HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-02, Page 5ZURICH, . ONTARIO 7URICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Port Once Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND L.AAMBTON For Tour Sale, large or small, Cour; beoue and Efficient Service at all times t DASHWOOD Phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORBETT Terms Reasonable, Satisfaciaon Guaranteed Phone Zurich. 92 r 79 VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON L001.11 NEWS layfiHelaRO CthOe NaVSofOSN tanley Twp, south of , Balylfield are being .changed from 25 to 60 Cyclepower. The area .north of 13iayi teld has been completed the changeover gor Clinton will be from Aug. 22 to 30th. .iEVER HEAR A BEE TALK? Discovery that bees "talk" upsets an old theory about lower forms of life. It now is known that when a work bee leaves bo .brink back food, she has been told what to look for. Read "Bees Do Talk", in this Sun- day's (Aug, 5) issue of the Amer- ican Weekly, exclusively with Detr- oit Sunday _Times. TO MEET .SOON Mi'. land Mrs. Ed. •Gaseho, Jeanett and Donald are spending their vacat- ion at 117agnetawa Lake. +M•r and .Mrs .Earl Heywoed and family of 'Winghain spent several days holidaying at the home of .their parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Thiel. Mr ,and Mrs. George Hayball and family of Ldinbeth were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard, Mr and. Mrs Ed, Brenner, and Mrs Oscar Heimpel .of Kitchener were visitors at the 'home of their mother, Mrs. John Brenner. Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien is at the home of her daughter, mgr and Mrs. Arth- ur McLean at London for a few days Mr and 'Mrs. Wilfred Ducharme and children from Windsor are holi- daying at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. David Ducharme. Mr and M. Earl Gireerieh; Mr anq iVlrs. Alvin Gin:;•erich attended the funeral of a friend at St. Jac-. Obs. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of De.boro are holidaying at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Elmore Klapp and the Kalbfleisch families. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon. Datars • from Kichener spent the week -end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Elmore Datars of near Dashwood, and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Hendrick of the iB, W. Highway. Mrs. Minnie Weido of London vis- ited at the home of her daughter,. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard. Larry, her grandson returning to his home, after spending a lovely holiday at the home lof his grandma in the city. Mrs. A. Turkheiin and grandaugh- thr :Bettye Ann. Gaseho and Mists Joan Dietz had a most lovely holiday for Main Street; a few days with Mr and Mrs. Charles Office with Residence, Opposite Drug Store Carr at their cottage at Rosaline ZURICH Pitons -96. BUTCHERS Lake, near Hanover. • Mr ,and Mrs Nelson. Weber and family of 'Conestoga, Mrs. Orville Marbin and daughter Clennis from Hawkesville were weekend visitors • •G,1.,Ba popular at the home of their sister, Mr and Yrs. Alvin Gingerich. l�� m MABIKj4Uvd to 1Vo;y Home il� il'1.r and 112IAs kenneth Breakey ,and Let us supply you with the ';o have moved' into their new home �' C. and are nicelly settled now. We -wish which they built the past few months Very choice of Fresh an C . ped Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc.• always t,n hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Vlighe'st Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins VT! rodtNiiit Son PRO1DUCP Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and. Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager ge ch hone 101 Zurich Creamery Tour home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid Plus premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi• tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in Marge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor r9 INSURANCE them every success with --health and happiness to enjoy the same. Infant Dies.:. Little Daniel Eugene, woo'; old infant son. sof Mr and Mrs, Athur .MacLean ('nee Helen O'Brien), 100 Brampton Road, London, died et St. Tocph's Hospital, ou Friday. Funeral servrice was held on Sunday after- iio,on. from the Inane of its .gran-1par- ents; Mr and Mrs. , Llorid O'Th fen, Zrrich, with interment in the B ��on- .son line Cemetery. Rev. H. E. Kop- pel .officiated. Surviving are his par- ents and a :brother Brien. We extend our sympathy to the sormwing Tam - The flood control advisory• 'board of the Aus+o.ble lover Conservation authority will meet goon to -discuss possible building of clams on the up- per reaches of the Ausable anti pos- sibility; of restoring the (lilt near. Rock Glen at Arkona.. Wm. 'Haugh, 1.9" rrl ' chairinan; •Stated. Biuldiilg dans i,pstream was one ,of the sug- gestion! in the 1940 report. • The "ea -'d will advise the authority on flood contnal action. • Clearing Auction Sale Of Real Estate and Valuable House- hold Effects, on the Premises, Pert; of Lot 24, Concesslon i 0, Township of Hay, half mile north of. Zurich, Goshen Line. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public Auction, on FRIDAY EVE. AUGUST 110th At '7.00 o'clock rp.m, sharp ' Real Estate— Consisting of one acre of land, more or less, being part of Lot 24, Concession 10, Hay Township. There is on the property a well built two-story frame dwelling all newly decorated;equiped with hydro, water pressure system, built- in cupboards, best of water, some fruit trees, ,goo.d garden land, newly landscaped. A fine location .and an ideal home, Terms of Real Estate -10 per cent on day -of Sale, balance in 30 days. Immediate possesSion if desired. Will be sold subject to a reasonabie re- served bid, Household Effects -3 -piece Moderr, Waterfall style; bedroom outfit comm plete; 3 -piece Chesterfield has •orib green ,chair; Dinette set including table, chairs, and bufi'ett; Doherty large size heater; heavy duty Sun- shine aubotm.atic 4 -burner electric strove; cupboard, small tables; hot plate, 4 chrome chairs, 2 steel single beds, springs and`fiiattresses; dres- sers, roinmodes, Trail Tree; various electric lamps i' Congoleum rugs 10x 12 and ° 4x10 feet; Radio table; chror4^ ash tray; iron°ng board, Coif- ield ole 1 • i^ washing machine, bicycle lawn ver. ,aarden.sr•uffler, 2 .squar- e e,,ohalt hin:gles. ls;, clicine cabinet; garden -tools and many articles ton numerous to' mention. The above particles are like new! .,. Terrns—Cash 'Laird Thiel, Proprietor. t Earl We'do, Clerk ily. Alvin IWalner, Auctioneer. u 1 I 11 1 11 I;i, I i Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance. Co. OF WOODSTOCK ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- • hL.COM'PANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . ii►znount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 110,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION ' E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING 10)1)3 AND ALL RINDS O1 FIRE INSURANCE • . 11111=1HIllEM:g1111 BEAD on the table 0 9 • i 9 1 0 the meal is ready LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR ,BAKER not only supplies delicious whole•onie bread for your table_bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies ...to crown the 'menu 'of every, meal! Frag- rant Coffee -Cake and Cinnamon Burr, for 'breakfast.. luscious fruit -fillet treats 'for 1klnch.eon...piping hot Par- itet House Bolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or, night. So don't get wrink les worrying about Variety in meals -- '-wt your baker ,be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH A 21/z H.P. Johnston Outboard Motor, good as new. Priced right. Ferd. Haberer, (Phone 11.2 Zurich. * NOTICE PAINTING — Spray or Brush. Painting (barns, houses, sheds, Roofs. Etc; By contract or hourliy basis, Contact James Peachey for. Gordon Eagleson, Phone 40 r 2, Dashwood HONEY FOR, SALE il'jt to Clover Honey of excellent quality; in .Customer's Containers at 20 cents a pound' and amber honey at 112 -cents a ib. — J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich; 3 +blocks south of hotel. 3t'` Dead Stock $2.75 Each Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call "Phone 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 u FAMMLV may' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Sr CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 Alif020Mer9=9MM,.. ern. tui : i1 u111; , I ;1111u�1 i ,li ;�1u"i REEMIRImIIMMIMmmllmI i TJIIIIMII Mg. TH I THE JACKPOT OF III 1 11 11111111 1II111111fl 1 111101 11111 1 Ei MUST BE WON -- 'NO FOOLIN' '" AT THE M MMU ITY Wednesday, -ugust 8th 1 Arena Opens 8 p.m. initataimmitanalzasgra• O.Iti Play starts 9 p.m. dile23.19 01911111111111919991116. i'IZi+S seseasseeesessetessetwass Including. 15 GAMES OF $20.00 2 SPECIALS OF $50.00 BIG JACKPOT PRIZE $300.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 ADMISSION FOR REGULAR GAMES $1.00 SPECIALS AND JACKPOT BINGOES , , , 25 CENTS CARD COME AND TAKE HOME THE $ 1,000.00 JACKPOT I NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBE RS CALLED: Seating for 3,000 IT. MUST GO! Refreshment Booth Auspices Canadian Legion and Seaforth Community Centre. j1!11ll• lll'ill P 111 J1 11INIIlliie'1'1 1117..rr:11/171li� i r'r- m ri T;ir, �l lTjmmnri,1i t, I' a • If— I Ill; pit"ti'I'(ir°rfi(11i7i1111111(1lIlllijjflllllllNlllllllllllltllll101illlipft 1Illlll I!i • Thursdary, Auglist 2nd x 195 Cocp. FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY 1 Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used, in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT Henlsall list. Co 'Operative HENSALL and ZURICH WE'RE REA ►Y TO HEP YOU,,, YOUR CAR rf prei,en ts..1 i:la jor investment- It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. V%"hethei it's a complete Lubrication job or just a battery check, c;e really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --tile kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do, }hof cr FordE/ ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS 0 0 49 4n 6 0 0 0 sa 0 SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMF.NT TIRE NEEDS. COM - ?PARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Witimer Summer Footwear We have the Stock for Summer Footwear. Come and see for yourself: Seatiripers, Sandals, Crepe Soles, Tennis Etc, We have various lines of Summer Footwear at the lowest possible cost in spite of the steady rise in prices, and still have odd sizes left in Men's Work Shoos at no change in prices. GE T THEM WHILE YOU MAY. GIVE US A CALL!. ch h :.� . .::u ..// \": � �.":�'�\,,y�ri "�\ •% ice_` sns``'��..vJ.�.1Y�\'QED%' e000s'emo .0 0 0 0 a 4 e• C. CP0 0 fc1 GT 0, 0 45 at 45 Bty atty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable. Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim To Serve and Satisfy! rs 09 Main St. Hardware Store 0 9 s 45 45 to 45 45 4i 0 45 Hien Phone 213 F Mass FASO 93 arns HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS tIVIPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT - DRS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Teel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! 1