HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-23, Page 6TABLE TALKS elaltie Andvewr Summer is the best time to "go heavy" on vegetables as meat sub- stitutes, not only because of their variety and abundance, but also because appetites are often less hearty than in colder weather. , * k Possible combinations of vege- tables to be served in this way are limited only by the tastes of your family. Contrast in color and tex- ture is important in, the vegetable plate * k At least one red, orange, or yel- low and one green vegetable shoulrl be included and the sweet strong, sour and bland flavor groups should be there too. For texture contrast, a buttered vegetable. one creamed, eine fried, and one raw will meet' :most requirements—and crispness may be added by toast or a bacon garnish. If the day is hot, plan vegetables that are easy to cook or that can be partially prepared in the morning. * * k SPINACH RING WITH CREAMED MACARONI cup elbow macaroni 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour teaspoon dry mustard 1 cup milk 1 cup shredded Canadian cheese Salt and pepper 3 cups cooked, hot, well -drained chopped spinach Lemon juice Additional butter Hot, cooked carrot strips Cook macaroni in salted boiling water until tender; rinse with hot water and drain. Make cream sauce with two tablespoons butter flour, mustard, and milk. When thickened and smooth, acid cheese and stir until it melts. Season to taste and add the macaroni; mix lightly. Season the hot spinach with salt and pepper, lemon juice and but- ter. Place in a greased 6% - inch ring mold. Ultinold on round chop plate, fill centre with the hot macaroni and garnish with stacks of carrot strips. A crisp. tossed salad is good with this, * 1k k SUNSHINE VEGETABLE PLATTER 4 ounces medium noodles • cup melted butter cup bread crumbs 1 cup cooked asparagus spears Golden egg sauce Cook noodles in boiling salted water until tender (about Live min- utes). Drain and rinse in hot water. Toss lightly with butter and bread crumbs. Arrange on hot chop plate and top with asparagus spears. Pour golden egg sauce over all. Serves four. GOLDEN EGG SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Y/ teaspoon salt 3 cup milk n/a cup shredded Canadian cheese 2 hard -cooked eggs, diced Make a white sauce of butter, flour, salt, and milk. When it is thickened, stir in cheese; add eggs and heat thoroughly. :k * * If you have several leftover vegetables in your refrigerator, you may be able to make a vegetable pie with them. Substitute whatever you have for some that are called for in this recipe. VEGETABLE PIE WITH CHEESE SAUCE 2 carrots, sliced thin r4 cup celery, diced fine 1 medium tomato, peeled and sliced 1 cup cooked green beans 4 tablespoons butter teaspoon salt Pastry 2 cups white sauce tri cups sharp cheese, grated Arrange vegetables in baking alish, dot with butter and sprinkle with salt. Make your favorite pas- try recipe, using 1 cup flour, Roll out clought to fit baking dish. Place on top of vegetables and bake at 425° F. for 20 minutes or until crust is brown. Add cheese to white sauce when it begins to thicken and stir until cheese melts. Cut pie in wedges and serve with cheese sauce. If you like one of the vegetables on your plate fried, try cauliflower, asparagus, sliced eggplant, or car- rots tripped in batter and deep fried, or add corn, rice, or cooked egg- plant to the batter and drop by spoonfuls into deep hot fat to fry. k * lisil'TER FOR VEGETABLE FRITTERS 2 egg'; 34 cup milk 1 cup flour Salt and pepper Beat eggs and add milk. Mix seasoning with flour. Combine the two 'mixtures, x k k The insulated ovens that are in most kitchen stoves make casse- roles practical all the year round. A good one for sun n1er is made of a combination of onions and broccoli. No Busses; Train's Too Tall—You'll need a stepladder to s4 are - well if you're seeing someone off on this new triple -deck railroad train now in service on the Frankfurt -Dortmund line in Germany. This young gallant put a suitcase into play, and still felt some- what short of seeing his lady fair off in the grand manner. ONIONS AND BROCCOLI AU GRATIN 3 pounds tiny white onions 1 bunch broccoli 1 cups rich white sauce cup grated sharp cheese Cook onions and broccoli sep- arately in boiling, salted water. Combine with white sauce and with grated cheese. Bake at 350° F. until bubbly and slightly brown. From not% un nnr pt'r`t'ltal nieu(' is going to be "NIL ADMIRARI" —which, if we haven't forgotten what little Latin ever seeped into our skull, means "Be amazed at nothing" or words to that effect. k 'k Our reason for taking this step is a statement just issued by a spokesman for the Ontario Racing Commission. Talking about the smelly atmosphere surrounding re- cent races at Fort Erie and other merry -go rounds, said spokesman solemnly stated that what had oc- curred was by no means a novelty; that there had been, in fact, fixed races on Ontario tracks as far back as ten years ago. Gee 1'Vhil- likers! we couldn't have been more astonished if he'd said we had politicians in Canada before Drew stepped on the scene! B * :k Races that were in the bag be- fore the barrier went up as long as a decade ago? Why, we can re- call some very sound—although untaken—advice handed out by an old-timer. "Son," he told us, "you would be far better not to bet on horse races at all. But if you are bound to bet, then leave the jump- ing races alone. But if you are hellbent for betting on Steeple- chases never, on any account, bet even a thin diene on those that have "Gentleman Riders." For while the average flat -race rider will only chisel a little on the public, and professional Steeplechase _ riders sclr:+7ni tiro -time anyone closer Cutest Flutist—One of the cutest and youngest members of the National High School Orchestra, comprised of 215 youngsters from most of the 48 states, is 14 -year-old Peggy Munro. Flut- ist Peggy and the rest of the orchestra are practising at the famed National Music Camp. than their best friends, these Gen- tlemen Jockeys would 'tlouble-erose their own dying grandmothers," And that was a lot more than ten years ago,' More than forty, as natter of fact, 'k k * The Ontario Racing Commission statement, ,already alluded• to, went on to snake clear that this august body is not only capable of digging up that kind of amazing informa- tion, but also must have among its membership some of the finest little lookers - for - the - silver lining we have had since Al Jolson was in his pri-rue. ,k * * The Commission, we learn, is to make a full report of what the boys have been cooking up on Ontario tracks—not only to the government but to the public as well. "I am sure that when this statement is made," said the spokesman, "CRIME AND. SCUL- DUGGERY IN ONTARIO WILL, DISAPPEAR FOR A LONG TIME!" Just fancy that, friends! However, there's no real crime in wearing rose -tinted glasses, al- though they're liable to dim the 'vision in heavy traffic.• * * * Id putting out such stuff the members of the Racing Commis- sion are, of course, merely trying to impress on the public that fixed races are not things which only cropped up since their, appointment a year, or • so ago, You can hardly blame these, at that, because far too many race -goers, and race -fol- lowers, are going around with pious expressions on their pans and :say- ing that boiling in tar is the mild- est punishment that should be meted out to certain owners, train- ers and jockeys. * * :k All of which is a lot of nonsense. There have probably been fixes in sports ever since the days when the promoters bewailed the fact that Cain sloughed Abel first out, making a profitable series of re- turn matches impossible. And there will undoubtedly be fixes as long as sports last ancl4 there are people willing to back their opin- ion of the outcome with cash. * * :k And who, in the last analysis, is to blame for such fixes. Genteel reader, we are going to ask you a hypothetical question and would like you to give yourself an hon- est answer. • * 'k One of the Fort Erie races about which there has been such a smell was won by a steed called NORTH DRIVE, In that race HEMFLAG, on past performances. looked much the best and was the favorite. * * * Supposing you were at the track that day with full intentions of wagering on the favorite, and a trustworthy friend came along and convinced you that everything was arranged for NORTH DRIVE to cop. You had three courses of ac- tion open to you. (1) Bet on HEM - FLAG as you intended, disregard- ing the inside information. (2) Bet on the, "elected" horse, NORTH DRIVE. (3) Pass no the race al- together :k * * The question is, genteel reader, which of those three courses you would adopt? Naturally, the third —pass tip the race altogether, We just knew you'd say that. It makes you a member of a very small and fancy divi"ng"fer.ris band shell alb sirandstand arm " ? rf; °''' ..es fancy w: v i n g bandshell food product u.s. air for aerialists dog show.fp singers.grandstand armed {;?.^. e, fancy c band sht food' pr$ L.,s. ail: ael do si aka. fan," d' band she- lfood pro r aerialists Friday ! Flags, fanfare, famous people, when the C.N.E. opens Friday ! A day you'll never forget -- the start of fourteen days dazzling entertainment ! Jimmy Durante in the evening Grandstand show, the dazzling afternoon show (starts Monday, August 27th) --•- flashing water-skiers ! Delightful music --- U.S. Air Force Band, Spike Jones (4 days only) — colourful displays from all over the world ! Come, see outstanding exhibits of the latest in science, agriculture, industry ! Come, see and meet people from all over North America -- the C.N.E. opens Friday! dog show.famoo.s CNAD1A Evening Grandstand Tickets Reserved Seats $2.50 $'.5e $1,0 1 For Mail Order ,Make Cheques Payable to Treasurer NAi911ON �F6isEg C. Nerltinshaw, Preeld'er4 alweed A, Hughes, Canova, Manager N to MI t9 !t 'A' t ..Classified Advertising.. BABY CHICKS DON'T miss, Out on the high egg and poultry prlcee we are euro to have this fall and winter. Weekly hatches of 'day old chicks, non -sexed, pullets, cockerels. All popular breeds. Moo turkey poulte, older pullets, Free catalogue, T'wEDDLE CHICK HATCFI'I;RIES LTD. Fergus, Ontario. CHICKS every week, non -sexed, pullets, cockerels for brollere, roasters and layere, Turkey Poulte, Older Pullets, started Chicks. Free catalogue. TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR ROOFS SEALE:4 ASBESTOS Asphalt Coating or SEALicx Aluminum Coating. Easy to apply and Inexpensive. Also SEALEY Foundation Coating, Plaetto Cement and Caullclrig Compounds. Canadian made. Why Buy Foreign Materials? Write: Manufacturers Products Limited. Ottawa or T. J. Burke, St. Catharines, Ont. Representatives Wanted BOOKS CANADIANA. Catalogues on request. Amtmann, 441 Mount Pleasant Ave.. Montreal 6, Que. DYEING AND CLEANING FIA VE you anything needs dyeing or clean - Ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your tuestlone, De- partment 14, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yenge St., Toronto. FOR SALE CRESS BUNION SALVE — For amazing relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. LIVESTOCK kiarker. Paint Stick, Red, White, Black. Will not rub off wet or dry Convenient pocket tube, 40e postpald. Hambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg, Man. PIANOS—New & used, Pully guaranteed, 25 to choose from. New Console pianos priced from $479. Used pianos from $99. Wilson & Lee. 79 Slmene Street North, Oshawa, CORNELL Registered Seed wheat now available. Certified Dawbul wheat and limited quantity of Registered Dawbul also available. H. R, McKim, Dresden, Ontario. FOR SALE: Used electric motors, pumps, exhaust fans, pipe covering, conveyor and grain mixer selling at half price as stor- age building Is being torn down. John 6lcCrae Machinery & Foundry Co. Limited, 77-85 William St. North. Lindsay, Ontarm. RECESSED BATHTUBS 460 SMART Martha Washington and Rich - ledge stainless three-piece bathroom seta White $160.00 to $189..00: Coloured $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Mr conditioning furnaces $295.00. Special offers to plumbers and builders too, Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for cnm- Plete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and helpful installation diagrams, Select style of sinks. cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigera- tors. Pressure water systems, ort burners, septic and oil tanks. etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Division, Streetsville Hardware, Streetevllle, Ontario. Phone 261. , APPLE ORCHARD THE finest orchard In Durham County, on County Road near village and school— school bus passes door -72 acre farm, fine modern 7 room brick home, good barn and out buildings -10 acres new orchard, 15. acres prime orchard, mainly spys and macs — pressure system, furnace, bath- room in house. Write for full particulars. LONG BROS. REALTORS - DIAL 3505 - PORT HOPE GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR SALE Compelled by ill health r very reluctantly am compelled to dtapose of my business. consisting of a fully modern grocery, meats, fresh fruits and vegetables depart- ments, operated on a self -nerve and seri, ire basis; all now modern equipment, including National departmental cash reg- ister, new 1951 Pontiac sedan delivery truck, 12 -ft. double refrigerator counter, 9 x 10 ft. electric walk-in refrigerator, 3 sets of scales, slicer, mincer, steak machine, all interior shelving and fixtures, etc., established 29 years; turnover for 1950—$170,000, equipment valued at 412,- 000. Will sell all for $8,000; 100 per cent saleable, fresh, clean stock, amounting to approximately $5,000 at invoice price; stock can be reduced; 5052 cash handles. For further information or appolntinent address enquiries to F. W. Oldham, owner. 18 Russell St. E., Smith's Falls, Ontario. NEW FORANO STEEL THRESHER, on all roller bearing. All sizes. Ono bull- dozer TD 14 International with hydraulic blade in good shape. J. U. Leduc, phone 79, Alfred, Ont. GROCERS and confectionery for sale; stock and fixtures; store is very low rent, has 2 showwindows, best location; also I have a full line of bakery equipment for sale. Geo. A. Rutherford, 20 Welling- ton St. Phone 165J, Alliston, Ont. FOR Sale—Long established welding and blacksmith general repair shop, Handling leading Canadian farm implements and other lines. Repair shop, modern and complete with all tools. Employs three men. Serving large territory, no opposition. Write to John Bundus, Ashcroft, B.C. exclusive club—and give Ananias our regards first time you see him. * ,k Seriously, though, responsibility for fixed races and other sports events rests, primarily, right on the shoulders of those who, while they publicly deplore such doings, wouldn't mind having a little bet on same if they were sure they were going to win. And that in- cludes about 99 and 44/100ths per cent of all humanity, Including— we regret to say it—us. But not, of course, you. Lightweight aUet y A lightweight battery which will start a car at 65 degrees below zero has been developed at the University of Michigan Engineer- ing Research Institute. In the bat- tery a new principle in the con- struction of the grids is applied. This makes it possible to supplant large amounts of heavy lead used in standard batteries with lighter aluminum, brass, iron or copper. The new battery not only operates effectively at low temperatures, but also maintains a constant high- power output over a long period of time, saves both space and weight and maintains its charge over long periods when not ill use. Here's the easy, proved way to combat asthma's distressing symptoms. The aromatic fumes of R, Schiffmann's ASTI.1MAI)OR help clear up congestion—bring amazing relief. So easy to use, so economical you can't afford to be without it, Powder or cigarette) form—at all drug stores in Canada and U. S. FOR SALII REGISTE1UED Japanese Spaniel, female, delightful, aridteeratio toy breed, Gallo hum Kennels, • Res., 93 Walkover Ave.. Port Arthur, Ont, 170 ACRH dairy farm near Portland, Ontario. 90 acres bush and sugar hush, 70 acres tillage, Nice 8 -room house, 2.4 atancheon barn. Hydro. A good tractor farm and a nice location. Will sell barn or equipped. Box 80, 123 ,. Eighteenth St., New Toronto, GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, female, Grafmar, U.S.A. bred for beauty, temperament and-fntelllgen�,•1.l: no better bloodlines, 475 eaoh, W. 341 Caldwell, 169 Alderbrae Ave., Toronto 24. Phone New Toronto 4584.7. IIARDmARE Business, ono of Hamilton's leading hardware businesses, centrally located, doing a wonderful turnover, very reasonable rent, with a long term lease. Will accept 128,000 if sold at once, as owner is going 'into manufacturing busi- nese. Address your replies to owner. Box 81, 123 -18th Street, New Torontd, Ont. .HUSKY pups registered Siberian, nicely marked, 10 weeks old. Fifty Dollar* (060.) each. Herbert Hall, East Templeton. Que. PIN-UP GIRLS. Most desirable views. Most gorgeous girls. All different, 4 for 81.00 or 10 for 52.00. Lee Haylee, BoSt 111, Atlanta 1, Georgia. 6IEDICAL A TRiAL — Every sufferer of rheumatic pains Ca' neuritis should try Dixoq'u Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa *1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH thr torment er dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Poet's, Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, acne. ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless, odorleee ointment. regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless they neem, PRICE MOO PER JA.R POST'S REMEDIES ISent Pnel .Free on Receipt of Priem 881) Queen St. R. Corner of Logan, Taranto HEAD Colds, Bay Fever. Sure Relief with Corasol. Proprietary Patent Regis- tered, 01 Box, Hill Remedies. 2200 Church Avenue, Montreal. "TOBACCO ELIMINATOR" QUICKLY and permanently eradicates all craving for CIGARETTES, King Drug, Pharmaceutical Chemists, '.Alberta. For Particulars write Box 672. London, Ont. OPPO.R'1'UNITIES TO 1t MEN AND WOMEN LEARN Secret Service, Fingerprint work. Complete folio 32 postpaid. C. Hubley. Box 474, Saint John. N.B. BE A HAIRDRESSER song CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity 'Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages Thousands of successful Mervel graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Btoor St. w.. Toronto Branches; ' tit Ring St., Hamilton 79 Rideau St.. (Mown PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor --List of in- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.,' Registered Patent Atter neys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, FETf1ERSTONHAUGB & Company, Par tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 860 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet or informs. tion on request. PERSONAL LONELY? Depressed? Feel 'hat you need a friend? FRIENDSHIP UNLIMITED has helped many people find happiness. Perhaps they can help yon. No obligation, For Details, write or phone Friendship Unlimited. 40J Yong, Street. Toronto— WA. 1274. A PERMANENT HOME OFFERED for woman for exchange for baby sitting in lakeside home. Write P.O. Box 113. Sud- bury, Ont, HAPPY? CONFUSED? Yonr handwriting will reveal your Character. Send eight lines 011 Handwriting and 500 to Expert Graphoanalyst. Louis Cianclo, 5153 Eiear- born, Pittsburgh 24, Pa. WA NTED WANTED waste land, low lying beaver meadows or swamp, creek necessary for continuous flooding. Stewart Lay's, Lucknow, Ontario, 'LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT F VE WITH LIF Then *elm up your liver bile jump out of bed racial' to go Life not worth living? It may be the liver] It's a fact. If your liver bile is not flowing boat 'up your stomach . . - ot you fet . el con- stipated on stipatod and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when' you need mild, gentle Cartern Little Liver Pills. You see Carters help stimulate your livor bile till once again itis pouring out ata rate of up to two pints a day into your digestive tract. This should Ax you right up, make you feol that hal py days are here again. So don't stay sunk get Carter* Little Laver Pills. Always have them on hand. Only 360 from any druggist. ISSUE 34 1951