HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-23, Page 2Perfect tea is so easy To make with 'Dear Anee - 10 de.et,:e• %no' first year he lose: inteeeto. seeee evere stand ale ..1.:etess forgive •••.-.;r:t 7.- 7 • t 571; " • St: eole ont- let en,: rot : *nee: : : : • : : _ • - t " ereaet ▪ ease:se-a : :31 -±:EL rnerteneene Ir.': .1:1771 5'7 17. P1Ltt7,-:: et'ele :rates reess 35 takes .37a oasts fe,r is ir.eltotee ;7.L7:-.;:::•. enettere este.' t3 .1: • - p;t1e. eserei T▪ HIRTY-FIVE CENTS f35cs in _sr ,tccepteti. plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order 1.:.• - teenth St.. l4:e,e' Tereroo, re' --.. ▪ - . • 4..'0,77:T:i. VUTING FOR7 : . z . : '• L7 :7,51 7 ". w• V, - r v • :•• ': • r."• Z ti"..)1. :" D1.7 .granteti, al 7 t777. He 1111157 • a yt)us.e, veentat. wheee afier.. " eiset has vs ne ettratd. von:, v-ili • 7:51-...7 7 C.lertil cr‘sut,• neee,t. time you torietive !tier e-ou autotetatically o,,eelooir /' his i.etectiore. and 51:, • hint to repeat their... • you Pope tc, • "t,to a stal.k. " eerseeteee-tes. only kind tar c seri- •7. 71. a:e Ln. lorre. 6.orlt :et 7.J... -at• t.er. ta. see hirr:e- 3.2 fre :(ie. i"tte ree.easesre e.p. v.se.e. it.tv• fool,islt are your 6..reart.s Anne Hirst wir.ep dear7. Write he: at Box :. 121 Eighteenth Street, Ne•vp. Toronto. Or.-tario. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACFOi 1. Cover 4. Kind of 5.11 &Fragments 12. Tropical bird 13. Glacial ridoes 14. Western stat. 15, Action at 11 w 16. List of prepared rumba! s 18, Flower. plant 20. Inhabitant of a city 21. stiotlike part 22. Daydream 22. Heavy cord 3B. Was carried 29. Old times (poet.) 30. Malt beteroge 31, Place in Position again St Kind of snowshoe 38. Light repa. t 34. Greedy 35, Vessel for water travel 22. Apparent iunctior of earth and Sisy 38. Devotee (slang. 39, Sun 40. Tin its a electrical vapaelts, 48. Water s..pply 47, 23s birth 48. Edible seaweed 49. Eagle 30. Is able 92. Act Out .32 etOrte 98. teottt 1. Poen 2. 1.3tLr Don ,:3,1: 3. 'Ross out of 4. Central pat E. s. On the ottea*. IC lock V. en: Jnefort, 3 •:...'....1.:.,...:.:.3 7., .'.".i,-;,:',.. ':;', 1%'.'17.1,..i...',..,,,. It : 73: •.:3 i ..-,'..-: iviriz:•n".at '.' i .rf'S :7. '.1'.•,•':-,7'L• •;,- r...r:i.•!..:':.. 7 . 'sr ifs..r.,,:-.-:•.1,11' 4. 7...:::<-.....4,..7,'.1., .•.'..-:, :1^7.,:!er'..r.; 4:. (:',,,:tel•f: tl"..r,z officia ''. :::: ,:, r:;;;;;,7, 4 .4.Ti-arS:-..., it craat.t.ti of 42. Stuff i,. a 14. ilt•Cry. (.973:3.t.“ I L. :5.e::: ,. Prepare for 4`,. V: c,:..P f,...r. ra.,11,11cation 49.. T;nref T;s1 2.6. Early (poet.) meta Answet Msew ere on Thir Page Tv eets' is Woe many orontlear hotbox -toting model in that she works hard. Bet there the reeernolance ends for it is well known about town that "Tsereate is o "cat." Hampered by this distinc- '1;0,1, she generally droye,s eeteh unglamorous assignments as pos- irg befcie a bov'I of m r at the toil -end of 'a bait of yarn. Srlziii Ns -ander That she,,411,-..nd.s her spare time hours in the home of Mr. and Mrs. HerrriltiiPtPcis sawing (left) glamorous creations Vglet in an effort to vitte,iftrii flee slinky creatures in perfume ads. - • •;".. _ o4.1.- • HRONICL):S 4." •••1. Clo.rLC s te.ding o: tail a;tlio:li as 1 writs. it t'e ,econd in August. t".7 v..cather ar.d the don't to be related • r..,o7.e so it might 1)c- USt as v.el: lorzet ttie calendar and sure oi our tomatoes and calming befr:re too 117:.• 1-7 seen their .fiav- tiotr.. hd oche -.more .. . eatss :nice et Ginger Farm ye: 'nee rembitie in to cut and • eiree.h ous wheat. veld then a bake' 1aieInc straw. h is W1 expensive tg.-• har7ests crop but being onthout hell. we could hardly do 5: any other way. Now the wheat 5s it., the hill and the straw is in the ntow st. at 'east WC haven't got it to worry about any niore-and fee tireeelting meals. to think about either. 1Ve u ere very unde-cided as .to which vias the better way ist linve ing the wheat combined -by the our 07 by the tiere. Some of the fat -mere -Partner spoke to aleeut 1.11t,nerin one wa;.., and sons an - ..‘t finally got an operator ✓ thre.l.ked are glad V‘ e du.. 11 wets a good itelt v. ha -a' wheat got:i"s it tool,. otals a few testers .1s, e;ein. 'wares. It e :raid lreet• eeest uy mf.rt had We it • 1_i tilt t.up... \Vith OUT own heitird :n-. and froi.) ol.,- *v.-,'LT.i,•:.7-••.•• t made. we e it ou7 way. 10 toli?• k. the iairer to atiti thrtistier t.ourst. you get cr. the t,•••j :Lg. the it-is:ere vee: oet. thresller. for tl.ot tnoltt:•. 'away Teen ,;o'e if the i• 17.7.7 7‘7 Ct2. the torn'e;ee seatealle, eete. s"t,v. -ir "Hclt 0; Int, ad etd eest C419 !•07.tj ;LIT s..•;;( a-•1 of straw S7.1:,:e';'. .Mt.rot rnore nt.l. t -n in .151d 37,ei7].4 me erste t' -o• one hornevore- ess get 1.1-4.. ue :,nst sit • a:L-3 a t:e inhs eentt: v5sit: thiltg vo-ung ".r: Itere-n1.4•,..- takes an) not::::e of t --hat SLy. For instance. . tny nc;::.efuls. were going out t"..e it'll Partner said it would DI...wetter a c5tance es- :- ..dc tractor, onte ite). grit atvey frr.rt: the lar.:e. And aLte crin*t. .r-ven drive a Zrc: "For heaven's dor.'t let r do Va." 1 cautionei. "11 isn't saie-she has never ;o much as been o a tractor before." Vs'ills that C.nal admonish- ment they went off to the field - out of sight ar.d 9ound. When they came dawn again Partner said. "Well. our daughter is 'pretty good with the tractor!" "You didn't let her drive it'i" "Sure." replied Partner with a grin, "she couldn't do any more than knock down a feoce!" gate up. Was Monday a •Chic holtday? Urn just wondering. Besides dealing with straw and washing the jurte- Bug, we had an electrician here all the afternoon fixing the stove. The stove had become slightly temper- amental sometitnes the oven would come 011 and sotnetintes it v. I took friend ".own to BrOnte to catch the five and on 21 -le way home 1 diettevereal anew beauty spot. At ii:•ast 57 v.:as PM 1C., me -and only ti,.cnty inirutes drive from bottle! Jrst aloove the Quecn Elizabeth V.lay I often see a fetv cars parked' A.c.ng 1 ie road. This time there tere about ten. I decided to find out what was what-fig-urir.g there irtst be some attraction there 1 ti.;,_1”.t know about. A well-worn winding footpath tool: me down the banks o: a ravine to the fats be- tlitough which flowed what i'. 1:nown as the Twelve Mile Creek. Te creek follows a winding course and its banks are flanked by trees ever.5..• description. It was peace - and beautiful. There were sev- eral people fishing and picnicking. I asked one of the women what he'r catch llad beer,. "Nothing. so tar!" sbe repred unhappily. Then 1 asked a man what kind of fish were usually found there. "Mostle- pike end black bass . , . bnt they aren't biting," he replied. Certainly 1 could see no sign of fish, either in nr out of the Nvater. All 1 saes was a little mud turtle. But it sure was d leevely spot for scenery. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What are the required decor. ations for a home christening? .1. That of the "font," which is alwa)s a bowl -usually silver--ptit. oti a small high table. Most people prefer to hare the table covered with something dark-uld brocade or velvet. In the ceutcr of the table, flowers are arranged in a flat circle, blossoms around the outside, steins toward the center and covered by the base of the bowl, which is set within this circle, Q. Should one use a fork to place -butter on, a piece of bread or biscuit? A. No: the knife should be used for this purpose. The fork is used, however, for placing batter in a baked potato. * Q. Does an unmarried girl's visit- ing card bear the prefix "Miss?" A. Yes: and the card should bear her real name, never a nick- name -"Miss Elizabeth Jones," not "Miss Betty Jones." Q. When a married woman is writing a note of thanks for a gift presented to her and her hus- band, should she sign both her husband's natne and her own? A. No. She should sign her name only, but she should men- tion her husband's name some- where in the note. as, "Harry and wish To Express aur deep, appre- ciation. etc." Q. What is the proper way to extend invitations to a bridal shower? A. These may be telephoned, written on a visiting card, or sent on the printed shower cards avail- able at ali greeting -card counters. Q. What is the correct thing to say when eomeone apologizes over the telephone for getting the wrong number? A. "Certainly." or. 'Prat is quite all right" * * Q. When a woman is travelling alone on a train and wishes to have a stubborn window shade raised or lowered, or a piece of heavy lug- gage moved, is it all right for her to ask a nearby male passenger to help her? A. No: she should eel; the porter to do this. * Q. What should the father of the bride do after he has given her away? A. He takes his place next to his wife. at the end of the first pew on the left of the church. Ihe 1 And the RELIEF is ' LASTING Nobody knows the cause of' rheurna- tint) but we do know there's ono thing to ease the pain . fets INsTANTINE. And when you take INSTANTINZ the relief is prolonged because Ilesraerrtete contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients svofk together to bring you not only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief too . . . or for the pains e -f neuritis orneuralgia and the aches an pains that often accompany a cold. Get Instantine today and always keep it handy astantine 12 -Tablet Tin 25 ' Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle TM Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking N3 1" 3 Y 3 0 5 5 21 a a N 0: d d 5. 21 A1,?1 3 V 3 if 3d 5 3 d DiElliEtEM d 3iv fJv at E 15EIEIkJ 0 a 0 3 0 21 A, 21 0 ISSUE 34 - 1951 41 s Avaire's how yogi enter Ms ext.:Weil, Reason's and C,Kneula Corn Starch Contest/ 1. Simply print your ne.me and address on any plain sheet of paper. 2. Mail this, together with label (or reasonable facsimile) from a package of Liensoe's Corn Starch or Canada Corn Starch to: THE RENSON'S and CANADA CORN STARCH CONTEST STATION 'kV, MONTREAL, QUE. 3.13e certain that your entry has sufficient postage. THAT'S ALL YOU DO -NOW, HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS This exciting contest closes October 31, 1951. At this time 104 entries will be drawn, at random, from the mail received at the contest address. These 104 people will be notifed by mail and asked to submit a letter gieing three remotes why they prefer using Canada Corn Starch or Beneon's Corn Starch. There based on the merit of these replies, the 104 prizes will be owarded as follows: VT- -NO rprize.:250" 3RDprize:$41 5000 4TH prize:$1 0000 and 100 PRIZES of $10.00 each WirMierel.11116.011KOOMINOSIMMEM111004.11WWM.1•1.11661.. YES, 104 LUCKY PEOPLE WILL SHARE THIS GIANT JACKPOT OF $2,000! MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR ENTRIES IN QUICKLY. SEND AS MANY AS YOU LIKE -LETTERS WILL BE DRAWN AT RANDOM . . THE MORE ENTRIES YOU SUBMIT, THE GREATER ARE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING! ACT NOW! /11PRMIIIIMOIVARIVIMMIIMA.4119.11011.**11.1. THE CANADA STARCH! CO Mbnfrelfil .M.I....4..fintormotoodUouttbormsmourawame N It no label ar carton is enclosed, the 1st Prize will be $50.00 and subse• quent prizes $5.00. The contest open to all Canadians excepl erne playa., and *holt families of The Canada Starch Company and ilia advertising cogency. Judges' declaims will be tined. All entrlea become this property of The Canada Starch Com.. pony, Prise winners will be notified by mail 70 daye after the close of the coideal, A complete list ot prise wInnera will be available upon re- quest at the dote of the centeet. IT'S THE CONTEST FOR EVERY., BODY BECAUSE IT'S EASY AND EVERY MMI/ER OF THE FAMILY CAN WIN! ENTER NOW AND ENTER OMNI MPANY LIMITED Toronio 2 3 7'..:,e4 .'.% 5 6 7' s 8 9 10 1 a 1:.: '46 I 15 ltii vere 111,e 17 IIaauu esse4 ree' e. :see see a • tea., 29 11111 11111*.e,:c; 1111.,?„ * 1111111 111 33 1111111034 ...o. IN 14111111111111..... :. 11111111111 DeNtlf.:4111•1111.;:e.ii,"] :.....„:„ 4. illiiiiil Mill Ili imaksions min ailumutivir akiiialuilitti50 aurail Answet Msew ere on Thir Page Tv eets' is Woe many orontlear hotbox -toting model in that she works hard. Bet there the reeernolance ends for it is well known about town that "Tsereate is o "cat." Hampered by this distinc- '1;0,1, she generally droye,s eeteh unglamorous assignments as pos- irg befcie a bov'I of m r at the toil -end of 'a bait of yarn. Srlziii Ns -ander That she,,411,-..nd.s her spare time hours in the home of Mr. and Mrs. HerrriltiiPtPcis sawing (left) glamorous creations Vglet in an effort to vitte,iftrii flee slinky creatures in perfume ads. - • •;".. _ o4.1.- • HRONICL):S 4." •••1. Clo.rLC s te.ding o: tail a;tlio:li as 1 writs. it t'e ,econd in August. t".7 v..cather ar.d the don't to be related • r..,o7.e so it might 1)c- USt as v.el: lorzet ttie calendar and sure oi our tomatoes and calming befr:re too 117:.• 1-7 seen their .fiav- tiotr.. hd oche -.more .. . eatss :nice et Ginger Farm ye: 'nee rembitie in to cut and • eiree.h ous wheat. veld then a bake' 1aieInc straw. h is W1 expensive tg.-• har7ests crop but being onthout hell. we could hardly do 5: any other way. Now the wheat 5s it., the hill and the straw is in the ntow st. at 'east WC haven't got it to worry about any niore-and fee tireeelting meals. to think about either. 1Ve u ere very unde-cided as .to which vias the better way ist linve ing the wheat combined -by the our 07 by the tiere. Some of the fat -mere -Partner spoke to aleeut 1.11t,nerin one wa;.., and sons an - ..‘t finally got an operator ✓ thre.l.ked are glad V‘ e du.. 11 wets a good itelt v. ha -a' wheat got:i"s it tool,. otals a few testers .1s, e;ein. 'wares. It e :raid lreet• eeest uy mf.rt had We it • 1_i tilt t.up... \Vith OUT own heitird :n-. and froi.) ol.,- *v.-,'LT.i,•:.7-••.•• t made. we e it ou7 way. 10 toli?• k. the iairer to atiti thrtistier t.ourst. you get cr. the t,•••j :Lg. the it-is:ere vee: oet. thresller. for tl.ot tnoltt:•. 'away Teen ,;o'e if the i• 17.7.7 7‘7 Ct2. the torn'e;ee seatealle, eete. s"t,v. -ir "Hclt 0; Int, ad etd eest C419 !•07.tj ;LIT s..•;;( a-•1 of straw S7.1:,:e';'. .Mt.rot rnore nt.l. t -n in .151d 37,ei7].4 me erste t' -o• one hornevore- ess get 1.1-4.. ue :,nst sit • a:L-3 a t:e inhs eentt: v5sit: thiltg vo-ung ".r: Itere-n1.4•,..- takes an) not::::e of t --hat SLy. For instance. . tny nc;::.efuls. were going out t"..e it'll Partner said it would DI...wetter a c5tance es- :- ..dc tractor, onte ite). grit atvey frr.rt: the lar.:e. And aLte crin*t. .r-ven drive a Zrc: "For heaven's dor.'t let r do Va." 1 cautionei. "11 isn't saie-she has never ;o much as been o a tractor before." Vs'ills that C.nal admonish- ment they went off to the field - out of sight ar.d 9ound. When they came dawn again Partner said. "Well. our daughter is 'pretty good with the tractor!" "You didn't let her drive it'i" "Sure." replied Partner with a grin, "she couldn't do any more than knock down a feoce!" gate up. Was Monday a •Chic holtday? Urn just wondering. Besides dealing with straw and washing the jurte- Bug, we had an electrician here all the afternoon fixing the stove. The stove had become slightly temper- amental sometitnes the oven would come 011 and sotnetintes it v. I took friend ".own to BrOnte to catch the five and on 21 -le way home 1 diettevereal anew beauty spot. At ii:•ast 57 v.:as PM 1C., me -and only ti,.cnty inirutes drive from bottle! Jrst aloove the Quecn Elizabeth V.lay I often see a fetv cars parked' A.c.ng 1 ie road. This time there tere about ten. I decided to find out what was what-fig-urir.g there irtst be some attraction there 1 ti.;,_1”.t know about. A well-worn winding footpath tool: me down the banks o: a ravine to the fats be- tlitough which flowed what i'. 1:nown as the Twelve Mile Creek. Te creek follows a winding course and its banks are flanked by trees ever.5..• description. It was peace - and beautiful. There were sev- eral people fishing and picnicking. I asked one of the women what he'r catch llad beer,. "Nothing. so tar!" sbe repred unhappily. Then 1 asked a man what kind of fish were usually found there. "Mostle- pike end black bass . , . bnt they aren't biting," he replied. Certainly 1 could see no sign of fish, either in nr out of the Nvater. All 1 saes was a little mud turtle. But it sure was d leevely spot for scenery. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What are the required decor. ations for a home christening? .1. That of the "font," which is alwa)s a bowl -usually silver--ptit. oti a small high table. Most people prefer to hare the table covered with something dark-uld brocade or velvet. In the ceutcr of the table, flowers are arranged in a flat circle, blossoms around the outside, steins toward the center and covered by the base of the bowl, which is set within this circle, Q. Should one use a fork to place -butter on, a piece of bread or biscuit? A. No: the knife should be used for this purpose. The fork is used, however, for placing batter in a baked potato. * Q. Does an unmarried girl's visit- ing card bear the prefix "Miss?" A. Yes: and the card should bear her real name, never a nick- name -"Miss Elizabeth Jones," not "Miss Betty Jones." Q. When a married woman is writing a note of thanks for a gift presented to her and her hus- band, should she sign both her husband's natne and her own? A. No. She should sign her name only, but she should men- tion her husband's name some- where in the note. as, "Harry and wish To Express aur deep, appre- ciation. etc." Q. What is the proper way to extend invitations to a bridal shower? A. These may be telephoned, written on a visiting card, or sent on the printed shower cards avail- able at ali greeting -card counters. Q. What is the correct thing to say when eomeone apologizes over the telephone for getting the wrong number? A. "Certainly." or. 'Prat is quite all right" * * Q. When a woman is travelling alone on a train and wishes to have a stubborn window shade raised or lowered, or a piece of heavy lug- gage moved, is it all right for her to ask a nearby male passenger to help her? A. No: she should eel; the porter to do this. * Q. What should the father of the bride do after he has given her away? A. He takes his place next to his wife. at the end of the first pew on the left of the church. Ihe 1 And the RELIEF is ' LASTING Nobody knows the cause of' rheurna- tint) but we do know there's ono thing to ease the pain . fets INsTANTINE. And when you take INSTANTINZ the relief is prolonged because Ilesraerrtete contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients svofk together to bring you not only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief too . . . or for the pains e -f neuritis orneuralgia and the aches an pains that often accompany a cold. Get Instantine today and always keep it handy astantine 12 -Tablet Tin 25 ' Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle TM Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking N3 1" 3 Y 3 0 5 5 21 a a N 0: d d 5. 21 A1,?1 3 V 3 if 3d 5 3 d DiElliEtEM d 3iv fJv at E 15EIEIkJ 0 a 0 3 0 21 A, 21 0 ISSUE 34 - 1951 41 s Avaire's how yogi enter Ms ext.:Weil, Reason's and C,Kneula Corn Starch Contest/ 1. Simply print your ne.me and address on any plain sheet of paper. 2. Mail this, together with label (or reasonable facsimile) from a package of Liensoe's Corn Starch or Canada Corn Starch to: THE RENSON'S and CANADA CORN STARCH CONTEST STATION 'kV, MONTREAL, QUE. 3.13e certain that your entry has sufficient postage. THAT'S ALL YOU DO -NOW, HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS This exciting contest closes October 31, 1951. At this time 104 entries will be drawn, at random, from the mail received at the contest address. These 104 people will be notifed by mail and asked to submit a letter gieing three remotes why they prefer using Canada Corn Starch or Beneon's Corn Starch. There based on the merit of these replies, the 104 prizes will be owarded as follows: VT- -NO rprize.:250" 3RDprize:$41 5000 4TH prize:$1 0000 and 100 PRIZES of $10.00 each WirMierel.11116.011KOOMINOSIMMEM111004.11WWM.1•1.11661.. YES, 104 LUCKY PEOPLE WILL SHARE THIS GIANT JACKPOT OF $2,000! MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR ENTRIES IN QUICKLY. SEND AS MANY AS YOU LIKE -LETTERS WILL BE DRAWN AT RANDOM . . THE MORE ENTRIES YOU SUBMIT, THE GREATER ARE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING! ACT NOW! /11PRMIIIIMOIVARIVIMMIIMA.4119.11011.**11.1. THE CANADA STARCH! CO Mbnfrelfil .M.I....4..fintormotoodUouttbormsmourawame N It no label ar carton is enclosed, the 1st Prize will be $50.00 and subse• quent prizes $5.00. The contest open to all Canadians excepl erne playa., and *holt families of The Canada Starch Company and ilia advertising cogency. Judges' declaims will be tined. All entrlea become this property of The Canada Starch Com.. pony, Prise winners will be notified by mail 70 daye after the close of the coideal, A complete list ot prise wInnera will be available upon re- quest at the dote of the centeet. IT'S THE CONTEST FOR EVERY., BODY BECAUSE IT'S EASY AND EVERY MMI/ER OF THE FAMILY CAN WIN! ENTER NOW AND ENTER OMNI MPANY LIMITED Toronio