HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-30, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 0 0 ass71-?: Margaret Bradford MISS CANADA 1950 - 51 Lions ate rt VaradevineJa a 11 r AND HURON COUNTY BEAUTY CONTEST TO BE HELD IN THE ZURICH ARENA, on t 8.30 p.m. Parade to begin at 6.30 p.m. Headed by Bannockburn Pipe Band MONSTER CASH .BINGO AND LUCKY DRAW Dancing from 1 1.30 to 2 o'clock Campbell Ritchie Canada's Outstanding Baritone as Master of Ceremonies. Miss Canada 1950-51 See and hear this Beautiful Girl, with a voice to match. Hollywood Superman GUY GIBBEE, the 'sensational Hollywood Strong Man. Wally Townsend, Featured piano player. Arlando Bracce, King of the Accordian. Admission - Adults 75c, Children 25c. 300 Reserved Chair Seats on sale at Willert's Snack Shop -- Are Going Fast. RESERVED SEATS $1.00 Don't Miss this Outstanding Event of the Year • 4 • • • 4 • 4r • •• • 4. 4. • • 4. 4. 9 4 •• 4 A Few 2Suggestions! 1. IS ANYTHING WRONG with your 'Heart or Kidneys? 2. HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM or pains of that nature? ARE YOU NERVOUS or do • you tire easily? ARE YOU TROUBLED WITH HEADACHES or CON- STIPATION? 5. HAVE YOU SOME SICKNESS or PAIN for which you have tried everything without permanent relief and physicians have told you was incurable. If you must answer YES to any of these questions you cannot afford to miss this chance to find out what we have in store for you. 4. E. 0. Gingerich, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Office Hours every Friday Afternoon 2 to 6 p.m. at SAMUEL ROPP'S RESIDENCI,' - ZURIICH KnVall O Grand Bend DANCING EVERY NIGHT LAST DANCE OF SEASON MIDNIGHT DANCE - SEPT. 3rd. (12:05 a.m.) (No Dance Labor Day Night) Plan to attend the Big GRAND BEND LIONS CLUB CA.RNIV.AL'• FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 31st. (Drawing ori "The Thing.") as 0 0 8 0 3 8 40 4 seloesesea®ee 3 3 a 8 4 Q 0 8 8 0 8 8 a 1 a tiD 3 8 0 a a a 8 is 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •1 4 4 4 4 i • 4 d 0 0 a 0. s •• •0 • •• • w w 1 M ZURICH HERALD GRAND BEND Recent visitors WI* i D•i'rs. Mae Holt and Mrs. Geromet$Fe were: Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Cainriere and Margu- erite Carriere and Beulah Holt of Toronto; Mr and alf'rs. T. M. Dodds and Chas, Robinson of Buffalo, .NY. Mr and Mrs Nelsen. Rafelle of Port Huron, Mich. Visits s with Mrs. Geo. Eccleston were Mrs. H. G. Sheriff or Loncron; Mr and Mrs Fred G. x'aliis or Ont- ario, Calif., 2Ir. ltruee Boa, of Lon- don and Mrs. Lorne Laing and fam- ily of Iaynha.ni, Ont. Rev, Beach Goes to Blyth dlev. Glen Beach who has served in the Church of God in rand Bend for the past seven years has tendered his resignation -He will leave shortly for an ci;•.int week tour during which time he will preach at Special Revival meetings. Upon his return he will preseh his farewell -sermon at. the 1. cal Church of (rod and will then take up new duties in Blyth. DASHWOU0 Mr and Mrs Jim Baty of Coral, Mich., Mrs. Stuart Oberig of Green- ville, Mich., and .Mrs. Harry Davis of Grand Rapids were.week-end visitors with the Kraft sisters. Rev. and Mrs. H. Getz and fancily have returned home after spending their vacation in Pembroke and i,,ther p1 aces. Canadians attendirttr the ' second Kellerman gathering,.at Port Huron on Sunday were Rev. ant: Mrs. J. M. Oestreicher, Ruth, Dorothy and John Jr. of •Clifliord; Dr. 4nd Mrs. D. L. Oestreicher and Elizabeth Anne fof Chatham; Mrs. Lovina Kellerman; Mr and Mrs .Samuel Oesterfcher, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Mr and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher all of Dash- wood. Mr end Mrs, Leonard Birk and Miss 'vverna Birk of Guelph called on fri- ends here. on Tuesdays. Mrs. Fred Weisberg whip bas been in London I-Iospital for some time, has returned home. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Witzel. were- Mr and Mrs Ed. Siebert and Miss Elise Siebert, Mr and Mrs. Clayton Siebert, Misses Margaret and Joyce Siebert, Mr and Mrs. Stanley Siebert, Sandra and Rys, all of Kit- chener. Mr and Mrs Clayton file, accempan ices by Mr and Mrs. Arthur Koessel and family- sof Lansing, Mich., spent Friday. at Niagara Falls. Mr and Mrs. :Poland of Frankford, Ont., spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Geiser and Mrs. Haugh. Mrs. S. P. Currie and family are spending a week at Kincardine. Mr and les Willis Mcisaac and family of Detrtait spent the week -end with Mrs. L. Mcisaac. Mr. Niel Mclsaac who spent his holidays here has returned to his home in. Detroit. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs Lawrence Ducharme and Mr and Mrs. Chuck Hrrtleiu all of Detroit were Sunday visitors with Air and Mrs. F: Ducharme of the B. W. Hip'hway. Mr. Benedict Bedard and the Mis- ses nesierlais and also Mr and :Mrs. I)csjat•1ais all of Win('.)r. anent a few days with Mr and Sirs. Leon Be- dard of the P. 'W. Higle.vay. :Mr. Pau! Duchenne D.f the linouson line is having his farm house on the 15th Con. remodelled with all the 1etest necessities, and when complet- ed will he up-to-date. The Geoffrey Contractors are in charge. Harvesting Bsarls Farmers in this vicinity have start- ed pulling their beans. It has be- come one of the falmer's most pay- ing crops But'there•`at•e alwrsys a bit of uneasiness before they are in shelter, and farmers have much gues- sing as to the day and time they should harvest their beans so that they may avoid too much wet. How- ever, here is a little weather proph- sey we pass •along: When the sky at night is a bright ,plink rose, There's good weather ahead, the Sail- or knows, But when skies are red in the early dawn Get ready for storms, the Sailor warns. When the owl hoots in 'broad day- light It will rain for snow before the night .And thewoodsman knows that a storre is nigh, When the rabbits feed where the brush is high. When the grass in the morning is wet with dew, Watch for the sun and a sky of blue But if you want weather that's al- ways fair, Just fill your Heart with the Light of Prayer. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. John C. Doig of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., is vacationing at the fam- ily home, Kippers. Earlier he was ac- •companied by. his mother, ,Mrs. L. J. Doig and Miss Jenet on a trip to Niagara. Before returning to Grand Rapids he plans to •cruise to Duluth and 'Chicago. Miss Donna. Hayter spent a few days with her cousin, Miss Joyce Hay ter, Goshen line. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Ro!bi.hoon and little Lynn Marion, are holidaying with the ''ormers 'parents, Mr said Mrs, Richard Robinson. ' §quires •- - Allan NOTICE Don't forget to get your containers filled with this year's choice clover and amber hoiley,-J, Haberer & Sons, Zurich. 2 blocks south of the Dominion Hotel. FOR SALE :1936 Ford coach, has good tires, a good battery, new hot water heater, brak' e recently relined, car in good condition, Apply to Ed. Stelek, Dash- wood, phone 127. c AUTOS FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SELL 49 Chev. Coach in A-1 condition. 41 Ford Coach. 1938 Chrysler with overdrive. B. A. Service Station, Grand bend. Rollie Greasier, Proprietor FOP'' SALE An Olifer Bean Puller to good erudition.- --.Charles S. Bedard, Phone 78 r 15, Zurich. • The wedding took place at Bruce - field United Church on Saturday, last of Anna Edzabeth Allan, daugh- ter of Mr and -'Mrs. Robert Allan of 13rucefietd, and Murray Evan Squires of Sarnia, son of Mr and Mrs Car- man Squires of Glenco. The cerem- o'ny was performed by Rev. E. R. Stanway, assist:: d by Rev. W. J. Maines, in a setting of pastel clored gladioli interspersed with fern in standards. The wedding rnusrc was played by the organist, Mrs. J. R. Murdoch, 'I'll 'Walk Beside You" and "Because". The bride was given in marriage by her father and was lovely in a gown of Chantilly lace and Marquisette. HENSALI.., Mr and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and fam- ily are holidaying at Schade's Grove Lake Huron. Miss Arlene Hanson, Stratford is visiting with her ,grandmother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. The many friends of Mrs. Annie Logan .and Mrs M. Harvey regret to hear are confined to their rooms with illness. Mr and 1VIrs. Edgar McClinchey and Jerry spent the past week vac- ationing in Northern Ontario. Mr and Mrs W. 0. Goodwin are spending two weeks vacation at the Schade View Grove. Mrs. G. Elliott, was last week's winner of the architect Designed House Plans in a ,contest sponsored by Simpson's, London. Her prize will be plans for a dream house appear- ing in the August Issue of the Can- adian Horne Journal. Mrs. G. M. Chel1ow, and daughter Carolyn, returned to Los Angles,Cal. 1a.st week, after vacationing for two months with her parents, Mr and Mrs C. Cook, at their summer cottage at Grand Bend. Mr and Mrs. Chester Lee are mov- ing til week in one of Mr. S d.Fink's apartments over his stow. Mrs. Archie Noakes underwent a major eperat' n in St. Joseph's Hos- ptal, London the, week, and at date of writ!Ti!� lit doing nicely. 'Mrs. il:;rry Smith, of iha Broil Tel - 1 ephole, staff is on vacation for two we e1; :1Irs. Roy Smythe, Nele:,n, D.C. is spending a month or so with her sla- ter, Mr and Mrs. C. Cook. OBITUARY LATE MRS. SINGULAR A former Zurich resident, Mrs, Bertha Lumsden Singular, widow of Joseph Singular, died at St. Joseph's Aosp:tal, London on Thursday, Aug- ust 23rd, she was 85. The body was forwarded to t'.e Hofman funeral home, Dt.shwoocl, end was returned to the A. Millard George runeral home, London,. .Mrs. Singular lived at 14 Evergreen avenue. Surviving are two daughters, Bertha and Mrs. Alfred (Olive) Mellett, both of Lon- don; one son Truman, of Brioaaview; a. sister, Mariy Lumsden and two bro- thers, at Strathroy. The funeral was held on Saturday at 3.15 p.m. at the A. ,Millard Gey:;urge funeral home. Burial taking •place in Nairn Cemet- ery. The Hoffman funeral home of Dashwood, was in charge o1 arrange- ments. LATE SAMUEL SWANZ Word was received by hie, relatives in town of the sudden passing of Samuel Swanz of Rocanville, Sask. Mr. Swanz was in good health and had just returned to his home from a trip East, when he visited in God- erich and attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Christian Heist of Zurich. His death, whichwas the result of a stroke, was entirely un- expected and was a .complete ehock to Itis many friends here and in the West. He was born in Colborne Twp. the son 'of the late Mr and Mrs. Mich - eel Swanz. When a young man he learned the tinsmithing trade in Aub- urn and shortliyl after went West.He opened up a business in tinsmithing and hardware at Raconville and was one of the earliest pioneers of that town. A few years ago he sold his 'business and retired. His wife and one son predeceased him about six years ago, and he leaves two broth- ers, Will, of Calgary, and Dan. of Goderich, and one grandson, Lynn, of Rocanville. The funeral took place ,at. Rocanville. - DCoderich Sig- ral Star. !/#r.':;! V 66' %y@ q�\ Thursday, August '39th,, .051 ' cash GIVEN AWAY Thursday, Sept ® 6th. at I\'tonster Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club CLINTON LIONS ARENA 1,0 0 Jack of MUST GO THAT NIGHT ALSO: $515 CASH PRIZES FOUR SPECIAL GAMES $50 $75 150 $1,000 (JACKPOT) 16 REGULAR GANES OF $15 EACH 4 • Admission: $1 for 16 regular games; 25c for extra cards; 25c each for each of four special games. Doors open at 7:30 o'clock. Games start at 9:0Q• (DST' REFRESHMENT BOOTH COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH! WHY WAIT? Come NOW, and let us reason together; saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be a.% • white as snow; though they be red like crimson,. they shall be as wool. Isiah 1-18. As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no. pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn, from his way and live. - Ezekiel 33-1 1. Repent ye therefore and be converted that: your sins may be blotted out. - Acts 3-19. Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. rDURO VAT: RSYSTES S Clean, fresh running water in your stables ... when you want it • .. will save hours of - TIME and. LABOUI, ... increases milk pro-, duction and PROFITS. Prosperous . farmers, are installing 'DURO. PUMPING SYSTEMS, • . . DURO Pumps are designed to provide. running water for the house . . . barns , stables ... chicken houses and truck gar-., dens, and besides % D'URO PUMPING. SYSTEM gives you that added' feature of FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings, the advantages are many. Modernize your home with EMCO Fixtures and Fittings for kitchen .. bathroom ... laun- dry . . add comfort and value to your home. Drop in and see us today! CS1A `iBiE a e a r.. >S ax�` •.,c i$s:ii.'»f.• w• Anis"'NJJsa:%4.v STADE and WEIDe PHONE 92 ZURiCH - ONTARIO EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO LIMITED LONDON - HAMILTON ST. CATHARINES - i'bRONTo - SUDBURY WINNIPEG VANCOUVER EFI... sem.. ,... F ...,.. , • q:.Ww+,ww.az.•.w+aw.4f.J.WYiwvw»>++7q: