests and are of good qual ity. Pigs — 5 Yorkshire pigs 10 weeks o'td. Hay and Grain — Quantity of mix- ed hay; 600 :bushels of mixed grain, barley and oats. Tractor and Machinery -- Allis Chalmers B. Tractor, Hydraulic P.T. O. and pulley, recently overhauled in guaranteed ,cond'ition; A. C. pea sceifler used one year; A. C. bean puller; Oliver 2 -furrow plow, like new; M. H. binder 6 -ft. cut; M. H. 11 -hoe fertilizer drill; 3 -drum steel ro•llea 4 -suction diamond drag har- rows; 3 -section spring tooth harraw; M. H. 2 -horse scuffler; M. H. corn ecuitler; ,I -horse scuffler; M. 'mower 5 -ft. .cut, like new; 1 -horse rake; farm wagon and rack; atone boat with tongue and steel shoes; beT,aval 'cream separator No, 14 like new; 2 -wheel trailer. Mien Items — Sling ropey, :pulleys; forks; hoes; 2le gal. pressure spray; grain shovel; stable shovel; chain and rope for slings; pitch forlets; steel vice; wooden vice; grindstone; 5 - gal. pails; neckyokes; doubletr•ees; 100 -ft. snow fence; cow chains; greed hox; planks, and other lumber 2 electric fencers; barrels; 20 -ft, new cenrtrxctor pipe; •elf feeders, ehop rat, etc. And matey articles too nemer..aa• to mention. 31e0 a variety of Household I ff- ect:c. Everything will be :sold with - 0'.:, r'e*.ree. Terms .- Cush 3.. Montague, Proprietor. 1`fornzme, Clerk. Alin Walper, Auctioneer, 1 Clearing Auction Sate Of Livestock, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Miscel. Articles. On the Premises; Lot 20, Con.15, Stephen Township; '114 miles west of Dash- wood and 11; miles south. The un- dersigned Auctioneer has been in- structed to sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY, OCT. 19th. Commencing at 1 o'clock, p.nm.sharp Horses—Middle aged work team of General (Purpose. These are both good working horses guaranteed true and reliable. Cattle—Jersey cow, 6 yrs. oht, milking and due in Mardi; Holstein cow. fresh two weeks with calf at font; Durham cow 4 years old with calf at foot; Black heifer, carrying first calf, due in February; 4 Durham Yearlings: 1 calf 3 months ,old. This herd carries clean T. 13. tests. Pigs—Choice Yorkshire sow, carxiye ing first litter, due at sale date; 5 Yorkshire market Pigs. Machinery — M. H. 'binder. 6 -ft. cut in good condition; Freest & Wood mower 5 -ft. cut; M. H. 11 -run fer- tilizer drill; grain drill, Taro: manure spreader in perfect condition; Me - Deering 12 -plate outhrow disc; M.H. bean scukler and puller; single scuff - ler: new rubber tired wagon; new 1.6 -ft, hay rack; 3 -sec. diamond har- rows; +McDeerine• riding plow; Fleury walking plow: 'Chatham fanning mill, 13 -tooth spring tooth cultivator; sulky rake, set of bob sleighs; new gravel box: Renfrew cream separat- or. 600,1h. capacity, like new: root nulper; grindsbo-ne; 2 rete double harness and collars; cutting box, buggy, cutter; maple av'rur equip- ment, pan 3x6 -ft. also smiles and buckets; horse clipper: new grass seeder: onion sieve: galvanized pails, quantity of potatoes. chon 'box. dent bletrees and numerous other •articles. Hay and Grain -- Quantity of mixed hay: 800 bushels mixed grain; 80 bushels mixed grain; 80 bushels 'Mon- teelm barley. Ne Reserve, every- thing will be sold. Terms—Cash Henry- Link, Proprietor. Milfred Merner. Clerk Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock. trsetnr, machinerv, Hay, Grain, Household Effects. On the premises. Lot 113. eon. 4, Usb- orne T'wnship: 214.2 miles east of Exeter, Huron Street and a half mile south. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public Auction on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd Commencing; at 1 o'clock •p.m. sharp Horses -- Span of black mares, well matched, 10 years old, guaran- teed true and reliable in every way; set of double harness. Cattle—black cow, due January 24; Hereford Cow, due May 3011; Hol- stein cow, due April SV_h; 2 caws with calves at foot; black heifer, duo on February 1 nth; 6 Heref and steers averaging 11100 -lbs; heifer 2 years old; 7 yearling steers, Durham and Hereford; 3 fall calves; 7 spring calves, 2 small calves. These are all good quality tattle with clear T. B. Teats. Hogs—Yorkshire Sow with litter. of 15; Yorkshire sow, due at Sale date. 10 chunks; 12 weaners 10 weeks old. These are all extra good Quality Pigs. Macixinetiy=Standard Olivor Tract- or used only two years, in. new con- dition; Case 3 -furrow plow; Mc -De- ering 9 -ft. culti-Packer; Cockshutt 14 -plate double disc; .Kissel spring tooth harrows; M. H. Manure spread- er, nearly new; M.H. fertilizer drill; M. H. binder; Mc -Deering mower; hay loader; side rake, sulky rake; set diamond harrows; 2 -furrow disc plow; earn scucler; walking plow; new rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. flat hay rack; steel wagon; set bob sle- ighs; Champion electric grain grin- der, equiped 'with 3-h.p. new Small electric motor; Clinton fanning mill, 2000-lh. scales; International cream separator; extension ladder; 2 -wheel- ed trailer; wheelbarrow, stone'boat chains; hay fork, rain shelters; grass seeder; new electric fencer, buggy, quantity of shingles, snow fence; wire stretchers; forks, shovels, bar- rels, pails, and many articles too numerous to mention. Hay and Grain -40 tons loose mixed hay; 800 bales of hay; all best of quality]; 2,000 bushels of mixed grain, barley and !cats; 400 bushels of barley 0.A.C. No. 21; 3 bushels alfalfa seed; 11 acres of turnips and man.golds. Furniture—McClary stove nearly new; Quebe heater; extension table; chest of drawers, kitchen chairs, bed- room furniture; mattress, 2 feather mattress, organ, lamps, gasoline iron; sealers, Etc., Etc. Everything will the scud without reserve as the farm is sold. Sale will start sharp on time. Terms —Cash Luther Rowclice, Proprietor. B. M. Francis, Garnet Hicks, Clerks, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Live Stock, Poultry, and Miscel. Articles, on the premises, South half of Lot 22, Con. 14, Stenhcn Town- ship; dlxi, miles west of Dashwood. and 1 mile south. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to Gell by Public Auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 214rth. Commencing at 2 o'clock p.rn. sharp. Cattle—Part Jersey and Durham cow, milking, safe in calf; part Pol- led Angus and Durham cow, milking safe in calf; part Hereford and Jer- sey cow, fresh 7 weeks; Hereford heifer carrying first •calf due before sale date; black heifer carrying first calf, due before sale date; Durham spring calf. These are all good quality cattle with dean '1'..13, tests. The cows are the best of milkers. Poultnys.--700 Rhode Tsland Red, er owed with Barred Rock pullets, ;Ile months old ready to lay. This is an extra: ;;•pori flock of Pullet, and will he sold in elieltnre in 11 rks> of fifty. Misr. ZURICH ..HERALD fully equiped; gas lantern, 4 bushels timothy seed, 40ega1 steel drum; 1 boy's bicycle, like new; piece' 1of timber 35 -ft. long 10x1Q-in; 4 auto tires and other anise. articles, No Reserve, Everything will be sold. Terns—Cash Gordon Pearson, Proprietor. Milfred Merner, 'Clerk. Alvin Waiper, Auctioneler, DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs. Williams of Bowman ville spent the week -end holiday with their daughter Mr and. Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver. Mrs. Ness and 'Mr. and Mrs Paul Ness of Stratford spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs Walter Ness in Windsor. 1VIr and Mrs Jim Taylor of Sarnia and Mr and Mrs Theo. Smythe of London attended the Guenther -Wil- son wedding atGrand Bend; .also vis- ited their parents here on .Saturday. Mrs Taylor and daughter Anne, spent the week -end holidaying with friends in London. Mr and Mrs Lorne !Genttner and familly and Mr Fred Genttner spent the week -end in Detroit. Mr and Mrs Fred Getz and fam- ily of Oshawa and Mr Alex Getz of Windsor were; week -end visitors with Rev. and Mrs. 'Getz. Mr and Mrs Archie Bender of Tor- onto were Sunday visitors with re- latives here. Mr and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer and family of London were week -end visitors with the former's father lair Otto Restemeyer. Mr and Mrs. 'Roy Bender and Mrs Fisher of Toronto spent the week -end with his father, Mr. John Bender. Mr and Mrs Harole Kellerman spent .the week -end with relatives in Hanover. Miss Della Marks spent, the week- end holiday in Naperville. Mr and Mrs Ralph Weber and Dianne and Mrs. D. Weber and Thelma were recent visitors with Rev, and Mrs. 13. Carr in Port Elgin Mrs. M, Hamacher had the .misfor- tune to fall from a chair fracturing her hip on Mondaly evening. Mr and Mrs John Aulbin and fam- il, Miss Rose -Anne, Master Lloyd and Andre Aubin, all of Seaforth vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Meidinger, Suriday= visitors at the ;lvcme of Mr and Mrs Delmar Meidinger were: Mr. Victor Aubin and Mr, , Clenience McNichol of Seaforth. Mr. Frank Corriveau of Seaforth spent the week -end at the home of has daughter Mr and 'Mrs, Alex Mei- clinger. HIENSALL At the monster Bingo i rClinton on the 4th, 'Mrs. Bert Mel envie, of. Kincardine walked awzv,„with the $111,000 jackpot Tri the "regular erce unds Mrs. Edgar McClinthey and Jim Sangster of Hensall 'were win- ners. Mrs. 3. McBeath who underwent a serious operation in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, is ding nicelly Mrs, Wm. Wilson, St. •Catharines, visited with her sister Miss Phyllis Case. Mrs, L. Sim+psorl lent Stinday last, to visit with Members of her tam - in Detroit. Hensel] Town Hall Thursday eve. 4th was the setting for a most de- lightful evening when .'Woodham Communitly, Assn, presented an oper- etta "An Old Kentucky Garden” un- der the sponsorship sof the W,ohelo Class of the United Church. The •-af- air was well patronized and includ- ed the ever popular Stephen Foster songs sung in close harmony and which c emmandeid attention. Mr. Ralph Geiger, Whitby; Mr. Chas 1Baster, Toronto; Mrs. OliverGeiger, Fenlon Falls, spent the' holi- day with air and Mrs. . Geiger. Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Tor- onto, were Thanksgiving guests with Mr and Mrs. E. R. Slhaddick. Mrs. Wm. Magnan Mr. Ken Mag- nan of Beachville, were guests last week with Miss Many and Wm. Fee.. Mr and Mrs J. L. McCloy and Kathy, Toronto. sochit the holiday with ,Mr and Mrs Geo. Hess :Mr and Mrs Harold Scruton and family, Port Dover, were visitors with relatives here T gsdaSr, October 11!1,1',h*,19'x51 Mr and Mrs Wm. Redden ilamilt- ton visited with Mrs. C. Hedden, Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, Linda and Sam, St. .Catharines, visited ov- er v er the holiday with Mr. Fred Kean - STANLEY TOWNSHIP N ' John Wagner sof Guelph, was a .recent visitor with his sister Mrs. E. •MeClymon+t of Kippen, and who returned to Guelph with him 'for a few weeks. Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Toronto, is spending a :few weeks holidays with her sister, Mrs. Henry E'r'xratt. I Mr. Ed, Lowden 'of Hamilton was a visitor with his brother-in-law, Mr Richard Robinson, Goshen line and sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Errant. Mr and Mrs. Eimer Turner and Mr and Mrs Bruce M•cClincheyl are on a motor trip through the Western provinces. A. Misc. shower was held at the hone of Mr and Mrs Russell Erratt in honor of their daughter Helen, bride -elect of the month. She was the 'recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. On Western Trip Mr and Mrs. Alibert Smale, Staffa and Mr aid Mrs Win. R. Stephenson, Varna, arrived home .after a three months' motor trip. They left in July 7th and went via Mich. to Manitoba 'and across the prairies to Edmonton There Mr Smale's brother and wife, joined the party who then went to Vancouver and Victoria, then to Se - attic and across the States to Chic- ' ago and Detroit. They covered 9,0001 miles. Huron Liberal Nomin- ating Convention AND Huron Perth Annual Meeting WILL BE HELD AT TOWN HALL - HENSALL On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th At 8.30 p.an. SPEAKERS R. DALY, President of Western Ontario .Liberal Ass ii . A. Y. 'MacLEAN, M. P. For South Huron ALEX JEFFREY, M. P., London. AND OTHERS EVERYBODY WELCOME W. L. WHYTE, President. BENSON TUCKEY, Secy, OLD AGE ASSISTANCE For Ontario Citizens ..65 to 69 •.ff�S Ye rAgitf .'� ..a'5.s._ eeeee . +'Y'i APPLICATIONS—may be taken by Municipal Clerks, City Welfare Administrators or by Provincial Welfare Field Workers. QUALIFICATIONS—persorm 65 to 69 years may re; ceive $40.00 monthly commericing January 1st, 1952 if resident in Canada for 20 years and have income, including allowance, less than $720.00 a year if single and $1200.00 if married. If further information is required please write to Department of Public Welfare, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. ONTARIO BLIND PERSONS ACT An applicant may receive $40.00 monthly if 21 or over, a resident of Canada for 10 continuous years, and their income, including allow- ance, is not in excess of $840.00 if single and $1320.00 if married. of • ONTARIO CITIZENS 70 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER who are not now receiving Old Age Pensions should obtain an ap- plication from the nearest Post Office --complete and forward to— OLD AGE SECURITY, ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE, 122 Front St. W., Toronto. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Honourable W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of Public Welfare. �P LOOK £ ci !Pt A OD FtR reA111115*gA44D15! � dcc'Q y vz4e Vetfa WORKING WITH CANAb1A1,15 1N EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 DOWN""PAYMENT OF 5% -- $2.50 FOR A $50.00 BOND, $5.00 FOR A $100.00 BOND, ETC.—BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR. ...BUY YOUR BONDS TODAY - for cash or by instalments at your neighbourhood NO* Irk BANK or ';.ON 'MEAL x.EA Zurich (ranch: C. C, McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) • Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon.., Wed. & 1:ri, • ureelb