HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-21, Page 8a a a 0 0 0 0 ICURICK 4. ONTARIO Three Dozen House Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices Sizes from 12 to 20 and 34 to 38 Regular 5.50 for $3.95 Regular 3.95 for $3.35. Regular 3.25 for $2.98 Others arc. ;.'rotri $1.09 to $1.93 each „arc uesette 36 -inches wide. Special at per yard Suitable for cottages, sun porches, etc. Vp • V• Mr and Mrs Hilton Temner a 4, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Fu ,•:s have retu ru 35c W ed li2me after spending an enjoya .. e' time at the cottage owned by nr, J. Addison, Clinton, in .the Wiart 'Iv District. ZURICH HERALD (EMS H;3:: LOLAL, tiuron & Erie Getz of Datzln.....:od mad, . busineN,! call Eown, Monday. ee.,„ ittpralopeol offrmi ;AA t: 4-41 -61 4:104,i0 spent the week -end at the home Mr. and Mrs, Will Thiel and other —or relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Hahn horn St. Jacobs were Sunday gtiests the home ',of their friends Mr and Mrs Edgar Wuerth. IZ,ev. H. E. Roppel was at Port Elgin Sunday .t.r\l'ening wliere he con- 21i (.;;'. for 1 year term Bruce Evangelical church, being ser - ducted anniversary services in the for 2 year ter ved out of Port Elgin. % for 8 and 4 years. m 11r. 4an Kalbfleisch attended 314,1% for .5 !years. the dedication servicest of the new For further .particulars apply to Trinity Lutheran Church, London, on Sunday. The KalbfIeisch .Mills furnished the mill work for this beautiful new church. nd Fire Automobile and Casualty Insurance. Mrs. A, C, :NIeldinger of Hensall, Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering J. W. Haberer.- Phone 161 Hurar, & Erie Representative 24 -inch frilled plain white or colored at per yard 35c :Elastics 36 -inch Plastics in attractive new colorings, at per yard 60c. Also ready to hang Drapes at 1.59 to 2.25 pair. e r• CriV Inn 4111, 8 A Large Supply of Inlaids, Congoleum, Rexoleum,.., now on b.and. Also Congoleurn and Rexoleum Rugs in all sizes... We are ready to lay Inlaids on short notice if required... Lino Cement,. and ..Felt paper always on hand. f tr, TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH rn- ble A. on q). Mr. and Mrs Wm, Watsm a Paul, attended the .Jaster - Me W i•iger wedding in Detroit Saturda 9 Also the First Mass of Rev. Benne vNoetze] on Sunday, a cousin of Mrs. V - . The local ball team wei'e at Das sw1:„ wood and played a good game aga li. inst the boys of that place, and to Q n a very clesely contested game, an p lost by the sore of 6-8. The He ,.. all team •playa at Zurich this Frith a ' evening, and the public are urged t p come out and cheer for the boys. 1 • Summer Here Warmer weather has crept in an as the summer season is :being usber ... ed in this week, the weatherman has come along with nice weather, and an oevasional shower which greatly will ,timulate growth. I SON KILLED I It was learned with regret that Eati Rennie, son of ,:iLr and Mrs..1 Milne R. Rennie, Seaforth, had beei killed in an accident at Kirkland Lake. - Mr and .Mr. Rennie left m Thursday morning last for Kirkland Lake to attend the funeral..—Huroi Expositor. HAD SHOWER nd Id - Y. th ELMER D. bELL, B.A. BARRISTER SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, k to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Wee) • • Watson. ARTHUR FRASER h ncomeTax Reports st Bookkeeping S,ervice, Etc,, d • EXETER 11-10tmeE:--corn William sta. o Phone: eAeter 504. Tormato..X..an.S. tore The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES C• --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats , Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! I GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE • Phone 98 r I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 e.0 0 0 0 0 a 0 .'.,..47-71:7.—..,,s,Mv... M7E.M'SLVIRZIS52=1:5====0...SEEZ=EZEI M 0CAS00Q00-00e4'9‘30a=4,35.1,M:MM,',Zio,'Pkt'.0.4.‘,000•000-0n0glati4.1rif300.144; • 'et 10 0 0 40 0 YrIARDWAn 0 t), Will receive atierAion with us if left in plenty of time. t, We always try to supply our Customers with the mos,.' Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in tirne always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT SEEDS and FURNITURE Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One, Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, I' urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. kCF JJ k (S4 ZURICH - ONT, QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE 00e. <$ 0,4404,00,40,44,,,wpowoomigsmotommeetwoomosostelows d FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS AUDITING, ETC., ETC. NORMAN COWAN HAY POST OFFICE Dashwood 40 r 13. p4t I BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Bridal .Sh-ower — On Monday ev- ertitig was chosen in honor of Miss rueger (brid elect) where re- latives, neighbours and frienus gath- ered at the Evangelical'1.7. B. church basement which was beautifully. dec- orated in pink and white for the oc- casion. Nola was accompanied to the place where the chair and surrund- ings were awaiting her, Mrs. Laird. Jacobi read the address and Mrs. Kenneth Breaky presented the bea- utiful and useful gift, assisted ley Misses Ethel Gabel and Margaret Schade. The bride . elect expressed many thanks and gratefullness for the lovely gifts and as she would use them, would think of them by whom they were given. A delicious lunch- eon Araf4 served, and the evening was spent with social chats, which • was enjoyed, and to have friends meet at1 such a pleasant opportunity. The address Dear Nola: A song composer writes, ''Life is a friendly road if you greet it with a smile." This is why we your neighbours, friends and ielat;ves are here to smile with you before you leave our midst to era- mence a new chapter in your life. You have,been a great asset in R. 11. P. EAST P H Y SI C I AN ! • ZURICH - Phone 66 Also for Summer Months at Grand Bend. Phone 150 your '.ito' inie school, church and com- munity. We hope you will continue to be such in your future life for life is made +beautiful 'only by the way we shape our lives, our interests in others, our kind deeds and our kind thoughts. • - May the good God protect you, and bless you each year, guide all your endeavours and dry every tear. May He give ,contentment, true - friends and good health, and what- ever you need of this world's wealth. May the light of His love Shine down from „above, And veatch. over 'you both 'And the ones whom you Jove. Accept these gifts as a token of esteem in which you. were held in this coimminity. In the future may they i bring back fond memories of former days. Shower at Sarnia Her girl: friends at Sarnia present- ed Nola with a shower of CQwn Cry- stal for remembrance of their splen- did friendship to gether. The bride elect will cherrish along with the gifts received at hen miscellaneous shower ,at Zurich. All joined in wishing her the best of a happy wed- ded life. cia.) t re% Tv, :ePONSOIZED Ili CLINTON LIONS CLUD CLINTON ..LIONS ARENA L hursday, June th INCLUDING. $475 Cash Prizes $700 Jackpot (Consolation Prize of $25 if Jackpot not won in 40 numbers) FOUR SPECIAL GAMES $50 $75 150 As Well as the $700 Jackpot 16 Regular Games for $10 each; 1 Free Came for $15 for 1.6 regular games; 25c for extra cards; 25e for each of four special games Doors open at R.30 o'clock Games start at 9.00 (DST) REFRESHMENT 1300T1I apz Thursday, Zoe llst, Mill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111X Westlake rniuure Seasonable Supplies WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and .Axminster Rugs, Etc. All Lamps are. Reasonably Priced! We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat- tresses, such as Beautyrest,-Airfoam, Etc. Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. 111111111/1611111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111 • 00 • • • 0• Plumbing 0 0 0 5. 0 0 0 4 4 Phhr • Jo riiiiii 11111111111011111111111111111111111MMIIIIMMIIIIIMMAIMM IMMIDIMMIIMME1111111111111111111111111111(11 jtr 41e< 11111111111111111111=M11111111111111111M1 0137 Hardware Store HEVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints. Enamels Stains Heating Tinsmithing AIR CONDITIONING - OIL BURNERS We do Spray Painting: Barns, Roofs, Sheds Etc. Satisfaction. Guaranteed CEMENT.. MIXER FOR RENT We. have American Cement for Sale! k2. glitri1911112 Hardeva Zurich Phone 63 - kTi m FL • The Best OR TILE FOR In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Fllntkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM , Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly GiVeS2 iIi iit..ae41"" I MT 5 WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched maple Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be easOly and Economically Converted into extra Bedrooms or an income pro. ducing Apartment. . You can da most of the work yourself. See our collection of plans and ideas. FREE ESTIMATES red C. Albfleisch & Son Ltd, Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Zurich and Goderich telephones: ZURICH 69; Res. 182. GODERICH 388