HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-09, Page 6Coach Days,
While the economic importance
of the National Road vas carried
in its wagons, the glory and spec-
'dacle of the road was the sage
coaches With their gleaming side
]panels. In their hey - day the
coaches whisked travelers from
Cumberland to Wheeling in twenty-
four hours. Under pressure they
could do better than that. The
two hundred twenty-two miles from
Frederick to Wheeling were once
covered in less than twenty-four
hours to carry a special presiden-
tial message, and over one stretch
the stage reached an average of
fifteen miles an hour.
The stages were operated be
regular lines, carrying such names
as "Good Intent," "Peoples," "Na-
tional Road" or Lucius Stockton's
popular "June Bug" line. .A jersey
man, Stockton was colorful and im-
perious, and struck a patrician note
.as he raced over the road in his
;private carriage, the "Flying Dutch-
man." In the early days of the
railroad, it was he who had chal-
lenged the locomotive with his
orse and buggy—and had won.
He was a superb driver and Com-
manded the respect of those wyo
.trove his stages.
Another titan of the road was
The giant six -foot -five Scotsman,
.James Reeside, evho habitually
wore a scarlet vest and tie. Called
"the land Admiral," Reeside ex-
panded his line to a total of four
:hundred men and a thousand
horses, and branched out front the
National Road to haul the mail
from Philadelphia to New York
and other points, becoming the
largest mail contractor in the na-
Before the corning of the rail-
r'oad a great lore had accumulated
around coaching, part of which is
presented in Thomas B. Searight's
Homeric recollection of The Old
On the National Road coaching
never found the artistic expression
it evoked in England, where
Charles Dickens saw the nostalgia
of "past toachfulness: pictures of
coaches starting, arriving, changing
horses, coaches in the sunshine.
coaches in the snow, coaches in
Mexican -Grown Cortisone—Will the "miracle" hormone drug Cor-
tisone ever be plentiful and inexpensive? Above, a Mexican
laborer carries what scientists believe to be the answer, "Cabeza
de Negra," the root of a wild, poisonous plant. Synthetic Corti-
sone made from the vegetable source appears to be as effective
as the Cortisone derived from ox -bile being used at present in the
treatment of arthritis, critical burns and some types of cancer.
the wind, coaches in the mist and
rail?, coaches in all circumstances
compatible with their triumph and
victory, but never in the act of
breaking down or overturning."
Coaching on the National Road
did create a small literature and
larger folklore. A skillful driver
was a joy to watch, and the young
and confident stage drivers of the
old pike were proud of their skill
as they rounded the sharp turns
of the mountain roads . . . Color-
ful and widely known by name,
the stage drivers were as prond
and independent as ships' 'captains
and, while they ,'onld accept treats
from passengers, were indiguaet
when offered tips.—From "".l'he
I'c,tomac'," by Frederick Gutheim.
Fifteen thousand, one hundred
and twenty-seven—count theui-
15,127 cash customers at the To-
ronto Maple Leaf Baseball Stad-
ium! And on a hot, humid. not to
say sticky washday evening, al-
ready!! And with the attraction
NOT the Dodgers and Yanks in
a World Series final, or some such,
but merely Toronto and Montreal
currently locked in an International
League struggle so tense and nerve-
racking that only a paltry nineteen
games separated them!!!
9 4
We never. thought we'd live to
see the day. In fact even now We
can't help wondering if it wasn't
just a dream,
But they were there. all right,
those fifteen thousand odd—a big-
ger baseball crowd than the Queen
City has produced, excepting on
some very special occasion, within
the memory of the most ancient
inhabitant. So it begins to look as
though the Bill Veeck's and the
Jack Cooke's are right after all—
that baseballf'Tby itself, is all very
well as an attraction so long as
your team is up there battling for
the pennant, but that when' it isn't
yon have to jazz it lip a bit.
"Give them bread and circuses"
one of the Caesar boys—we think
it was Julius although it may have
been Irving—once said with regard
to keeping the crowds pleased.
"Give them free hot dogs and flag-
pole sitters" is the way the modern
baseball impressarios interpret it.
Iists who think that a Saturday or
Sunday sun along some of our car -
packed highways is tough going,
take a swivel- at what happens over
there, and find out that you don't
know the half of it.
A hundred sweating, toiling "len,
their tired legs thrusting machines
as if their lives depended on it,
work their way up the longest,
hardest slope of the Pyrenees. At
the summit one brown, tough -
looking figure braces himself in
the saddle for the Iong, downward
swoop. It is the Italian, Bartali,
and not one of the French aces.
Before he can gain speed, ex-
cited spectators crowd around him.
"Salaudt!" bawl a number of fans.
Be "Macaroni!" hiss others. Bartali is
pulled off his machine, insulted, spat
on and abused. Some of his
countrymen, who follow close be-
hind, are also manhandled. Despite
this, Bartali regains his machine,
mounts it and achieves the descent
from Col d'Aspin -into Perpignan
at the record speed of ninety kilo-
metres an hour. He conies in first,
shouting, "Ive been assaulted and
I'm going home!"
And even if it's a lithe hard on
those who profess to look upon
baseball as something sacred and
untouchable—"a great Aniericalt.
institution" ... "one of God's great-
est gifts to mankind" ... and the
like—who is to say that the Cooke's •
and the Veeck's haven't the right
idea in this cockeyed day and age?
Certainly not us, we can assnrt
you. We have always deeply sym-
pathised with the haat-and-egg
fighter who, after being congratu-
lated for the 'steenth time on the -
good game battle he had put up.
plaintively remarked, "Being a good
game loser is O.K. but I'd like
to try, just for oncet, how it feels
lacing a good game winner."
* :a :r
Or, to put it even more succinct-
ly, which. would you rather have,
three cheers oc-s'three bucks? So
go right ahead brightening up the
atmosphere around the Fleet St.
Flats, Mr. Cooke. Bring along the
bull fighters, or David and Goliath
with the original cast and see if
we rare.
Now, for a change of pace, the
turn to a sport which requires no
bathing beauties, radio comedians
or anything else in order to get
the crowd into a dither. In fact the
spectators take an interest a lot too
warm for comfort in what is des-
cribed at the world's most gruel-
ling race—the three thousand mile
bicycle race known as the "Tour
de France." You Canadian biey c-
Jeepersl—Whizzing along at 35 miles per hour, these guys and
-gals ,on sleds hope to popularize sandplaning, a sport which
combines he most terrifying features of bobsledding and aqua.
.laving. Equipment for the daredevil pastime consists of a ply.
ele ty e' .e le fur towing and a paid-up life insurance policy
:k k
As a result, the entire Italian
team withdraws from the race and
returns to Italy. Then M. Schuman,.
French Foreign Minister, apolo-
gizes to the Italian Ambassador,
and for some days "L'affaire bicy-c-
lettc" elbow, Korea from the head-
The French take their cycle rac-
ing with deady sf-iousness. Especi-
ally the Tour de France, which
appears to cause more apoplexy
and high blood pressure than all
the test matches since the Austra-
lian cricketers first won the Ashes.
Tour de France is one of the
most gruelling physical tests in all
sport. It is a 3,000 -mile road race
run in twenty-one daily stages, with
a day's rest for the riders every four
or five days. The daily mileage
averages out at about 140 miles and
is covered at approximately twenty
miles an hour. Pretty good going.
Cyclists enter from every country
in Europe, Britain included; and
today there is even a sprinkling
of entries from Australia, South
Africa, the States, and some of
the Asiatic countries.
* * *
The event, which was run recent-
ly is always run in July, the
hottest of the summer months!
Froin Paris the riders make for
the west coast, then turn towards
the Pyrenees and up their steep
slopes. These are the hardest climbs
in the race. A man Hurst be in the
very pink of condition to e*nerge
from this section with a chance of
figuring among the first . twenty.
Some of the passes. are 6,000 feet
high; many of the long, grinding
climbs continue for twenty "biles
and the midday temperature in the
shade may well he ninety l
e * *
Then, as a relief to the toiling
men conies the rush down the
slopes from Perpignan, on the
Spanish frontier, to Cannes. From
there the riders go north into the
French alps; more desperate, breek-
breaking, muscle -tearing, agonized
climbing. The riders now reach
Strasbourg, and turn finally for
Paris, 500 miles away.
* :k *
Each day the cyclists start arul
finish at pre -determined points, and
their tines are recorded. These
times are added at the enol of the
event and the man with the least
hours is the winner. He may not
be the first to reach the winning
post at Paris on the final day.
Y• *
Is it worth tearing one's insides
out on a two -wheeled treadmill
round France for nearly thirty days
during the hottest period of the
year? Only those who have raced
and 1061 cilt: atlsw rr that onestion
Most of them describe it as thirty
days of Hell, For the winners --
At least $15,000 in prize money
is put up before a single machine
"loves off. The first man is certain
of a minimum of $3,000 in cash
and perhaps another $30,000 in
bonuses and subsidies from mauti-
facturers, His future is rosy. He
can open a cycle business that will
always be well patronized, for the
man is now re hero in the eyes of
million s,
'r * '4
The remainder of the prize -
money is divided among dose who
finish among the first dozen, and
for the first six there are also fat
bonuses and rewards. Each day the
mate who makes the best time re-
ceives the equivalent of $50 and
the second man $25.
There are numerous other prizes;
awards by manufacturers and en-
thusiasts for special sprints; for
being the first up this pass or down
that; or for making the fastest time
over certain tough stretches.
4' * *
The spectators are strictly par-
tisan. There is no nonsense About
hoping that the best man will win.
All Frenchmen hope that a Gaul
will push a wheel in front for the
honour of La Belle France.
W -1)W CAN I?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I mix whitewash?
A. Fill a bucket half -full of lime.
•and cover it about two inches with
water. Let stand 24 hours to slack
or until it is the consistency of
paste. Dip out a portion of this
slacked lime into another bucket
and thin with water to the desired
consistency. Add one teaspoonful
of bluing to % bucket of white-
wash to clear and make white, and
/-pint of salt to make it stick.
* :a *
Q. How can I treat perspiring
A. An excellent remedy is to
rub the hands several times a day
with a solution of 125 parts of
rose water, 10 parts of borax. and
8 parts of glycerine.
* * *
Q. How can I make a good roach
powder very easily?
A. One roach powder which has
proved effective is made of equal
parts of plaster of Paris and pow-
dered sugar.
*. ... :4
Q. How can I treat colored fa-
bric on which acid, such as lemon
or vinegar, has been spilled and
has changed the color?
A. Sponge with a solution of
one part ammonia to four parts
cold water. Apply carefully, slightly
touching the stain, and the color
will he restored. .
• * *
Q. How can I prevent the leaves
of a book from crinkling if water
has been spilled on them?
A. PIace a blotter on each side
of the wet page, and then press
with a ,!tedium hot iron until dry.
,x * *
Q. How can I restore the color
to a red -print garment?
A. Add a small amount of vine-
gar to the rinse water,
• * *
Q. How can I "take a good
pineapple relish?
A. Combine 2 cups of diced can-
ned pineapple, 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 -
cup vinegar, juice and grated rind
of 1/2 -lemon, 1 stick cinnamon, 1
teaspoon whole cloves, 'A -teaspoon
allspice, 1 -cup water. Cook until
slightly thickened; seal boiling hot
in sterilzed jars.
* :F .4
Q. How can I remove mud stains
from a garment?
A. If a brisk brushing does not
entirely remove laud stains from
a garment, rub the spots with a
raw potato. This seldom fails.
Q. How can I successfully drive
a tack or nail into a place where
it is difficult to hold it with the
A. 'Thrust the tack or nail
through a small strip of paper and
hold• the end of the paper while
Farmers Attention — Consult your
nearest Harness Shop about Staco
Harness Supplies. We sell our goods
only through your local Stoco leather
Goods dealer. The goods are right,
and so are our prices. We manu-
facture in our factories -- Harness,
Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse
Blankets, and Leather Travelling
Goods. Insist an Stec* Brand Trade
Marked Goods and you get satisfac-
tion. Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
-- Write for Catalogue —•
of insect
Neat Ilussh
Quick! Stop whir g of insect Bites, heat rash,
eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete's
foot and other externally caused skin troubles.
t Ise. nulek-acting, soothing;, antiseptic D. D. D.
PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Itch
stops or your mons back. Your '' •
.Classified Advertising.
CHICKS for prompt delivery or later de-
livery, all popular breeds, non -sexed,
pullets, eoeieerels. Also turkeys and
older pullets,
Guelph, Ontario.
CHICKS every weelc the year around.
Prompt delivery, A0 popular breeds, non -
sexed, pullets, cockerels. Special breeds
for broilers, roasters and layers. Also
turkeys, older pullets. Free catalogue.
Fergus, Ontario.
GASOLINE service station, lunch counter,
general repairs, auto accessories, living
accommodations. Full price $7,000, $3,000
cash will handle. tilgie's Real Estate
Chatham, Ont.
Right man to look atter business, pro-
tected territory, Must be able to invest
6500. New Patented necessity. Act
quickly, Box 70. 123 -13th St„ New Tor-
onto, Ont•
GROCERY STORED business for sale in
Braeside. Ontario, including store, ad -
Joining. residence, stock -in -trade, and
goodwill asset of an estate; reasonably
Priced. Apply 2. .1 Greene, barrister,
Arnprier, Ont.
ASBESTOS Asphalt Coating or SEALER
Aluminum Coating. Easy to apply and
inexpensive. Also SEALIOX Foundation
Coating, Plastic Cement and Caulking
Compounds. Canadian Made, Why Buy
B'orelen Materials?
Manufacturers Products Limited, Ottawa
P. J. Burke, St. Catharines, Ont.
Representatives Wanted
CANADIANA. Catalogues on request.
Amtmann, 441 Mount Pleasant Ave.,
Montreal 6, Que.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clear-
ing? Write to us for Information. Wo
ere glad to answer your Questions, De-
partment H. Pariter'e Dye Works Limited,
791 Yonge St., Toronto
State experience in poultry (,' eggs, 1f
any). Group Insurance, etc.
Phone or write: G. Evans,
sr -
HOUSEKEEPER Cor adult family. Hy-
dro and all conveniences. Murray
Spiers, 15.11.2, Bethany, Ont,
THRESHING Outfit complete: Ebersal
shredder and feeder, nearly new; Separa-
tor on rubber, brakes: excellent reputation,
cash bargain. Also Toronto fanning mill;
2000 Ib, Scales; potato planter, 3 -furrow
12 inch bottom tractor plow. Wesley Craw-
ford, 11.12.6, Barrie, Ont., Highway No. 27.
1951 FARGO ton pick-up, new condition,
will take reduction, farm rented. John
Reaer, Route 2, Dundas, Ontario.
FOR Sale, Power Cider Press with Ham-
mermiil etc., complete. Excellent condi-
tion. Call or apply on premises. No. 6
highway beside the Dixie Arena or sail
McKinlay Transport Limited, Cookeville.
Phone 666.
6 BOWLING Alleys, Miniature Golf Course,
Fish Pond, Dart Games at popular
summer resort. Priced right tor quick sale,
Suitable for partners or larger family.
Apply to: Steve Rosman. Port Stanley
P.O., Ontario.
1 USED 160 h.p. boiler for sale with 36"
diameter x 60 - foot steel stack. and
Jones 41 standard hydraulic stoker. capa-
city of 460 pounds of coal per hour, com-
plete with all atttomatic controls. Bayes
Steel Products Ltd.. Merrttton, Ont.
EARTHWORMS — Young domesticated
Bloch for composts, orchards, farms.
gardens. Nature's best soil -enrichers. For
information, write "Colgora.' Box 34,
Lindsay, Ont.
BABY descented skunks, ready now, $10.
White mire, hampetere, budgies. cages.
Ship anywhere. Michael Hudytna, 350
Davis Street, Port Colborne, Ont.
LIVESTOCI4 Marker, Paint Stick, Red,
White, Black. will not rub off wet or
dry. Convenient pocket tube, 40c postpaid.
Hambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg. Man.
FOR Sale: One Hammond Organ, in excel-
lent condition. Box 79, 123 - 18th Street,
New Toronto, Ontario.
PIANOS—Now & aced. Fully guaranteed,
25 to choose from, New Console pianos
Priced from $479. Used pianos Irani 309,
Wilson & Lee, 79 Fimroe Street North,
in thousands, attracted by new, scientific
trap. Sate, simple,' clean—no spraying.
Result of 9 years' study. Low price, A.
Currie, Dept. WTL-C., 60 Boulton Drive,
tToronto 5).
lief. Your Druggist_ cells CRESS.
INTERNATIONAL power takeoff binder,
10 feet, good repair; 28-46 Red River
threshing machine, good rendition. Apply
D. Arlpw, Ring, Ont. ---
FOR SALE: Used electric motors, pumas.
exhaust fans, puns covering, conveyor and
grain mixer selling at half price as stir-
towage building is being torn flown. John
McCrae Machinery & Foundry Co. Limited,
77-95 William St. North, Lindsay, Ontario.
SMART Martha Washington and Ita:h-
redge stainless three-piece bathroom sets
White $160.00 to 3189.00: Coloured $274.00
complete with beautiful chromed fittings.
Air conditioning furnaces 0295.00. Sueeial
offers to plumbers and builders tau. Save
many valuable dollars, buy with confidence
and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guar-
anteed, Extra discounts off catalogue prices
if we supply everything you need for c"tu-
piete plumbing or heating installation,
ftatalogue includes litho photos et main
fixtures, prices and helpful installation
diagrams. Select style Of sinks, cabinets,
laundry tubs, showers. stoves, refrigera-
tors, i'rensure water systems, oil burners,
septic and oil tanks, etc. Visit or write
Johnson .Bail Order• Division, Streetsville
Hardware, Strectsville, Ontario, Phone 961:
SHOW buggy, chrome wire wheels, good
tires, inner tubes; black body and under-
carriage, new patent leather dashboard,
etngic shaves curd note for team, \l. L.
Varner, 3.11 3rd ,avenue, Ottawa. Ontario.
SOUTHERN Ontario. Established busines.
netting excellent profits. Sale price in,
eludes 6 -room modern cottage, heated by
oil, ranch, house, cages and chinchillas.
This is ct teal money-maker. Complete
details at office. No phnne information,
Exclusive agent.
7 ITT•t,HSON ;;TREE'- 1400TH
12 ACRES. 10 ACRIT$ GRAPES. 115 pear
trees, 60 plum teees, 6 -room hnUse and
other buildings, electricity, 6 'les east
of Hamilton $9,500. Immediate posses-
sion. AMlle ,194 etlenhnime Ave. FI., Ham-
r711raAT DANN PUPPIES, brindle, male,;
or female, reasonable. Aunty N. Col-
borne. Shallow I.atte, Ont.
,'retec't your t0t)01(S and CASH Cron
FM and TrinmveS. We have a also
anti type of Safe, or Cabinet, for arty
ouritese. V1eli 05 Se'wt'tte for or)ees.
etc., to Dept. W.
No Front tit, IO., Termite
Bstatdiebod 1030
TWO Registered Nurses required immedi»
ately for general duty to complete atnft
for 16 bell hospital; galaxy $160 plus run
maintenance; one months holiday and 1 -
way fare front Toronto refunded after
completion of year's satisfactory service,.
Separate residence. Apply Mr. L. Fetter,
Secretary, Eaetend Union Hospital, East,
end, Saskatchewan.
Good Advice! Every Sufferer of Rheu.
uratic Pains or Neuritis Should Try Dix-
on's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335
Elgin, Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid.
Nall J+ix relieves pain instantly and re. •
moves ingrown nail in a few applications
69. Wart Fix guaranteed remedy, 600.
Corn Fix, removes corns and callouses in
10 minutes. 60c. Sent postpaid by A.
Thompson, 7 Orchard Crescent.. Toronto
SSANISI] for torment of dry eczema rashes
and weeping skin troubles. poet'* Eczema
Salve will ' not disappoint you.
Itching, sealing, burning eczema, acne,
ringworm, Pimples and athlete's' foot, wilt
respond readily to the etalnlese, odorless
ointment, regardless of hors stubborn or
boneless, they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
888 Queen 5t It.. Corner of Logan. Toronto
QUIT CIGARETTES—The easy way. Uss
Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific treat-
ment, quickly eliminates the craving for
tobacco, rids the system of nicotine. Icing
Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists. Vegreville,
Alta, Write P, O. Box 673, London, Ont.
HEAD Colds, Kay Fever, Sure Relief'
with Corasol. Proprietary Patent Regis-
tered. $1 Box, Hill Remedies, 2206 Church
Avenue, Montreal.
LEARN Secret Service, Fingerprint work.
Complete folio $2 postpaid: C. Hubley,
Box 474, Saint John, N.B.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good wage*
Thousands of successful Marvei graduate:
America's Greatest System
illustrated Catalogue 'Free,•
Write or Call
958 Binor St. W., Toronto
44 Ring St., Hamilton
74 "idea" St.. Ottawa
AN unmet to every inventor—List of in.
ventlons and full Information sent free.
The Ramsay Co,, Registered Patent Atter.
neys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa.
tent Solicitors. Established 1890, 980
Bay Street, Toronto Rnnlrtet of informs,
tion an request
LET nature curl, wave and cleanse. It's
new, a remedy for all Hair troubles.
For women. For men, For the first time
in all history permanent, lovely hair.
Blarney Mist, an Irish formula. Postpaid
31.00. 1tullens Blarney Mist, 203 Wood -
mount Ave., Toronto,
LONEL'Y? Depressed? O'ee1 that YOU need
has helped many people find happiness.
Perhaps they can help you. No obligation.
For Details, write or phone Friendship
Unlimited. 401 Yonge Street. Toronto—
WA. 1274,
Ls gold going up in pricer
Is Government assistance
really helping? What of
labor supply? what of the
future for gold, stocks? These
and many other questions
now affect market conditions
-- and are covered by our
Survey of the Gold situa-
tion . .
which we will be glad
to send you on request
plus o u r regular
Investment Re%few"
1f you but send your
Name and Adttrc•s:..
8'. L. Savage — Sole Owner
Investments since 1634
r U E?
Then wake up your liver bile ...
jump out of bed rarin'to .go
Life not worth living'? It may be the liver!
It's a fact! If your liver bile is not flowing
freely your food may not digest . gas.
bloats up your stomach ... you feel con- °
stipated and all the fun and sparkle go out
of life. That's when yyou.need mild, gentle
Carters Little Liver Pills•?6u see Carters.
help stimulate your liver bile till once again
itis pouring out at a rate aim to two pinta a
day into your Digestive tract. This should
Ex you right up, make you feel that happy
clays are here again. So don't stay sunk, get
Carters Little Liver Pills. Always hnve'there
on hand. Only 3, c from any druggist.
i SEAM 32 .- 1051