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Zurich Herald, 1951-09-13, Page 1
ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13 195 1 r Evangelical L4iitheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH - = ,ONTARIO EV, E. W. HEfMRICH, PASTOR a.m.—Divine Services. 21;,15 a.m. .Sunday School. 4, 7,30 p.m, -- D ,vine Worship. lEveryrbody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL VANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurt4h -- Ontario REV. ,H. E. RO'PPEL ;'Minister. Mrs. Milton Oescie - Organist aunday Services: - 4..0:00 a.m. Divine Worship. -1:00 a.m. -- Bible Scheel ;7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship. Welcome at all Services-- "Colne thou with us and we will do thee .good." 'Num. 1.0:29. 1 Are You Suffering From Headaches? 17.f so, Have your Eyes Examined with 'the Latest Methods and. Equipment at ;A. L. COLE, .i#. . OPTOMETRIST tic . OP t /C:1*M GO DEMUR —,ONT. .road ' Glasses at Reasouade 'Prices rl Ful F�� Its IIS sh IN THE ZURICH ARENA ON Wed. Sept. 19th. At 9 p.m. Doors open at 8 p.m, • 5 Special Games, 25c each - Share the Wealth 16 Free Games for $1.00 Admission Share the Wealth on all Admission and Extra Cards THE BIGGER THE CROWD, THE BETTER THE PRIZES Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club. Proceeds for Community Welfare Work SUPPORT THIS WORTHY r::AUSE . °.���xr,x�sarx�u�na PetP, E . EN MEMORIAM NOTIC In loving memory of firs. Laura Gill, who passed away one ,year ago, All her toils and conflicts o'er Lo, she dwells with Christ above Oh; what glories she's cliscorvered In the Saviour whom she loved. . ---Ever remembered by Nieces, Marie Stephan, Louise Schlunt. 1 arrt ' Agoimicot. 'Att?✓end Monte l ibme1"CGji •Director -- Private rric&r 411271l.blaa7LGe Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES wi WIC ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. T 111 £ L'S ir'or Store WE HAVE NUMERUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD P':ICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING WEEKEND GROCERY SPECIALS Grapefruit iuice, large 48 --oz tits 29c i'"„thoice Prune Plums 15 -oz tin _ . • 14c Clark's Pork .and Beans 2, 15 -oz tins at ...25c Red Seal Glee Salmon 2 7% oz :tins 75 c FRESH : " GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLESCURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE HS A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 - C. H. 'THIEL . Zurich Attending Fair .Many this week are attending the Western Fair at London, and Having been there Monday, we feel it will be one of :the best held for some time. The midway has its usual noisy con- cessions, but the grand stance per- formance especiallY in the evening, $ 1 is superb and w h going a long ay off and vis - will do you a onsuzustm My Barbering business at my home will be open as formerly. A. G. Edighoffer, Phone 46. "2t NOTICE GIRLS AND BOYS BAND In answer to a long -felt need, the Zurich Lions Club is going to spons- or a Girls and Boys Band. If inter- ested be present on TUESDAY EVE., SEPTEMBER 18, At' 7.80 0 p.rn. Girls and ;Bays of seven years and up, are invited with their Parents to attend an organization meeting in t'he Town Hall, Zurich Mr. A. C. Robinson MusicDirector and Band Organizer, of London, will be present. Mr Robinson has been very suceecsful in organizing other bands in London and district, and under his guidance, Zurich and district should have a splendid band. Lions Club News, On Wednesday Eve.. September 19th, the Lions Club of Zurich wiII sponsor a bingo at the "Babe" Sieb- ert Memorial Arena in Zurich. This will not be just an ordinary Bingo, but one of the SHARE THE WEALTH variety. Share the Wealth Bingo pays more for the regular :aures as well as the specials, because the money is more evenly distributed. In Share The Wealth practically all the prize money is not paid out fox one prize, but rather is so distributed that all prizes are really worth win- ning. There will be 4.6 regular games for $1.00 admission and 4 special games at 25c for each. card.. THE LARGER THE CROWD THE LAR- GER THE PRIZES, so everyone is invited to conte to Zurich and spend an enjoyable bingo -evening on the 19th of September. The games start at 9.00 p.m. sharp. Fill your car with friends and head 'for Zurich where every prize is a good prize. Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the, Following Attractions Friday, Saturday September 14-15 MR. 880 Starring Burt Lancaster and Dorothy McGuire A Twentieth Century Comedy Shorts and Comic Strips. Monday, Tuesday September (117-18 AMERICAN GUELILLAS IN TETE PHILLIPPrINES Technicolor Tyrone Power Michelle Prelle News Peel and Comic Strips. Wed., Thursday September 10-20 GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE Van Johnson Kathryn Grayson Paula Raymond Barry Sullivan Ginnie Strip: The 'gamed Cat. w.a„71 to see. Tel it the London world of good! Were Bi Winners A tremendous e*owd of over 1,000 people attended the monster bingo held in the Community* Arena on day night, Sept. :Oth sponsored by the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion and Ladte'a' Auxiliary, Jack Tudor was masrteoa of 'ceremonies as- sisted by several o j the Legion mem- bers. For the $,500. jackpot three we- re tied, Mrs. W.M. Lee , Hensall.; Bruce Moir, Hensall; Andrew Rau, of Zurich, each 'received $167.00. MINISTER'S SON WINS THREE AWARDS A 1950 junioi ;matriculation grad- uate of the Kitchener -Waterloo Coll- egiate Institute, .Ross Datars, son of Rev. Albert and Mrs. Debars of Port Colborne, to;�meriy of Kingsdale has won a total :;of $1,100 in three scholarships. The ,Niagara i++ills-Welt- and Reginal Sei olarship • from Mc- Master University, Hamilton, .provid- es $900• toward4.tuiton for a four- year niathematie4 course at the univ- ersity. He was a;eso the winner of a ;1100 International Nickel scholarship and of .a $100 +Kellar scholarship; Department .of. e3ducati'on Bursuary scholarship +wort13'$400; a grand tot- al of $1,500 in awards. He is the grandson of 31. s. r' Dataa s of Zurich and Mrs.. Ed. rifles Of Kitchener and will begin his studies in honor math- ematics shortly. He attended the pub- lic schools of Desboro Kingsdale and Kitchener. To Hold 90th Anniversary Sunday, September 16th marks the celebration of the 90th Anniversary of St. I'eter's Lutheran church, Zur- ich, and will be fittingly observed by s.peciai guest speakers, special music- al numbers, and friends are expected to come from near ani lar to cele- brate this occasion. Ninety years is a long time looking ahead and few of this generation will live to see it, but ninety years of the past snows a great accomplishment, samethi'ng we cannot put vile words, what a c.hureh with its spire pointing heav- enwards, nas directed the hearts and aouls of people to a better -world. Many are the people who have been reared and passed on, and- muntyt are Gere to testify what St. Peter's has meant to them by teaching them of the better way of life in their youth- ful day:, traditions which they shall always cherish and help to make a bytter world. We hope this will be one of the biggest days in the .hist- ory of this fine church and congre- gation. LIONS The fall ter .of the local Lions Club opened- by the usual supper on Wednesday evening least with a fair attendance. A number of •theLions could impossibly be present for this niid-'week opening meeting. The new officers were all do their place and it looks like a big year in Zionism in Zurich. The usual routine business was gone over and two distinguished guests were present from London. .'dr. A, C. Robinson, .gave a talk on Band organization, and has the loc- al. Club interested do sponsoring a l3oy or girls' band and will do his utmost to bring this about. An item about this is mentioned elsewhere in this issue. The main speaker twas Dr. A. E. Watt, who is in charge .of the Reception Hospital at Beck ,Memor- ial Sanitarium, and lectures in Ast- ronomy at the University of Western Ontario. He gave an interesting talk with illustrated pictures of the work done at the San, the need of early attention of T.B., how patients often should change their vocation in work, rand other .advanced meth- odr in combating against the disease. CHESTER L. SMITH, PW R.ISH $1.75 a Year in Advanot. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advo. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPET 4t On a New Modern Loom, Mads If Order — Seth 0. Amann, :Z,..Ss Ont. Phone 128. r t Optical SanirZe DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING A G. HESS jeweler and Registered New Low Spring Coal Pric The Saving in these spring price% Phis the cash discount, enables your to buy your next 'winter's fuel cheaper now than any other time of y. Order Your Supply from your BLUR COAL Dealer! LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10 Residence 52. FII E N s A L L Optician. ROE FEEDS! 06 0 0 0490 0 0.00 6©0000000,, 0000 0000e0000 • 5 5 • • • 14 Meg et Telt n** 5.50059 Licensed Ernbahner and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR Al .I , OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res, 89 - mr 122, Zui chs fit 0000 0000006900000000 000 0000000004000004000 • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • aocer We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL enno Oesch � u PRODUCE WANTED. 4102010MINNEMIWINIEMAMAReteNS N.i.11,�Nt, A short report of the big Frolic sponsored by the Lions on Labor Daly evening was gone over and it was annonced that about $1,000 was clearing from the evening's activitlea I s Phone ➢ ,5 HEALTI-TIER. AND STRONGER CHICKS With: Pioneer Chick Starer Mash and Crumples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! THS E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11-7