HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-08-02, Page 2NEW and USEFUL Too CLEANER TEETH New tooth brush said to clean tooth surfaces which formerly ui ly your dentist could read. Special brush is used along with ordinary brush, is made of bristles set in spiral pliable wire,. * * * SIMPLE BLOCK -MAKER New type portable concrete block . making machine is simple in opera- tion, using live -to -one mixture of sand and cement, with little water. Mixture and sizes of blocks can be vari.'rl on machine with little adjustment. Pressure is exerted by a lever, geared to mold face. Blocks are ready in 24 hours, and machine is claimed to produce 3,000 pet day. * * * REVERSIBLE kVindow ventilator will blow in or out at the turn of a switch. Unit can draw in 450 cubic feet of air per minute, and will exhaust the average kitchen in two and one- half minutes; fits any window from 24 to 36 inches wide. , * * * ': FOR COOLER Permanent window fan is now on the market with automatic shutter quickly opened to let inside hot air through. When unit is shut off, shutter closes tightly. Shutters eliminate need for screens where fan is installed. * * * VITAMIN CANDY Take your vitamins the easy way in "four delicious assorted fla- vours, orange, lesion, grape and cherry," a maker suggests. New candy producted is being tested in Los Angeles as an ethical pharma- ceutical for approval of druggists and doctors. * * * SLIPLESS HOOKS Hat and coat hook surfaces can now be made non -skidding by col- orful protective coating of Vinylite resins. Slippery silks or starched shirts will not fall when hung on these chip and rustproof hangers. Sharp gimlet points make it easy to screw hooks onto doors, etc. * ,k * 'MUSIC WHILE YOU TRAVEL Overnight travelling cases are being. made with built-in portable radio. Case holds clothes, cosmet- ics, etc., along with the four -tube battery -powered receiver. Alcohol Test The Yale Centre for Alcohol Studies has devised a method of telling how much liquor a drunk has had. An electric apparatus call- ed an "alcometer" is used to de- termine the concentration of alco- hol in the bloodstream. With the "alcometer" a physician call distin- guish drunkenness from other ill- ness which niay be mistaken for intoxication. The "alcometer" con- sists of a double-acting syringe bulb with a rubber mouthpiece to .extract air from the mouth and .,•#ransfer it to a balloon. The air from .the balloon is then trans- ferred to the "alcometer." An ac- curate reading is obtained within five minutes. Every man 'who is arrested and brought to the New Haven Police Department is given the test: A tramp approaches a well-uphol- atered' dowager with the usual re- quest. "Please, Lady," he wound 'atp. "I haven't eaten in four days." "•'My goodness," says the lady, "I Trash I had your will power." r league Champs Call Limps Chumps -These pictures taken while the Chicago White Sox and Brooklyn Dodgers ,led their respec- tive leagues, prove that managers will be managers when the humidity, score and umpire's decision are close. At right 'Pale' Sox pilot Paul Richards belabors arbiter Ed Rommel during a game in Washington's Griffith Stadium., And at left, umpire Scotty Robb listens to Dodger boss Chuck Dressen unburden his soul. The Dodgers were matching might with their arch foes, the Giants. Exactly when we Canadians will have Television of our own, we wouldn't like td predict. Your guess is just as good as ours -probably a whole lot better. But when it does get here, there is one little feature about it we wouldn't mind risking a few kopeks on. Canadian televiewers are definitely NOT going to see so many big sports events "on the cuff" as our United States neigh- bors have been doing up to now. :k * * In other words, if you've been dreaming of sitting comfortably in your cosy living room and watching a play by play view of the Grey Cup or Stanley Cup finals, without even' the trouble of shivering in the Varsity- Stadium bleachers .or getting trampled half_to death jam- ming into Maple Leaf Gardens, all for free, wake up! Chances are those events will appear on Tele- vision 'eventually, if not sooner. But not for free. Not, by any means, for free -unless we miss our guess by an even wider margin than usual. :k * * For it very much looter, as though, in this regard, the honeymoon is over or at least' on the wane, From now on there'will be plenty of big sports events available to tele- viewers. But the latter will have to pay something for the privilege. How much? Jus!' as much as the traffic will bear. * * * This change won't occur over- night. "Happy" Chandler,' before the baseball people bounced him, sold the TV rights to the World Series for six years, at a price of six million _dollars. Sounded like a lot 'of money when he sighed up. Sounds like, a lot of money now, • for that matter.But before u be ore that contract runs out, the baseball brass are liable to be moaning that Happy sold them down the river for mere peanuts --or , goobers as they call them down Chandler's way. * *, * People who know about such things are already talking of heavy- weight • fights that will draw $10,- 000,000 into the till -of a World Series that will riet as ' much as $20,000,000. Not that there will be 'CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Word of sorrow 6. High 9. Sphere 12, Diplornacy 13. Surface 14. Bleat of is sheep 16, unusually 18. •Mountain nymph i9. Weeps 20. Irish patriot 22. Animal food 28. Cutoff 24. Plant of the lily family 87. Mass of Boating Ice 20. Openhanded ow 82. over $3. Operatic solo 24. Volcano 1i:i'Orden 4 sr1tevt,._ .,.. oun ain5 is Siberia 46, T)`onatiolns S0. Transgression 51. Cage for chickens 42. Large 1cn1t 53, Su eriatIVO ending* 14. Weapons 4. Princely ItA1u' t family DOWN rr'r1r8 i„ent 3. Instrumental part of a song 4. Cubic meter 5. Good=by (colloq.) t. Dry and barren 7. Gbnstcllatlon 8. Spear 9. Erasures $0, harsh breathing sound 11. Inlets of the sea 16 Favorites 17. Indian ox -cart 20. Other 21. Shed the loathers 22. Style 26, Ardor 26. Cotton- . reeding machine 28. Vex 29, Irritate 31. Peels 36, Unit of ' . electrical power 39. Asiatic palm 41. Lift 42. Part of a church 48. Flower 44. Minute Particle 46. Ripples against 47. And not 48. Clear gain 49. Understand .nswe Isewhere out This Page 4/3 cash customers in those quantities. There aren't arenas; or ball parks or stadia to accommodate that kind of crowds nor are any likely to' be built. The answer is, of course, Television - pay -as -you -enter Tele- vision. Naturally, the people who talk- that alkthat way may well be talking through their hats. Maybe the Tele- viewer will be satisfied to sit and 'watch a local Class B game for nothing rather than pay perhaps a buck to have the World Series appear on his screen. Maybe he'll decide to. shut the darn thing ,off' altogether and read a good book. And if he does decide to pay the price, is MC:, Televiewer going to sit still for the quantities of adver- tising blah he has accepted, up to now, as part of his free TV shows? .These are a few of the problems and possibilities that have th'e Tele- vision and Advertising industries in a couple of dithers right now. * * * Here, briefly, is a' run-down of the different pay-as-you-go Tele- vision systems, all still more or less in the experimental stage, 'k * * 1. Theatre TV. A signal is beam- ed by cable to micro -wave . relay directly into a large movie screen. Theatres charge extra admission or .,ballyhoo the show as an extra at- traction. Starting with the Joe Louis -Lee Savold fight, the new gimmick sold out nine theatres, it sold out 10 of 11 for Jake LaMotta- Bob Murphy, Potentialities are terrific. There are 19,797 indoor theatres in the United' States with 12,384,150 seats, plus 3,323 outdoor "drive-ins" with capacity of 700 'each; That gives ' you some 14,700,000 seats._ Add Canada to that and you really have ` something. k * * 2. Telemeter. leg a coin box sys- tem with two windows. One win- dow, would light up with the name and time of the event and price. The other • window would register the amount of:money dropped in a slot. When the required amount is dropped in, the show would start The system is now undergoing experiments in California, They 'hope to start field tests in the Los Angeles area Sept. 1, * • * ,k 3, Skiatron or subscriber visions -the card system. A 'TV station would broadcast a scrambled (code) picture that could be unscrarinbled only by a special decoder and a de- coder card. The code would be changed once a week- or more of- ten for a sgecial event -and you'd buy a new card at the newsstand, * :k * Phonevision. Already tested successfully in Chicago last win- ter, It also presents a' scrambled picture, You call the phone corn- pany and ask to be cut in on clear signal. The bill comes at the end of the month. * ,x Whether it's theatre -TV, Tele- meter, Skiatron, or Phonevision ar' somthing brand new, • the sports picture of the TV set owners seems fringed with . new costs for big events in the not-to'o-distant fature, * :x * • Well, there's the situation up to • noir('. What the antcome will be - well, we repeat, your guess is jnst as good as ores, or even letter- Personally, us rare very little lriw it {Arm; out. l.iytcrling tQ t4 $l:•a.ts event over 'the radio,. or loolk'ng at ii on Televis'on, has always straek las as about as satisfying as gum- ming it on a:. rubber :'Spo:lgc and imagining g you're eating 1' -bone. * k But we certainly would love to be around for an event which pay- as- you -go Television is bound to br'ng, sooner or later. That will be when one, of these Free Pass hounds calls up a 'gig sports mag- nate -say,, for example, Toronto's Conn Smythe, "011, ?1Ir. Smythe," the ;Pass Hound 1111 say. "Von re- member ole,' I'ni sure. I'nlthe guy who used to listen to all the Maple Leaf broadcasts every night way Out in Birdseye Center, and 1 can, tell you I was always pulling for the Leafs. Well, Mr. Smythe -it's this way. I'd dearly love to see the Telecast of tonight's Stanley Cup game but the factis I'ni a little short. 1'know you w'on't mind ea11- ing up the Phone Company and telling then to unscramble my set." ,k * . Yes, neighbors, when that hap- pens we would dearly love to be around and listen to the reply. Anywhere within a half mile of Church and Carlton Streets would be near enough( Beware of Raw Milk "The initial cause of"the destruc- tion of human health, and soine- tunes of life itself, can often be traced back directly to the disease germs carried by raw milk," says Margaret Smith, Ph.B,, M.Sc., di- rector of the nutrition division, Health League of Canada. Sometimes germs find their way into milk as the result of contami- nation by dust, by using unclean milk pails (which are often con- taminated by dirty dish towels), ar by improperly sterilized milking Machines, strainers, milk cans, etc. The virulent disease germs may conte from the cows themselves, from those who handle the milk, from carriers human or otherwise, according to Miss Smith. Common house flies are a frequent source of danger. Communicable diseases are not only spread by infected milk but may also he carried in such milk products as cream, ,.'ice Cream, cheese, cottage cheese, buttermilk and butter made from infected milk, • The annual exodus of Canadian families from city to country inay be a Move from a safe' to an un- safe milk supply, -points out the Health League; an'ct. it offers the following simple 'Method for home pasteurization without any elabo- rate special equipment. Use a double boiler which will hold about twice the amount of milk to be heated. Put enough cold water in the bottom pot to touch the 'top ,one. Put the cold milk • in the' top pot and cover it. Bring the water in the bottom pot to a bpi and keep it boiling for eight minutes,' then cool the milk as rapidly as possible, bottle, and place in cold storage (about 45 de- grees Fahrenheit). Never; put the heated milk into unsterilized bot- tles br the whole effort will be wasted. This method of home pasteuriza- tion will not change the flavor of the milk. There is ,no danger of scorching, and no prcc.ipation of the nutritive elements. Simply Un -Sear -Able - When the heat is too much to bear, according to the grizzled gent above who has had to bear ever since he can remember, there's only one thing to do: fold your hands, tilt your head back, and bellow until you feel better. Bruin developed this ritual at Vincennes Zoo in Paris. Hp's still there and still using it. At a banquet of firemen the wit- ty chief proposed this toast: "To the ladies! They kindle the only fiame which we cannot extinguish, and against which there is no in- surance!" n- stirance!" itehmitcLitch 1 Was Nearly Cr at y Until I tileetWererl 17r. 1), 1). Bennie' emaeing(y runt relict 7). 1). I). I'relerintlSn, World 1)000107, able Pure, eoultne,1)7)5.1) rnedloailen e1,17de pea00- (1111 comfort ?rote eruct 1traln.t c ised by 55:., n 1, rank l car, reek e s 5 reee end 011e 1 1 b ) -)lc ,feel beetle, 'ie. 1 c ; t' ) e t 1 n,w red 1ra:.rip..ua te,elln,uv or C....a 1,,ren20». ..Cbssified Advertising.. 0,1111' ()Mona CIIlC7i buy)ug time is any Onto now. IVo ltatrh them the year round) Prompt at- tention for llnmedtnte dclivt'u> on all p0pu- lar breeds, nonsezed, pelletal, cockerels. Also '1"ln'key P0))lts, Geier I'ullets. Free L'ittaingutr, Tweeely (1(1 c 1Lth'hrcica Limited, Ieergua, Onlariu, PULLETS Wonted: All breeds and ogee, good prices paid Apply to Dox No. 12, 123 Eighteenth Street, New 'rorontn,_Ont, TOP Notch (Micky ;Hund right at the ton as far as finality is concerned. We can give prompt delivery out alt popular' pure breeds and cross breeds in nennexed, Pei - feta or cockerels, Also 'rarltey trunks, Older PulletH, Catalogue, Top Notch t"hick Salem, GueOOu'lo. _ ono than ehlckrt)1ph„Specluliyil57-7)+_11 heatthY, vigorous Southgatecrnss (meaty, white, feathered and ,yellow -legged). New l amp• shires and Sussex ei (Tamps: any (menthe', reasonably priced: 1)10)171 or write, Mess ltartln, Southgate t'nrne, Celt. cont BUSINESS oPfoIrruNl'I'ipls GASOLINE aert'lee station, imtrh reenter, general repairs, anile aoressm'Ien. 117171)7 ace0nun0datiOns. Full prier: •57,000. 48,000 rash will handle. leigleeo (teal Palate Chatham, Ont. $100 PER WEEK Right loan 1.0 10011 after business, P70. tested territory. rifest be able to invest 5600. New Patented necessity, Act qutcicly. Box 70, 123 -13th St., New Tor- onto, Ont. GTIOCERY STOR10 business tor sole 171 Braeside, Ontario, including store, ad- . Joining residence, stock -In -trade. and goodwill asset of an estate: reasonably Priced. Apply .7. 7. Greene, barrister, Arnprior, Ont, SACRIFICE for quick sale: Resort Etotel. Two main lodges, snaclr`'.bat1, cabins and cottage. Private beach °ye -Lake Stmcoe. Write Lakeside Lodges, 06A Bing St. W„ Toronto, Ont. FOR YOU3t ROOF19 SEALIIX ASBESTOS Asphalt Coa4'irg or SEALER Aluminum Coating. 10asy' to apply and Inexpensive. Also SEATXX Foundation Coating, Plastic Cement and Caulking Compounds. Canadian Made. why Buy Fbrelgn Materials? Write: Manufacturers Products Limited, Ottawa or P. ,1. Burke, St. Catharines, Ont. Represen tatives_Wanted DYEING AND CLEANING HA Vie you anything ueeds dyeing in ,learn Ing? Write to us for lnfermatinn. We are glad to answer your questions. De- partment H, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 791 Vallee St., 'rnrnnto frELP WANTED DR, POULTRY GRADERState experience In poultry (S eggs. if any), Group Insurance, etc, Phone or write: G, Evans. SILVERwOOD DAIRIES, LTD., EL3114CA,�UNT. - i1017SEi+-E17PER WANTED /4011SE1i:EEPER for adultfnmlly.�FTy- dro and - all conveniences, Murray Slaters, 0.11.2, Bethany, Ont. FOR SACS $2.500 =SUMMER -STORE north Lake Simone, real opportunity for small' in- vestment. Phone Oro 0123, 1951 FARGO ton pick-up, new condition, will take reduction, farm rented. .john Reder, Route 2, Dundas, Ontario. FOR Sale, Power Cider Preen with Ham- mermill etc., complete. Excellent condi- tion. Call or apply on premises. No. -a highway beside the Dixie Arena ar call' McKinlay Transport Limited, Cooksville. Phone 606. 6 BOWLING Alleys, Miniature Golf Course, Fish Pond, Dart Games at popular summer resort. Priced right for quick sale. Suitable for partners or larger family. Apply to: Steve Rosman. Port Stanley P.O„ Ontario. 1 USED 150 h.p. boiler for sale with 30" diameter x 90 • foot steel stack, and Jones 41 standard hydraulic stoker, capa- city of 400 Hounds of coal per hour. com- plete with all automatic controls. Bayes Steel Products Ltd., Merrltton, Ont, EARTI4WORMS - Young domesticated stook for composts, orchards, farms, gardens. Nater*ls best soil -enrichers. For information, write, "Colgora.'' Box 34, Lindsay, Ont, BABY descented skunks, ready now, 910. White mice, bannisters, budgies, cages. Ship anywhere. Michael Rudynia, 350 Davis Street, Port Colborne, Ont. LIVESTOCii !Marker. Paint Stick. Red, White, Black, Will not rub off wet or dry. Convenient pocket tube, 40c postpaid. BBambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg. 11an. FOR sale, heavy Traud embossing ma- chine, 30 inches between posts, very fine bed adjustment, steam or gas heated. General Carton Corp.. Ltd., 280 Victoria SL S„ Kitchener, Ont, FOR Sale: One Hammond Organ, in excel- , lent condition. Box 78, 123 - 18th Street. New Toronto. Ontario. FLIES DIE 171 thousands, attracted by new, scientific trap. Safe, simple, clean -no epraying, Result of 9 years' study. Low price. A. Currie, Dept. WIL-B, 60 Boulton Drive, (Toronto 6) CRESS CORN SALVE,- for sure relief. Tour Druggist sells CR1C58. NEW Case N.C.AI.T. Baler Autornatio Tie, Wisconsin engine 02,200. John Snider, Unionville, Ont. COLLIE Pups, reglsteecl, males and fe- males, also clogs at stud. Sullivan's Collie Kennels, Village of Vandorf, 77,17.1. Gorm- ley,Ont. Phone Aurora SO 11 6. USED GARAGE EQUIPMENT FULL linb used garage repair equipment and small cash register. lairs. Foster, Boom 207, 07 Richmond W., Toronto. IN Glen -Roy Ont, General Store. estab- lished for 36 years, good buildings, about one acre of land, stook of groceries, dry - goods, hardware, gas pumps, Grist 01111 fully equipped, Grain Elevators at Olen - Roy Station, .Agency for Sur -Grain Feed. Beason' for selling, Husband's death. 02- fered at an attractive price, and. a good going concern. •Apply: Marleau Bees., 'Realtors, 101A, Montreal Road, Cornwall, Ontario. PIANOS -New & prod, Fullygtaranteed, 26 to choose from, Now Console pianos priced from 0479. Used pianos from 099. Wilson le Lee, 70 Sln)cee Street North, Oshawa. FOR Immediat• e Sale, advance<irogtetny Yorkshire herd complete, included are . one tested sow and one on teat. All sows are young, proven top show animals, also a few weanling boars, members 02 a test litter. Apply Fred,73owland, Carleton Place, Ontario, E ICELLENT German Shepheacl 1' 77 7' 9 from prise winning parents. Alex Mc- Donald. 29 Birch, Collingwood, Ontario, GENERAL DUTY NURSE TWO Registered Nurses required immodl. ately for general duty to complete staff for 16 bed hospital: salary $100 pipes full maintenance: one month's holiday and 1 - way faro from Toronto refunded atter completion oe year's satisfactory service, Separate residence. Apply Mr. L. Fetter, Secretary, 0astend Union I$ospltal. East - end, Saskatchewan. • itI:I)IC.%1. 7NI,ItOWNTtt1.N,1,IM,S Ntui tele relieves puha imnautly and ('8' 0107va ingrown null In a few apptientlone' it Warp Fix gun esnreed remedy, •SOe. Corn Fix, - remnvee corns creel. t'n11°7180+ )n' 10 minutes, Ole Soni 'postpaid by A. Thomann') 7 Orchard f'reseen(.. rnrnnto I GOOD RESOI.UTiON -- Every Sufferer of Rheumatic Pains er Neuritis should try. Dixon's Remedy. 1MMUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa, $1.25 Expross Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE ttAN15El tie termer) 711 '7rs rr2enln rushes end 2Oetlln7 dice) trnUIles Pester Mee -erne eniee will not 7)1sappnin) you lehin71 sealing burning ee7.rma erne, ringworm o)mult'e onrl 5151151(''e font with clement) „earthy to the R191.11589, ntlnrtesk• AO MVO) regjrgiasa 01 how 77)nnhnt'n or nnpnlene liey soem PRICE 02.00 PER J3tt' POST'S REMEDIES eeat peel 1,1 1, ,p 11,•-elp1 et !'rice 4x!) tleceo C) I, t °rite, ,) (.nen» I'uriin), 0t'I'r. CILIAnI.TTr.S-'rhe en my way. 1' es. Tobacco telhnhlo, tor, a scientific treat- ment, quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco, rids the systema nr nicotine. I7)i110. Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists Vegl•erille. Alla, Write 1''. 0. Box 073, London, O)nt, BR:A) Colds, Fray Fever, Satre Relief' With (iornete Proprietary Patent Tteg9s-- tered, 91. Box, 11111 Iteuedies, 2200 Chtlrci, Avenue, 110(ltrcal, OPPUtt'rUNI'r1ES 0073 11EN AND WOMEN LEARN Secret Service, Fingerprint tvnrk, Complete folio 82 postpaid. C. llublee, Box 47_4, Saint_ John, N.B. BEA HAIRDRESSER IUIN r.ANADA.'S i.EADiNG RCT40OL Gres) Opportunity Learn lla)fdressing Pleasant dignified profession 8000 wages. 'rbousands of ruccenaful Marvel graduate,. America's Greatest System • Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call (MARVEL SA•r.RDRESSINO SCHOOLS 368 Rlnnr St, W„ Ternoto Branches' 44 Ring St Hampton 72 Rldeno Rt ihfew» PATENTS AN COVER to every lueeater-hist et in• ventkms and full Information sent free. Vile Ramsay Co., Registered relent Astor ,.' mays. 273 Rank Street. Ottawa 6'ETH ltit$TUNHAI'Gil 0 company, Pa- tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 360 Bay Street, Termite Bnnitlet nt informs, thin en request - PERSONA le '-"LUVELT CUI(1.S 8_1ri WAVES - LET nature curl, wave and cleanse. It'o new, a remedy for ail Hair troubles. For women, For men. For the first time in all history Permanent, lovely hair. Blarney Mist, an Irish formula. Postpaid 31.00. elellens Blarney Mist, 203 Wood- mount Ave., Toronto, . READ ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGY '01r LIV• INC: An outstanding astrologer and Psychologist shows how rot) may obtain good health) Send complete birthdate with two problems for free analysts by mail INFORMATION on health, farming, oil, mining, family, marriage-00nt)clontlally presented. Send 02.15 to: AST'RO-SER• VICE, Box 165, 7Termosa Beach, Calif. The Inner Man. In St. Louis. " caught in the act of robbing a rte- licatessen, " 35 -year-old Jack il3acy explained what had led him to it: in the Army he had developed a taste for baked beans, Merry Menagerie-ByWalt Disney citt.b.,d by Pny Tot,,, hnliau "I got the idea from those motor- cycle sidecars!" Up idGdoccr : , '- event Peeking p1pl1 2. 5 4`,r iflant al ''kt1Sa so � 3 r. 19 la MOMle, 1 17 V ci NiiitiVV V3 ,r,,r. Iiii. I%S.%ere ... Gr'w',fJ' 1 v0 rj ,.: i.:/iJ,. 24 25 26 , '127 IJV 26 29 ' 0 31 k 32 f•, ♦ J '.i:0 RAW %Y, itG!iC y AO 41 46 47 4g 49 56) '' fb' ^'„17\11 t+3 fti 5'b ?`SV 5a -IV .nswe Isewhere out This Page 4/3 cash customers in those quantities. There aren't arenas; or ball parks or stadia to accommodate that kind of crowds nor are any likely to' be built. The answer is, of course, Television - pay -as -you -enter Tele- vision. Naturally, the people who talk- that alkthat way may well be talking through their hats. Maybe the Tele- viewer will be satisfied to sit and 'watch a local Class B game for nothing rather than pay perhaps a buck to have the World Series appear on his screen. Maybe he'll decide to. shut the darn thing ,off' altogether and read a good book. And if he does decide to pay the price, is MC:, Televiewer going to sit still for the quantities of adver- tising blah he has accepted, up to now, as part of his free TV shows? .These are a few of the problems and possibilities that have th'e Tele- vision and Advertising industries in a couple of dithers right now. * * * Here, briefly, is a' run-down of the different pay-as-you-go Tele- vision systems, all still more or less in the experimental stage, 'k * * 1. Theatre TV. A signal is beam- ed by cable to micro -wave . relay directly into a large movie screen. Theatres charge extra admission or .,ballyhoo the show as an extra at- traction. Starting with the Joe Louis -Lee Savold fight, the new gimmick sold out nine theatres, it sold out 10 of 11 for Jake LaMotta- Bob Murphy, Potentialities are terrific. There are 19,797 indoor theatres in the United' States with 12,384,150 seats, plus 3,323 outdoor "drive-ins" with capacity of 700 'each; That gives ' you some 14,700,000 seats._ Add Canada to that and you really have ` something. k * * 2. Telemeter. leg a coin box sys- tem with two windows. One win- dow, would light up with the name and time of the event and price. The other • window would register the amount of:money dropped in a slot. When the required amount is dropped in, the show would start The system is now undergoing experiments in California, They 'hope to start field tests in the Los Angeles area Sept. 1, * • * ,k 3, Skiatron or subscriber visions -the card system. A 'TV station would broadcast a scrambled (code) picture that could be unscrarinbled only by a special decoder and a de- coder card. The code would be changed once a week- or more of- ten for a sgecial event -and you'd buy a new card at the newsstand, * :k * Phonevision. Already tested successfully in Chicago last win- ter, It also presents a' scrambled picture, You call the phone corn- pany and ask to be cut in on clear signal. The bill comes at the end of the month. * ,x Whether it's theatre -TV, Tele- meter, Skiatron, or Phonevision ar' somthing brand new, • the sports picture of the TV set owners seems fringed with . new costs for big events in the not-to'o-distant fature, * :x * • Well, there's the situation up to • noir('. What the antcome will be - well, we repeat, your guess is jnst as good as ores, or even letter- Personally, us rare very little lriw it {Arm; out. l.iytcrling tQ t4 $l:•a.ts event over 'the radio,. or loolk'ng at ii on Televis'on, has always straek las as about as satisfying as gum- ming it on a:. rubber :'Spo:lgc and imagining g you're eating 1' -bone. * k But we certainly would love to be around for an event which pay- as- you -go Television is bound to br'ng, sooner or later. That will be when one, of these Free Pass hounds calls up a 'gig sports mag- nate -say,, for example, Toronto's Conn Smythe, "011, ?1Ir. Smythe," the ;Pass Hound 1111 say. "Von re- member ole,' I'ni sure. I'nlthe guy who used to listen to all the Maple Leaf broadcasts every night way Out in Birdseye Center, and 1 can, tell you I was always pulling for the Leafs. Well, Mr. Smythe -it's this way. I'd dearly love to see the Telecast of tonight's Stanley Cup game but the factis I'ni a little short. 1'know you w'on't mind ea11- ing up the Phone Company and telling then to unscramble my set." ,k * . Yes, neighbors, when that hap- pens we would dearly love to be around and listen to the reply. Anywhere within a half mile of Church and Carlton Streets would be near enough( Beware of Raw Milk "The initial cause of"the destruc- tion of human health, and soine- tunes of life itself, can often be traced back directly to the disease germs carried by raw milk," says Margaret Smith, Ph.B,, M.Sc., di- rector of the nutrition division, Health League of Canada. Sometimes germs find their way into milk as the result of contami- nation by dust, by using unclean milk pails (which are often con- taminated by dirty dish towels), ar by improperly sterilized milking Machines, strainers, milk cans, etc. The virulent disease germs may conte from the cows themselves, from those who handle the milk, from carriers human or otherwise, according to Miss Smith. Common house flies are a frequent source of danger. Communicable diseases are not only spread by infected milk but may also he carried in such milk products as cream, ,.'ice Cream, cheese, cottage cheese, buttermilk and butter made from infected milk, • The annual exodus of Canadian families from city to country inay be a Move from a safe' to an un- safe milk supply, -points out the Health League; an'ct. it offers the following simple 'Method for home pasteurization without any elabo- rate special equipment. Use a double boiler which will hold about twice the amount of milk to be heated. Put enough cold water in the bottom pot to touch the 'top ,one. Put the cold milk • in the' top pot and cover it. Bring the water in the bottom pot to a bpi and keep it boiling for eight minutes,' then cool the milk as rapidly as possible, bottle, and place in cold storage (about 45 de- grees Fahrenheit). Never; put the heated milk into unsterilized bot- tles br the whole effort will be wasted. This method of home pasteuriza- tion will not change the flavor of the milk. There is ,no danger of scorching, and no prcc.ipation of the nutritive elements. Simply Un -Sear -Able - When the heat is too much to bear, according to the grizzled gent above who has had to bear ever since he can remember, there's only one thing to do: fold your hands, tilt your head back, and bellow until you feel better. Bruin developed this ritual at Vincennes Zoo in Paris. Hp's still there and still using it. At a banquet of firemen the wit- ty chief proposed this toast: "To the ladies! They kindle the only fiame which we cannot extinguish, and against which there is no in- surance!" n- stirance!" itehmitcLitch 1 Was Nearly Cr at y Until I tileetWererl 17r. 1), 1). Bennie' emaeing(y runt relict 7). 1). I). I'relerintlSn, World 1)000107, able Pure, eoultne,1)7)5.1) rnedloailen e1,17de pea00- (1111 comfort ?rote eruct 1traln.t c ised by 55:., n 1, rank l car, reek e s 5 reee end 011e 1 1 b ) -)lc ,feel beetle, 'ie. 1 c ; t' ) e t 1 n,w red 1ra:.rip..ua te,elln,uv or C....a 1,,ren20». ..Cbssified Advertising.. 0,1111' ()Mona CIIlC7i buy)ug time is any Onto now. IVo ltatrh them the year round) Prompt at- tention for llnmedtnte dclivt'u> on all p0pu- lar breeds, nonsezed, pelletal, cockerels. Also '1"ln'key P0))lts, Geier I'ullets. Free L'ittaingutr, Tweeely (1(1 c 1Lth'hrcica Limited, Ieergua, Onlariu, PULLETS Wonted: All breeds and ogee, good prices paid Apply to Dox No. 12, 123 Eighteenth Street, New 'rorontn,_Ont, TOP Notch (Micky ;Hund right at the ton as far as finality is concerned. We can give prompt delivery out alt popular' pure breeds and cross breeds in nennexed, Pei - feta or cockerels, Also 'rarltey trunks, Older PulletH, Catalogue, Top Notch t"hick Salem, GueOOu'lo. _ ono than ehlckrt)1ph„Specluliyil57-7)+_11 heatthY, vigorous Southgatecrnss (meaty, white, feathered and ,yellow -legged). New l amp• shires and Sussex ei (Tamps: any (menthe', reasonably priced: 1)10)171 or write, Mess ltartln, Southgate t'nrne, Celt. cont BUSINESS oPfoIrruNl'I'ipls GASOLINE aert'lee station, imtrh reenter, general repairs, anile aoressm'Ien. 117171)7 ace0nun0datiOns. Full prier: •57,000. 48,000 rash will handle. leigleeo (teal Palate Chatham, Ont. $100 PER WEEK Right loan 1.0 10011 after business, P70. tested territory. rifest be able to invest 5600. New Patented necessity, Act qutcicly. Box 70, 123 -13th St., New Tor- onto, Ont. GTIOCERY STOR10 business tor sole 171 Braeside, Ontario, including store, ad- . Joining residence, stock -In -trade. and goodwill asset of an estate: reasonably Priced. Apply .7. 7. Greene, barrister, Arnprior, Ont, SACRIFICE for quick sale: Resort Etotel. Two main lodges, snaclr`'.bat1, cabins and cottage. Private beach °ye -Lake Stmcoe. Write Lakeside Lodges, 06A Bing St. W„ Toronto, Ont. FOR YOU3t ROOF19 SEALIIX ASBESTOS Asphalt Coa4'irg or SEALER Aluminum Coating. 10asy' to apply and Inexpensive. Also SEATXX Foundation Coating, Plastic Cement and Caulking Compounds. Canadian Made. why Buy Fbrelgn Materials? Write: Manufacturers Products Limited, Ottawa or P. ,1. Burke, St. Catharines, Ont. Represen tatives_Wanted DYEING AND CLEANING HA Vie you anything ueeds dyeing in ,learn Ing? Write to us for lnfermatinn. We are glad to answer your questions. De- partment H, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 791 Vallee St., 'rnrnnto frELP WANTED DR, POULTRY GRADERState experience In poultry (S eggs. if any), Group Insurance, etc, Phone or write: G, Evans. SILVERwOOD DAIRIES, LTD., EL3114CA,�UNT. - i1017SEi+-E17PER WANTED /4011SE1i:EEPER for adultfnmlly.�FTy- dro and - all conveniences, Murray Slaters, 0.11.2, Bethany, Ont. FOR SACS $2.500 =SUMMER -STORE north Lake Simone, real opportunity for small' in- vestment. Phone Oro 0123, 1951 FARGO ton pick-up, new condition, will take reduction, farm rented. .john Reder, Route 2, Dundas, Ontario. FOR Sale, Power Cider Preen with Ham- mermill etc., complete. Excellent condi- tion. Call or apply on premises. No. -a highway beside the Dixie Arena ar call' McKinlay Transport Limited, Cooksville. Phone 606. 6 BOWLING Alleys, Miniature Golf Course, Fish Pond, Dart Games at popular summer resort. Priced right for quick sale. Suitable for partners or larger family. Apply to: Steve Rosman. Port Stanley P.O„ Ontario. 1 USED 150 h.p. boiler for sale with 30" diameter x 90 • foot steel stack, and Jones 41 standard hydraulic stoker, capa- city of 400 Hounds of coal per hour. com- plete with all automatic controls. Bayes Steel Products Ltd., Merrltton, Ont, EARTI4WORMS - Young domesticated stook for composts, orchards, farms, gardens. Nater*ls best soil -enrichers. For information, write, "Colgora.'' Box 34, Lindsay, Ont, BABY descented skunks, ready now, 910. White mice, bannisters, budgies, cages. Ship anywhere. Michael Rudynia, 350 Davis Street, Port Colborne, Ont. LIVESTOCii !Marker. Paint Stick. Red, White, Black, Will not rub off wet or dry. Convenient pocket tube, 40c postpaid. BBambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg. 11an. FOR sale, heavy Traud embossing ma- chine, 30 inches between posts, very fine bed adjustment, steam or gas heated. General Carton Corp.. Ltd., 280 Victoria SL S„ Kitchener, Ont, FOR Sale: One Hammond Organ, in excel- , lent condition. Box 78, 123 - 18th Street. New Toronto. Ontario. FLIES DIE 171 thousands, attracted by new, scientific trap. Safe, simple, clean -no epraying, Result of 9 years' study. Low price. A. Currie, Dept. WIL-B, 60 Boulton Drive, (Toronto 6) CRESS CORN SALVE,- for sure relief. Tour Druggist sells CR1C58. NEW Case N.C.AI.T. Baler Autornatio Tie, Wisconsin engine 02,200. John Snider, Unionville, Ont. COLLIE Pups, reglsteecl, males and fe- males, also clogs at stud. Sullivan's Collie Kennels, Village of Vandorf, 77,17.1. Gorm- ley,Ont. Phone Aurora SO 11 6. USED GARAGE EQUIPMENT FULL linb used garage repair equipment and small cash register. lairs. Foster, Boom 207, 07 Richmond W., Toronto. IN Glen -Roy Ont, General Store. estab- lished for 36 years, good buildings, about one acre of land, stook of groceries, dry - goods, hardware, gas pumps, Grist 01111 fully equipped, Grain Elevators at Olen - Roy Station, .Agency for Sur -Grain Feed. Beason' for selling, Husband's death. 02- fered at an attractive price, and. a good going concern. •Apply: Marleau Bees., 'Realtors, 101A, Montreal Road, Cornwall, Ontario. PIANOS -New & prod, Fullygtaranteed, 26 to choose from, Now Console pianos priced from 0479. Used pianos from 099. Wilson le Lee, 70 Sln)cee Street North, Oshawa. FOR Immediat• e Sale, advance<irogtetny Yorkshire herd complete, included are . one tested sow and one on teat. All sows are young, proven top show animals, also a few weanling boars, members 02 a test litter. Apply Fred,73owland, Carleton Place, Ontario, E ICELLENT German Shepheacl 1' 77 7' 9 from prise winning parents. Alex Mc- Donald. 29 Birch, Collingwood, Ontario, GENERAL DUTY NURSE TWO Registered Nurses required immodl. ately for general duty to complete staff for 16 bed hospital: salary $100 pipes full maintenance: one month's holiday and 1 - way faro from Toronto refunded atter completion oe year's satisfactory service, Separate residence. Apply Mr. L. Fetter, Secretary, 0astend Union I$ospltal. East - end, Saskatchewan. • itI:I)IC.%1. 7NI,ItOWNTtt1.N,1,IM,S Ntui tele relieves puha imnautly and ('8' 0107va ingrown null In a few apptientlone' it Warp Fix gun esnreed remedy, •SOe. Corn Fix, - remnvee corns creel. t'n11°7180+ )n' 10 minutes, Ole Soni 'postpaid by A. Thomann') 7 Orchard f'reseen(.. rnrnnto I GOOD RESOI.UTiON -- Every Sufferer of Rheumatic Pains er Neuritis should try. Dixon's Remedy. 1MMUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa, $1.25 Expross Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE ttAN15El tie termer) 711 '7rs rr2enln rushes end 2Oetlln7 dice) trnUIles Pester Mee -erne eniee will not 7)1sappnin) you lehin71 sealing burning ee7.rma erne, ringworm o)mult'e onrl 5151151(''e font with clement) „earthy to the R191.11589, ntlnrtesk• AO MVO) regjrgiasa 01 how 77)nnhnt'n or nnpnlene liey soem PRICE 02.00 PER J3tt' POST'S REMEDIES eeat peel 1,1 1, ,p 11,•-elp1 et !'rice 4x!) tleceo C) I, t °rite, ,) (.nen» I'uriin), 0t'I'r. CILIAnI.TTr.S-'rhe en my way. 1' es. Tobacco telhnhlo, tor, a scientific treat- ment, quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco, rids the systema nr nicotine. I7)i110. Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists Vegl•erille. Alla, Write 1''. 0. Box 073, London, O)nt, BR:A) Colds, Fray Fever, Satre Relief' With (iornete Proprietary Patent Tteg9s-- tered, 91. Box, 11111 Iteuedies, 2200 Chtlrci, Avenue, 110(ltrcal, OPPUtt'rUNI'r1ES 0073 11EN AND WOMEN LEARN Secret Service, Fingerprint tvnrk, Complete folio 82 postpaid. C. llublee, Box 47_4, Saint_ John, N.B. BEA HAIRDRESSER IUIN r.ANADA.'S i.EADiNG RCT40OL Gres) Opportunity Learn lla)fdressing Pleasant dignified profession 8000 wages. 'rbousands of ruccenaful Marvel graduate,. America's Greatest System • Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call (MARVEL SA•r.RDRESSINO SCHOOLS 368 Rlnnr St, W„ Ternoto Branches' 44 Ring St Hampton 72 Rldeno Rt ihfew» PATENTS AN COVER to every lueeater-hist et in• ventkms and full Information sent free. Vile Ramsay Co., Registered relent Astor ,.' mays. 273 Rank Street. Ottawa 6'ETH ltit$TUNHAI'Gil 0 company, Pa- tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 360 Bay Street, Termite Bnnitlet nt informs, thin en request - PERSONA le '-"LUVELT CUI(1.S 8_1ri WAVES - LET nature curl, wave and cleanse. It'o new, a remedy for ail Hair troubles. For women, For men. For the first time in all history Permanent, lovely hair. Blarney Mist, an Irish formula. Postpaid 31.00. elellens Blarney Mist, 203 Wood- mount Ave., Toronto, . READ ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGY '01r LIV• INC: An outstanding astrologer and Psychologist shows how rot) may obtain good health) Send complete birthdate with two problems for free analysts by mail INFORMATION on health, farming, oil, mining, family, marriage-00nt)clontlally presented. Send 02.15 to: AST'RO-SER• VICE, Box 165, 7Termosa Beach, Calif. The Inner Man. In St. Louis. " caught in the act of robbing a rte- licatessen, " 35 -year-old Jack il3acy explained what had led him to it: in the Army he had developed a taste for baked beans, Merry Menagerie-ByWalt Disney citt.b.,d by Pny Tot,,, hnliau "I got the idea from those motor- cycle sidecars!" Up idGdoccr : , '- event Peeking p1pl1 iflant al ''kt1Sa � � la 1 V ci NiiitiVV V3 1 v0 ,, IJV 'u'V9 '' fb' ^'„17\11 El?JO;.: 11V1 ?`SV -IV ISSUE 31 - 1951 Any: rime- anywherel Convenient ASTHMAPOit -in powder ar cigarette form- is always ready and easy to use. ASTHMA. POR'S soothing, aromatic fumes bring welcome relief from the distressing symptoms of bronchia! asthma. Economical, too. At any drug store in Canada and U. S. R. SoiIFFMANN'S ASTHMADOR