Zurich Herald, 1951-08-30, Page 6SCO Make tea double strength and while still loot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice , .. Add sugar and lemon to taste. u ,.� ramay eg-votheAed.rt, Disgusted with iris own marriage. repelled by the -a-oaten he has stet 5 in year; of travel, a readea• has decided that all twomen are false creatures. "Your column. Anne Hirst." lie begins, "is otic that a travelling man might read for diversion. I desire to give you a little rat the mature side of life. Yours runs to the ju- venile. "Most then utaintai:t Montes for their children. Wives stay there because they have no place else to go. Children should never be made victims of adult folly -and it is folly for most people to marry. "All women ntari-y for a home, to avoid earning one for them- selves, With a ratan, marriage i; purely biological. That thing called love is, with any woman, a dollar .mark, Here's some easy handwork for pretty footwear: Crochet these slippers in straw yarn or wool. Make the soles of crocheted rags --- or buy leather ones. Thrifty! Pattern 724; crochet directions: sizes small, med., lge. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.. New Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, your NAME and AD- DRESS. Send 'Twenty -live Cents tuure (in coins) for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book, Illustrations of patterns for crochet. embroidery. knitting, household accessories, dolls, toys . . . many hobby and gift ideas. A free pattern is printed in the book, TELLS 1115 STORY 'ur a (1''t.ti-to-earth .,.aulplr. crt.•,mice :r wan married more than n year,. There are tsvo children. 1 f i, wife Ira, complained con -tautly about her lot-.-lhuuglt her mother could not trite, :ltd site carne from a home of atv background. ".Atter site married, she ty rote leer parent, daily . . . The man felt it a moral duty to maintain the pledge he'd made. though he knew his v;be thought more of her parents than she did of slim. Ile provided at' expensive house, with everything from a refrigerator to d'\-, fine furnishings. a good car, and unlimited food bills, all paid for. "His wife never COUId meet his fiends. She grew too fat for a swim suis. Never liked outdoor activities. just too lazy to do more than feed herself . . "Women have /ratable landiug a man because they are false --froth the falsies they wear to the guile they: use to coerce hien into mar- -ryiug. "Silly stuff to yes. no doubt. brit the woman of today is definitely a phony-. "Ash pile i,t dinner, she's on a. die:. Care to dance. 1-f.er feet hurt. Suggest a drink, make Iter's just hall. Phone some people for ',ridge? Don't know anybody to call . . A nice home. but no friends..Amaz- ing, isn't it? "Therefore, after 30 years' tra- velling, 10 file women are very much alike." * To "UNSIGNED": Your era:- * elusions are those of a pian di:- " iilusioned in his marriage, and * scornful of other women he has 1. known. Your wife was probably always the- person she is today, incapa- ble of being. anything else. wonder how long you ':new her before you married? After you found iter out. you did your duty, probably for your children's sake -when ntauy a man would have run off, fast. The happy marriages in this world are the marriages yon Bever hear about. And it is geu- erally acknowledged that the average wife works harder to keep her marriage good than mans a husband does. \Vliat do my readers thins.:? Anne Hirst is glad to publish her readers' experiences and com- ments when her space allows. Send your story to her, at Box 1. 123 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. WRONG TIME .A Scotsman travelling in Pales- tine learned of au addition to his family circle. The happy father im- mediately- provided himself with some water from the Jordan to carry hone for the christening., and returned to Scotland. On the Sunday appointed fur tile ceremony. he presented himself at the church and sought out the beadle in order to hand over the precious water, He pulled the flask from his pocket, but the beadle held tip a warming hand and came neat to whisper: "No the noo, sir; no the non! Maybe after the kirk's not!" CROSSWORD PUZZLE . C ROSS 1. t oounotixi train,. 7. State 13. Charm 14. Boot: toee.r 15, Scold 14. Sala?) 17. Addition to a. building 18 Vin. 20 tlGrri ht 31. ()sin 21. Orr,, land space °4. Shane /5.910t'10W 019r. 27, Accompanies 29. Variant (rib.) I.OrSan or hearing a2. Pullman ear 38. Flaming light 40, `FTarbor 41. Secure 49. Rentan emperor 44. Liquor 45. Pale in1,1e 47 Broa.<t 001" vessel 474, 13..01191 K0. (."sofa/,(stet GO, L1ttitt. 53, petits 110 5*, :Requited G5. NOM e 15007`( 3, ,ats'n 4. )VFGit: dull o. Ur.; tvtln ntn.tc•:» dup., ter-, 4. Wing a-. Alto's - a O. Sinira 7. SA Ay 8. Di g:1 h 9. 5.trioe:(ul 10, Publisher 11. Rebel 13. Nell ations 19. F,e.nte 22. metal fast:?,,:: 21. 5tttpttl par_on 5ort rood 35s 99.[.nterin1ned 'i. Wren k 3',. 7.h, 1hout 1, I: but or trip 3.,. c',,tried fabri 37. 14'teem 34. Pond c•on- ainCi9 37, Cprigttt t".. Weeny 4:, statuary 44.11 nett 49, Ai long 51. carpatit:nt Ma 3 4• a 6xi `.. 7 8 9 10 i1 12 w'.•IC7 its t! r !8 t9 ��...<•; s11111 21 22 a r.:4., '\`',g:;,-,,.. 23 1 2-4 25 2.9 26 5'a 2? yC4.ei vrlC .:; i 31 2.8 'fir �,7_Ye � ,r; • . •'i`f* ' '.%w•r''xF 32 33 x '` 34- 35.'$'• 36 40 ! 41 42 x443 y„, 4 4 . 45 46 ,;; 48 49 k` 5t) ai 52 • rr ..:;;;.,....5.3 x'f 53 1 54. 44 Syan Answer Elsewhere or This Page Trying Grandma's Cooking -Mrs. Kate Aitken, not ed cookery expert and Woman's Director of the Canadian National Exhibition gives her grandson Johnny his first delicious taste of Christening Cake. One of the features at this year's "Ex" was a Christening Cake contest. i.GINGERF' e Ca;weradoli"rt.e P Cl.(a:01:c What would we du without ap- ples? from late fall to early sut,t- nter we have canned and frozen fru't to fall back on. 'Then n'e feast oft fresh berries --strawberries, ra-- berries. blueberries and cherries. Between berries and peaches Cortes a gap -hard to fill if it were not for early apples. And is there any- thing nicer than a good apple pie, ,rade wf'aa't apples straight from the tree: It has a freshness and tang just right for 'tot sumuter• days. And apple sauce adds zea to our meals. There is only one thing wrong, with early apples - they ripen too fast and theft - lose their flavour. The only way to lengthen the early apple season is to can them. Sonic farm tvrontett don't think it worthwhile. Maybe it isn't if you peel all the apples. I don't. '.there is an easier way - but it is a messy job so it is as well to do a large quantity at one tint?•. (set a couple of basket; of small apples ----save your big ones for pie -s. Wash. cut in half, remove stalks and blossom end but don't destroy valuable vitamins by peeling or cor- ing the apples. Place in large pre- serving kettle with a small amount oI' hater -hots much depends upon the juiciness of the apples. Cook limit quite soft. 'Chen force the pulp of the apples through it ro- tary colander, Place apple puip hack in kettle with sugar to taste Bring to the boil -stirring to pre - tent burning. And how quickly apple -sauce can burn! Don't leave it for the telephone, whatever you do. As soon as your pulp is really boiling, place it in prepared jars just as you would any other fruit. But watch your step. Apple sauce in quantity has a way of spitting and spattering . a few blobs em your arm can cause painful burin. It can even catch you in the eye' if you are peering to make sure whether, it is boiling or not. Yon generally find out --the hard way. incidentally, it is no time to stave children around -set arrange year time for canning accordingly, Clearing, up after tate apple sauce is in the jars, you soon discover why it ds better to do a lot at one time, and be done with it. The colander, the wooden plunger and .every dish and spoon is plastered with peel and pulp . . Not too much pulp if the job is done pro- perly. Von breathe a sigh of re- lief when it is all cleaned tip; Your reward comes when yott are extra busy and can serve fresh apple sauce by just bringing up a jar from the cellar. But a word of caution, Be sure you have a tight seal when you can it. (.riven the opportunity, ap- ple sauce can start working in a hurry. If you have a strong tem- perance viewpoint it might runt your reputation in a hurry. 1Ve11, Partner is busy cutting second crop hay, Bob was home on Saturday in time to put the pow- er -mower on to- the tractor and do a few rounds in the field. What a thing it is to be young and strong. Bob can put the- mower on in about half -an -our. 1 f things are not just where they should be he gives the mower a yank or raises it with a crowbar and everything drops into place. When Partner does the same job 1 help hint and it takes the two of us 0 couple of hours. But we get there . . . eventually. Actually, never know what 1 may have tt-, Itcip with these days. Last Thurs- day there was a new calf up in the back field. Partner tried walking it home but the call got t:red and laid clown on the joo. It was t.o -heavy to carry so Partner carne down fur the tractor and stone - boat. :vis job was to sit on the stone -boat and keep the calf from falling off. It was the day of Our Institute meeting and Partner cal- led rate just as 1 had things starte J for dinner. /Rather titan take chanc- e- 1 shut off the burners and pulled the pressure cooler to a cold spot. Started all over again when 1 g-tt back home. Result -late dinner and late for the meeting. But things like that don't worry use any more. They are far from being Major ;a- tastrophc„ 1lonever, uncertainty about getting away does keep me from offering other people a ride. Going alone looks - selfish. But 1 generally Lind someone glad of ;e ride home so that ease my co,- se:etice a bit. Just imagine -liar, dry heather at last! In fact. Nye could even dei with a nice little shower. There k a grand smell of clover and Dew mown hay drifting through the win - clow, Partner is hopefully leaving the red clover for seed. We may get good results as the bees are working on it from dawn to dark. Speaking of bees ... Partner -and I were loading logs to six a bridge when the uncovered a bumble bees' nest. I ran for the house. Partner fought the bees with It's hat whc!e he straightened the load and then drove away with the tractor its quick as he could make it! He was glad he didn't have horses 1. worry about. Can't Sleep? Try This It is believed that a new treat- ment for insomnia will dispose of the world's biggest flocks of sheep, t11e imagivary animals that are counted on tltc pillow. Instead of this ancient and not always successful device, and in place of drugs, a loudspeaker be- side the bed repeats simple phrases over and over again in a mono - toll. The phrases are carefully cho- sen to induce sleep, not unlike phrases usedin hypnotic sugges- tion. CS - tion. 1'he tape recorder is -operated in the nursing office of a hospital or nursing hcnte. Excellent results are said to have been obtained. 1llauy patients have been able to sleep without ir- ritating dreams or nightmares; some victims of sleeplessness and its inevitable exhaustion have been able to take daytime naps for the first tin'le in their lives, After two • or three weeks of the bedside loudspeaker treatment, quiet and ,refreshing sleep has been achieved without drugs. . It seems a pity to los(' all the sheep, though. Lately we've heard that Many a tired business man has gone to steep cheerfully counting the fortune picked up from clipping their wool. 1BMY SCIIOOL By Rev, R B. Warren. 13.A,B,D. For Sunday, Sept. ?earl. CHRISTIAN RELATIONS AMONG RACES John 4: 4-14; Acts 10: 25-28: Colossians 3: 11. Memory Selection: God is no recpector of persons: But in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketlt righteousness, is accepted with Him. Acts 10:34h-35. You can't help spiritually a per- son of another race if you have a prejudice aga'nst that race. It was kiten the Samaritan woman learned that Jesus was not like the other Jews. who had no dealings with .the Samaritans, that site was willing to learn of Ilim concern- ing the water of life. So if you wish to be of help to people of other races (and there are many, of tltcnt in our midst), then you must work. realising all the impli- cations of the truth that God "hath maoe of one blood ail na- tions of men to dwell on all the face of the earth." (Acts 17:26) It took a vision from God to clear Peter of his superiority" complex. But he did walk in the light and God honored slim in pouring forth the holy Ghost on the Gentiles while Peter preached to them, Race prejudice is taught by ex- ample. Children. before they come sophisticated, are remarkably free from it. Around the corner from our home lived two colored boys about the sante age as my seven- year-old. They became churns. Then we moved to another com- munity. The pals which my boy invited to his eleventh birthday party were a Canadian. au Ameri- can, a Japanese, a Dutch boy re- cently arrived from Holland, a boy of German descent. a boy of Swiss parents and one of Greek parents. '1'hev had a jolly time together. (.'0rd:•ti'ttas a':: ii' c ti::1t i•,',o. 1tt titc laugdtnsi ni ('flit "ti,ct(' !Wilber (.secs''.,. nor Tec':, circut,i - t•ioiuit 1(11' tliwit'ctitticisiott, 1 arhat.. i:us, Scythia3 ;. bond or ft'ec: het Christi� ail,' and in all." Men's hearts flow together when their affections center 011 Jesus Christ, If the nation, would only taro to thin, the arms race. would be over. -War would be definitely •offs•. HOW CAN 1 1sy Anne Ashley Q. How can 1. clean used para8%ou so that it can be re -used? A. Heat the paraffin to the boil- ing point and strain through three thicknesses of cheesecloth aver of funnel. Repeat if necessary. If not: too dirty, it can sometimes he cleaned with a brush and warm" wat er. Q. How can 1 treat perspiring hands? A. 'l.'ry applying two or three tithes a day, or at least nightly, as) astringent lotion consisting; of one part boracic acid to twenty parts: of water, and then dust them with talcum powder. O. How can I restore rusty -Waal A. Soak tate tools in kerosene; titch rub with sandpaper, aft:ex' which polish with engine oil. . a: 4. Q. How cant remedy insometlta? A, A very effective •remedy for producing sleep is 10' Stew spring onions in coarse brown sugar, antis take one teaspoonful before retir- ing. This will not only product sleep, but is -eery healthful. . SPUUT11 G t_--- And tit RELIEF IS LASTING For fast relief from headache get INSTANTINE. For real relief get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief get INSTANTINE 1 Yes, more people every day -are finding that INSTANTINE is orte thing' to ease pain fast. For headache, fur rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pa'oz you can depend on INSTANTINE to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE is made like a prate,. cription of three proven medical. ingredients. A single tablet usually brings fast relief. Get lnstantine today and always keep it handy 12 -Tablet Tin 25g 8conomic0l 48-Tabtel• Bottle lSr. Ura i.•r.doe'n to Prevent Peeking 1 3 tail 3 5:t r1 z517 97.1. 1N90 / 141 i 1t1 3J.V'7 9 `iii by Pts �t 0 V 3 2 05 9 c?"iO5'd N 0 ,.L 15 el 3A IeiN1's'°) J. 3 v ZI3ciV3V,,,e 51(➢1dI p V D 017 ISSUE 35 1951 fn.a.,waw,:. N.i.a.,..ewwmm:o.w,aormw.wu Super for Supper - made with MAGIC HOT BISCUIT SOPPEROSANDWICH Season to taste 1 c. minced cooked meat with grated onion, salt, pepper and condiment sauce; moisten slightly with leftover gravy or cream sauce. Mix and sift twice, then sift into a bowl, 2 c. once -sifted pastry flour (or 1a f c. once-siftedy/hard-wheat flour), 4 tsps.Magic Baking Powder, 34 tsp. salt, tsp. dry mustard. Cul: in finely 5 tbs. chilled shortening. Make a well in dry ingredients and add hi c. chili sauce and 3n c. milk; mix lightly with a fork, adding milk if necessary, to make a•sof1 dough. Knead for 10 seconds on a lightly -(toured board and divide dough into 2 equal portions. Pat ono portion into a greased round 8%" cake pan and spread almost to edges with meat mixture; moisten edges of dough with water. Pat second portion of dough into an 8,1 round and place over meat mixture; press lightly around edges to seal; score top layer deeply into 6 pie -shaped wedges. Bake in hot oven, 425°, about 20 nuns, Serve hot with brown tomato sauce Yield; 0 servings. Virile Wen STU