HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-07-12, Page 1ZURICH ZaW STg. PETER'S lits ngeiical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONTARIO 'REV. E W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR KS a.m.—Divine ,Servieea. 6.1.15 a.m. —Sunday &hod. ' (3.819 p.m.—Divine Worship. 'vitrybody Welcome to as Servlcros. EMMANUEL !EVANGELICAL U. R. CHURCH Zurich Ontario• REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Ears. Milton Oescb - Organist '•Uunday Services►: - 11;00. a.m.—Diviine Worship. E1.00 a.m.--Bible SchooL Cd:80 p.m.—Divine Wombig. Welcome at an semi...---"6'w®e 'Ikon with ns and we will d. ties ", ." Num. 10s21R Are You Suffechng From Headaches? '17..t ago,, Have your lyes ElostnEned 'i'lh Latest Methods s sa d Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. troTO_E'I' .I T .& ,M71.cgr.N. GODS IOR ' rood Glasses of Essthormiliic Rt:VIces ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, , JULY 12 1951 Mdon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Wedn.esdatyl, 'Thursday July 11-12 . ALIFE OF HER OWN Lana Ray Shorts and Comics. Ray IMilland Friday, Saturday July 1341.4 AL JENNINGS OF OKLAHOMA Technicolor. Dan Duryea • Gale Storm Shorts and Comics. Sunday Midnite 1:5th. Mondays, Tuesday July •16-17 BREAK THROUGH David Brian John Frank Lovejoy News Reel and .Comics. Agar The Voice of Temperance Announcement ! ! • A public program will be ,given by the boys and girls of the Zurich Summer Bible School, on FRIDAY, JULY 13th. at Zurich Mennonite Church At 8 pan. EVERYONE WELCOME I i TO HAVE HOL,I1DAY WEEK Owls Had Outing The members of the Zurich Owl's Club had a restful. 'outing over the week -end at'the Harry Hess caoittage in the Pinery. Had Goad Hay Crop Farmers are having a bit of a lull in the harvesting at present it is a time between haying and wheat har- vesting, and they seem to enjoy it In fairness to our Advertisers and very much, after the big wrestle they printing patrons we have decided to had with one of the biggest hay take our annual holiday period from crops in history. Jules .119th to 28th. And we would ask To Play Two Games .16ur friends to govern their printing The Zurich Lumber Queens will. wants accordingly. Our place of be playing two games this week, on business will be closed, as we par- Thursday and Friday nights with pose being out of town this year. Dashwood and Crediton, respectively. Evidence 'continues to come in that liquor is less of a nusiance in Huron ,County under the Canada Temper- ance Act, than in other counties un- der ,bhe liquor license act. Newcaoaners to Huron remark on the absence of drunkenness on the streets and they recall the common sight of intoxicat- ed men and women where liqur out- lets have been provided. Conditions are not so good in Huron that we should be complacent. They are cer- tainly not so bad that we should be disgruntled. Conditions are a lot worse in liquor license act areas where there are liquor stores and (beverage rooms. 'I§.eep • liquor outlets - out of Huron. Keep the Canada Tem- perance .Act.---Advt. 1�. . Marry o mcs'� �` z /�'e ' Z Mone Jur''eral Director -- Private Car ,/1112h1t1a17t,Ce Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment 111OSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAiR TO -LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service -- Dashwood Tel. 70Wwassessestmesseatannswermitimmommemenumweasmesessommememoss . ILL'S Superior Store WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING WEEK -END GROCERY SPECIALS AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 2, 11 -oz. bottles 35C H.S. ELLMARR PURE PEANUT BUTTER 16 -oz. JAR 32C TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48-eaz. TIN 32C FANCY RED SALIVIO711 2, 714. oz. TiN 89C �m FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF.- REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A, CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 C.14. THIEL Zurich +++++++++++++++t++++++++++ PLACID DESJARDINE PIES SUDDENLY Placid Desjardine 811:, well. known Stephen Twp: farmer died very sud- denly from a heart attack at his Mein, Con. 16, where he had lived for 30. years. Surviving ;beszdes his wife are four sons, Lester, Fullerton; Chester, Sarnia, Maurice at home; Willis Grand Bend; two daughters, Mrs. Earl Little, I3osanquet Twp.; Mrs. • Otto Werzsa and • sister Mrs. Olean Truelmner, • Grand Bend, The funeral was on Wednesday afternoon with interment in Grand Bend Cem- etery. HAY COUNCIIL. Plan to attend both these games and give the girls your support. Passed With Honors Miss Marlene Wagner, daug ster of Mr and ilVIrs. Leonard Wagner re- ceived her music exams. report stat- ing of her being successful on Grade 2 Theory, passing -with honors, hav- ing obtained 93 per tent, first class honors. We extend our congratu-• lations to Marlene. 'To' Take In Bus Trip On the coming Sunday forty local baseball enthusiasts are going to De- troit on a Western Ontario Ml ttorway Bus to attend the doubleheader hall game.with New York Yankees and and the Detroit Tigers. This will be the third annual trip to a bail game from Zurich. Dred In Detroit Word was received here of the pas- sing in Detroit of Mrs. Ed. Challes, who was a'former member of the J. Snell faintly of Zurich. Besides her own fannily she is survived by two brothers, Edward Snell of Bayfield, and Eldora ig Detroit. A sister, Mrs. Nora Hea land ; of Detroit. Mrs. Cb apes tsauerst1y paid visits to Ti el.- er atS_.. Zurich when theV were still living: The regular monthly meeting 'of the Hay, Twp Council was held in the Coun•ciil Chamber, Zurich, on Monday, June 4th at 1.30 p.m.. Cor- respondence presented was as follows Dept. of Municipal Affairs; 'C.. Mc Naughton;; re Hawkers and Pedlars L'icensz; Dept,"''of 'ilalanraing non"'Dev- elopment; re: G. and S. Smith sur- vey; E.M.' Ross, OLS; The following motions were, passed. That. the minutes of the May 7th and May 21st meetings be adopted as read. That in response to Fred Regier written request to have the open portion of the Haberer Drain cleaned out, at the time the Zurich Drain South is being cleaned out,ti e Council proceed to take action. That we approve of the subdivision of part of Lot No. 13, L.R.W. own- ed by G.- and S. Smith, the plan hav- ing been submitted by S. W. Archi- bald, OLS., be approved and that by- law No. 10 19511 approving and re- stricting the use of the land sub -div- ided, be passed. That a notice be placed in the Zur- ich Herald stating that persons doing any work on the roads of Hay Twp. will not receive pay unless authoriz- ed by the Road Supt. to. do the work That Wm, Watson be hired to spray Hay Twp. Roads at $4.00 per hour. He to supply his own helper. That the Clerk proceed with the Engineer's S. W. Archibald's report on the Zurich Drain S, uth, and the Schwalm Drain according to the Municipal Drainage Act of Ontario. That the account received from Peter Deichert for costs of seeding the south portion of JohnSt. in the Vollan.d Survey, Zurich, and then de- stroyed through the construction of the road, same, be referred back to the Trustees of the Zurich Police Village. That lowing to the effect of the ditch along the Twp. Road between Lots 15-16 East and West of S.S. 10 Hay, we authorize the Road Supt. to sign a petition toproceed with drain- age work under. the Highway Impro- vement Act. That we order 10 gals, of brush- kill and 10 gals of commercial weed killer to• be ordered from Green Cro. Insecticides. That By-law No. 9, 1951, to lie- spat], regulate and Govern Hawkers, and Pedlars, be given third reading. That upon the request of the Exe- ter Legion for a donation for their hall, we grant them $200. That Miss Van Dyck be refunded a portion of the license] paid and that it be adjusted from Transient Trad- er', License. to Hawge"s and Pedlars License. That the accounts for Rolda, it+lief liay Manic. Telephone System and 11:ry Twp. General' nc•to ' is h 0'1:1 nor voi,:hor. That 1. he meeting he toliwnrhhl t't' meet again on Tuesday, 1r,r .C„1 c. o'clock- pan. CHESTER 1.. SMITH, PUELIS,. r '41.75 s MIST In Atha*** $2.00 in U. S. A,, in Advance. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel 1223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. rompt Optical Seneca DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT, BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING Here From the West Mr and Mrs. Alva Melick of Ed- monton, Alberta are here visiting re- latives, he being a nephew to Mr. Alf. 'Melick of Zurich, and a son of the late Mir. and Mrs. John Melick former residents of this district. It was 50- years ago when the family left these parts for the West, when Alva was seven years of age, and he likes this part of Canada very much, and wonders why his parents had ever left it. They were accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Joe Carrothers. Mr. Carruther's parents moved west in the daivs of the ox cart and have seen all the hardships of pioneer set- tlers amongst the Indians in those early days. HYMENEAL - Steinback - McArthur Eleanor Joan McArthur became the bride of Earl 1-iarry Steinback in a ceremony performed Saturday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran Ghurch in Landon, by the Itev. C. J. Killi:ng- er. The bride is the daughter of Hrs. Pearl ,McArthur, Adel aid St, London and het• husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. Steinback, Ox- ford St., London. The bride was giv- en in marriage by her uncle, R. J. Ramesbottom, Sarnia. She wore a gown of posy pink velva-ray organza,& fashioned with turn -back collar, cap sleeves and bouffant skirt. Elbow - length mitts matched her gown, and a tiara of seed pearls and beading held the bride's• veil. of white illusion;tri111- med with seed pearls. She carried a cascade of pink roses and white sweet peas. Miss Marty Walls, brides maid, wore a dress of blue French marquisette, trimmed with ruschia velvet, and Miss Donna Steinback, sister of the groom, as junior brides- maid, wore yellow organza. The at- tendants wore mitts to match their gowns, and flower headdress and car- ried colonial bouquets of sweet pear and roses, was ":ne;t hall Howald, Stratford, man, and .Armin Bruer and Harry Legg, Woodstock, were ushers. W.R. Goulding was nolgaanst. Receiving at the home 'of 1+11, Ti. A. Paton, Tec- umseh avenue, Mrs.. ::Tc Arthrra wore navy printed crepe with white itc- oessories and corsage of pink roses. w!i•. Ste ir!mei( was attired in navy letter, with white accessories and c'or- • of r • d re:;e.., 1111 n u, r a motor trip to Northern Ontario rMr and Mrs Steinback will ri•'o in Landon. The bride travelling in a navy blue sheer dress with red tT. W. Brokenshir , t.Ys"rli. and white aeceti'norie:, and a corsage Earl Campbell, Roeve. of red rose:. A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made 114 Order — Seth O. Amann, . Ziarlatk Ont. Phone 128. New Low Spring Coal Prices The Saving in these spring prices, Plus the cash discount, enables you tar buy your next winter's fuel cheaper now than any other time of year. Order Your Supply from your BLUE COAL Dealer! LORNE E. HAY Office ,Phone 10 Residence 5 HENSALL ROE FEEDS! •160/WewS00a0000®00000000000 0000000000ie0441CCt3et SOW S 0 .. 4410441 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Dire Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Plight Service Telephone Res. 89 6 Wy'00 0,6 SO0®04®i &mecum - or 12,2, Zurich 0§011,61 essimeeale0oesees ii 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZU 1e14'S Stor We are ever at your service with obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL the best line Menno Owen Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 ISINSTIONEMENNIMECIFEWRIMMEENCOINVIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMINFEMAIIMPINAMIZE HEALTHIER AND STRONGER CHIC With: Pioneer Ohick Starter Mash and Crumples, with New Megaaul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster 'Shell. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl •�v t prij Eo Schwar, ze tu'uber:°, P'rope Phone 11.97 ',iiOGx'ffd9i+'Esonv•