HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-28, Page 1URICH iillkIabliahed ST., PETER'S ilhanseBeal betkankaf Chard* =ma — ovum° env. E. W. HEDIRICH, Immo 10411.---Divhis Swim il.315 am. —Sunday &heel. CIO pai. '--r-Dildes Wank* titteeybody Weems tie in &Maas. Ehimmium qVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Oita REV. H. E. ROPPEL fdiMiatee Km Miiton °each Orgoraellet tritizday Servicau-- BIM a.fl.--Diviza Worship. IMOD a.m.—,Bible School ASO p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at aB Iferefesse--"Cesass Ikea with ust and we will ea three set' Num, 101211. Are You Buffering Fnun Headaches? It! ea, Rave yams 3lysto litoseraned with WA* Lakteet Method* and Ilkedsanent L a)1.1E, R.O. OPTOmETRISE GIEISCIAN GODERKIE s•-• 611111111. • HERALD ZURICH, otrrmuo, TwuRsDAY monuNG, .sUNE 28 1951 Aldon Theatre In Mexico GRAND BEND (By Mae I. Smith, B.A., RT.) It does not take long for a motor-. Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attraction* Friday, Saturday June 29-30 THE BLACK ROSE lone •Power Cecile Aubry and •Orson Wellis :Short Subjects and ,Comic Strips. Sunday,,July ist. Midnight Sliow Monday, Tuesday July -123rd. THREE GUYS NAMED MIKE 'Jane Wyanan. Van Johnson H. Keel B. Sullivan taws Reel and ,Shorts Wednesday, Thursday July 4 -5th MY BLUE HEAVEN (Technicolor) Betty Gamble and Dan Dailey Shorts and Comics. Two Shaves 7:30 and 9.30. Thank You! House of Commons, Ottawa, June 22. 1951 Mr. Chester L. Smith, Zurich Herald , Zurich, Ont. Dear Chester: - I thought you might be inter- ested in learning . that lone of your Zurich citizens, Mr. Charles D. Hay, has been awarded a contract for the landscaping of approximately 113 lots loeated ,at R.C.A.F. Station, Cen- tralia, Ont. The amount of the con- tract is 3412,11115.00. I havent seen you for some time but shall lookforward to renewing our acquaintance when I get home for the summer recsss. In the mean- time, best wishes to yourself and Mrs ' Sincerely yours, • • Andrew Y. Gioia" at Mos McLean ist who has crossed from Texas to A/lexica at Brownsville to realize that he is in a strange country. Cattle, horses, donkey, pigs and all anim- als ream the roadside ,and cross free- ly and slowly in front of the car. a road to, Cindad Victoria is new and in place of a bridge there is a barge pulled by hand ropes from hore, at the stream to con-vey your car across. If the water is shallow, you just drive down the bank through the stream, and on your way. However, once you get on the Pan American Highway" the road is equal .s.em•.mxnmmllmmoarewiaoNre..•Ie.renmeaonwin1eamsmf...e......... Had Baking Sale The home rnade baking sale which was heldr in the town hall •on Satur- day afternoon sponsored by the lad- ies of the Evangelical U.B. Olnerch, was a decided success $66.75 was cleared es a result. Attending Lions International Convention ND' and' Mrs. Earl Yungblut of to any in Ontario,. Across the desLiZurich and Mr and Mrs Wilfred 30-40 miles fof straight roads, but in the mountain areas it slows down to thirty to face the continuous hair pin curves armed mountains with no f are attending the big Lions Internat- ional Oonvention which is being held in that city -this week. Finger Amputated Mr. Earl Flaxibard met with a pain- ful ,accident last week when :the sec- ond finger on his left hand taught in the metal cutting machine zn the workshop of Rader & Mittleholtz, where he was employed. Hospital aid was given at .Seatorthe "...ihere it was amputated at the first jciint. Re- turning home Earl booked at the bright side and realized many more go throUgh life minus a finger joint. His many friends wish him a speedy. recovery. ZURICH, NOW HAS CHAMBER ert areas, the car can speed at 80 on Klopp of London motored to Atlan- tic City, while Mr and Mrs Victor Dinnin boarded the plane and flew there within a few hoers where all barriers to protest one from the deep valleys •below. Trucks are very noisy and nearly all second and third class buses backfire tonsistantly. So the motorist must use his horn freely as cars are rather scarce in the country and the peasants expect to be warned rather than look before they •cross the roads. Country peasants live in mud huts or thatched houses in as prianitiVe a fashion as you can imagine. Women do their washing in the streams and spread the clothes on bushes to dry. Farm machinery .consists of the ox with wooden plough, many "burros" (a sort of cross ;betweenea mule and a donkey). Young children are aften nude and mothers breast feed their babies in public. ellexicans are quite skilled in balancing jugs of water and baskets of fruit on their heads. Quite frequently, the Mexican gets tired, se he lies down anywhere Co sleep. Travelling to the interior, the city of Guadalajara boasts of portterY markets: Here there .are ash trays and small jugs for a penny or two of our money value. Labour is cheap and these people are eager for anoney for their fine eerthenware. So they l•can- buy, an American noad.e ,article. About twenty miles from 'Limper' .the active volcano of. "Pericutin.." Aft et dark, the tourist takes a horse andagaide—for several •miles across volcano ash aos.ds and over rocky lava fields to the top of another 3. Marry Xoffrrban, amore c7.6o29:bel Pitneral Director Private Car slinbalanee Member of Ontario Funeral Association ' Itiold•r Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment RIMMTAL BEDS TO TREICIT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN SUM FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. THIEL'S Superior Store WE HAVE N MERIMUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES, BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE SITAD1LY ADVANCING. WEEK -END GROCERY SPECIALS DEL 1VIAll FANCY CORN 15 -oz. Tin 15C UNSWEETENED TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 tin 29C DOLE'S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 29,0Z TIN 32C CLOVER LEAF SOUP PA.CK TUNA 7 -OZ. TIN 43C FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL.. FOR SERVICE! .mountain. -- Here, he can watch exploSione a red-hot rock penetrate the' darkness. The movies., "The birth of a volcano" gives the history of how a meadow eruption in 1943 had built up into this volcano, The hot lava destroyed .a village (or which only the ,church steeple remains) and has been thundering and blowing out fire and molten rock ever since. Ifexico City,iaa complete contrast from the priraittie country. It is a wealthy ,and deizling metropolis and extremely modern in its architecture. Sights for the history lover are "Chapultepec Castle" and the Pyra- mid of the sun rising 20 feet. For the romantic type, there is a trip through the "Floating Gardens".in boat decorated with fl o wers and Musicians to entertain. Sunday af- ternoon •everyone goes to the arena which holds 50,000 to see the bull- fight. This is a most colorfina dis- play for fifteen minutes of dancing footwork and swinging capes to avoid the horns of tri,t. bull before the sword is used. (One .contestant was not so clever and lost the seat of his uniform to the bull, but finished the fight in spite of his injury.) Six bulls are killed analheir meat sold for choice eteaks.<,.-e' One woad about their food --It is HOT and moat of the water is not safe to drink. The cost of living is very cheap, and if you want to retire to a very different way of life I would recommend Mexico, where innumer- able surprises await you in this strange land to the south. The Voice of Temperance The critics of the Canada Temper- ance Act say that it does not forbid the giving of liquor to minors. There are just two points that they over- look. The first is that the giving of liquor to minors is forbidden by the Juvenile Delinquency Act, which re- gards as an offence against thq law anything that might contribute to the delinquency of youth. The second is that the beverage rooms provided by the Ontario liquor license act are more of a menace to young pea* than anything the Canada Temper- ance Act does or omits to do. The Canada Temperance Act together with the -criminal code and the juven- ile delinquency act furnish a large measure of protection against the evil of liquor.----AdVt OF COMMERCE At a special organization banquet at the Dominion House, Zurith; on Tuesday evening, a well epresented group of farmers and business men turned out, some thirty in ziumber to form a Chamber of Commerce organ- ization tor Zurich and vicinity. Mr: Hugh T. Sn-i..ith, secretary of the Lon- don branch was the organizer and made a very impressive address after the sum tuous turkey dinner enjoy- ed, by ? :bunch of men present. It is a. ere .Wto any tonanunity to have an organization like this in a, working mood, and more will be heard from them. later on. At the conclusion mostly all those piesent signed u.p for membership. Following is the slate of officers appointed ror the present, as other eonamitteee will be added later on: President, Reg Illsley Vice Pres., Albert Kalbfleisch, Secy. Bill Siebert, Treas., C. licEachern; Directors: Lorne Rader, Jim Parkins Earl Thiel, Milt Oesch, Whitney Brokenshire, Keith Westlake, Milt Dietz. HYMENEAL Fanson McKinley A very- pretty matrimonial event was celebrated at the lovely faran home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgin Mc- Kinley, Goshen line, Stanley Twp., on Saturday June 23rd at 2 p.m. when their only daughter Elsie Jean, was united in marriage to Kenneth James, son of Mr. ad Mrs. Howard Fanson of Fullarton Township. Rev. W. J. Rogers of Hensel). (offitiated. Bernie McKinley, brother or the bride, plqyed the. wedding music. The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in a white gown styled with lace bodice and lily point Aleeve. Full skirt of nylon net lover' satin extended' to a slight train. Carried a corsage. of pink carnations. She also wore a finger tip veil lace and net caught with a satin spull cap stu- dded with seed pearls. a4 -„'wore a strand of .pearls, the gift of the groom. During the signing of the register soft music was played on the piano. The maid of honor was Miss Ilene Fannon of Fullarton, who was attired in pink, and had pink and white carnations. Best man was Mr. Anson McKinley, .brother of the bride, The wedding dinner was at Thos. Daily's, Bayfield for lover 50 guests.. A reception was held at the bride's home with the bride's mother wearing rose crepe with white ac- cessories, corsage of white carnations The groom's mother wore blue with natural actessories,.corsage of yellow roses. The eouple left for points north, the bride's travelling costume was pink dress with navy end white accessories and corsage of white car- nations, they will reside in Fullerton Township. At the Ritz hotel where the wedding dinner was served a three-tier cakeCentered the bride's table and the room Wes pretty decor- ated with pink and white streamers and white bells. Waitresses were Miss Helen Rice, Miss Gladys Chap- man, Miss Margaret Megryiniont, Miss M Coleman, Miss Donna MeClin.ohey and Miss Betty Parke. IP" NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. US. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . Pr**, Prompt Optical Seneca DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING pealineftlialiMeanna.0.04111I111 CHESTER L. SMITH, PusLIIML. 43471 a Tear la aiitasas. $2.00 in U. S. A.., m Advaitiviu RAG RUGS and CARPETS, .0•41.11“...s•••••••••mowentboadia• On a New lidadern Loom, Maui IS Order -- Seth 0. Arnann, Elude% Ont. Phone 128, *blue c New Low Spring Coal Price* The Saving in these spring prices, Plus the cash discount, enables you tie buy your next winter's fuel cheaper now than any other time of rear. Order Your Supply from your BLUR COAL Dealerl A G. HESS LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10 Residence 5g HN jeweler and Registered ESALL Optician. ROE FEEDS! I 111600041001114100060111064110001111111111410614100****060414.11 MCCAW ,..Artstialtt Esott*v41 * Licensed Emballiner and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 121, Zia 11000000000111040.04111011041.111441.041.00000.0. 11 40000.0.00- ego zuments Grocery Stor We are ever at your service with the best in obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits hi Season as well aa Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menn+ Isch PRODUCE WANTED. 6111=1111612.1.101601601.11 Zurch Phone 65 HEALTHIER AND STRONGER CHICKS With: Pioneer ick Starter Mash and Crumples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. GIVE US A CALLA Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on 1 -land THE BLAKE STORE E Sehwaltizenbmber, Prink Phone 11.97 3