HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-16, Page 6OP fr) Dlresden, Ont.—A real old-timer. Ancient pumper of Last -century vintage, still makes good showing Port Perry, Ont.—Takes time and patience to "ready" a harness h c:rse to the point of peak performance. J Port Perry, Ont.—"Lay in your fast one, Bud", Pa rt of crowd intently watching ball game. Port Perry, Ont.—"Wish I'd bet on the one on the rail". As a m atter of fact betting plays small part in harness horse racing — a real sport for real sports lovers. P'emrye Ont. --Can't take anychances, Oiling up for Speed Box Derby. Juvenile Spectators—Better than even fire hose for cooling purposes. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS FOR Tops in chicks, order TOP NOTCH, for any purpose, layers, roasters or broilers. Also turkey poults, older pullets. Free catalogue. TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES Guelph, Ontario. PROMPT delivery on day old chicks, non - sexed, pullets, cockerels, for broilers, roasters or layers. Also turkey poults, older pullets. Free catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Fergus, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GASOLINE service station. lunch counter, general repairs, auto accessories. living accommodations. Full price, 07,000. $3,000 cash will handle. Elgie's Real Estate Chatham, Ont. $100 PER WEEK Right mum to look after business, pro. tested territory. t,Iust be able to invest 0600. New Patented necessity. Act quickly. Bee 79, 123 -18th St., New Tor- onto. Ont. GROCERY STORE business for sale in Braeside. Ont{trJQ,,, including , etor_e,,, ad- joining residence,`' stouok-in=trade. and • goodwill asset of an estate; reasonably... Priced Apply J .1 , Greene, barrister. ' Arnprior, Ont. FOR want I00F5 SE ALEX ASBESTOS Asphalt Coating or SEALER Aluminum Coating. Easy to apply and Inexpensive. Also SEALER 8"ntindation Coating. Plastic Cement and Caulking Compounds Canadian Made Why Buy Foreign hieterials7 Write: Manufacturers Products Limited, Ottatn•s or P. .1. Burke, St. Catharines, Ont. Representatives Wanted BOOKS CANADIANA. Catalogues on requeat. Amtmann, 441 Mount Pleasant Ave.. Montreal 6, flue. DYEING AND CLEANiNG HAVE you envthins neerls dyeing or clean. Inge Write *h us I'M infnrmatinn Ws are glad to, enswet your mentions Oe' pertinent R P'trkar's nvr Werke Ltmtted. 701 Vona, Pl Toronto HOUSEKEEPER WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for adult family. Hy- dro ydro and all conveniences Murray Spiers, R.R 2, Bethany, Ont. FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALVE — For sure relief. Tour Druggist sells crams. GOR Sale. Power Cider Prers with Ham, mermill etc., complete. Excellent condi- tion Call or apply on premises No, 6 highway beside the Dixie' Arenn or earl McKinlay Transport Limited, Cnnksville. Planone 666. BABY. descanted skunks. ready now, $10. White mice, hamnsters, budgies, cages Ship •'anywhere. Michael Hur1yma, 250 Davis Street, Port Colborne, Ont, LIVESTOCK Marker Paint Stick Red, White, Black Will ant rub off wet or dry Convenient pocket tube, 40e postpaid, Hambley .Hatcheries, Winnipeg, Man. FOR Sale: One Hammond Organ, in excel. lent condition. Box 78, 120 18th Street, Neve Toronto, Otrtario. PIANOS—New & used. Fully guaranteed, 25 to choose from, New Console pianos priced from $479 _Limed manna from $99, Wilson & Lee. 75 Simone Streot North, Oshawa,• FLIES DIE in thnneands, attracted by now, Petentiflo trap. Safe, simple, Clean—no spraying, Result of 9 years' study. Low price, A. Currie. Dept. WIL-D, 60 13oulton Drive, !aroma 0, Cp1ZNEt.L Registered Seed -Wheat tow availabio. Certified Dawbul wheat and limited quantity of Registered' Dawbul also avallobte. 13, l0. McRim, Drea,fen, Ontario, FOR SAL„10. dead electric motors, Puffins. exhn.uet Pane. pipe covering. Conveyor and grain mixer selling at half price as atm, age building It being torn 'town. John Moores Machinery & Foundry Co. Limited. 77.85 William St. North, t.indnny, t)ntar,et. RECESSED BATHTUBS 1660 ShIART Martha Washington and Rich - ledge stainless three-piece bathroom sets White 6160,00 to 3189.00: Coloured $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings, Air conditioning furnaces 3295.00. Special otters to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for cern- Pieta plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and helpful installation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets. laundry tubs, showers. stoves, refrigera- tors. Pressure water systems, oil burners, septic and oil tanks. etc. Visit or write Johnson Mall Order Division, Streetsville Hardware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. P & H MODEL 300 gasoline shovel, yard bucket. Model M. Allis Chalmers gaso- line tractor with winch. 2 Dorr Classifiers or sand and gravel washers. All equip- ment overhauled and very reasonably priced. Wendell B, Brewer, Timmins, Ontario. GENERAL STORE in good Western On- tario town. Population 8000. Large liv- ing quarters containing three five -room apartments. Hot water heating, For fur- ther particulars apply to Carman D, Grimm Realtor, Preston, Ontario. FLOUR and Chopping MILL in Western Ontario 50 bbl. capacity. Carrying a full line of commercial feeds; water, power, also house and 6 acres of land. House and mill can be Nought together or separately. Carman D. Grimm, Realtor, Preston, Ontario. LOTS FOR SALE $95 DOWN. 610 monthly, no interest, lovely wooded lots 50 x 300 close to Wasaga and Collingwood. all servicee. Also lovely lakefront lots, sandy beach, highway business locations. Investors' op- portunity. Cottages and eahins. Write or phone Mel Beware, Collingwood, Ont, Stayner 179-W12, APPLE ORCHARD THE finest orchard in Durham County, on County Road near village and school— sohnoi bus passes door -72 acre farm, One modern 7 room brick home, good barn and out tlulldings-10 acres new m'chard, 15 acres prime orchard. mainly spys and macs — pressure system, furnace, bath. room in house. Write for full particulars. LONG BROS. REALTORS .• DIAL 3505 . PORT 1-1OPE 0IEDICA1. IT'S IMPORTANT — Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Eight Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid INGROWN TOENAILS Nail Fix relieves pain Instantly and re. moves ingrnwn nail in a few applieatlona 61 Wart Fix guaranteed' remedy. 60e, Corn Fix, removes corns and ealinnsee to 10 minutes. hoc Sent postpaid by A Thnmpenn. 7 Orchard Crescent. 'Mrontr 1.8. QUIT CIGARETTES•—The easy way. Use Tnbaceo Eliminator, a scientific treat. moot., auickiy eliminates the craving for tobacco rids the System of nicotine King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists Vegreville. Alta Write P. 0. Box 073. London, Ont SIEI)ICA L . POST'S ECZEMA- SALVE BAN1Sli the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles Poet's Eczema Salve will not dleappoint you. Itching. aealinge burning eczema, acne, ringworm. pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the etn.inless, odorisse ointment, regardless of tints etubbnrn es boVelese. they eeem PRICE 62.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sem Post Free nn Receipt of Price 889 Qne'an Si. E.. Corner or Levin I'ermnt. HEAD Colds, Hay Fever, Sure Relief with Corasol. Proprietary Patent Regis- tered, 61 Box, 11111 Remedies, 2206 Church Avenue, Montreal. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN LEARN Secret Service, Fingerprint work. Complete folio $2 postpaid. C. Hubley, Box 474, Saint John, N.B. BE A HAIRDRESSER RUIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn • Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession good wages Thouesnk, of successful Marvel graduates Amerles 's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Fres Write or fall • e6ARVEL HAIRDRESSING S(11300L4t 365 ,Sinn St W , Terceira .. _ Rretnches 99 Klug Si Hamiitue '9 RldPnu Cr .u,11 Wa 3550. - 31500, for Radio, 'I'V Scripts. Am- ateurs welcomed. Profit by today's market while learning. Free details, Martinson Associates, Box 521, St. Pahl 2, Minn. PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of In- ventions and full information sent free. Phe Ramsay Cu. Registered Petent Attar nave 271 Rank Street. Otto wn FETHERhTUNt4AI'ON 5 ,'umpany Per tent Solicitors Established 1890, 560 Bay Street, Tnrnntn Rnnk Tri sl inferma• rine nn request PERSONAL LOVELY C11RI.S .*,N0 WAVES 1.101 nature curl.. wave dna cleanse. lt'u new, a remedy for all Hatt troubies. For women For men Fnt the firer time in all Watery permanent. lovely hair, Blarney Mist. an Irish formula Postpaid 61 00 5lullens Blarney Hist 2e3 Wood - mount Ave., Toronto, LONiIILY'g Depressed? Feel hat you need e friend? FRIENDSHIP LsNLIMITED has helped many people rind happiness. Perhaps they can help you Na obligation, For, Details. write nr phew, Friendship Gnhmited 4111 Vnttg, ~tree?. Tnrnnto— WA 1274. p+ A PPRbt'tNENT HOME()PEEREDfor woman for exchange for baby sitting in 1sU,a•aule• nnnu• t, r.tv I'.tl lino 11.1, Slid- hury, r1nt iv t WTE1). WANTED—to buy or rent. Si,t1ll Tobacco *(torn. lir Space for Some. Apply L. Langdon, 22 W. Moira St., Belleville, Phone 16382. ISSUE 33 — 195I