HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-28, Page 8w 9 SPECIALS Three Dozen House Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices Sizes from 12 to 20 and 34 to 38 Regular 5.50 for $3.95 Regular 3.95 for $3.35. Regular 3.25 for $2.98 Others at from $1.00 to $1.98 each Marquesette 36 -inches wide, Special at per yard 35c Suitable for cottages, sun porches, etc. 24 -inch frilled plain white or colored at per yard 35c Plastics 36 -inch Plastics in attractive new colorings, at per yard 60c. Also ready to hang Drapes at 1.59 to 2.25 pair. Floor Coverings A Large Supply of Inlaids, Congoleum, Rexoleum, now on hand. Also Congoleum and Rexoleum Rugs in all sizes... We are ready to lay Inlaids on short notice if required... Lino Cement.. and ..Felt paper always on hand. Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH ME OF LOCAL WREST Mr and Mrs Ross Johnston made a business trip to London on •Monday,. Miss Norma Steinbach attended the Ryall -Swartz wedding at Credit- on on Saturday. The many friends of Mr. George Deichert •are pleased to see him re- turned from London Hospital, and able to be out on the street again. Rev. and Mrs, H. E. Koppel motor- ed to the Carrick Camp meeting onl Sunday afternoon to attend the 214 % for 1 year term • splendid meeting and fellowship, which is held near M 3 ildmay. 3% for 2 year term Mr and Mrs. Henry Gruehn Of 3.14‘24 % % forfor 3and 5ears4years. . Sebewaing, Mich., and Mr. Oscar For further particulars apply to Rather of. Pigeon, ,?dieln, wtet *WO- a -1 ‘";( end guests at the home of Mr. and J. ,W W. Haberer Phone 1 61 Mrs. Jolm E. Gascho. bach and daughter Norma were guests Ted Stein- Huron & Erie Representative IVIrs. Amelia Fuss, Mrs. at a trousseau tea held at the borne Fire, Automobile and Casualty of Mr and Mrs Roy Swartz in honor • Insurance. of their daughter Lois, last Wednes- day. .aiss Patricia O'Dwyer of London, was a visitor in town with her friend Miss Inez Yungblut. Miss Patricia spent the week -end at Ann Arbor, ; Mich., :and will soon be •going in the Huntsville district where she will be ; • nurse in charge at a girls' camp for the summer months. Attending Course Miss Mildred Gingerich, 'daughter of Mr and Mrs Aaron Gingerich is taking a training course in nursing at Toronto. Moved Into Home Mr and Mrs. Sauve recently of Toronto have moved into their home which •they have nicely remodelled. We welcome them as citizens of Zur- ich. Melton & Erie DEExTuals or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering • 0 •e • • • 1 The Drysdale Store The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds • of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE . Phone 98 r 1 1 1 et,9641-01M0801141-00:1041100001008411)604HOOMMYWobeeemPlimelliellIeel Ve carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Your with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Fuel Needs But to Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE & WEID zURiCH - ONT. QUAUTY PRICE SERVICE 1 Here From the West Mr and Mrs. Ralph Moritz from Buffalo Lake, Min., visited at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. S. Johnston. The former Is a son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Moritz who at ,one time lived in the home now occupied by Mrs. Wm. L. Siebert. Ralph has not been in Zurich for 50 years and enjoyed his visit very much with their host and hostess, who ac- companied them around bo see the various ,places of interest. Pictures were taken to help to bring fond memories home with them. Had Reunion The Smillie family re -union was held at Hayfield on Saturday ;with a splendid attendance, the •sOcial time and delicious refreshments in renew- ing acquaintances. On Sunday with its beautiful sunshine brought the Elder family together at the .home of Mr sand Mrs. R. N. Peck at Kip - pen where a very lovely time was enjoyed as parents and children vis- ited with one another. Time to say "adeau" came only too soon. Re- freshments were served in the famib fashion with the greatest of pleasure to one and all. KEY TO BURIED TREASURE • FOUND Just before Abdul -Hamid, the laSt Sultan of Turkey, died, he 'buried a fortune in gold, silver and precious gems. Will this fabulous treasure be found? 'Thu wont want to miss this. fascinating story 'called "Nadja and the Blade of Damascus," in The American Weekly, famous magazine with this Sundaiyi's (July 1) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. HYMENEAL BORN Meidinger - Jester To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood, In a. setting of gladiolias and snap (nee Martha Thiel) ,of .Wingham,are dragons at the 'Cathedral of the Most very happy to -announce the birth of Blessed Sacrament, Detroit, 1Marg- a son, on Tuesday, June 26th, in the uerite Meidinger, daughter of Mr and Wingham General Hospital. A bro- Mrs. Alfred Meidinger, Zurich, be- ther for Patricia. came the bride of Paul Jaster, son of Mrs. Hannah Jaster, Petaskey, Detroit. Guests were present from Mich. His Excellency Bishop Allen Detroit, Petoskey, Windsor, Learn - J. Babcock officiated at the double /notion, Goderieh, Zurich •and Burr wedding ceremony. assisted by Rev. rounding district. Pul Berg. Regier - Bedard Given in marriage by her father, A very pretty wedding was solem- the ibride looked boveby in a .gown of nized by Rev. Father Monahan, at St. Boniface church, Zurich, when Bernadine Marie Bedard, :voungest daughter of Mrs. Nelson Masse and the late Joseph S. Bedard, formerly , of iDrysdale, but now of Wincrsor,and LornesDominic Regier, son of Mr. ; and Mrs, Fred Regier of Zurich. an oeih rtd. The bride given in marriage by i her uncle Charles S. Bedard, wore lace over white .satin lace fortned the fitted bodice which was accented , with V-neck line and bong tapering , sleeves and fall skirt extending into la dihedral train, her filiger tip veil of French illusion was held in place lby a .00rnet of seed pearls and she carried pink and white ' carnations. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich Ai (New Twnp. Office) ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE:—Garner Ann, William Ste. Phone: Exeter 504. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS AUDITING, ETC., ETC. NORMAN COWAN HAY POST OFFICE Dashwood 40 r 13, lArt DE T. P. KEAST PHYSICIAN ZURICH - '.Phone 66 Also for Summer Months at Grand Bend. Phone 150 .„ - • Skinnymenywomen gain5,10,15lbs. . Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor thrill! Bons limbs 1111 out; ssly hol- lows DU up: neck no longer scrong; tow loses half-starved, sickly "bean -Pols" look. Thou- sands .1 girls, women, men. who never could gain be• fors, are now proud of uhapely. healthy -looking bodim. They thank the ape- • dal vigor -building, flesh. building tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants. invigora- tors, iron, vitamin ni, cal- cium, enrilblood, iffroyf taditii alias on so food gives you DIM strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare Pones. Get Lovely Curves Dora fear getting TOO fat. Stop when you've gained the 0, 10, 12 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costa little. New "get acquainted" size only t30e. IV famous Ostrex Tonle Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all diuggiats. white satin. Long lily point sleeVes, a yoke of chantilly lace, and a Queen Anne collar topped a fitted !bodice. Her full skirt extended to a cathedral train. A circular finger tip veil fell from a pearl and satin crown. She carried a spray of lillies centred with Maid of honor was the bride's sis- ter, Virginia Meidinger, gowned in white brocaded organdy over an un- derskirt of pink taffeta and matching heartshaped headdress. She carried n 'bouquet of red roses. ' . Miss Diane Huyghebaert and Mrs. Donald IVIcCullmore were brides- maids, wore gowns of white brooded ergandy over greed taffeta and mat- I The attendants Miss Vivian Reg- ahing,headdress. They 'also- ,ottrrieq'Fier, the. grobin's Sister, wore fusia t.ed.roses. Mr. Arthur Jaster Aes ,taffeta and carried rnations and best. manfur his broth& Stepha":noses, also •Miss Helen Ducharme the Xeidinger, brother of the bride; and -groom's •cousin of Windsor wore aqua penald McCullmore were Ushers. taffeta • Followed by a wedding breakfast toses.adea PetenDfiecrha.dcarmeoDetroittsand tlie at Ohidwa Tea Room, a buffet lunch bride's nephew was best man. While was served at the home of the bride, :Alphonsus Bedard and Godfrey Reg - and a reception was held in the Zur- ie r were ushers. Little Miss Lynda ich Arena, Receiving was the Dueharme was flower girl •and little bride's mother in a navy sheer dress ,Philip Regier, the groom's nephew and white accessories. The groom's ' was ring bearer. After the cerern- mother wore a white suit with black ony, dinner was served at the Regier accessories. They both wore an or- residence and the evening was spent chid corsage. • a points east the bride donned a white Detroit Windsor, Sarnia, Goderich Zurich and Goderich balers' suit with lavender accessories. land Seafiorbh were in attendance. Mr rrie°iholiC,erems7huentidtY. Centreprioods wherefrom For a rwedding trip to Quebec And et. eZeuefp GODERICH Mr and lifts. Jaster will reside in and Mrs. Regier rill live in Wiedsor. Telephone*: ZURICH 69; RI*, 162. vwslemiewsala Thurs4ay, Jute .2$*09;154, iimmimuommiummimioniumowilimmimmumminommumq Westlake Furniture I 1 t, 4. 4. 4. Seasonable Supplies WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and Axminister Rugs, Etc. All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat. tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoarn, Etc. Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. • Your Hardware' Store ; • • HEVY AND SHELF HARDWARE • • • • Paints Enamels • • • • Plumbing Heating • • • AIR CONDITIONING - • • • • We do Spray Painting: Barns, Roofs, • • Satisfaction Guaranteed • • • CEMENT.. MIXER FOR RE'NT • • • We have American Cement for Sale! • • • Rader & hIfz- hardware Stains Tinsmithing OIL BURNERS Sheds Etc. Phone 63 - Zurich .J}:itmolum mmumui IIIlIIJJIIIIItlJIIItJIIlIlIIOhIHHIHhIIIflhIIun inn on um Immo mu muumuu! mum mummumo Alf FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET , • TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES • Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. , See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Gives . • .`,1 • ,! .'„ • WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents Fred C LE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched 5tepiti Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 1 0 % Down 30 Months To .Pay.., Wasted Attic Space can be easailr and Economically Converted in*i extra Bedrooms or an income pre. ducing Apartment. . You can do most of the work • yourself. $at our collection of plans and ideas. FREE ESTIMATES • Kalbfleisch Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies r