HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-10-04, Page 5ZURICi< • - ONTARIO 7URICH. HERALD ZURICH HERALD ti ',AwfAteriaed as toecond class mail, 'i Peat OSlce Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Mahe Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND LAMBTON Fo our Sale, large or small, Cour- 9ssous and Efficient Service at all time 1 - Phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORBETT DASHWOOD Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction ki,,. Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7. LOCAL NE WS Mrs. Flossie Brown was a visitor to London one day this week. Mr and Mrs Gasaho and family of Millbank were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Wes Hughill. Mr. Calvin Williams is spending the week with his .sister, Mrs. Fred Shaver at li3irigrht, Mr. Orville E,hnes of Detroit, was a week -end visitor at the Williams home. Miss Cecilia Regier left for Chat- ham where she accepted •a position at Ursuline 'College. Mr and Mrs Morris Brown of Tees water :ware recent visitors with their daughter Mr and Mrs Lewis Thiel, Mrs. Mabel Snider of Sarnia vis- ited relativesand friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs Nelson 'Warm has returned home after a pleasant visit ith her sister Mrs Niven in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Wallace Ross and two daughters of •Seaferth were Sunday visitors at the ;hoane of their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. Ralph Uttley from 'W'indsor, visited at the home (of his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Witmer last week. Mr. Herbert Eilber of Crediton was a Monday visitor at the home of his daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mr and Mrs Menno Steckle and daughter Mildred attended the Mc- Phereon - Dagg wedding at Tees- lweter on Sept.22. V E T E R I N A R I AN Mr and Mrs (Gordon Horner and Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON beet with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH Phone -98. BUTCHERS .Zurichs' Popular MEAT MAR family of Seaforth were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wes. Hughil. Mr and Mrs Orland D. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cleminson (nee Jean Wolper) and daughter Corlyn of Detroit ware week -end visitors with relatives and friends here. Five auto brads of the Mens' Bro- therhood of thet Evangelical Church were at Kitchener Friday night at- tending the annual 'Convention. Mr. George Volland of Detroit visited with his' cousin, Miss Lizzie Erin T Volland and (lse at Exeter with Mr and Mrs. Elmer Reeder. gifit us supply you with the choice of Fresh and Cur - ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins . , Y11nghlii t & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Doone 01 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry - Highest Cash Prices paid plus • premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give eff i- ient accurate service. Egg tl nd Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chau. MI inshaf, Proprietor INgURANCE Western .Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. of WOODSTOCK irEm LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ) E OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY WING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . A:rnount of .Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 10,810 Policies $125,269,726.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT 3inLSO DI A1,17.n rT,i iAn s : T fbti AND t i Mrs Emma Sanders of Muskegon, (Minh., is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph C. Kalbfletsch of town, •tieing a cousin to Mrs. Kalf- fleisch, also calling on old acquaint- ances and en4oying herself very much . Mrs. Senders who has net been in Zurich for five years was born and raised here, and can see manly changes' and improvements dar- ing these years. On her return home she will visit at Exeter, Lon- don and Sarnia. JUVENILE HOCKEY This is a call to all boys 15 to 18 years of age, who would like to try and win a place on the Juvenile Hoc- key Team in Zurich, which is being sponsored bey, the Zurich and Bay- field Lions Clubs. If you are one of these 'boys and, would like to try for the team you should register with Bill Siebert in Zurich as aoc•n gas er e- sible. Please remember that any Bo,: with enough ability stands an excel: lent chance of making the Team. C. W. L. Meet On Monday:. Sept. 17th the CWL. of Zurich held their first monthly meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer 'by the President Mrs. Harry Rose. We then had roll call twenty-six members being present. The CWL are catering to Mr and Mrs. David Ducharme's Golden Wed- ding Anniversary; onOctober 13th. Mrs. Ducharme invited all the League members and their husbands for the reception that evening. Mrs. Rose gave a very inspiring talk on her trip to Peterborough where she at- tended the convention a few weeks ago. Lunch was served by the con- venor, Mrs. Rose and her committee. At our next meeting Tuesday, Oct. 9t+h we will have es our guest speale- er Miss' A. Desjardin of Clinton. Public Health Nurse for Huron Co. Miss Desjardin will speak or Child- ren health and on starting a clinic in our town. All members are urg- ed to attend. Thank You! Last August twhen the Zurich Herald celebrated its fiftieth •anniv- ersary, we made mentior of the two first copies of the Herald printed on August 3rd and 10th, 1900 as miss- ing, having loaned these to gone of our dear Western subscriber% and about two months ago we were 'fav- oured with the return of the second issue, but no mention was made of the sender of same, We were think- ing the first issue must have gone as- tray, but to our pleasant surprise on Tuesday evening of this week, we received the much prized first copy of the Herald and our files are now complete, and we thank ver much our Western subscriber for preserv- ing these copies and returning same in such good order. It must be about thirty-five years since we loaned them out, and now we are very happy to have them returned, and again to our eeteemed ,subscriber of 'Regina, we say Thank You l BORN At the Farwell Nursing Home, in Zurich, on September 212Ind to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Masse of the B. W. 'Highway, a daughter, Betty Anne At the Farwell Nursing Home, in Zurich, on September 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Truemner, 14th Con., Hay Twp., a son. At Clinton Public Hospital on October 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Gascho, Bronson line, Hay Twee a daughter (Martha Christina) DRYSDA LE Miss Mari Gelinas of Forest is spending a few days ,in the old home- stead with Mr and Mrs Louis Mont- ague. Mr. Louis Montague has left for iBunwash on a 'business trip. We are sorry to report Mrs. Arm- pnil Denenrine is ;en the sick list., Mr and Mrs Fred Papieeau and son Johnny, also Evelyn and girl friend all from Detroit were visiting in Driysdale over the week -end. Congratulations are in order for Mr. Dennis Denomme of Drysdale, Who won a hundred dollars at Bingo in Zurich on Monday nite. Mr and Mrs. Jos. Denomme and children visited with the former's par- ents on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs Pat Corriveau have moved to Brantford. We wish them every success in their new homes. Lance Corporal Vennie Denomy has returned to Petewawa to resume his militatiyi duties, His parents ac- companied him as far as Toronto. Mrs. Anthony Denommo made a trip to Hamilton with her parent.. :\ Tr and Mrs. Melvin Over-, holt lest week. Mr', Me ie Sweeney fr.•m Detroit. paid .. a a host visit onSunday. Miss Barbara Robson entertained few friends last Sunday. It ;being ham, birthday. All reported a swell time. A delicious dinner was served idle girls. Happy Birthday, Barbara! Clearing S9IP n Li»estoclk. Fenn linnlemenes and thus held Effe-te on the premises, T of 30 South foundry, Stanley TWp, ifiret farm north of Drysdale on No. 21 Highway. The un''er=rend Awe, ioneer has been instrerted to sell by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER ,iieth. At 1.0.0 p.m. Sharp Horses— Team of. General Purpore mares 10 years old, quiet and relia- bde in every way; set 'of double harness. single harness; 3 collars. Cattle — Holstein cow 4 -yrs. old due at sale date; Ayrshire cow 6 yrs, old, due in November; Durham cow 4 yrs. old due in Februarsy'; Holstein c'ow' 5 years old due in February;Dur- hant heifer carrying first calf; Hol- stein heifer carrying first calf ; Dur- ham farrow clow; Durham heifer 6 months old. 'Phis herd carries three Meer T. B. tests and are of good nua.liity. Pigs — 5 Yorkshire pigs 10 weeks old. Hay and Grain — Quantity of mix- ed hay; 600 :bushels of mixed grain, barley and oats. Tractor and iMachinery — Allis Chalmers B. Tractor, Hydraulic P.T. O. and pulley, recently overhauled in. guaranteed condition; A. C. pea scuffler used one year; A. C. bean puller; Oliver 2 -furrow plow, Tike new; M. H. binder 6 -ft. cut; M. H, 11 -hoe fertilizer drill; 3 -drum steel railer; 4 -section diamond drag har- rows; 3 -section spring tooth lar w; M. H. 2=home scuffler;M. H. corn scuffler; Sl+ -horse scuffler; M. H. mower 5 -ft. cut, like new; 1 -horse rake; .farm wagon and rack; stone boat .with tongue and steel eh es; DeLaval cream separator No. 14 like new; 2 -'wheel trailer. ?vlisc (Lens -- Sling ropes, pulleys; forks; 'hoes; 21 gal. pressure spray: grain shovel; stable shovel; chain and rope for slings; pitch forks; steel vice; wooden vice; grinds tone; 5 - gal, pair; neckyo'kes; doubletrec's: 150 -ft. snow fence; cow chains; gravel box; planks, and other lumber 2 electric fencers; barrels; 20 -ft, new con,lnctor pipe; self feeders, chop h,o•:, e te, And many articles toe ti:;4'ee Tia to meTltion. Alen 31. variet'' of Household hif- t r'•3, ill'n1' 1riA la' ;,,3td with- . ., r,a,i^!"r ,', i• .� , T.,1, -r..,•, TI„r••l �' .. 41.11Cre (1 HAD RALLY DAY Rally Day services were held in the •Evangelical U.B. -Church Schooi, Crediton on Sunday 'September i2'3rd. Superintendent Ray Morl:o.ck was in charge and Rev. Getz of Dashwood was guest speaker. Program was fol- lowed • (by promotion exercises when seven anemvbers of the beginners' class Mrs. E. `Wenzel, president of the Ladies' Aid, dedicated an electric clock in the melnory of Mrs. Chris. H'alot, a once faithful member sof the Ladies' Aid. Mee. Wenzel read a rorti•on of scripture and a portion of her address is as follows: "In the name •of Gori the Father, the Son,and theHoly Spirit, we dedicate this Heck. We dedicate it in memory of Mrs. Chris. I-Taiet, whose service in her home, in the Ladies' Aid, in the church, and in the community was so loyal end so laving, We dedirf,'" it in erl.litn'le to the Honors, Mr n I .:411:5. Mese Hoist and ah. and ,,V 1l'lrrl 11'9i, 1 44'f1n'( fro;;o- 1" W'11'ire 031•,• leeeee.4Ae d' di 11x+ t EAD on the table the meal is ready LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every' meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon.. piping hot Par- ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of ,day or night. So don't get wrink- les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH STRAYED Unto our property, Goshen line, south, a young cow. Owner can have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Mrs. H. Finkbeiner Phone 25 r 15 Aaahwood, FOR SALE 3 -piece Setee; Ice Box; 'Wash Stand; day Bed. All in good cond- ition. Apply to Milne Rader. FOR SALE Blue Concord grapes for sale, re- ssonably prices. Apply Clare Geiger, Phone 97-6. FOR QUICK SALE, Grapes; bring your own baskets and pick them yourself. M. A. Sullivan, Forest, 3 .miles south from Camp Ip- perwash, 10th Con. iBosanquet Twp. FOR SALE Jersey Cow 6 yrs. old due in October Jersey heifer due in December. Also a quanti+i', of Taiwan Sweet apples. Apply to S. Baechle •R.R. 2, Zurich Phone 97 r 14 Zurich. `COURT OF R 7 z•'1S1ON Township of Hay 1952 Assessment Roll NOTICE is hereby given that a Court Sof Revision on the Assessment Roll for 19Fr3 will 'be held at the Township He.'.l, Zurich Ort, on the 24th day of Cot ber, 1951 , at 1:30 p.m.. -For t'ar' purpose of hese i e nny appeals against the Assessment. All appeals must be depos'te • —it `h the CleVa, accordiny to im.tructi:ns printed on thel 111952 Assessment Notice sent to each assessed person. Earl Campbell, Reeve. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. LAST OF THE FRONTIER MARSHALS Homer Croy interviews `Cimmar- ron George" Bolds, the last living link with Dodge Cit}y,, Kansas., fab- ulously wild and wooly fontier town. Read •Croy's fascinating story, "The Last of the Frontier Marshals,' in this Sunday's (Oct. 7) issue of The American Weekltyi, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times. Excitement of the, Odd West will live again! GRAND BEND Basks Pinery Plan Middlesex County Council placed its support (behind efforts to have the Pinery Area along' Lake Huron, Lauth (of Grand Bend developed as a public recreation area. Support for creating a park'of the lakefront, pre- sently owned. bps the Canada Land Company hae ,been growing since in- itiated some months ago by London Chamber Id Comrnree'ce. Power to de- velop this area lies with the Ausable Conservation Authority. Entertain at Bend Mr and Mrs Harvey Langford entertained(3.3 members of the United Church. Choir .at their cottage at Southcott Pines. During the evening Mr J. dMlurray was presented with a leather -.bound hymn book. He for years was a most faithful choir mem- ber. It is hoped his ill health will soon be restored. Bend Couple Married The manse :of James Street Unit- ed (Church, Exeter, was the scene of a ceremony uniting Winnifred .Ln:r- eine Zander, daughter sof 'Mr and Mrs Bruce Tiedeman, to Harry Al- den Gill, son of Mr and Mrs Herman Gill, all of 'Grand Bend, The Rev. Harold Snell 'officiated. Mies Irene Gill, sister of the groom, wag, the bride's only attendant. Maurice Tied- e.man, brother +-,f the bride, was the groan:man A ;buffet was served at T uz day, ,Octgber 4th, Mt a • Co -Op. FEED S ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU, YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the :kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector Forcer ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOW ANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! • • • Reliable Footwear For Reliable Footwear, give us a call and see tor Yourself. We carry the Sterling, Valentine - Martin and Hydro City Work Shoe at lowest possible cost. Girls, see our new shipment of Ballerines. GIVE US A TRY FOR 'YOUR FOOT AILMENTS Ouch Shay Store • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • r • I Datars Brien • :• Main St, Hardware Store Phone 213 t � A Bc atty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! Massey iTarris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS, ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT.. ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Caaaw.dt, r F• 1�"i Sh , ()s