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Zurich Herald, 1951-07-19, Page 4
1111Y11r . ONTARIO LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend DANCING EVERY NIGHT BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA CONCERT Bobby Downs and his Orchestra and a GREAT PAPUL'ARITY CONTEST Sunday - July 22nd., 8.30 p.m Contestants: Quartettes" GODERICki LIONS 'ZURICH LIONS GRAND BEND LIONS "Lion EXETER LIONS PARI HILL LIONS LUCAN LIONS • WINDSOR LIONS (The Daddy of 'em all) Some of these Quartettes are Terrible, Especially :Zurich. TO BE JUDGED ON POPUL?LRITY ONLY Come and support your favourites for a $50 prize! (Bring your earplugs.) All proceeds for The South Huron Hospital. Come on boys and gals - bring your dollars - let's get hiking! Mr and Mrs, Chas. 'Gathers of Wrox eter 'were Sunday visitors with Mr. • and Mrs. Thos. Hopcnoft. • Mr and Mrs. Robt Hoperoft have • returned to their Thome in Pont Col- + • borne after spending their •vacation 4. with his parents. + + . + 4. + + + + 4. + + + + + + + + + STANLEY TOWNSHIP Friends welcome dr and Mrs Robt Thompson, who moved to' their new home in Kippen. Sympathy is extended to the fam.- iJfln of the late 1M'r. Jarrott, who on July 1st passed away in Scott Mem- orialHospital, .Seaforth, Mrs. Schilbe of Exeter, 'vias a vis- itor with her another, Mrs: McCly- mont, Kippen. and another damned to the extent ,Ir. John Doig, of Grand Rapids, of 1250 when they sideswiped during Mich., was the guest of his mother, the blinding rain early Sunday morn - Mrs. Doig ansister Janet, Kippen. a ing last. The new car completely ov- few days reeetrtly' erturned after the impact on No. 81 introduction Service highway a mile and a half east of Introdaction services were held In Grand Bend. Hugh Davis 19, and the United Church, Varna, Friady I Hazel McFalls, 17, both of Centralia evening for Rev. T. J. 'Pitts, Nona escaiped with multiple injuries. The driver of the other car, John R. Schuman, 12.7, of the RCAF Sta. Cen- tralia, was not seriously hurt. Prov. incial constable Ebner Zimmerman in vestigated. 0 44044444 006460444Vi i4 SOW 0 SPI 400000 0004004 666460066&06lie Cruller Tire and m atterSery 6 B.A, 'ONE -STOP -SERVICE We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and Flousehdld Appliances DON'T RISK YOUR`LIFE on the last 10,000 miles of a Tire. DEAL'it To -day and get paid for it. GOODYEAR 'NAND FIRESTONE TIRES For the 'Safety Of Your Farriily Use LIFEGUARDS Also Used Tires FOR SALE FIRESTONE `rigs., ;Stoves, Washing Machines. Oil Burners, -etc. Still at the OLD PRICE Phone 50'r 5 `GRAND BEND _Open every Night yeeva,De•:Qe doeeeYti sees•• 0 0 • 0 2 • • • • A • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • 0 0• • 0 oesooeeee eoeooe•4•••!••Q•••@• "WHERE PREPARED PLACE FOR PREPARED PEOPLE One liaTrepared,"wlgo repent ing of his sin (:to God), trusts Christ, who bore his sin upon the Cross, for Salvati:an Jesus Said to those who are -Prepared : "Let not your'heart be troubled: ye believe in God, be- liev also ;in Me." John 14:1. "I go to •prepare• a place for you and if I prepare a place for ;you, 'I will come again and receive you unto myself. * John 14:3. But to those who `Neglect so great Salvation He • (Heb.2:3-) "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, pre- pare.d for the 'de•'vil and his angels."' Mat. 25.4 "And these shall go awayinto everlasting punishment ;but the nesghteoius; into' life- eternal." Mat. 25:46 PREPARE "TO MEET THY GOD Chas. Pu1'Ler., iBux 1123 tio®s,'Angeles 53, California_ ABC rNetwotek ESundays 4.00 p.m. B.S. T. ye P O F H Y 3 4 a Tenders for Drama e Work Separate. tenders :il.l'be _received by the undersign- ed until 6:00 ;p.m., July 31st, 1951, for the repair ;df. °':the ZURICH: :DRAIN SOUTH .and .the SCHWALM DRAIN 4080 and 4200 Cubic Yards respectively. Tenders to cal for camplete job including catch basins according to the Engineer's Report. Speci- fications may be seen at the Township Office or at S. W. Archibald's, 4156 'Wellington -St., London. Certified cheque for 10 of tender to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ontario. DASHWOOD DetrAt are -pending their vacation with Mrs. Lucinda McIsaac. Visitors at Daniel and Ralph. Web- ,:er ' on Sunday Jules 15th were, Ruth Prom Red Deer, Alb., Thelma of Lon- don; Rev, Bert Carr and family of 1'csrt Elgin; Walter, Roxie and Ron- ald fr:sm Crediton; Keith, Hazel and family ;and Mr and Mrs Jack Cald- well from Exeter; Clarence Schade and family from Zurich. Twenty -seta • en.gathered around a table under the maple trees on the lawn. Mr and Mrs Carl •Ocstreicher and s Mr. Sant Oestreicher spent Sunday 'with relatives in Clifford where Mrs Carl will spend her vacation. Dr. Eunice Oestreialier el' London spent Sunday with her parents V?r, and Mrs. A. 1'.. Oestreicher. Mrs, C?:ea ton \'Vililfang and Nona of London :spent a few clavi with it • methr r, 11Trs. Hamacher last. weer Dashwood (land will give an open a;r Band Concert on Saturday night at 11.30 p.n.s on Mrs. Taylor's lawn, after which pie and home made ice xreaon will be served by the four. L's Sunday School Class. 'Air and Mrs. A. J. Brunner, Mr. a:;d Mrs. Dwight Kurtz and enlight- en, ,.f Kansas City, are visiting relat- ives here. Mr•..lartin McGrenere and family acrd Rose Marie J=shnston onion dory lire spending their vacation with hs,: yrs. r Mr. Otto Restemeyer. Ss): i Airs. Melvin Guenther of {rola , lrul, visited relatives here last! week. .111 and Mss •C,Viiti.' l c?a • aY?!( se rr.-a David and Daniel, Mr and Mrs.1 Har t,1 ti,,"Tenon an{a daughter flet -1 ty. .Timmy ',VIc fi-ao-ac, all of ZURICH HERALD GRAND BEND Sub -Office Opens Hydro officials have .announced that the sub -office of Hydro frequ- ency standardization under the Exe- ter .office will the open at Grand Bend from July 11th until July 25th, for the ,convenience of cusomers of the surrounding area, giving 24 hour service. The +office is located near the Brenner House, Adjoining the office is the clock and fan trailer, open from Jules 12 to 20. Any calls after the close of the Grand Bend office should oe referred to 601 Exe- ter, New Car Demolished . 19511 car was almost ,denvolished 1 Newfoundland. mow., Pitt wilt have charge of the Varna -Goshen United Churches circuit, and succeeds Rev. Miss Reba Bern, who served the charge for several ipears. During Miss Helen's pastorate a new thurch was built at Goshen and extensive repairs made to Varna Chcrc'h•, 'including a new basement. The induction serv- ice was in charge of the Ref. G. G. Burton of Centralia. SCHOOL REPORT The following is a 'report of the June promotions of S.S.S. No, 11, Stanley School. Proanoted to Grade '9-Gesrge Ov- erholt (H) ; Rose Marie Rau, Willie Overholt. To Grade S --jimmy Bedard, Rich- ard Bedard. To Grade 77—Victor Denomme, (hon) ; Joe 'Overhdlt (hon) ; Marie Ann Montague. To Grade 6—Philip Overholt (hon Rine Montague, Gerald Masse. To Grade 5 — Joseph 'Charles Cor- riveau (hon) Jeanne Etue, Annette Rau, Peter Bedard, Gerard Overholt. To, Grade 4—Joan Etue. To Grade 3—Rose 'iVtari,e Etue, hn, Jerry Etue (h) ; Cecilia Bedard (h) ; John Masse Tilt; Martha Sreenan. To Grade f2' — Anthony Bedard (h) ; Michael Jeffrey (h) ; Jacqueline Montague (101 Clarence Rau. IMrs. Estrhur Mau, Teadher. I Thursday, July 19t11, 195./ on the big ticket draw, and plenty eat entertainment is being provided for one and all. To Reside in Jamaica Mrs, Orlo Miller and son, Gordon, have left to motor to Jamaica where they plan to take up residence. They will go by Key West, Fla., to Havana Cuba, by ferry and then another ferry from Cuba to Jamaica.. Mrs. Mabel Prentice D Mrs. Mabel Prentice, 59, widow of David Prentice of Hayfield, died on Monday 16th, in Clinton Hospital. She was born in Stanley Township and in World War II was correspon- ding secy of 'Bayfield Red Cross, a member of Trinity church. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Stinson, who is ill in Clinton Hospital; one son Dav- id, (Pittsburg; a daughter, (Mary, Tor- onto; a brother, Harold Stinson, Bay- field; and three sisters, Mrs. Geo. Reid, in Sask; Mrs. Alfred Furter, London; and Mrs. John Stumps, New York. The remains are resting at t funeral the Ball and Mutchhome, Clinton, till 'Wednesday when service will be conducted in Trinity Church Bayfield, with interanent in Bayfield cemetery. Rev. H. J. Webb, tofficiat- BAYFIELD .. Honor Rev. and Mrs Renner A happy celebration was held when the congregation of Grace United Church, Porter's Hill and St. Andre: w's Church, Bayfield, gathered at the home of their minister, Rev. Peter Renner, to express their Brood wishes to Rev. and Mrs. Renner, on the oc- casion of their silver wedding anniv- ersaiip. The house was beautifully decorated with an abundance of flo- wers. During the evening the hosts were completely taken by .surprise when Olin Campbell read an address and Wilmer Harrison presented them with a cabinet of Evening Star flat- ware. From North Dakota Mx and Mrs. P. C. Parker, Nekoma N. Dakota are spending two weeks' vacation with the former's mother, Mrs. Charles Parker, at the home of Mr and Mrs R. J. Larson, Bayfield. To Have Frolic July 25th is the date set for the Big Annual Lions Frolick, put on by the Mayfield Lions Club. There will be fun and entertainment for one and all liberal prizes are being awarded AUTOS FOR SALE AT I'RZCES TOSELL 1941 DeLux Ford Coach 1939 Master Chevrolette, completetes Overuaulled. 1938 .Chrysler with overdrive.: 1930 Model A. New anator, B, A, Service 'Station, Grand B©nd, Rollie ,Grenier, Proprietor LOST On Town Line between Hillsgreear. Drysdale and Eggerton Beach a new. Sie'berling Tire 600-1116. Finder corm tact Mrs. George Haines, R.R. 2, Blyth, Phone 11 .r 1a,, , Blytk. ,nr FOR SALE 1 used tires 670-1 4 onlgt good a 5.D,. A. & :Son. 1• nearly new.—_L A,Pran • g r� FOR QUICK SALE A 2.4 H.P. Johnston Outboard. Motor, good as new. Priced right Ferd. Haberer,, (Phone 11112' Zurieb. FOR SALE Choice Raspberries. for. Sale.. Calk. 134, Zurich for delivery. —Gerald' Gingerich., FOR SALE ing. Massey -Harris 6=ft. .cut Binders., Had Reunion The sixth annual Willert reunion was held on Saturday, Julyy 7th at Canatara Park, Sarnia with about 200 present. Relatives were present from Florida and several points in Michigan and Ontario. The afternoson was ,spent in sports followed by a ball game Ibetweeri the Americans and Canadians. The prize for the old- est person on the grounds was won by Mrs. Will Willert 'and for the yo- ungest irolby en the grounds was Pat- ricia Elain, daughter of Mr and Mrs :Harold Willert. After supper was served the business was transacted, following are the results. Officers for 1952: President, Bruce Willert; vice pres., Leonard ISnightly; secy. 'Bern - ire Heist; Sports, Frank Triebner, Otto 1Wi]lert, Llolyd Rader, Welling- ton Hoist, Adolph Keller; Table, Mrs, Ervin Willert, Mms. Lloyd Rader, Mrs A. Keller, Mrs. Frank Triebner, IMrs Art Willert, Mrs. Bruce Koehler and Mrs. Herbert Wetberg; Look -out committee, Ervin Willert, Bruce Ko- ehler, and Lloyd Rader. coinpleter:in good condition. Appla; bo Alex. Chalk*, R.R:. 2; Zuriclh. FOR SALE 2 Red Scotch .Shorthorn Bulls, reg-. istered and accred'i'ted: Apply Oa Fred Brown, Rhone 73.4, Crediton. 4 - • FOR SALE A Rubber Tired Wagon fop sate., Apply to L. A. Prang & Son. Ise- FOR SALE Montmorency Cherries now bring, ylour own containers , and pick'_ them yoourself, :pressed to Sullivan, 3 miles south of Camp. Ipperwash, 10th Con, Bosanquet,Tp,., FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel pups for sale. Ap., ply to :Bab Mittletvoltz, Phone 198. 's NOTI'C-E - PAINTING — Spray or Brush,, e Painting barns, houses, sheds, Roofs,. Etc. By contract or hourly basis,. Contact James Peachey or Gordo. Eagleson, Phone i4i0a r 2, Dash'gvo uron Erie Debentures "A Time -Tested Trustee Investment" -- 5 year terms • Interest payable half -yearly. • $100 or more accepted. • Comparable rates for shorter terms.. The r 414 MORTGAGE CORPORATION District- Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich, Ontario. The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation, London, Ontario. It takes a lot of cooling to keep a Polar Bear happy. This largest member of the bear family is smaller than a porcupine at birth, but often weighs more than three-quarters of a ton when full grown. To this tremendous bulk, add the fact that the bear is covered with a thick, water -proof coat, which is designed to protect him in the Arctic .. it's a big job keeping him cool in our zoos. Learn about nature's creatures. Visit the nearestzoo and see them. A whole new world of interest will be opened to you when you understand nature. Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT - YOURS TO ENJOY • NG'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 5.9' r..