HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-10-04, Page 6a ,. sass£, ahietu.`Cy,'�`%;'�`F4'o' a. P ' 0.'a i0. eta.
Reporting For Duty—The three youngsters above, dressed appropriately for their roles as page boys
at the wedding of a British naval officer, salute a uniformed guest as he arrives at the church.
Military courtesy ;s served as the salute is returned.
How Can 1?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I wash a feather
A. Dissolve I lb. sal -soda and
ih. .crap in !-gallon boiling water.
.Put about 5 buckets of ivarm water
into a tub and pour in above solu-
tion. Next, dissolve !-ib. chloride
of lime in 1 qt. boiling water. Let it
settle, then stir in tub. Beat pillows
sell and then put into tub, pressing
down. Let :(oak for an hour or
more, stirring and pressing con-
stantly trial a stick. Rinse in sev-
eral changes of water, wring, press
out all water possible. and hang on
line to dry, turning and shaking
Q. How can I care for garden
furniture before storing it away for
- the winter months?
Rub the furniture well with
holed linseed oil; this will improve
the color of the wood and prevent
its cracking.
Q. How can I whiten my skin?
A. Mix and apply equal parts of
rn,c• water and lemon juice.
Q. How can I make two pounds
of butter out of one pound?
.\. \dd gradually to one pint of
butter one pint of milk and a
little ,alt, beating it with an egg-
beater until smooth, Put in a uloid
and ,et a) a cool place.
Q. How can I curl a feather that
has become damaged from rain or
*•...a: Sprinkle it thickly with com-
mon salt and shake it before a
bright fire, or over a hot radiator,
until dry It will be as good as new.
Q. How can I clean wrought iron?
A. The best way is to dampen a
woolen cloth in sweet oil, 'rub
thoroughly, and then polish with a
dry woolen cloth.
Q. How can I make a good mend-
ing cement?
A, Mix 1 quart of 'wood ashes,
14 -cup of table salt, and enough
water to give proper consistency,
The dark. appearance at first will
afterwards turn almost white.
Q. How can I remove the odor
of onions from the breath?
A. Chew a whole coffee bean or
a sprig of parsley which has been
dipped in vinegar. If. a lump of
stigar saturated with vinegar is
eaten, it will also remove onion
odor from the breath.
Q. How can I remove rain spots
from velvet?
A. Sponge with cleaning fluid,
always rubbing in one direction
only .
Q. How can I prevent soap from
getting into the eyes when sham-
pooing the hair?
A. Grease the area around the
eyes with Vaseline jelly or cold
cream before beginning the sham-
poo, and soap will not enter the
Alum about tit;• riffle ata -oral
millions of basebai. tans twill spend
their afternoons sitting around vari-
0118 :oda-fountains, tea-rooms and
similar e.stalishments, blowing the
froth orf tl.eir banana splits and
solemnly listening to, looking at --
or both — what goes on in the
World's Series. In between time.,—
for talk as you like there are plenty
of blank slrats in a baseball game
in spite of the efforts of the micro-
phone maestros to avoid a second
of what is known as "dead air"—
there will e plenty of time for
arguntrnts. And, 'judging of the
future by the past, most of those
arl t'.meuts will he regarding who
slid wl at—which player got the
most hits, runs, and ee forth,
M ,
So. always anxious to be oblig-
ing, here are a few assorted statis-
tics which you ran rut out and use
as argument clinchers. i Of course
the thought that this is an easy
method of filling up..a column never
entered our mind! And the follow-
—compiled up to the finish of the
1950 season
Highest batting average, season ---
Hugh Duffy, l3oston (N),
1894 418
Highest batting average (10 or more
years) — Ty Cobb. Detroit and
Philadelphia (A), 1905-28 . , .367
Most years batting. over .300—Ty
e obb 23
Most hits -1'y Cobb 4,191
Most hits, season—George Sister,
St, Louis (A), 1920 257
Most consecutive hits, game—Wil-
ert Robinson, Baltimore (N),
1892 . 7
Most hits in succession — Frank
Higgins, Boston (A), 1938 ...12
Most consecutive games batted
safely ---Joe DiMaggio, New York
(A), May 15 to July 16, inclu-
sive 56
Most long hits—Babe Ruth, Bos-
ton and New York (A), Boston
• ( N), 1914-35 (506 2b, 136 ,3b, 714
home runs) 1 356
Most total bases—Ty Cobb _..5,863
Most total bases, season — Babe
Ruth, New York (A), 1921 .,457
Most total bases, game — Bobby
Lowe, Boston (N), 1894; Ed De-
lahanty, Philadelphia (N), 1896;
Gil Hodges, Brooklyn, 1950 . ,17
Tory In Trunks And Temper --While a small group of spectators
look on, an irate Winston Churchill, accompanied by his wife,
wades toward the privacy of deep water at the Venice Lido In
Venice, Italy. The ex -prime minister, objecting to photographers
picturing him in his red swimming trunks, had guards seize some
films, splashed other cameramen who carne up an him in a boat.
Most home runs—Babe Ruth ..714
Mcst home runs, season — Babe
Ruth, New York ( A), 1927 ...(0
Most home runs, 1 game—Lowe,
13ttetun (N ), 1$94; Delahatty,
Phila. ( N1, 1816; Gehrig, N.F.
I .\ ), 1032; Klein, Phila. (N),
103u (10 innings), Seerey, Chica-
. go IA), 1948 (11 innings):
Hedges Brooklyn, 1950 4
Most 3 -base hits—Sam Crawford,
Cincinnati (N), 1899-1902; De-
troit (A), 1903-17 312
Most 3 -base hits, season—J. Owen
Nilson, Pittsburgh (N), 1912 .36
Most 2 -base hits—Tris E. Speaker,
Boston, Cleveland, Washington,
Philadelphia (A), 1907-28 „,793
Most 2 -base hits, season—Earl W.
Webb, Boston (A). 1931 67
Most singles—Ty Cobb 3 052
Most singles, season (modern rec-
ord)—Lloyd \Vaner, Pittsburgh
(N). 1927 198
Most runs—Ty Cobb 2,244
Most runs batted in — Babe Ruth
,S —2,209
Most runs batted in, season—Hack
Wilson, Chicago (N), 1930 ..190
Most runs hatted in, single game --
James L. I3ottoniley, St. Louis
t N) vs. Brooklyn, Sept. 16,
1924 ..12
Most games played—Ty Cobb.3,033
Most consecutive games played ---
Lou Gehrig, New York (A).
Streak started June 1, 1925, and
stopped \fay 2, 1939 2,130
Longest service as player—Eddie
Collins, Philadelphia and Chica-
go (A), 1906-30; Bobby Wallace,
Cleveland (N) and St, Louis (A),
1894-1918 '•25 years
Most times at bat—Ty Cobb
Most bases on balls— Babe Ruth
Most bases on balls, season—Babe
Ruth, 1923 170
Most bases on balls, game (modern
record)—jimmy Fox Boston
(A), 1938 6
Most stolen bases—Ty Cobb .. 892
Most stolen bases, season (modern
record)—Ty Cobb, Detroit (A),
1915 96
Fewest strikeouts, season (150 or
more games)—Joe Sewell, Cleve-
land (A), 1925, 1929 4
Most consecutive years manager,
one club—Donnie Mack, PhiIa.,
(A), 1901-51) 50
Greatest Crater
']'lie great Chubb Crater, which
was discovered last summer by a
prospector in the isolated wilder-
ness near Hudson's Bay, has just
been treasured by National Geo-
graphic Society scientists, who
were beset by August snowfalls,
They report that it is 1,350 feet
deep, or more than twice as deep
as famous El Diablo Crater south-
west of Winslow, Ariz. The Chubb
Crater is about two -and -one-half
miles across; El Diablo gapes
three-quarters of a mile from lip
to lip, El Diablo was previously
believed to be the largest crater
in the world. The origin of the
Chubb Crater is not known, at -
though it is assumed to he a
meteoric crater, smashed in solid
granite between 3,000 and 5,000
years ago. The lake in the crater
is 850 feet deep according to Dr,
V. Ben Meen, Toronto geologist,
and leader of the present expedi-
Music is a discipline, and a mis-
tress of order and good manners,
she makes the people milder and
gentler, more moral and more rea-
•--Martin Luther
NEW and
No More Burnt Toast
Company claims to have the per-
fect toaster for home use, Bread
is inserted horizontally so that it
slides out automatically onto a
plate when toasted. Toaster is
made of heat resistant glass so that
the toasting process can 1)e watched
,r :k•
For Temporary Wallpaper
Especially useful for nu. vie Mak-
ers and scenery decorators is DOW
paste, making wallpaper easily re-
movable from wall. Pa t, is care-
fully proportioned mixture of gly-
cerine, methyl cellulose and stater.
Glycerine's plasticizing, and hum-
ectant action provides balance be-
tween adhesion and tietibil ty in
the cellulose tiint after it dries,
Grinds Coffee
Claimed to make fresh ground
coffee quickly and easily at home,
mill has special features; feed screw
cracking the bean before it reaches
grinding burs, giving smoorner
grinding. Made of chrome nickel
alloy, machine has selector tor
grinding from coarse to tine. Bot-
tom of still holds Terite transpar-
ent graduated cup to show mea-
surement Of coffee. Hopper holds
be ns for 12 cups.
Saves Polishing
• New coating base of viny lite
resins is said to prevent tarnish-
ing on silver, brass, gold, Copper
and other metal surfaces, Trans-
parent liquid coating is brushed
on surface and can be removed
by simply scratching the film and
peeling it off, Claimeri to keep
high lustre on metal finishes inde-
finitely, coating resists fumes, salt
air, alcohol, etc,
h *
Lasts a Lifetime
Neat' anti -freeze is clainmd to be
good for all locks which must be
exposed to very cold weather. Es-
pecially designed for automobile
keyhole, chemical compound is
squirted into 'hole and is said to
last for the life of the car.
Concealed Aid
Lightning rods 12 inches long
are being Marketed, claimed to
give protection but can be con-
cealed when installed.
:a x
Easy on the Feet
New combination step and ex-
tension ladder eliminate' s body
weight from small of foot; ex-
tension piece of ladder is used to
stand on at all tines and has step
234 incches wide in place of a rung.
Extension section locks automati-
cally; bottom section can be equip-
ped with spikes or friction pads for
An Eye for 'Oil
New gadget for automobile dash -
hoards to tell drivers at a glance
whether they need oil or if their
oil is dirty, is now being tested.
While the car is running, the mo-
torist presses a button which
brings an actual sample of the
crank -case oil up into a viewing
Writes for Months
Fountain pen has ink reservoir
capacity of approximately 60 drops,
company claims it will write for
several months or more on one fill-
ing. Pen features an ink sac ac- -
cessible by unscrewing front section
of pen.
:r ,r• a
Size Up Your Swing
For backyard golf practice, latest
gadget mounted about three feet
off the ground holds a golf ball on
a string. Hit the ball with wood or
iron and it flies itt an arc to fall
in one of several slots on top of
gadget. Each slot is market to tell
whether you hooked, sliced or flit
the hall straight. Chart on side of
device shows how far you hit the
..Classified Advertising..
11:682 c111C;l a
311-0)11.Eit 1451815358, 1210AI) 'i'1iIS;--One
of oar, cuetolnei'5 received 1500 plus
extras of our 'mese' broiler el0cgcs, when
sold at 71a w..0,„ or age, they averaged
Ili lbs, sash, and this customer sold 1620
broilers, You too ran have the same re-
sulte with our broiler New ITantps, Light
Sussex X New stumps, New lump X
Barred frock, New Iraittp X white \wynn-
eone, New hemp X Light Sussex. rata.
'rli'l:r)DLt'0 r'HIcT ITA.TCT•IEn ES LTD.
1•'r•t'gu,:, °nutria
DAVold r)tktts, every week Special
vhtc•141 for broilers, others for layers
incl Heavy roaster's. Started ehlcks ape-
olel while they last. Five Week old Bar.
red Rook nun -sexed 539.05. pullets 9946 95.
Also laying and ready to My pullets, ata
Trip Nor' --1 (•Mgr's SALES
Guelph, Ontario
STARTED t'hielis;—Four and five weeks
ofd, none exed. pullets, enekerets. Special
Pelee on six week old while they lest.
Barred Reek, Red x Reek, Pullets. 947.95,
noneexe(1, $39.95, cockerels 935.85. As-
sorted heavies. 91.00 per hundred less.
Send for spe•,•lnl list.
CLeetue, Ontario.
EARN 0300 a month in either full or part
time work as direct factory represen-
tative Cor large company established aver
25 vet, r" Lovely dresses and lingerie
styles, Hawser range of colour:; and
fabrics also children's and men's wear.
Livery garment rnnta17 guaranteed high•
sal enntmlssinns. honuses
n'Rl'rtatt ItNI'l'1YEAR LTD..
Simeoe, Ontemo.
LISARN Auctloneering Terms soon Free
catalogue. Retseh' Alletinn 8111001, Ma-
son 1.1ty, lona.
RA VIS you anything needs dyeing in clean.
may Write 'n us frit information We
are glad en anewel rout 4ueettone De.
partment 01 Parker's Dve tilnrke Limped.
e nge St rornntu
hi •VICE your Christmas gifts perional.
Order material direct. Needles 35e,
Cotton Patterns 25c, work frames OOa.
velveteen square 81.00, Wide selection of
patterns—complete accessories — ono day
service—Order now. L. Clarke, Dept W..
1440 tOleury. Montreal.
l.'nehrinitable 3 and 4 ply nylon re -en.
forced wool for socks. sweaters, babywear.
Only 39c an ounce. Sent anywhere in
Canada. For information and samples
write• The Alpine Knitting Co,. Kitchener,
51t3i3S CORN SALVE --For sure relief.
V'"ur Druggist sells Cit•ESS,
1014 AI'Lt1 farm near Marlsdale, 8 room
bowie, barn, 50 acres swamp and pas-
ture, 50 t111able, year around water. Rea-
sonable. Steve O'llenly, Box 22, DURHAM,
tint a she
WIRE hair fox terrier male pups, regis-
tered champion stock, reasonable. Mrs.
R. A. Iiewitt, Sulphide, Ontario.
'TOBAC'C'O F.SISM for sale on highway.
k'ull description, P O. Siox 51, Ayr,
'Ontario, No agents.
FOUR-SIDED planer --- ball bearing; V-
betts throughout, Asst class condition, sur -
fare planes 12 inches, planes 4 sides 9
inches. Apply Norman McVeety, Restoule,
GREAT DANE 6 month, 2 Harlequin
males, 1 female. Registered litter. Re-
ducing size of kennels. Must be sold. Very
reasonable. Photos. H. A. SmaIl,• R.R. 4,
Barrie, or Patnswirlr, Phone Strottd 19r16.
("quint/ed.' seating capacity 24 persons.
Location established 16 years, Lease at
nominal rental. Full particulars and
list of equipment forwarded on request.
Must sell through illness. Full price
23000. Cuthbertson Real Estate, Brock-
vllle, Ont.
and eows, herd fully aerredited, We
are overstoelced. Reasonably priced. W,
A Armstrong, a.lt. No. 3, Osgoode, Ont,
WANTED — Every sufferer of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy,
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
dANId1 tie torment of dry eczema rashes
and weeping akin troubles Pnst'e Eczema
Salve will not dlseppolnt you,
itching• scaling, burning eczema. acne,
rmireverm pimples and athlete's toot, will
maimed readily to the etalulees, odorless
ointment. regardless nt how etebborn or
hnnelese they seem
PRICE 82.00 PER 41At1
Sent Post Free nn Receipt of Pries
689 Queen St E.. Cornet at Logan. ['emu,
QUICKLY and permanently eradlcatee all
craving for CIGARETTES, King Drug,
Pharmaceutical Chemists, Alberta. For
particulars write Box 678, London, Ont.
Triple Bit
High quality screwdrivers are
being made with a .triple bit, which
are interchangeable and will not
chip or break, company claims.
Since they are magazine -stored they
cannot become lost; are plated and
rust proofed. Handle of screwdriver
is in noninflammable amber plastic
of high dielectric strength and can
be imprinted.
Plumbing and Heating Supplies
Streetsvife, Ont.
PliONITOS—strong rents, 3-5 eyes, 4104.91
70c, 3 for 52.00 ''TULIPS — Rainbow
etille tion of outstanding varieties, 2
dozen for 91 26 Postpaid — Kuyper'e
Bulbs, Iiatzto, R.C.
great Opportunity Learn
Pleneant dignified er'nressinn goon MUM,
Thousands of successful Marvel graduates
emerlca's Greatest System
illustrated Cataltigue Fres
Write or Call
869 taken St W , 'MAO)
LUnp 81 SiHamilton
Rideau t HILIWa
RADIO, Television, Communications, now
offer big money and uncrowded Beres.
Get full facts today. State age, education.
Radio College of Canada, 89 Bathurst St.
Toronto, Dept. W16.
BECOME a Herbalist. Complete Home,
Study Course. Free Catalogue, Dom.
Inion Herbal" College Ltd., 1786 Grave -
ley Street, Vancouver 6, British Columbia,
FREE — Complete .DirectgrY-2958 Step-
ping Stone to Success. Box 5542, Station-
B,Winnipeg, Manitoba. P-7
PLASTICS for pleasure or profit, New
Instruetive Catalogue and samples 25e.
Kidder 1lfanufacturing Co., 49 Richmond
St. East, Toronto,
AN OFFER to every Inventur—List of In-
ventines and full Information sent free.
('be Ramsay Co. Registered Parent Attnr-
nays 87:1 Bank Street. Ottawa
PET k110HSTUN HAUGH & rnmpany. Pa-
tent Solicitors, Est abItahed 1890, (180
Bay Street, Throttle Bnokiet nr Informs.
cion en request
Club introduce to. Lonely people desiring
early marriage. Many with means. widows
with farms or city property. City and
country girls. Members cram coast to
coast. Proven results since, 1924. Free
Particulars 01 plain sealed envelope. C.C.
Club, Box 123, Calgary, Alta.
WANTED: Flock* to supply Hatchery with
hatching eggs, On some breeds, the eggs
taken the year round, Guaranteed premi-
ums plus hateliability premium paid. Send
for bit details. Box 12, 1.23 -18th St.,
New Toronto
Great Herat Makers!
Great Rae! Savers!
Exclusive, patented interior con-
struction makes WARM 'MORNING
Heaters great heat -makers and Fuel -
savers. Heat all day and night without
refueling. Hold Are several days on
closed draft.. Burn any kind of coal,
coke, 'briquets. Require less attention
than most furnaces. Low first cost ,
low operating cost. More than a mil -
.lion in use. See your local WARM
MORNING dealer.
Dominion Squat. Bldg„ Mon Irani 2, Dun.
67 Yonne SI, To,nnle, Ont.
Protein Died United 0,615 erow.r., Ltd,
Whin:peg, Man. (caul
ISSUE 40 * 1051