HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-07-12, Page 4ZURICH s ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Zurich Chamber of Commerce Your,,Chamber of Commerce What Is it ? IT 1S AN ORGANIZATION -- Which promotes the Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial and Civic interests of Zurich and District. Which will be composed following a membership campaign in September, •of at least 50 members including many of the cornmuniti•es leading citizens in all fields of endeavour.. Which represents all the basic branches of Industry, Agricult- ure, Public Utilities, Transportation and Banking and in no way conflicts .with other organizations. In which the polities are guided by a Council of Twelve to Which is pledged to work continuously for the interest of all and serve without compensation. In which the program of work is developed according to the wishes of the majority of its members, and carried out through committees, the personel of which includes men of experience, background and judgement. Fourteen persons who are elected annually by the membership in . the community, selfaupporting from its membership fees, and to work •co-operatively with all Civic, Service and Social organizations. BE A BACKER FOR YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • • 4.•r • ••• •• 0 4 0 4 4 6 0 a i 1 s a s 0 • 3 • • • • 0 0• 0 • • • • • • • s i • si • • • • 1 1 1 4. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + 3 + 4 4 • • • ars • • 0 0 0 • 0 0 • •y • • • • • • • • 0041••00•10111410.00000000000•04900000000100110004100,00.110041 THERE IS A. PREPARED PLACE FOR PREPARED PEOPLE One Os prepared, who repent ing of his sin (to God), trusts Christ, who bore his sin upon the Cr,,w, for Salvation Jesus Said to those who are Prepared: "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, be- liev also in Me." John 14:1. "I go to prepare a place for you and if I prepare apiece for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. John 14:3. But to those who Neglect so great Salvation He Said: (Heb. 2 3-) "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, pre- pared for the devil. and his angels."' Mat. 25.4 "And these shall go awayinto� everlasting punishment;but the reighteous into life eternal." Mat. 25:40 PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD EVERYONE IS INVITED TO The Progressive Conservative PICNIC At Lions Park, Seaforth ''ed. July 18th at 2:30 p.m. SPECIAL SPEAKER: Major Hon. John Foote. D. C. Minister of Reform Institutions. Tom Pryde, M.L.A., Huron South. John W. Hanna, M.L.A., Huron North. Elston Cardiff, M.P., Huron North. Games and Races for the Children BRING YOUR LUNCH! Coffee Supplied on the Grounds E VIi W G i►SI IO Gr nd Bend Dancing Every Night B by Downs and his Orchestra eattoonqoatoeowome • As • • a EV • • • For the Safety Of Your Family Use LIFEGUARDS 4-1.+++++4.4i++4++++++++++++++++++++++ •••sefees000sse•••••••••••••••00•O•• • • • • • • • • • • • • Lrenter Tire and Battery Service B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and Household Appliances DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles of a Tire. DEAL it To -day and get paid for it. GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES • 5, 4. 4. • �e Also Used Tires FOR SALE FIRESTONE Frigs., Stoves, Washing Machines, Oil Burners, etc. Still at the OLD PRICE Phone 50 r 5 GRAND BEND Open every Night Chas. Puller, BOX 12sos Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs Clifford DeHate of Detroit; Mr and Mrs George Deflate and Mr and Mrs. Tuffnell of Mount Clemens, Mich., were the past week resorters in the late Frank Geofrey's, residence in Beavertown. Miss Cherie • Gessffr4, who has spent a few days rich i er mother and other members of''the family, has returned to her home in Detroit. Mrs. Daniel Bedard, Mrs. Alva Mecrea and Mrs. Carey Taylor all of Courbright, spent a few days the past week with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Blaise Ducharme and daughter Denise of Windsor, spent their holidays •with the former's par- ents and other relatives in this neigh- borhood. Farmers are fairly well advanced in the harvesting of the hay crop,the weather has been. anything but fav- ourable and the hay was cut and hauled in between showers and sun- shine. Miss Diane Stansberry of Detroit, is spending a few days with her gran- dparents Mr and Mrs Fred Dncharme of this B. W. Highway. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Harold Penhale, Bronson line, were Mr. Arthur Hobson. Toronto; Mr and Mrs H Johnston and daughter Anna, London; Mr and Mrs. Melvin Bennett o� Goderich; iMr and Mrs. Howard McCullough and. son Douglas of God- erieh Twp. The induction service for Rev. T. J. Pitt was held in the United church Varna Friday evening last. Rev. Mr. Maines, formerly of Glen - co was inducted in the Brucefield United church with Rev. McMillan of Seaforth and Rev. Mr. Hinton ;of Kippen taking part. Mrs. C. A. Mustard and son Rickey of Brucefield, were recent visitors in London. .. Coleman - Richardson A pretty wedding took place Sat- urday last at Brucefield United Church, when. Lois Marie Richardson only daughter of Mr and Mrs. Gor- don Richardson, Tuckersmith Twp., became the bride of Gordon .Hamid Coleman, son of Mr and Mrs Anson Coleman, Stanley. The Rev. E. R. Stanway, London, former pastor, offi- ciated with Rev. W. J. Maines the new pastsr assisting. Mrs. H. Carey Glenco, was •organist and daccompan- ied violinist .Miss Eva Stackhouse, of Brucefield. The" bride was given in marrage by her father, wore .a white satin gown and carried a cascade of red and white carnations. IVErs. Ralph Stephenson of Varna, was matron of honor, Shirley Knox, Blyth, and Nancy Pepper, Seaforth, 'junior brid- esmaids. George Coleman. V arna, brother ,of the groom 'was best Man. The ushers were Ralph Stephenson, Varna, and Melvin Nott, •Seeforth.A reception followed in the Sunday school ro;m of the Church. For a honeymoon trip to Indiana the bride wore green attire and white accessor- ies. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman will reside on the grosm's farm near Hillsgreen. DASHWOOD laur,nitty`, July .12th, 1951 ing nosegay of roses, ,ccunations, sweet peas and snap dragons. The flower girl was :Miss Masi' Jane Hoff- man, gowned in yellow dottecr net and carried a basket of yellow baby mums and scattered rose pedals for the bride. Mr Wallace Becker of Grand Bend. was best anan and Donald Gaiser, brother of the bride, were suers. Mrs. Freeman Moriock, presided at the organ and Mr. Harry Hoffman s-loist. sac^- "The Lord's Prayer,and My World.' The wedding reception took place on the lawn at the ,bride's home in Dashwood. The bride's mother re- ceiving the guests, dressed in Navy (blue mesh and wore a corsage of red reses:-The bride wore a white sharks - .skin suit with. matching accesssries, and a corsage of red roses for the honeiymoon to be spent it Quebec. They will reside in Frankford, Ont. Guests attending the wedding were from iPresc.ott, Preston, Lambeth, Wallacetown, Lond-n, Crediton, Ail- sa Craig, Grand Bend, Eeter and Toledo, Ohio.' !.T i! III11IHUIIIIIIDIIIII 1 1I I 11111 111111 11 1111EIE111M The largest crowd of the season is expected for the Friday night ig game of basebell when the powerful Mitchell team will play the league leading Dashwood nine. These two teams are at the top of the League. Game starts at 0,30 p.m. Week -end visitors with ilirs. L. Mclsaac were Mrs. Theresa Joyce, Mrs. Kober, Mrs. Wertz and daughter all of Detroit. Miss Lena Steinhagen of Cleve- land spent a few days with her bro- therMr and Mrs Chas. Steinhagen. :Miss Doris Allemand !of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr and Mr, A. Allemand. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bache of Detroit visited with relatives here last week. Mrs. Gordon Hewitt and family of Collingwood visited with Mr and Mrs T. Harry Hoffman last week. Mr and Mrs. H. Dark of Windsor were Sunday visitors with her par, ents Mr and Mrs C. Steinhagen. Mr and Mrs Robt. H sper:•oft and son Bobbie of PortColborne are spending their vacation withhis par- ents, Mr and Mrs Thos. Hopere t. Mr and• Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman spent Sundaly with friends in Port Elgin. Mrs. J. Reschke of Detroit in visit- ing with Mr and Mrs. A. Tiernan. Mrs. Mary Becker is visiting with her daughter in Kitchener. Polard--•Gaiser Under an arch entwined with ced- ar pink and red roses, :Miythtle, eldest daughter of Mrs, Cora Gaiser and the late Earl Gaiser, .became the bride sof, Jim Poland, son of Mr and Mrs. H, E. Poland of Prescott, on Monday July '2nd at 7 p.m. Rev. H. Getz per- formed the -ceremony in the flower garden of the bride's hone. Given in marriage blyt her brother Jack, the bride was lovely in a own of white nylon lace ballerina length with shoulder length veil and carried red roses. Miss Lois Gaiser, sister of the bride, was maid of honour and was nowned in apple green nylon lace ballerina length with matching nose - '.ray of roses, carnations, sweet peas and snapdr^agcn.. Miss Betty Gaiser, ister of the bride, was bridesmaid, nd wa gowned in toast colored nv- )n lace, ballerina length with match - 4 1 11111M111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111111 1t9 '‘" t 1 Separate tenders will be received by the undersign - s ed until6:00 p.m., July 31st, 1951, for the repair of the • 7T ro iCLI DRAIN QCU TTL -I • and the • SCHWALM DRAIN 4080 and 4200 Cubic Yards respectively. Tenders to cal for camplete job including catch basins according to the Engineer's Report: Speci- fications may be seen at the Township Office or at S. W. 'Archibald's, 4156 Wellington St., London. Certified cheque for 10% of tender to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OE HAY Tenders for Drainage. Work • • O u • i 1111 I I !IMO II11 III 11i III IIIII IIII II II 111.1111111llllllllllillllllllllfll[l11II Illllllh1111111111111mhlI1IilIDi111 I 1 1111 11 11111 Ulla ONSTER INGO SPONSORED BY CLINTON LIONS CLUB CLINTON LIONS ARENA Friday, July 20th 1 275 INCLUDING • $475 Cash Prizes $800 Jackpot (Consolation Prize of $25 if Jackpot not won in 45 numbers) Admission : FOUR SPECIAL GAMES $50 $75 $150 AS WELL AS THE $800 JACKPOT 16 Regular Games for $10 each; 1 Free Game for $15. $1 for ,1G regular games; 25c fdr extra cards; 25c each for four special games. Door: open at 8:30 o'clock, Refreshment Booth Games start at 9.00 (DST) 111111I11111111111111I1I11111IIIlllllllll III111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I11 IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIB111IIIIII111111II1II1111IlIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111I 111111IIIIIl111111IIIIIIIIIIlllII k 111111 1111111111111111M 11111111 111Q1 It takes a lot of cooling to keep a Polar Bear happy. This largest member of the bear family is smaller than a porcupine at birth, but often weighs more than three-quarters of a ton when full- grown. To this tremendous bulk, add the fact that the boor is covered with a thick, water -proof coat, which is designed to protect him in the Arctic ... it's a big job keeping him cool in our zoos. Learn about nature's creatures. Visit the nearest zoo and see them. A whole new world of interest will be opened to you when you understand nature. NATURE UNSPOILED - YOURS TO PROTECT - YOURS TO 1MJOr CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 6.,. , ... 1