HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-16, Page 4ZURICH - ONTARIO 41-m.im--"mal""1".11"16°""°Immalm Gr nd Bend 9 9 8 4E 4 8 8 8 e"Is • 8 8 O 9 .• • aE 2 3 • O O 9 8 ra) 4 3 a 41. 110 DANCING NIGHTLY Bobby Downs and his archestnn 1 9 5 CAS GIVEN AWAY Monster ing Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club CLINTON LIONS ARENA $1,000 Jackpot MUST . GO THAT NIGHT Also: $515 Cash Prizes FOUR SPECIAL GAMES $50 $75 150 51,000 (jackpot) 16 REGULAR GANES OF $15 EACH Admission: $1 for 16 regular games; 25c for extra cards; 25c each for each of four special games. Doors open at 7:80 o'clock. Games start at 9:00 (DST) REFRESHMENT BOOTH COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH! GLENN'S Aute Wreckers A SAFE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY ON PARTS, REPAIRS, TIRES, AND 8 • Phone 418 M ACCESSORIES _ New Residence, phone 418 W Exeter• STANLEY TOWNSI41^ 1 I-IERALD Underwent an operation. Rev. Wm. 0 I2,obi„^ ..Ar iMrs, Petzold of Florida is visiting era.�a'n, Cil�e[i- wit :Manitoba, 'nn s ett visiting with her sister' and bt�otller-in-law, with his bme'R,Onr Mr. `I';jlontas ILobin_ :Ytr and �ti7t•s R. R. Guenther. son iOi: E' Sar'-and.'SMr� T d Yii, many =iris. Susan Draft is a patient' in Stliil,ei5w a•crla, t lativf�$ end friends. ' St Joaeph's Hospital, London, where M`:, and Nirs. Lee and f iell of she recently underwent an operation Mrs. Peres I Mrs. Sellery who has been out s4. cctAlny, >aYl�l Mr and West for some time, is visiting with .witinsteri of Wellingtoam have return- ed from atrip through. Western Can- jher sister Mrs. W. Wolfe, Last Sunday visitors with Mrs. oda and some of the .Western States.! Ness were, Mr and Mrs. Jules Brooks Mr and Mrs Johnston and family, ac I and family of Dumont le Jersey , eomxupanied by Miss Barbara McCort- I Mr and Mrs Cuchenick and daughter neli have returned to their home in,of Connecticut incl Mr and Mrs. Hy Wellington.• Cheslock and daughter of Tavistock. MT and Mrs.Herman Johnston and Mr and Mrs. Harry. Guenther of daughter Anna, also Mr. Geo. Hoag Windsor visiited with reatives here yon of London,, spent a few days over the week -end. with Mr and Mrs. Harold Yenhale. Mr and Mrs, Charles Sieber Petersburg spent Sunday with • • • • • • tE 0 es • • • 0 • a a • i • St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs. Leonard +Geoffrey and sister, Mry. Weitzel. Mr and Mrs. Henry P7onies, all of Mr and Mrs Percy Kleinstiver and Goderich were Sunday`- last visitors son of Chicago are visiting his mo - Thursday, August 16th, 1951' Wm, Nadiger. Mr and Mrs !Herb 'Wein spent a few days in 'Montreal last week. . Mr and Mrs. A. Koessel and fam- ily of Lansing, Mich., spent the we- ek -end with Mrs. Kuntz and Mr, and Mrs. Clacton I'file. of his at the ho -me of Mrs. Josephine Duch- arme of the B. W. Highway. Mr and Mrs Frank Ryder and fam- ily of London and Mr. Benedict Be- dard and friend of Windsor are holi- daying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard. 'Mr -SonnySiem��n ,of Winasor is spending his vacation with his par- ents near St. JosePh Mr and Mrs Bo') Mirnervidge of Detroit spent the week -end with. the of Exeter, left Monday morning on latter's mother in Beavertown, also a 'mot:,,r trip out West where they spending some time in their cottage will visit their daughter, Mr and Mrs at Ducharme's Beech. Mr and Mrs Cyril Ducharme and family, after spending their two we- eks' vacation with the former's par- ents, Mr and Mrs. F. Ducharme of the B.W.H., returned to Windsor on Monday last. Mrs. Josephine Ducharme,-accomp- anied by Mr and Mrs Richard Geoff- rey of Drysdale, were week -end vis- itirs in London, visiting with relativ- er there. Mr and Mrs Hubert Ducharme and son Rickey, left on Thursday' last • • • • • ther, Mrs. E. •Kleinstiver. Mr and Mrs. Louis C. Wolfe and Mr. Sheldon W Ile; Mr and Mrs. ,Gerald Wblfe and Carolyn of Cliff- ord spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Carl Oestreicher. Mr. David .Schroeder is spending a. few weeks with his daughter in De- troit. Mr and Mrs Everett Heist and son Stanley and Mr and 'Mrs. A. Amy Mr and Mrs. Mervyn tieman, Nancy and Lynd4 te4z7 a motor trip to Kingston sand the Thousand Is- lands last week. Mr and Mrs. Milford Mcisaac and ,family of Detroit are spending their vacation with his mother, Mrs. Luc- inda Mcisaac. Mr and Mrs. Harold Hat!ef and daughter of Windsor spent a few days with Mrs. Mcisaac. Neil Mcisaac of Windsor ding his vacation here. O • • • • • O 0 INC FAI 1.0 N 0011 /egg Po Prizes include 1951 Meteor 1951 Chevrolet 1951 Dodge Philcp Television Sit Kelvinator Refrigerator Thar Washer Girl's Bicycle Bay's Bicycle Each Advance Sale Ticket admits one adult or two children and holders are eligible to participate in prize awards. Ono car will be awarded Monday, Sept. 10th; all other prizes Satur- day, Sept. 15th. Special non -admission coupon attached to each strip of ' tickets must reach Western Fair Association by 9:30 P.M. Sept. 10th, to be eligibles for that night's car award. 1.51 0 O 0 4 c d { 4 4 4 •4 • • • •0 b A • u9 8 a • 4. Dutertre, at Wakaw, Sask. Mrs. Martha Baker who has been in Windsor for some time has re- turned to her hone here. Her daugh- ter Mrs. Bill Smith and daughter Joan of Windsor, will spend their bDlidays here. Mr and Mrs. Gerald Henderson and Mrs. S. Henderson of Galt and Mrs. Nvrmyle of Kalamazoo, Mich., are visiting their brothers Mr and Mrs, E. Nadiger and Mr and Mrs. for their home in • Windsor, after spending a ten day holiday with the former's parents, and other relativ- es here. Vacation Time Those many iiolidayers who have a two-week. vacation with pay, have no other choice, then to spend it with their parents . and in their nat- ive. land..They renew the picture of I their. 'youthful days, which brings back t4 them._ .. menmories, -and many. little pr nks, many. bygone incidents, while-tihey were in the. care of their parent; and• to -day •their same child- ren are overjoyed to find their par- ents living in prosperity, and with all the necessauly and modern equip- ment, to make Thome- life easy and pleasant for them;- they.• 'wen recall the days when- rural homes were drudgery, and with no conveniences„ and well do they remember when their boyish and girlish • years, the slapeny task to be done 'iv the-Nolte.- They heNolte.They rejoice over 'it all, they rejoice with the Welcome given them by their :parents;' who are -always happy to see them come, and deep with -in. their -hearts, you can hear them whis- per one to another, hhaw great it -was to he priviiedged to spend one. more vacation with our• parents, for who can tell, for some it may have been the last one. Weight of a Word A spoken word at birth is dead Th.e echo of its worth, like bread, Lives on to nourish hiope and faith, Destroying doubt and fear and hale. A priceless gift, each word you speak A heritage'that mien may seek, So weiph each thought, for it gives birth. To words that live for what they're worth. DASHWOOD Dashwood Band wiill hold a Mon- ster Band Tattoo on Wed. Aug. 22nd The Sarnia Brass Band will be one of the. main features; St. • Marys Brass Band; Thed:ford! Sarnia Pipe Band and other district bands partic- ipating. Mr. Arthur Willert is a patient in Victoria Hoepi:,tal, London where he is spei GRAND BEND PIGS. FOR SALE ani Small Pigs, 5 weeks .old. I'err Haberer, Phone 112. .1' ,! ICE Don't forget to get your contained filled with this year's choice clover. and amber hones—J. Haberer M Sons, Zurich. 2 blocks south of the• Dominion Hotel. , FOR QUICK SALE -''l 1947 Mercury Sedan in A71 e ndi ion. New Paint Job, Apply to), Glenn Deitz, Hensel', •Ont. t4 Grand Bend has completed a suc- cessful week of Vacational Bible School held in the Church of God for boys and girls of all ages. The school closed with an enrolment of 131. M•rs. Rufus Turnbull was the direct- or of the school and said it was a joy to work with the children. 'Scripture verses were learned and memorized and awards given for doing so. There were five grades, each teacher taking care of their lessons and handwork. Late Albert Devine .A farmer of the G. B. district for several years, Albert Devine died in London Hospital, after a 7 -weeks ill- ness, in his 41st year, an active me- mber of the Church of God, is sur- vived by one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd MacGregor of Parkhill; a son Wilbur at home; three sisters, all ofStephen Township and a brother Norman at Hamilton.. Rev. Beach officiated at the funeral with burial at G. B. Ce- metery. e-metery. FOR SALE PLUMS FOR SALE. Early and, late variety. • Apply, Fraser Stirling; R.R. 2 Bayfield, Ont. Phone Clinton 900r5. 2tt WANTED • Telephone Operator for Zurich. Central. Apply to H. G. Ress;, Ha Telephone System. 2te FOR SALE 1936 Ford coach, has :good tires, se, good battery, new hot water heater, brakes recently' relined, ear in good condition. Apply to Ed. Stelek, Dash wood, phone 127. 4 PIGS FOR SALE Several litters of young pigs, no• • and soon ready.—Alvin Rau, Zurich.. Phone 83 r 2. 3 • AUTOS . FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SELL 49 Chev. Coach in A-1 eondition. 41 Ford Coach. 1938 Chrysler with overdrive. B. A. Service Station, Grand Bens)& Rollie Grenier, Proprietor It takes a lot of cooling to keep a Polar Bear happy. This largest member of the bear family is smaller than a porcupine at birth, but often weighs more than three-quarters of• a ton when full grown. To this tremendous bulk, add the fact that the bear is covered with a thick, water -proof coat, which is designed to protect him in the Arctic ... it's a big job keeping him cool in our zoos. Learn about nature's creatures. Visit the nearest zoo and see them. A whole new world of interest will be opened to you when you understand nature. NATURE UNSPOILED . YOURS •TO PROTECT - YOURS TO ENJOY CARLIKG'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATIRLOO, ONTARIO Huron & Erie Debentures; "A Time -Tested Trustee Investment' 31-2Z 5 year term e' Interest payable half -yearly, • $100 or more accepted, • Comparable rates for rheic' dela,, The aa, r e MORTGAGE CORPORATION" District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich, Ontario. The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation, London, Ontario. "n. •�,'':x.,.wag.`..Jhit..ANh„r,.:auL..v,:.w'- &.••N:.: