HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-09-13, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO 7. .RICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, rout Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street * Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN . WALPER Licensed Auctioneer LOCAL NEP -I& and Mrs Frank Fry of Detroit were recent visitors at the home •of Mr sand Mrs Josiah Geiger. and Mrs. Arthur Aldbroolc and son Bruce of Detroit are visiting a few weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Cardin St. Joseph. I AND B> AVERTOWN NEWS Mr and Mrs. Sol Gin•gerien of the Goshen line south spent a few days at Kitchener, also attended the Christian Workers Conference in that city. Mrs. Barbara Surerus sand 'her grand nieces the twin Kane sisters of Montreal, who spent a few weeks vacationing with relatives here, have returned to the city. • Mr. and Mrs. Grant McDermit, Mr Jack Hall, Miss Bessie Reavee and Mr, and Mrs Eldon Henderson of Lucknow visited with Mr and Mrs. Menne Oesch on Sunday. then of the bei ll son, ,brother the groom, ushered. A reception was held at the Grand 13 d Lk I 1 h ide, and Jack David- en a oview douse wit r mot ers of the bridal couple receiving, After a wedding trip the couple will res- ide in Stratford. ST, JOSEPki Mr :and Mrs. Albert Heideman and For eon .Wayne of Orangeville, were re - HURON AND LAMBTON . cent holiday visitors at the r.ome of 5rpur .Sale, large or small, Cour- the formcr's parents Mr'and Mrs. teals and Efficient Service at all times/DASHWOOD Phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORBETT Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. $, COXON, E.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Sore Street, Opposite Drug ZURICH 'hone -=-96. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let us supply you with the ;very choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Kt Etc. always on hand. fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins . Yun!rlbi.t & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES 'Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs,'Graded OD our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Create Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus is premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to -give effi tient accurate service. Egg wad Poultry department in ;charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' WWI 'Feather Insurance Co. Eg'beat Heideman. Mrs. Ezra Smith and daughter, Mrs. Leonard Morris of Detroit, were, recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Josiah Geiger. Mr and Mrs Earl Weide and fam- ily, Mr: and Mrs Harold Johnston and son Robert en;joiyted some time in their cottages in the S•ehade View Grove, where they enjoyed the Lake Huron breezes. Mr and Mrs Lennis Gingerich, Mr and Mrs. Neil Gingerich and daughter Catherine spent a few days at Carthage, N. Y. visiting relatives and friends, also visited at the home of Rev and Mrs •Gordon Schrag of Low- ville N.Y. A grand trip along with the ,splended scenery was enjoyed. Mr and Mrs Harold Fisher of ,Chesley and Mr. and Mrs Louis Schultz of Elmwood were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Milton Oesch. Mrs. M. •Mink, who spent a few weeks in the •Cliesley 'district returned with them. GRAND BEND Mr and Mrs. Henry Green, of Grand Bend, •announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Nerma Eli- zabeth, to Douglas LeRaty Fletcher, , eon of Mrs. Margaret. Fletcher, Exe- ter, Ont. The wedding to take place September 29th•, at United Church, Grand Bend. Supports Pinery Plan I Approval of a suggestion) that the Ausable River. Valley Conservati.•n A.uthoeity take over The Pinery as a park and recreational area carne the other day from three of the author- ities's executive officers. The Aus- alile authorities are .John A. Mora: n, chairman; .-Freeniaii Hodginse vice-chairman anw G. C. Henderson secy, all said they were in favor of such a move, provided support came from member municipalities In the authority. Mr. Morrison felt that financial aid would have to come from all levels of government, municipal, Provincial and Federal. Davidson - Greene Gladioli decorated Grand Bend Tin- ited Church for the ceremony unit- ing in marriage Lois Marie Gr.eeee and Robert Linton Davidson. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Greene Grand Bend, and the late Ivan Greene. The groom, of Stratford, is the son of Mr and Mrs. D. H. David- son, London. The Rev. F. E. Clys- dale was the .officiating minister, and Douglas Gill was soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her eldest brother, Howard Greene. Miss Cath- erine Beatty, was the bride's only attendant. Jack Smith, -Stratford, was groomsman and Ronald Greene, 'bre- OF WOODSTOCK LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS FIND IN ONTARIO . . AoWt of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 • • • A. a • 9 9 a • • • • 0 s • • On Thursday last Mrs. Evelyn Trakan paid a short visit to some of the relatives and friends ,of this parish. Mrs Trak= was betere her marriage Evedyn Cantin, and lived with her nncther and other members of the family near the parish church on the B, W. Highway. She having left this parish 1415 years ago and with the family moved out to Alb- erta, where already one son had previously went to look for a ,better future for the entire family. Mrs.. Traken left this parieh when yet in her ea.ly teen years, and after spen din ; two years in a Montreal Cons vent, she had then qualified for an important position. end with other members of the family soon had hacked out a ,comfortable home for themselves in their new home. In the early twenties Mrs. Traken was married to a construction. Engineer. But their married life was of short duration, as Mr. Traken was on an inspection tour on high tower he had the misfortune to slip and fall to his death, Being left bereaved with one son (Paul and one daughter Francoise; Mrs. Traken and her two cnildren flew from their hone in San Fran- eisco to Chicago and from there mot- ored to, Tilbury to a nephew and niece, Mr and Mrs Philip Bedard who accompanied them to this _parisli. Mee Traken was much impressed by the many •changes in her native parish; where once stood log cabins hewed by pioneers, and their lighting eye - tem was a kerosene lamp, to -day they are replaced by modern homes, and constructed to give more comfort than in former days. Mrs. Traken was also greatly im- pressed by the change in reads, for- merly this Sau'ble Line of -her days, is now known as the Blue Water Highway. The parish church has undergone many -changes, and much has been added is beautify it. Never - the -less it is yet the same ground, i and also the old red school house, ae ; in her youthful days. Mrs. Traken also had the pleasure of visiting the home of her birth 59 years ago. There were 1 -navy changes about the old homestead, !buildings were eemedeled, and were once stood the log house, hone of the re:Ain family, -across from the parish '.i•1rch, today stands a modern. farm '.mine, much unlike that ,c•f her ;i uthful days. But perhaps what im- pres:.:d hsr the most was the old o�1e built jnilk houne, built by her father years before she was born, and that we are sure will be in the Time light of her visit. she will he rale to give the full exptana.tion to new married son and daughter .c.f the little stone milk house. Mrs. Terchan I end her r•hildren entered -into the 1 le -1i cherch, there s'ee h^d receiv- . ed the SacraMont, of her Faith, and where they hal the pleasure or offer- ing prayers for their late relatives. 1 Mrs. Trahan and her family's stay in this parish was one., a few hours here, and perhaps many of her sch.•ol mates and other relatives she would have liked to meet, but due to their responsible positions, time did not permit then to stay longer. We, as one who, was privileged to have them visit, are very thankful. Mrs. Trahan son and daughter will motor back to their home in California in their own car from Tilbury. EAD on the table. the meal is ready ! LET YOUR BAKER •" Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only suppzres delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bums for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon—piping hot Par- ker House Polls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink_ lei ytbirying about variety in meals-- 1et'eoiir baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE lee — ZURICH NEW CORONERS APPOINTED The Ontario government has ap- pointed two new coroners for the County of Heron: 'Dr. James G. Dunlop, Exeter and Dr. W. A. Craw - fiord Wingharn. Dr. Dunlop, a grad- uate of the University of Western Ontario in 1927, has practised medic- ine in Exeter since his graduation and internship. He was born in Wal lacebiug, a son of the late lames and Mary Dunlop. Dr. Dunlop in- terned at Victoria Hospital anti St. Toseph's Hospital at London and was exi'the staff of the Medical School at Western for a iyear. WANTED -WANTED—Old Horses for meat, will pay 3 cents a pound. 'W'ill •ar- ange tre.n'sportation.—Roy Scotchmer Bayfield. - p10t FOR QUICK SAIF 7n Whi`e T nr',^rn :yearling hens; Rn NeeetT•ereeshire Pullecs. —Alvin Gin•ger'rh, Phone 90r13. 2te FOR SAL.F. A good team cf. <<ersei'a horses 5 and 10 yeers old. '_1'Ielvin Overholt • IN TI -IE Cli n it ON ns Are a Thursday, Septa 2 • • • • Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. 1 • $495,607,94• 1 ATES ON APPLICATION 1 le. F. KLOPP - ZURICH • i AGENT • ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNINGI RODS AND ALL !KINDS, OP FIRE • INSURANCE 0 1 5 GAMES 'AT $15.00 FOUR SPECIAL GAMES One at $50.00; One at $75.00; And one at $1,000.00 Bingo Starts at 9 p.m. Sponsored by the Canadian, Legion Clinton, Ont. One at $150, a • • 5 5 • • • • 1 1 i • • • • • 9 • • 1 1 • Branch 7 40, • NOTICE p a serreh,rn — Spray or Rrnmh Peinti„M Leine houses, shad;. Roofs Etc. re se -is -net or hourly basis firmtflet .T^ ��; Peael1-17 (merles Paulsson. Phone 40 r 2, Daeliwon,'I Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt Sei-1ee for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 34 r 4. Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 NOTICE Wi-1ITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 WANTED Will pay 21// Cents lb. for Horses suitable for mink feed. Phone Collect, . Gilbert Bros., Goderich 936 r 82 or 21. . tfc AUTOS FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SELL 40 Chest. Coach in A-1 condition. 41 Ford Coach. 1938 Chrysler with overdrive. B. A. Service Station, Grand Bend Rollie Grenier, Proprietr FOR SALE An Olifer Bean Puller In good o-ndition.. —Charles S. Iledard, Phone 78 r 15, Zurich. Thursday September 13th, 195il •. _.._. erzEns * Couic.p.t s 40 a ARE YOUR BEST BUY.! e es Only Re -Cleaned • Grain Used in Our Feeds iii OP AVAILABLE AT LI.,.__Sall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH 0 R 0 a e WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU—, a tw • • 0 0 0 YOUR GAR represents a major investment, It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you whar n'e can do. Eddcr Felder ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS DEALER SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! FOR SALE A. large sized Space Oil Heater, nearly new. (Having installed a furnace,) Reasonable. Apply to Ted Geoffrey, Them 9.3 r 19. TENDERS W AN f'El) Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, Sept- ember 19th, 1951 for imam- and in” etalation of hot water boiler in the Parsonage ief St. Andrew`s United Church, Bayfield. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Further information may be ,cb- tained at the parsonage. —John L. Watson, (Chairman) Par- sonage Board. 2tc i ■ FOR SALE Tr1; Holstein Heifers due freshen soon. • Telephone Citi r. heir; all Central. How About Your Feet? DO THEY ACHE? DO THEY BURN? DO THEY TIRE EASILY? We have the goods to give you relief with Dr. Schol's Arch Supports and Foot Eazers, and Pads for Corns, Callouses and Burns. WHY SUFFER? We also have thr-. footwear to fit your feet espec- ially the Scott -McHale Arch Preserver for Men and the Dr. Nilsson in A, C. E. and EEE width. GIVE US 'A CALL! euchltl- 0 • • e • • • 0 9 • 9 b • 9 • 9• •0 • • 9 9 • • • • • e as • 9 • • 0 • aro Main St. Hardware Store Phone 13 Buy A 13(:atty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! 3' , Isle n rrre, 414."144r4 a Massey - -� _ HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACI"- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Ann for Canadian Farm" Tel Shop 149 Oscar Kiopp Rem. 62 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! to r1, t 2"1 Jewess— 5 8 8 BO