HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-09, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO
Sponsored by the Renee11 Branch Canadian Legion and
Ladies' Auxiliary will be held in the
3 Specials 8150.00 - $75.00 - $50.00 15 Rounds 815,00 each
Doors Open 8 p.m. Bingo 9 sharp. F..vel..vbody welcome. Doetit
Admission $1.00. Extra Card 25c. 25 cts. for Special Rounds
jelly .opened by the Rt. Rev, Msgr.1
A, P. Mahoney, P.A., V,G., on Sun- STANLEY TOWNSHIP
clay, August f12th. The chutta has Mr and Mrs Stewart Cudmore and
been in use since early,July. There fel-aline London, visited their parents,
is a .possibility it may. be used all 'Mr and Mrs Sam Cudmore, Kippen.
year for permanent residents, officials !Miss Merilyn Mouseeau is vacat-
said, it is administered from St. toning at Grand bend.
Christopher's Church, Forest, under Rev. and Mrs Albert Hinton, Kip -
the Rev. Father H. T, Fallon, pen left for Verun, Que., for a mon-
To Name Village Assessot; th's holiday to be with their family.
1 airs. Stewart Beattie of Wingham
Grand Bend Council iWiIl meet this Is .s"tIT''': Willi her parent:, Mr and
week to name en esseeeer for thli5 Mrs. Robert !McBride at Kippen.
liewlyeorganized was de-
ected council which paseed bylaws tIllinaltliT
-:(lilYF'DILiatry:leit. of Highways id
1,,1131, Blinker
tided at a meoting of the newliy-el-
calling' for tenders for resurfaeing
covering, taxi cabs, "transient trad-
ers building and bylaws to appoint a i No, 4 Hig;l1way from Clinton to Kip-
oneteble A. by-law • '1 ,„,1,,Per,. The Dept. will install a blink-
ent may make outside the village. On 'l ''' ' ' f
at the dangerout intersectron
regulating the rues the fire departm- 7 light
a resolution on gaiety. measuees, the - '' - 11
mosses No.4 highway.
wheretheP' :field road
clerk was instaneted to write to the
manager !of the merry-go-round here-, NEW TREATMENT FOR HIGH
requesting him to have .all small chit BLOOD PREASURE
dren ride on the inside hersee or have I.5r. Arthur,F. Coca of New Jersey
thein accompanied leyeadults on the believes high blood preasure may, in
outside ring. some .cases, be caused .bly certain
' foods and inhalants and reports that
1-4 E N S A lt...4.., by eliminating them from diets of
' patients benefit results. 'Read de-
• Mr and Mrs Russell Kyle and lit- tails in Sunday's (Aug. 12) issue of
tie son ,,f St. (2itharines, are vacate The 'American Weekly, exclusively
ioning with 'Air aril Mrs. T. Kyle. with The Dete.it Sunday Times,
'Mr and Mrs. Robert Baker left Died at Exeter
,en a motor trip to Stratford, Fergus Funeral services were held Tuesday
and Saskatchewan. at 2.30 p.m. for Mrs. •Hanna S. Stew -
Mr and Mrs Expo, Kipfer and Miss art, 84, widow of J. A. •Stewurt, who
Erma Kipfer were viedtors at Kitch- died at her home, Exeter, Friday.
ener. Miss Erma who had been visit- Born in Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Stewart
ing here returned to her duties in came to Canada at an early age and
Toronto. had been a resident far GO years. A
Mr and Mrs James INIcAllister, Ian member ef Caven Preelsyterian Chur-
and Jean have returned from a mot- ch and an active worker in the church
or trip to Alberta, having attended organizations Survbfing are two eons,
the Calgary Stampede and visited Douglas at home and Wilfred, Detroit
Banff. lone daughtee, Mrs. Fluke at home 2
Mr and Mrs Sallies A. Paterson are sisters and three grandchildren.
ee a emtor trip to visit their niece, I
Mrs. D. A. Thompson, Altoona, rate I LOCAL NEWS
and with Mrs. Patterson's sister, Mrs i Miss Marion Fleischauer is holiday -
Carrie Lohr, Boswell, Pa. !ing at London with her aunt and
:In. er 1 Mr Stewart McQueen of 1 Uncle, Mr and Mrs S. Gingerich.
Neilsen, RP rtounce the engagement of i Mr. Samuel Schwanz of Raconville
their daueener, Jeon Belle, to Harold :Sask., attended his sister's funeral,
Clayton Snell, son of ilYIrs. John Snell , the late Mies. Chris. Heist. .Alsa spen-
of Exeter. and the late Mr. Snell, the ding a few days with the family be -
marriage to take place Sat. .A.ug. 18. fore returning to his home.
..141.4 't (7igtV 7'Es2uTrgnneOti*iSikaP.FZATCE4OSSNIMEVSaaNagWt*r
LAKnvItEliv Gpi,81
Grand tend
AUGUST 12th. At 9 p,m.
Sponsored by Grard Bend Lions Club
- also -
All Proceeds to Grand Bend Lions Club for Community Welfare
Bring your Nickels - Dimes - and DOLLARS
I Mr and Mas. Jimmy Taylor of,Sti'-
nia :
and Mr and Mrs. Theo. Smythe
lof London were Sunday visitors with
Mr and Mrs, Chas. Steinhagen,
At 8 o'clock, p.m.
'Usual amount of Pigs at various
ages; Cattle, Calves and :Miscellen-
eous Articles. Any items you wish
to diepese of bring them to this Sale.
Terms -Cash
S. Wes. Merrier, Manager.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
Miss Lorna Kraft of London spent
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Kraft.
- Mr and Mrs. Russell Eckstein and
Anse Lilly Hoffman of London were
recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Hy
Mr and 'Airs Maurice Klumpp were
last week -end visitors in Detroit.
Mr and Mrs Glenn Binavn of Lon-
don pent a few days with her par-
ent-. Mr and Mrs. Win. Wein.
Mrs. Melton \\Taipei. and Carol of
Ingersoll are spending their vacation
X11'6. F. B. Meyer of Rodney and
Mae. Welter Mistele and three child
nee et' Deteedi spent a few i5 W ith
2J1 .
rdd-er and Mk: !retie
-and :dellaof Inraine suet the
nitn the Gaieer family.
!:ind M,e. McCallum of London
enene 'e -eek -end visitors with Mr and
Kee Duncan Saider.
Mr and Mrs. E. Bruer of New Hani
bueg are visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Schroeder.
Mr and .Mrs. Albert Miller and
family spent the week -end holiday at
Harbor Beach, Mich.
• Mise Stinson of Dresden, spent
few daywith Mrs. Schroeder.
Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fam-
in. ere seending their holidays with
relatives here.
Mr and Mre. Ken McCrae and
Bonnie Heather spent a few holidays
in Meaford.
Mr and Mrs Albert Goetz of Strat-
ford visited here last week
Mr and Mrs Carl Oestreicher spent
&Imlay with relatives, in affront.
Me. George Wolfe and friend of
'Toronto spent the week -end holiday
with his .parente Mr and Mrs. Wes.
Mr and Mrs Lorne Genttner and
1"amily and Mr. Fred Genttner spent
thweek-end with friends in Bur-
Mrs. S. P. Currie anti family are
visiting in Meaford.
Mrs. Oscar Wahl of Elmira spent
ee past two weeks with her sister,
1)Irs. Allemang. Visitors during the
4:eekend with Mrs. Allenning were:
Mr and Mrs Oscar Weisneiller of El-
mira and Midi, Ludwig and Mr. Un-
derwood t f Kitchener.
Mr and Mrs E. Bartliffe and fain -
of Clintoe were Sneelay visitors
17.,,111,,r and Mr alla
A. Tiernan.
Mr and Med Glen Walper are vis-
it:!!.a• with reintives her'
Mr and NIM A. Aillemand are on
r. extended motor. trip.
Mr .arid Mrs Howard Sneer and
.fainite of Detroit are spending their
venatipe with M'rs. Li:wind-I Me'nente.
'14tr. N;011::mnall is mond TM."
4103.''&`''', with Mr and tre. Harold
lCe! nen.
nee, red CPtr,r lf,ft en Tues..
elene •Deeneeelee where they will
lape-ift their holidays.
'« Mrs. 'Norman Scott of
iP,c and Mr and Mrs. Jack
47-tulmoce -of Toronto spetet the week -
'4 j',Mj-,- wfrl thoir mrehnr Mrs
• “-nr. •NT'..
,•1,,!-~, end will si,end a week •
To Open Church
The new Roman Catholic summer
inisalon church at Grand Bend desig-
ned to seat 660 people will be aft-
Thursday, August 9th, 19151,
Mr, Milton Eby, Mr and Mrs. Eat'1
Feick and family of Waterloo were
week -end visitors at the home ef the
former's sister, Mr and Mrs. Alvin
Messrs. Herb Turkheim, 13111 O'-
13rien., Don Oaks had an enjoyable
trip over the holiday week -end to
Tobermory and Manitoulin Island,
ler by her ;many friends. She hao
;for some time been an efficient book.
'keeper in the Kalbfleisch Pinning
Mills Zurich, while the groom •Vor the,
past yew' has been the teacher ot•
I the Blake 'Union •School, residing in
Zurich during' the past• year,
We join their inanv friends wit.h.bed
Hiusser - Stirling 1947 Illercery Sedan in Al tondits
. .•• lion. New Paint Job. Apply to
$te Andeew's United ahurch, Bay- • Glenn Deitz, Hensall, Ont.
field; was decorated with gladioli and ;.
ftai for the marriage of Anne 'Marie
Stirling, daughter or Mr tutu Mrs. g ..
Leslie Stirling, Bayfield, and. Franc:fel
John limeeer, son of Mr, find 'Ars.
Fred Hius,eer, Saaferth. The Rev.
Mr, Renner, Bayfield, performed the
ceremony. Mrs. M. Scotchmer was
organist and Mrs. E, Sturgwn, solo-
ist. Given in marriage by her father,
the 'bride wore white slipper satin
with fitted bodice. Lace edged her
fingertip veil warn with a tierra of Telephone System.
seed pearls, and site carried a bou-
quet of red roses, and ferns. The mat- FOR SALE
rim of honor, Miss Edna Hiusser,
sister of the groom, was dressed in 1936 Ford coach, has good tires, se
yellow nylon net over taffeta with
good battery, new hot water heater,
bouffant skirt. Mrs. 13. Beaton, brakes recentrelined, car in goodBayfield,
condition. Apply to Ed. Steck, Dash.
Bayfield, sister of the bride,
Barfield, and Miss ;Margaret .Stilldienf, e
wood, phone 127.
bridesmaids, dressed alike in pink
, nylon net over taffeta. Their should- PIGS FOR SALE
er-longth veils were held in place
Several litters of young pigs, no*
with bands of baby
breath rses' and soon ready. -Alvin Rau, Zurich.
They carried nosegays of roses and
Phone 83 r 2.
carnations. The groomsman was Sta.
late variety. Apply, Fraser
R.R. 2 Balyfield, Ont. Phone Olintoia
900 r 5..2te•
Telephone Operator for Zurich.
Central. Apply to H. G. FIessHa
Bruce Frleday. Kitchener, and the
uehelei were Don Eaton and Wilhurt NOTICE
Bell. ef Seaforth. The reception was, 'The following dealers in feed sup.
1plies, etc., will be ,closed every Wed-)
held at the Little Inn, Baedield. The
bride's mother received in navy blue
nesday afternoons for the summeie
with natural celored hat and corsag,e '
'months): Milt Dietz ez Son, Zurich!,
of pink roses. The groom's mothei,,Hensall Dist. Co -Operative at both
1Hensall and Zurich Branches. 2tga
chose a green flowered dress with
natural colored hat and corsage of
yellow roses. Far travelling to Nor- AUTOS FOR SALE,
thern Ontario, the bride wore pale AT PRICES TO SELL
blue with white acceseories. Guests 49 Chev. Coach in A-1 ,condition_
were present from Kitchener, Sea- 41 Ford Coach.
forth, Zurich, Bayfield and ,Stratford. 1938 Chrysler with overdrive.
Prior to her marriage the bride was B. A. Service Station, Grand Berate
i presented with a miscellaneous show- Rollie Grenier, Proprietor
verse s
.r1 /5i.5'i5wit
r;lot, "7
(' ,v.Itta ,ei .0. ,M%-, ..Ty
' ' :6e:et': ' V Colvil..-' 6•Cle.147‘,>
Modern inventions have not taken away from the Infantry its all-
important part in victory. Again and again, in the battles of 1939-45
and in Korea, Infantry has proved itself - "Queen of Battles".
The job of the infantryman has become tougher, more complex.
He must be able to handle more weapons and to meet a greater
variety of situations in defence and attack.
Enrolinent Standards:
To enlist .you must:
1. Volunteer to serve anywhere.
2. Be 17 to 40 I Tradesmen to 45).
3. Meet Arniy requirements.
4, Married nice. will be accepted.
Terms of Engagement:
You will he enrolled in the Canadian Arniy
Active Force for a period of three years.
All men are eligible for Overseas Service. If
the military situation permits, married men
after one year's service Overeas and single
men after two years' service Overseas may
be returned to Canada at which time they
may request discharge even if they have not
completed full three years' service.
Condifions of* Service:
Current rates of pay and allowances. Serve
for 3 years or make it a career.
'4,.';••". • "
Reinstatement in civil employment. Unern-
ployment Insurance and other appropriate
benefits under Veterans' Charter as ex-
tended by Parliament.
Other Ranks Iletention of present Re-
serve Force rank or the rank held in Second
World 'War, subject to proving qualifica-
tions in service within a 90 -day period.
Officers - Short Service Commissions will
he granted to officers who do not wish to
enroll :in the Active Force on a career basis.
Further information should be obtained
from your own unit or the nearest Army
Personnel Depot.
Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot:
No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau and Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont.
No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Sr., Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont.
No, 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont,
Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont,
Army Recruiting Centre, Port Arthur Armouries, Port Arthur, Ont.
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